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73.01% ATG: Heavenly Procrastinator / Chapter 46: XLV

Chương 46: XLV

'That's a whole Rinne-Sharingan… and I know Aerion doesn't sound like a pretentious woman. A descendent?'

Before he had much time to think, a sword flashed towards his throat. He stepped to the side, creating his own blade and blocking the next blow. Their clash was even in strength.

'I can barely use my profound energy… is she matching me in strength intentionally?'

She raised her other hand, revealing a dagger and throwing it into the air. It flew further away and then went straight for the back of his head. The shadow withdrew, attacking again at the perfect moment. However, the dagger ended up falling to the ground as a shield had blocked it.

Meanwhile, Rokas tried to sidestep away from the blow but the shadow had feinted and caught him lacking from the back in an instant.

"I truly can't recall the last time I fought someone so lacking in skill."


The scene changed once again, leading to Rokas opening his eyes to a seemingly endless dark corridor lit only by crimson torches. It had an eerie atmosphere to it… that was for sure. Rokas looked around and noticed a veiled woman so beautiful she stole his breath away. At least, the parts which he could see were beyond perfect. She had a bountiful chest, eye-popping curves, a dumptruck down below… overall, it was a figure that God himself would have had to sculpt. Her long straight hair was mostly as dark as the night except for a clear distinction of silver to the left of her face. Her robes were mostly blood red, with black outlines, taking the colours after her House.

'That's like the whole baking industry right there.'

"Eyeing me up already, so very shameless…" She remarked, shaking her head slightly. "You play a dangerous game, Rocky."

"I'd kindly like to ask who you are, where am I and why am I here?" Rokas glanced away temporarily. 'When you take up so much of my vision, it's a little bit hard not to look…'

"I am Helaena Targaryen and you see yourself in a world I created not that long ago. As for why… because I want you to be. Need I say more?"

'Her? Mad… isn't she is the least moral of his descendents? Pretty sure I wrote it that way because of her name. I know, very original.'

"Charming." Rokas remarked, raising an eyebrow. "Though, that doesn't quite answer my question."

"You won't be here for too long, I am simply borrowing you. Besides… if I did too much, my dear father would just wipe your memories and reset things. That's no fun, is it?"

"Isn't 'borrowing' prospects against the rules?" Rokas questioned. 'Even though I didn't explicitly write it, it should be quite a strict rule.'

"You don't say, my soft muffin. Yet rules exist to be broken; their mere existence promotes such an act."


Rokas nodded, watching the corridor expand to accommodate countless golden statues of people. Upon a closer look, they all had names and a list of achievements. One thing they had in common was that they were all warriors of legendary prestige.

'Kenpachi… sheesh, man like. Lu Bu, Goku, Guts… Miyamoto Musashi. They got all types of people here.' Rokas observed with a keen eye. 'Fiction or not…'

"Let me guess, you have a fetish for warriors?" Rokas inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't you?" Helaena countered, tilting her head slightly.

"I wouldn't call it a fetish… but badass shit is badass shit, you know? As a man, you gotta respect it."

"Badass shit, huh…"

Helaena made a simple gesture and the hall slided forward. She pointed at a specific statue which had a name that made Rokas raise his eyebrow. The name was Xiao 'Xuanyuan' Jiantian the Undying… a character which he had written.

"Heard of this one?" She inquired with a jestful tone. "He's you… but better in every way."

'Yikes… she didn't have to do man dirty with that pause.'

"Has he built a gundam?" Rokas raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"Did he ever get bitched by Qianye Ying'er?"

"... Ay, technically… he sort of did, didn't he?"

"I'm surprised she didn't ask you to make ten more of your gundams." Helaena Targaryen stroked her chin. "Maybe she was starting to pity you, hm?"

"You're on my dick…"

"What about this one?"

The hall slided once more, stopping at Aerion Targaryen the Necromancer. His statue was almost all black except for the glowing green eyes staring down at Rokas. The Necromancer who didn't know what resting was…

"A madman." Rokas remarked. "Also, another character I wrote. What about it?"

"I don't need to show you Aerion the Transcendent now, I'm sure you're getting the idea. See, all these warriors were of your making. They all had exceptional willpower, discipline, work-ethic and reached any goal that they had in mind. There wasn't a single challenge they couldn't overcome long-term." Helaena Targaryen chuckled, shaking her head. "And here's you, the muffin who gets everything on a golden platter. The same person who created them is such a lazy clown… isn't it ironic?"

"Lazy clown? That's a stretch and a half. The golden platter is even funnier to me… isn't your daddy the transcendent being?"

'I've definitely put in a lot of work.'

