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15.38% Be The Father Of This Child! / Chapter 6: Chapter Six – A Walk In The Park 

Chương 6: Chapter Six – A Walk In The Park 

Chapter Six – A Walk In The Park

"Get ready. I'm taking both of you outside."

April looked up from the bed where he lay close to Jay, confessing to his stupidity in a low voice, knowing that the kid didn't judge him. He was a pretty good listener, too.

Eventually, the torture session had been averted and postponed indefinitely since it appeared that Jett was no longer in the mood. That was fine by him.

"Outside where?" April asked.

"In the park or something. Isn't that where all the kids go to play and stuff?"

It was clear as day that Jett didn't have a plan and was making things on the go.

"You didn't get a stroller," April said. "How are we going to carry Jay there?"

"In that thing you took him to your stupid classes," Jett replied promptly. "And I'm going to carry him."

"Why you?"

"Hey, it's my kid. Do you want him to tell me, one day from leaving for college, that he never saw me and I didn't pay him any attention?"

April snorted. "You want him only because he's a perfect chick magnet."

"Chick magnet? Seriously? Is that what you've been using my son for?"

"You seem pretty convinced now you're his dad. Did you find his mother?"

April already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear Jett opening up about that woman called Carina. He couldn't ask directly, but he was damned curious, and also something else that he didn't want to think of since it would ruin his good reputation in front of his own eyes.

"Not yet. It looks like not one of my ex-girlfriends had a baby one year ago or so."

"Your photo album is choke-full with women. Are you sure you're not missing something?"

"Hey, I know who I fucked and if I used a rubber or not."

"Maybe you were drunk and can't remember now."

"I don't get drunk. Unlike stupid assholes who kiss you only when they got enough liquid courage --"

"Are you jealous of Dan? Is that why you're pissed at me?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm not interested in you, dweeb," Jett replied, his eyes darting to one side like he couldn't look April in the face for some reason.

"Just in kissing me then," April said back.

Jett just ran a hand over his face and pretended to ignore him, by going over to Jay and starting to coo to him like a daddy bird.

"Are we just going to ignore it, then?"

"What's to ignore?" Jett didn't take his eyes off his son.

"It's fine, really. I need to know if we ignore it and that's all. So can I get a straight answer?"

Jett turned his head toward him and watched him for a few seconds.

"I know my face might look like I'm always joking," April made a gesture to sustain his words, "but I'm actually serious. And here it is, an easy way out. It never happened."

Jett smirked. "You wish."

April rolled his eyes. "What kind of straight dude are you? Do you want to forget about the kiss or not?"

"Kisses," Jett pointed out. "There were two." He put up one hand and scissored the air with two fingers.

"Really? Who's counting?" April crossed his arms over his chest.

"Do you want to go out or not?"

"I do. Let me just get everything we need."

"I'm going to bring you some clothes to wear," Jett said and sauntered toward the door. "You won't go out like that."

"Why?" April asked, disoriented. "What's wrong with my clothes? Are we hitting some afternoon cocktail party? With a baby in tow?"

Jett seemed completely unbothered by April's questions, and went out the door, whistling.

April shrugged. Jett was a weirdo. But damn, he was a great kisser. Only thinking of that was enough to make his cheeks hot. Right, he needed to get a hold of himself, go to the bathroom, throw some water on his face, and hope that Jett would never kiss him again.


Jett searched through the clothes left on one side of the closet that he didn't throw out. More than one of his exes hadn't cared about coming back for their stuff, and Jett hadn't cared about getting rid of it, either.

After some deliberation and profound thinking, Jett took out something and grinned with complete satisfaction. April would make such a face, but it was worth it. He liked seeing April making faces. The dweeb was expressive; it was like his entire face morphed depending on what kind of emotions he was going through. If he weren't into crypto mining, he could be an actor.

The thought gave him pause. Was April playing him? Was he reading the signs wrong? Jett didn't want to think of such things. April liked him, and that was final. He grabbed the clothes and marched back to the bedroom April shared with Jay.

"You'll wear this," Jett said and threw the pink tracksuit at April.

"Are you kidding me?" April grabbed the clothes and then kept them away like they were a foreign thing, and alien creatures would come crawling out of them any second now.

"You can't go out in yours."

"Seriously? Why?"

