Virgil skids to a halt, his heart doing the same. "W-What?..." The sound of retching cuts off the call again and that spurs him into action, his powerful legs swiftly carrying him down the hallway.
"M-mom!" Hayden gasps, "...don't bother about… " a gag cuts him off.
"Why not?" Renee responds, near tears.
Hayden gulps, this would be a bit of a pinch. "I-I don't have a stomach flu or anything, I m-might need to go to the clinic but not for what you think."
Renee slowly walks over slowly, her panic state calmed slightly by Hayden's words. "What's wrong then?"
"I'm pregnant…I think? I don't know…" Hayden hurries on to say when all the color washes out of his mother's face, his panic intensifying when she starts weaving on her feet.
Virgil pauses outside the door for the briefest moment, he was having a hard time coming to terms with the broken information that his mate had given him.
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