"An individual having talent is not a reason to discredit their accomplishments. Take your favourite basketball player, 'Lebron James'. Did he train his vertical to be 40 inches and over? Did he train his massive, hyperathletic frame? To a certain degree, yes. However, he had the genetics to achieve such physical feats. I'm sure you know all about being too short and unathletic to play in the NBA… disregarding the fact that you were chubby as all hell with awful eating habits."

"But… 'I would've worked harder if I knew I could make it'. 'If I had those physical attributes, I would've worked hard for it.'" Helena Targaryen mimicked his voice, chuckling slightly. "No, you'd just be a bigger disappointment."

'I just got cooked, gah damn.' Rokas thought, having no reply. "If you have such a low opinion of me, why bother?"

"Your endless potential." She shrugged. "You see, it has been rather difficult for me to find a suitable mate…"

"Pfft… I beg your pardon? You meant to say you have no friends?"

"Oh, you heard me loud and clear." Helaena replied with a sweet voice. "My brothers are either married to my sisters or complete dorks. I abhor all my sisters and, honestly… I'm stronger than all my brothers. There's no point."

"So, in all of fiction, I'm the person you choose to dote on?" Rokas raised an eyebrow. 'I just realised how weird it sounds thinking about your siblings as potential spouses. Targaryens, man. They're built different.''

"Why not, 'author-sama'? I find your fate so ironic, you walking those very same trials and tribulations you forced upon others… and you seem rather endearing to me. Like a baby dragon that has barely broken free from its egg."

"Baby dragon is a bit mad." Rokas raised an eyebrow.

"Compared to what you can be, baby dragon is quite a good way of putting your current state. You have all the tools to be Lebron James but you're Joel Anthony."

"... Who?"


"Alright, that's pretty funny." Rokas smiled slightly. "So, what's the message here? Work harder?"

"No, no… not quite." She shook her head. "You, most of all, rely on motivation to bring out your hard-working self. However, motivation rises and falls like the waves at a beach… there is no consistency. Essentially, you put in work when you 'feel' like it and that alone means that you fall behind those who are constantly working. The fact that you are still sleeping when it is of no use to you at all other than running away from your problems… is absurd. Do you know what my father would have done if he was reborn in your place, with your knowledge? He'd be King of the universe with the same 'problematic' Qianye Ying'er as just another woman, right beneath him."

"The System has named me the Heavenly Procrastinator for a reason."

"Being lazy is not a personality trait."

"It isn't?" Rokas raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure it is."

"It's a habit; one which you especially love to partake in. Without a disciplined teacher such as Jasmine or that 'Sigma Male Grindset' skill, you'd be completely helpless. However, if you were to build discipline within yourself, neither would be necessary. The second grave issue is your weird sense of morality… you make your characters do terrible deeds and you found killing entertaining in countless games. And yet… you can't see yourself spilling innocent blood without having a mid-life crisis."

"There's a clear distinction between what's real and what's not, you know. Don't tell me you'd be the type of mother to take away a GTA game from a kid because it's too violent."

"Oh, I'd encourage it. A true man must be capable of terribly awful things without it ever moving him… but have the discipline and control to contain this strength. Wouldn't you rather be a warrior in a garden than a gardener at war? It's quite a common saying which I'm sure you'd agree with."

"So, be capable of being absolutely ruthless?" Rokas questioned. 'Do you really have morals if you're capable of doing said things?'

"In essence, yes. If you do these two things, you'd be on top of the universe." Heleane presented two fingers on her left hand. "Also, fuck your morals. They don't mean jack shit to anyone but you."

"Any other life lessons I should keep note of?"

"You're a walking skill issue." Helaena put up another finger. "Just… get good, it isn't that difficult."

"Very insightful."

"I'm saying that you're absolutely embarrassing as a swordsman and fighter. Your style clearly favours control of profound energy and throwing shit at your opponent until it sticks and they die. If you could truly fight, you'd be so much more deadly. As for the fourth, be resourceful and use everything at your disposal. There's plenty all around you. Fifth… don't settle for where you are. If you think that the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor will be your biggest problem and after she's sorted, there'll be nothing left for you to do… you're dead wrong."

"What do you mean? There's… more?" Rokas raised an eyebrow.

"Yun Che has faced the danger to come and so will you. Even after that, there will be more… much more. There will always be more to strive for until you are the very strongest in existence. That's the reality of your life and you won't ever be able to run from it. Even if you try, it will come chasing after you. So… don't ever grow complacent or you will find yourself in this hall."

'A statue…?'

"A memory." Helaena Targaryen nodded… before glancing to the side swiftly. "Oh, it seems that time's up. Farewell, baby dragon."

"Don't call me tha-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he vanished from the hall. Right after, the entire hall shook until every statue shattered. Helaena Targaryen stood unamused, looking up as star-like particles gathered to present the image of the Transcendent Being.

