What could this be?
Was it a human?
Moving through the rough, de-grassed lands away from Inhone City was a lone carriage pulled along by two horses which had a dash of grayish back to them.
It was strange.
While the carriage itself seemed to be a hazy grey in colour, the figure within was so dark that its colour stood out.
The second most eye catching thing within the carriage was the two bundles wrapped in cloth tightly. They were in a storage space in the back part of the carriage.
With normal vision, one wouldn't be able to tell what was wrapped up within them, but Skullius saw it clearly in a hazy grey colour as well which made him squint.
They were dead bodies wrapped up in the pieces of cloth.
'Now that's fishy...' Skullius thought. He knew suspicious activity when he saw it. And this was it.
Naturally, he had all the reason to believe that whoever this was, was not a goody two-shoes.
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