They spend the next hour or so getting through the workings of the store and bonding over books.
Turns out Jennie is also a big reader which would make it easier for her to advise customers or help them find the books they might like according to their preferences.
He glances at Dream from time to time, noting the ease that he uses to attend to the customers, easily making them smile with his pure and easy charm.
At least until the bell rings again and he sees color wash from Dream's face as he quickly ducks behind the counter, Hayden is quick to check who it could be, maybe Deidre coming to drag him back to the bakery.
He's pleasantly surprised to see Virgil instead, staring directly at the spot the Dream had just vanished from, the bickering teenagers immediately fall silent at his presence, awe clearing written in their young faces.
An extra chapter for the wonderful readers...
Happy new month everyone!!!