There was a certain property of [King of Severing Twilight: AfterDark], Skullius' [Evil Darkness] Andori, which allowed him to create a prison somewhere within the great void. This was where he had stowed away the WILLS of Fulgardt before they inevitably escaped.
The fact that an Andori like this existed, suggested that Fulgardt would have gotten access to a similar property in one of his own Andori. After all, this feature of a prison in the great void didn't have anything to do with Skullius' own ingenuity when crafting both his Default and War bodies.
This was why Skullius had suspected that Fulgardt had some relationship with Void, and now, his theory was proven true.
Even though Fulgardt could easily be lying or overstating the truth, Skullius was sure the Immoral had an ally in Void, and of course, this was extremely bad.
The Hybrid Warmoth was stumped.
Fulgardt chuckled.
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