"It's punishment," Jett said right away. "For going to school."

"OMFG." The look of horror in April's eyes was so damned funny.

However, Jett kept a straight face.

"This thing is vintage or something? It says 'juicy' on the fucking bottom of the fucking pants! Fucking 'juicy'!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Should Jay hear you talk like a trash bin?"

April bit his lips. His voice lowered. "I'm not wearing this. It's a girl's tracksuit."

"She never wore it. I bought it for her, but she didn't even get around to trying it."

"Why?" April's eyes thinned.

"I have no idea what you're imagining. She just didn't like this shade of pink," Jett said airily.

April threw the tracksuit in his face. "I have no business wearing your girlfriends' clothes."


"Why? Are we really having this conversation? It would look weird on me. I'm a guy."

"You have plenty to fill up that 'juicy' bottom," Jett said with a smirk.

April scoffed. "Did you stare at my ass a lot then? Seriously, this is not a conversation to have in front of Jay."

"Then change into the clothes I brought for you, and let's get out already. Ah, you're not wearing your glasses, either."

"What a slave driver," April murmured.

"Hey, it's that, or we all stay indoors all day long."

"No way."

"Then hurry. You wouldn't want me to spend all day staring at your ass, right?"

April took the tracksuit back with a sigh and headed out.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to the bathroom to change, obviously."

"Can't you do it here?"

"And offer you a free show? No way."

"What if I pay?"

"Stop being a moron, you straight idiot," April threw over one shoulder as he stormed out of the room.

Jett laughed and plopped on the bed, next to his baby. "What do you say, buddy? It's easy to rile up April, right?"

Jay watched him with curiosity. Jett turned on one side and offered his son a finger. Jay grabbed it and pulled it. Jett laughed, and Jay giggled, too.


April sighed as he took a look at himself in the mirror. What was Jett after? Maybe he just liked to annoy him, but April had a feeling that there was more to it than what appeared on the surface. Just like the things with the kisses, and yeah, there had been two, and he knew how to count. And he had counted, too.

At first glance, Jett was a regular punk, a bit hipsterish, but who wasn't these days? He looked good, the fucker, and he had grown to be a truly handsome man. The short beard made him look a little older than his age, and April had a suspicion that was what Jett wanted.

But beneath that surface, the rivers ran deep. That had been something April had known instinctively when they met the first time, at thirteen. He hadn't had the vocabulary or the emotional maturity to put it in words like that, but he had known Jett was more than met the eye.

Jett was always ready to fight, fists up. He was the one to brush everything off like it was nothing. But under that rough exterior, April had touched, even if shortly, a soft core. He wasn't sure that was the same thing under the wraps, but Jett wasn't shallow.

Whatever. April pouted as he looked in the mirror again. He was reading too much into everything. Jett was an ass for making him wear a bright pink tracksuit, which, on top of everything, was made for a girl.

If there was one thing Jett was right about, however, April tried to pull the pants up as much as he could, that had to be that he had enough to fill the bottom.

Eventually, with a sigh, he gave up. He would have to wear the pants hanging low because otherwise, the cut would practically show off his dick too much. April winced as he tried to adjust it; he didn't need someone else to tell him he was big in the downstairs department, at least for his skinny frame. It was quite the miracle how he could have such ass and dick while barely having meat on his bones otherwise. Or maybe it was just a matter of perspective. Because he was so skinny, other things appeared big.

"April, did you fall in the shower or something?" Jett knocked on the door.

"Coming," April replied.

He opened the door and stared at Jett with what he hoped looked like murder written all over his face. Jett offered him a satisfied grin in reply. Then he grabbed April by one elbow and turned him. A small slap over his ass followed.

April turned in shock and pushed Jett back. "Cut it out, moron."

"Juicy, indeed," Jett commented.

With annoyance, April worked his cock again. The damned thing didn't feel that comfortable in that getup.

"Wow, you're packing some heat, dude," Jett said. "Or did you stuff a sock in there?"

"See how this is a terrible idea?"

"Let me just fix it for you."

April yelped as Jett grabbed him by the waist with one arm, and pushed his hand in the front of his pants in one fluid motion. He squirmed as his dick was manipulated around through his underwear until it ended up pointing up.

Jett was away from him just as fast as he had approached him. "Much better now, right?"