"Who gave you permission to start playing with my prospects?" Aerion Targaryen's expression didn't move as he spoke with a tone of tyranny.

"You finished mother off pretty quickly, huh-"

"Answer my question."

"I gave permission to myself, clearly."

"Is that so? Do you realise just how pointless your actions were? Reverting everything that happened is as simple as blinking… and punishing you is just as simple."

"For someone who keeps crying that no one is good enough to beat him, you sure do fear competition." Helaena Targaryen remarked, smiling behind her veil.

"What competition? The truth of the matter is, you are a superior being and your so-called harmless meddling is almost predatory."

"Predatory?" She chuckled. "In what way?"

"Don't act ignorant in front of me."

"Oh, please… if I wanted that from him, it would be far too easy. Besides, it's not like I made him stronger or anything. All I did was straighten his head a little. Don't you love to pep talk your prospects all the damn time like some motivational speaker? I've done nothing more than that and you know it."

"Such a willful child…" Aerion Targaryen sighed, shaking his head. "I will acknowledge that despite breaking the rules, you did so in a precise manner. However, my prospects are my prospects… and therefore, none of your business."

"Just say you don't like him."

"Ahahaha… if I didn't like him, I wouldn't have dragged his sorry ass from the life that he was living." Aerion Targaryen laughed.

"Oooor… you found it extremely amusing to drag his 'sorry ass' through endless challenges and watch him struggle, all the while fueling your god complex as you watch your supposed creator live life under your control." Helaena Targaryen countered, bowing in a sarcastic manner. "Pardon me for my honesty."

"You are both my least and most favourite daughter… you know that?"

"I also know that you love all your sons more than your daughters so that's not all that much love, at the end of the day. However, we're suddenly priceless jewels when it comes to setting up marriages and you simply couldn't bear any of them leaving the family. It's so very strange to me."

"Out of so many options… is this another attempt at getting a reaction out of me?" Aerion raised an eyebrow. "He's a wonderful clown to laugh at… but this? He's beyond beneath you."

"He's the one person who has the potential to not only truly fight you… but also humble you. Isn't that what you always wanted since you defeated your predecessor… a proper fight? Some prospects are created to serve as entertainment, certainly. But there are a certain few built to one day challenge you. So why are you suddenly so afraid?"

"Why don't you go ahead and throw a bone that makes him a Creation God instantly?"

"That would be no fun… I, too, want to see him make use of his talents and climb the steps to our court." Helaena Targaryen tilted her head slightly. "Can't you just allow it? I'd be very upset if you didn't."

"... I do not know what my boy Rocky did to entangle himself with a witch like you." Aerion Targaryen sighed, turning to the side. "Very well, I will allow your meddling so long as it is not severe. Do not cross that line or you'll be facing challenges of your own."

"Severe is an extremely vague term, father."

"Don't act smart with me… and if you're wondering, no I do not approve. However, this is the one benefit you gain for being the strongest of your siblings; more freedom with your decisions. As such, I will respect it."

"So you acknowledge me as your heiress?" She smiled. "About time."

"Your pep talk was quite splendid, I must admit… it would be a waste to throw it away. I'll address you at another time."

The entire world vanished into nothing, leaving Helaena floating about.

"All my hard work… was worth it."


Rokas woke up in the middle of the night, still laying next to Cang Yue on his bed. It was as if nothing had happened… and yet he remembered it all so very clearly. Instantly, he dragged himself out of bed and let everything sink in.

'The fact that you are still sleeping when it is of no use to you at all other than running away from your problems… is absurd.'

He looked in the mirror, tilting his head.

'Why do I feel tired?' He thought, frowning at himself. ''I haven't done shit… my profound energy is full to the brim, my body is fresh to the point of being rusty and I haven't used my mind to do anything creative all day.'

'How can I take hold of my fate if I coast through life again? To be the King, I gotta put in the fucking work.'

His clothes beamed himself a full black-white Adidas outfit before grabbing his loose hair and tying it into a manbun.

[Helaena Targaryen (Justice VIII) Confidant Rank: 0 → 1]

'Where have you been?'

[System: I know not to mess with madam Helaena.]

'Is she even beyond you?'

[System: She'd kick my ass, if that's what you're asking.]

'You have an ass?'

[System: You know what I meant.]

'Nevermind all that, let's get started.'

[System: She whipped you into shape without the whipping, huh. Tongue lashing is the word.]

'Shut up and play me something mad motivational.'

[Playing: Never Give Up (Motivational Speech by Coach Pain)]


'So many people in this world right now wish they could trade their place with you… yet you're still complaining.'

