Mae doesn't stay as long as I would have liked because her mom had given her a phone call, apparently their services were needed by the Pack.
I wasn't exactly sure what that meant but I couldn't ask because she was in too much of a hurry.
I wander around the house for most of the next twenty minutes, Apple was fast asleep and whenever I tried to get her to keep me company, I just get a scolding meow and her back to me.
She was much bigger now, no longer the baby cat that I had found and her attitude grew along with the rest of her.
I pout and stomp up the stairs to my room, I could try the fantasy genre since no one is at home to keep me company anyway but I didn't have any paperback novels on Werewolves or fantasy in general.
Well there's always the option of ebooks, I didn't fancy them because they didn't have that book scent or the feel of smooth paper under your fingertips but it would have to do until I could buy some.
Hi everyone! Announcement for as many that are in the server, there will be a new addition of future chapter teasers!!!
For as many that are unaware or haven't joined yet, there's a Discord server made for discussions of BTL, interactions with other readers and a chance to address the Author.
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