"It's stupid, and you know it," April said, trying to brush away that Jett had just practically touched his dick.

"Okay, I'll grab a longer hoodie for you, but you'll wear the pants," Jett said.

"Finally, some sense," April replied and shook his head.


They were out the door ten minutes later. April climbed in the back of the car with Jay and his seat while Jett climbed in front.

"The moment we are out, you pull the hood up. Understood?"

"What? Are you ashamed of being seen with me or something?" April asked, grudge clear in his voice.

"Yeah," Jett said. "I don't go out with dudes, usually."

"Then how about you leave this dude right here out of it? What? Did Dan calling you queer bruise your ego or something?"

"I don't give a shit about stuff like that," Jett said with a shrug.

"Language," April warned. "Seriously, I'm afraid what Jay is learning from us both. For the record, I'm saying stupid things only because of you."

Jett laughed. "Of course. Of us two, you're the angel."

"Sure thing I am," April said. "I'm the virgin one."

Not for long if I can help it, Jett thought. Now, where had that come from? Maybe it was better if he just focused on his driving. Why on earth did he care about stuff like that?

Sure, April had lips sweet like frigging heaven, and also, a perfect juicy bottom. But that was all. Jett didn't do dudes, only girls.

If it were for him to meet Theo again … no, that was the past. Maybe Theo was married with kids. Well, maybe nothing that dramatic since they weren't that old, but hey, Jett also had a kid, although he wasn't married. Nothing was impossible. He was just chasing shadows, and yet, he still hanged on that memory like it was a lifeline for him.

They stopped in front of the park, and April got out and took Jay with him. Jett waited patiently until they were out. He smiled when he saw April pulling his hood up, as indicated. As much as he ran his sexy mouth, April was good at taking orders.

Jett gestured with his chin. "Come on, give Jay to me. Strap me with that thing."

April mumbled something, but handed Jett the carrier and said in a few words how to put it on. Then he helped Jay inside the carrier while cooing endearing words.

"You're talking to my kid a lot more than to me," Jett pointed out.

"He's better company. A real charmer, I say."

"Hmm. Let's roll, then. Go a few rounds and back home, right?"

April threw him a killer look. "No way. We do the whole thing. We go to the sandbox, we chase each other, and we have a snack. I got it all ready right here." He patted the knapsack he brought with him.

"Chase each other?" Jett pointed at the baby hanging from his neck. "Can he even do that?"

"Just watch it," April warned him. "Jay is quite the prodigy. He can walk on his two tiny feet faster than you, I bet."

"I'll take that bet," Jett replied. "I'm sure I can beat a baby."

April gestured at him to shut up. "Hush, don't say that so loudly. People will think you mean it."

"What? I'm faster," Jett protested.

"You're a bad daddy," April said and wagged the finger at him.

"Ah, you want me to pretend I lose," Jett said.

"Oh, what do you know? The moron daddy is, luckily, not that slow. In the head. In case you were wondering," April added, for good measure.

"I didn't know Jay could walk."

"As much as a one-year-old can. Actually, better. Told you. Quite the prodigy."

"That's my boy," Jett said proudly. "Now grab my arm."

"Why? I'm not a cripple," April protested.

"Grab my arm and shut up. Weren't you saying that you're blind or something?"

"I'm not blind," April replied, but finally took his arm.

"That's better."

"I hope you know how this looks like. We're two dudes with a baby, and I'm hanging on your arm. Everyone will think we're married. They might even think I'm a chick."

"Not my problem that you don't do sports and you're skinny."

April made a small wince of disgust. "Sports."

"Actually, I saw you running like a fucking rabbit."

"Language." April squeezed his arm.

"All right. Jay, just don't pay attention to your daddy when he talks smack, okay?" Jett talked to the baby.

Jay was far too engrossed in looking around to pay too much attention to them. He just looked up at his daddy with his clear eyes. Jett handed him one finger. Yeah, that worked every time. He started laughing.

"You like Jay," April pointed out.

"What's not to like? He's a baby. It's not like he has done anything in his life, except eat, sleep, and poop, right?"

"Right," April said dryly. "Let's see how you feel after he throws some mashed carrots right in your face.���

Jett laughed. "That's why I have you. You're my human shield."

