Jess was sleeping soundly, the comfort of the bed was different, but she liked it; she wasn't feeling like getting out of it.
After a while longer, she slowly yawned and opened her eyes.
"Huh?" She murmured when she saw that she wasn't in her house.
"Oh..." She smiled and lay back on the bed.
She remembered driving herself over to Ken's house after the meeting was over. His house was closer so she decided to crash at his.
She was glad he allowed her, she would have been too tired to drive home last night.
She slid her hand under the pillow and took out her phone.
The moment she turned it on, she remembered what she had been planning to do last night before the sleepover took her.
"Ariel, you need to see this," Jess giggled and sent Ariel a video she took last night.
There was suddenly a knock on the door which got Jess sitting up in bed.
"Coming," She answered and slowly got out of bed.
What if...just, what if we give Eva a redemption arc? Not now, but later in the story?
Yay, or Nay?