"What does Luna mean?" He asks again when they were finally left alone on the third floor, the journey had taken a lot more time that he had budgeted for and if he wasn't ignorant of where to go, he would have deserted them both a long time ago.
Some people had been nice enough to hold small talk with him but most had just either waved or said hi, he didn't mind, he wasn't one for socializing or chaperoning small talk.
He did note however, how long it took Hayden to let go of the babies and toddlers that had been put in his arms.
He was relieved no one thought to give him a child to hold, the least of their worries would be the child breaking down in sobs because Yanis could just mistakenly toss the child over the banister.
"You know you could stay with us if you wanted…" Hayden was saying when they got to the apartment he would be staying at. "There's a lot of spare rooms…"
Without hesitation, Virgil and Yanis both say at the same time. "No."
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