April shook his head and smiled. "There's a good person under this whole gangster persona, after all, right?"

"I'm not a gangster, dweeb."

"You were ready to beat me up for not paying."

"Ah, that. That was work. And I don't hit girls, anyway."

April muttered something under his breath.

"What are you mumbling about?"

"I'm not a girl."

"Well, you're cute like one. I can tease you."

"I'm a guy. Don't play your straight fantasies with me. I won't start wearing frilly dresses or whatever."

"I could make you."


Jett snuck his hand behind April and pinched his butt. "I'm just pulling your leg. With that thing you have in pants, it's hard for me to think of you as a girl."

"Good," April said, and he seemed relieved. "Hey, did you just pinch my butt?"


"We're in a park. There are people. And kids. And dogs."

"Are you worried dogs would judge you for having a juicy ass?"

"I'm just worried we might get thrown out by an angry mob scandalized by such behavior, but whatever."

Jett laughed. "April Summer, you're a dweeb and a fool, but you're fun, my dude."

"Glad to be able to entertain you, my liege. I can't remember when I applied to become the court jester, but I'm content I qualify."

They found a spot on the grass that wasn't already taken and April placed a blanket dutifully on the ground. He took Jay from the carrier and Jett watched in disbelief while the kid began trotting about, giggling, while April encouraged him.

"I had no idea he was old enough to walk."

April threw him a lopsided grin. "He's a great kid. Now, you go over there and call for him."

Jett threw a few glances around, but it looked like everyone was absorbed with their own families and games. Jay almost stumbled, but valiantly continued his race as April was hurrying by his side, ready to catch him, just in case. Jett grabbed the baby and lifted him, making his giggles louder.

It was fun having a kid. Even if Jay wasn't his, Jett was pretty sure his perspective on babies was changed entirely.


April was carefully feeding Jay, who was, to his surprise, less fussy now than at home. It had to be the fresh air and the activity making him hungry. April stole a few glances at Jett who appeared to be completely relaxed and enjoying the pleasant weather. He was leaning back on his elbows and had a smile of his face that made April think Jett was pleased with something.

"You said that you didn't find Jay's mom," April started.

Jett threw him one lazy look. "When are you going to feed me, too?"

"Feed you? What are you, two?"

Jett grinned. "Put food in my mouth."

"All I got for us is some crackers. You took me by surprise. I would have made some sandwiches or something. Next time, more planning in advance, please."

"Yeah, sure. Throw some at me."

"What? Crackers?"

Jett nodded. With a sigh, April reached for his knapsack. He took a handful of crackers and threw it all in Jett's face. Jay began clapping, very much amused, it seemed.

April could barely hold it in, as Jett made first a surprised face and then pretended to growl. He then picked a cracker from where it fell on the blanket and was about to throw it into his mouth when April snatched it.

"Hey, that's not nice. Don't eat things that have been on the floor."

"Hey, it's a blanket, and it's clean. And I'm hungry. It's your fault you threw food at me."

"All right," April said, without hiding his exasperation. "Here."

He held one cracker with two fingers. Jett leaned in just enough to grab it, quite delicately for someone of his size. His caramel eyes flashed at April, and April felt his heart skip a beat.

What the hell were they doing? April took out the bag of crackers and pressed it against Jett's chest. "Here. Just tell me when you need water."

The next minutes were spent in silence, as April focused on feeding the baby.

"Who's Carina?" he asked.

Jett stopped from munching his crackers. "You eavesdropped."

"Yeah. Is she that girl with the spiky hair?"

Jett just nodded and looked away. April had a feeling it wasn't that much of a great idea to prod him further, but at this point, he couldn't help himself.

"Could she be Jay's mom?"

Jett shook his head "Nah. She's in the can. But you know that since you listened."

"Prison? What for?"

"I don't know the details. The thing is she had no baby, and she couldn't have left Jay by my doorsteps. Also, she never called me an asshole, even when I deserved it. You know, like that note said. And she would never leave a baby like this."

"Maybe she had no choice," April said. "As for calling you an asshole, maybe she changed her mind."

Jett didn't appear to taste the joke. "I'm telling you, man. She can't be."

"Did you wish she were?" April asked, his heart growing a bit small.

Jett wiped his mouth and pushed aside the bag of crackers. He shrugged and brushed off the question. But April had a feeling he knew the answer to that one.