Rokas pulled up to the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, appearing right in front of Xuanyuan Wentian who was beyond surprised at his sudden appearance. The Sword Master, despite his clear dominance over everyone else, was still… practising the sword. Aerion saw this and nodded in approval.

"Lord Phoenix God…"

"I want you to mobilise the entire Mighty Heavenly Sword Region and remaining Sacred Grounds in a mission to attain every single profound art and skill possible in our Profound Sky Continent. This includes clans, sects and even ruins." Rokas stated simply, looking into his eyes. "And by every, I mean every. Even the ones you'd consider as absolute and utter trash. Do you think you're up to the task?"

"... Given the time, it should be possible."

"That's what I like to hear." Rokas smiled slightly. "I also want them categorised and placed into separate storage rings. One for the best of the best, one for the good ones, one for the bad ones and one for the terrible ones. During this process, use any means necessary to attain the profound arts … though do no more than that when it comes to exploiting your power over the weak. Got it?"

"I wholly understand, Lord Phoenix God's kind heart couldn't bear to hurt the innocent."

"... Something like that, yeah." Rokas raised an eyebrow. 'This guy is a bit nuts but he has heart.'

Rokas then pulled up to the Illusory Demon Realm's core, the Demon Imperial City… more specifically Huan Caiyi, who was diligently meditating. She instantly opened her now golden eyes and stared up at him. She got up right after, her face lighting up slightly.


"Well… what?" Rokas glanced to the side. "I got a little task for you… it shouldn't be too much trouble."

"Have you forgotten what you said?" She frowned deeply.

"What did I… oh-" Rokas recalled what he had said right after. "… A lot of things came up, so I haven't had the time to think about it."

"You're so very busy… aren't you?" Huan Caiyi shook her head. "If you don't feel the same way, just say it."

"Little Demon Empress…" Rokas stared into her eyes, stepping forward until she was pinned against the wall. He looked down before raising her chin so that she looked at him. "I never asked you to have those affections for me. The fact that you wouldn't look at another man isn't even my problem. In truth-"

"Don't bother talking to me again."

Huan Caiyi tried to move away but he grabbed hold of her and put the Demon Empress right where she was.

"In truth, I barely got to know you." Rokas acted like he hadn't done a thing, tilting his head slightly as he remained fixated on her eyes. "Now you throwing the whole husband thing on top of my head isn't exactly ideal when you've dedicated yourself to a lesser continent while I have far higher ambitions. I'm not the type of person to marry lightly, either. If I marry you, I acknowledge the fact that I'll happily be able to spend the rest of my life with you. You're very beautiful, bewitching even… but that's just not enough for me to jump to a solid 'yes'."

He let go, stepping back.

"That doesn't mean I don't like you, though. Nor does it mean that I couldn't possibly say yes in the future." Rokas smiled slightly. 'Am I just leading her on?'

"Lesser continent…"

"I'd rather have the people closest to me… close to me. If you have the Illusory Demon Realm to rule, that's cool with me but that just makes accepting you a whole lot harder."

"So I should discard my bloodline and family's lineage for you?" Huan Caiyi questioned, frowning.

"I never asked you to." Rokas chuckled, shaking his head. "Besides, wouldn't reaching the peak of the Realm of the Gods alongside me make your bloodline and family's lineage all the greater? Think of the bigger picture; your so-called 'bloodline' has only lasted what… ten thousand years? There are janitors that are just as old who are endlessly stronger than your ancestor up above."

"..." Huan Caiyi had no reply.

"There are other descendents of the Golden Crow high above, too." Rokas shrugged. "You can either fulfil your bloodline and complete the legacy you think of so highly or stay caged here like a little bird."

"... What of the task you had in mind?" Huan Caiyi glanced away as she considered it.

"Ah… it shouldn't be too hard since you practically rule the entire continent."

"What is it?"

"Get me every profound art and skill possible in the Illusory Demon Continent, including clans, sects and ruins. I don't care how great or trash people think they are, I want them all. Then I want them categorised and placed into separate storage rings. One for the best of the best, one for the good ones, one for the bad ones and one for the terrible ones. Sounds good to you?"

'Man getting Deja Vu… except Huan Caiyi is way better to look at. No offence to Xuanyuan Wentian, he's a G.'

"Aren't you demanding?" Huan Caiyi raised an eyebrow. "Why would you want the garbage profound arts, anyway?"

"Because I do…" Rokas rolled his eyes. "Need I say more?"

"Suit yourself." Huan Caiyi crossed her arms. "However, you will owe me a favour."

"Whatever makes you happy, Caiyi." Rokas smiled, turning away. "Take your time."

Before she could blink, he was gone.

[Huan Caiyi (Emperor IV) Confidant Rank: 4 → 5]

"Complete my legacy…"

She thought, taking his words to heart.

next chapter
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