Dream choses to ride shot gun this time, letting Dale open the door for him, it was his car after all.
"You're going home pretty early." Dale notices, putting the car in gear.
Dream glances at him, blonde hair swishing. "Yeah." He expels on a breath, shoulders drooping. "The place is doing so well, my mom doesn't need us anymore."
Dale taps the wheel lightly. "Or maybe she just wants to give you your choice, I'm pretty sure if you told her you wanted to keep working at the bakery she wouldn't mind."
Dream sighs again, sinking into the seat. "I know, it's just..." He trails off at this point, trying to organize his thoughts.
It kind of made him feel awful because his mom didn't need him anymore, not that he didn't want the best for her and the bakery but it was just nice to be needed.
There was also the fact that he didn't know what next to do, he had always imagined he would always have to help out at the bakery.
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