"So there's a possibility someone messed up and left a baby by your doorsteps. A baby who's not yours, and not any of your ex-girlfriends'."

Jett cracked his neck and grimaced.

"Stop it with that. It's a bad habit."

"Oh, yeah? Well, it's none of your business."

The words weren't spoken with ill will, but April recoiled a little.

"We can't keep Jay if he's not yours."

"And do what with him? Give him to some strangers to put him in the system?"

April shook his head. "You're right. For all we know, he might be yours. And I wouldn't give him away."

"Good. That's the attitude, dweeb," Jett said, and it already seemed like he was no longer upset.

April breathed out in relief. He was no closer to finding out about Carina, but at least he knew Jett's heart was in the right place.


As soon as they were back, and April took Jay upstairs for a nap, the atmosphere in the house seemed to change. April could sense it, although he had never thought of himself as some psychic.

Jett was plopped in front of the TV, but the frown on his face told anyone looking that he was thinking of something and it was nothing pleasant.

April had a feeling that he would better see about other stuff to do than prod Jett about what seemed to bother him. However, he had never been good at ignoring people who were upset, so, with the risk of getting the short end of the stick in all that and be told to fuck off, he went directly at Jett, and put himself between him and the TV.

"Hey, I was watching that," Jett protested, but his eyes moved to set on April.

"Right. What's the show about?"

"I don't know. Penguins and stuff," Jett replied with a shrug.

April moved just enough to let the screen come into view. Contestants in some stupid reality show were forced to eat insects. "Penguins. Sure."

Jett turned off the TV and looked at April. "Now that you're here, what do you want?"

"You're in a bad mood."

"So? What do you care?"

The question resonated like a marble ball, a dull sound in the sand. April remembered that other time when Jett had said that. But then was then, and now was now.

"I don't. You're just ruining my Zen. Do you have any idea what your bad vibes can do to this house?"

"You're really into hippy shit. I don't give a damn. And, by the way, it's your fault. Why do you want to know about Carina?"

April took a second to weigh things. Whatever. He went straight for it. "She was special to you. She might still be. Are you thinking about visiting her?"

"I don't know where she is, exactly, and whoever answered her phone was too pissed to tell me anything."

"This person, who was it?"

"I don't know. Some chick. Maybe Carina's sister."

"Have you met her then?"

"Once, but only in passing. Let's say we can't stand each other's guts. And I'm not sure if that was her, on the phone. I suppose it was."

"Are you afraid of a girl?" April snickered.

Jett shot him a crossed look. "Carina's not Jay's mom. End of story. And Jay looks nothing like her."

"When they are so little, it's hard to tell who they look like. Anyway, Jay seems to be a natural with girls. When I got to school this morning, all my female friends were all over him. Jay must be your kid, at least, or this much success with the ladies would be uncanny."

Jett smiled. April was a bit relieved. But the war was still ahead.

"Come on, what's the story with Carina? Was she the one and you let her get away?"

Jett just shook his head and looked away. "Nah. That happened before."


"I let someone get away."

"Then search for that girlfriend."

"It wasn't a girlfriend," Jett replied.

"Ah, your charm didn't work on that one, huh?"

Jett threw him a dubious look. April had no idea what to make of it.

"You know what? Forget it. I thought it might make you feel good to talk, but it looks like you're not the type," April concluded.

"Wait," Jett called after him.

April turned, feeling hopeful, but not daring to show it.

"Did you come down here because you wanted to make me feel good?"

April nodded, again hoping that his enthusiasm didn't make him appear too eager.

"Then there's something you can do," Jett said with a smirk.

Some of the earlier enthusiasm faded like mist. April cocked his head and looked at Jett cautiously. "What?"

"Come closer."

Two words, but they were enough. Something of Jett's voice, when it dropped low like that, made April feel all putty on the inside. And, he told himself, with a huge mental sigh, just like the many women in Jett's life, he had not one ounce of kryptonite to deal with this guy.


LauraSFox LauraSFox

Hey, Laura S. Fox here! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! More of these guys' adventures next Sunday!

All the best,

(and keep those power stones coming - they make me happy 'cause I know you enjoy the story).

Check out my tumblr blog if you want to see more of my books:


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