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66.66% ASOIAF and GOT Compilation / Chapter 10: 10

Chương 10: 10

After returning to Lys, Gavin immediately released several ravens to the Stepstones.

He issued an order requiring Qyburn to spare no effort to purchase wildfire during this period and to transport all the wildfire accumulated before to Lys as quickly as possible.

Once Volantis successfully formed an alliance with Myr and Tyrosh, their combined strength in the disputed land would create an overwhelming advantage over Gavin.

At that point, Gavin would have no choice but to give up the disputed land and retreat to the sea.

In such a scenario, wildfire would become a crucial weapon to ensure superiority in naval warfare.

Next, Gavin quickly called Hassan to discuss the reorganization of prisoners and the repair of warships. After all, these naval prisoners were experienced and skilled sailors. If they could be utilized effectively, they would significantly bolster their strength.

Hassan explained seriously that, after this period of reorganization, the naval prisoners were now familiar with the new warships and had gradually become accustomed to the various instructions of Gavin's fleet.

However, the issue of loyalty remained uncertain.

Among the naval captives from Lys, some harbored a blood feud against Gavin, with many having lost relatives in the previous unexpected sneak attack and fierce naval battle.

Hassan had no choice but to disperse these captives and assign them to different warships. To prevent unforeseen issues, only a portion of the captives without problems were assigned, and the number of people on each warship was limited, barely compensating for the crew lost in the previous battle.

After hearing Hassan's explanation, Gavin pondered for a moment and said, "Publish a conscription notice in Lisboa, prioritizing experienced sailors. Additionally, have Jorah transport all the food, supplies, and slaves from the disputed land back to Lisboa."

Hassan was quite shocked by Gavin's order and asked in confusion, "Sir, are you planning to retreat to the sea?"

Gavin sighed deeply and replied, "It's just a worst-case scenario. After all, it's difficult for us to defend the disputed land with only the four or five thousand surrendered prisoners."

After a pause, Gavin added, "Our foundation is the fleet and the dragon. As long as we have absolute control of the sea, the disadvantages of losing the land can be offset by the sea. Okay, you go and do it quickly."

Hassan immediately bowed and said, "Yes, sir. I will arrange it now."

Just after Hassan left, an apprentice of Qyburn gently opened the door and walked in.

He bowed respectfully to Gavin and reported, "My lord, Steward Boris wrote that Margaery Tyrell of House Tyrell has arrived at Bloodstone Island and wishes to see you. Two days later, Quentyn Martell, son of Prince Doran of Dorne, will also arrive at Bloodstone Island and also hopes to meet with you." After that, he handed the letter to Gavin respectfully.

Gavin took the letter and began to read it carefully. After reading it, he set the letter down gently, and some doubts arose in his mind. Why would Margaery visit the Stepstone Islands so suddenly? The Tyrells, trying to distance themselves from the Iron Throne's displeasure, wouldn't normally make such a visit.

As for Quentyn Martell's intention, Gavin had no idea. He pondered for a moment, frowned slightly, and then picked up a pen to write a reply. He stated that he could not return to Bloodstone Island temporarily due to the tense situation and asked the visitors to wait. He apologized and assured them that Boris would host them in his absence.

Soon after the letter was written, it was handed to the maester with the order: "Send a raven to Bloodstone Island immediately to deliver this letter."

The maester took the letter with both hands, saluted again, and then turned and left.

As Gavin's order reached the Disputed Land, Jorah Mormont took action immediately. He led his troops like a surging torrent, beginning to sweep through the towns and villages of the Disputed Land.

As time went on, the Disputed Land fell into chaos. Faced with the impending loss of wealth, many slave owners panicked. Some tried to resist Gavin's orders but were subdued and hung by the soldiers. Others who resisted forcefully were met with the butcher's knife, and blood quickly covered the Disputed Land.

The grain collected from various towns and villages was assembled for transport. Countless carriages were in constant motion. Slaves hurriedly loaded bags of grain onto the carriages. Sweat streamed down their cheeks, but they paid no mind to it. Some grain bags broke during transport, scattering golden wheat grains across the ground, causing a scramble.

The soldiers shouted loudly to maintain order, directing strong slaves to carry the loads. Precious gold, silver, and gems were carefully packed into wooden boxes. All types of materials were also loaded and transported to the port. Under the soldiers' supervision, countless slaves moved towards the seaside.

Similarly, Lys was in a frantic state. Gavin's fleet was overloaded and made numerous trips between the Lys Strait. The materials and grain at the port piled up like mountains. Slaves were hurriedly sent to the island by soldiers to clear the docks. The slaves' faces were filled with fear and confusion. They were tightly bound with ropes, lined up in long rows, and moved forward slowly under the soldiers' prodding. Children cried, women looked pale, and men walked with heavy steps. Occasionally, strong slaves were selected by soldiers to assist with the transportation.

Daenerys stood on the wall, observing the chaotic scene below. Her eyes swept over the poor slaves. She noticed a frail little girl in the slave group, with a haggard face and weak steps, clearly ill. The girl's eyes were filled with despair and helplessness, and her weak cries seemed to pierce the heart.

Daenerys' heart softened instantly. She quickly descended from the wall and approached the slave group. The nearby soldiers cursed and tried to drive her away. Brienne immediately drew her sword to block Daenerys. Seeing this, an angry soldier prepared to draw his sword, but an accompanying official quickly stepped forward to explain Daenerys' identity. Upon hearing this, the soldier retreated respectfully, and the procession was forced to halt.

Daenerys walked up to the little girl, personally untied the ropes binding her, and gently touched her hair. She then ordered that the girl be taken back and well cared for.

The entire Disputed Land was engulfed in unprecedented chaos, and amidst this turmoil, Jorah Mormont carried out Gavin's orders, transporting everything that could be salvaged to the Isle of Lys.

Seeing the previous scene, Daenerys walked toward her residence anxiously. When she learned that Gavin was at the military camp, she turned around and quickly headed in that direction without hesitation.

The sun bathed the military camp in golden light, and the dust raised from the bustling activity danced in the sunlight.

When Gavin saw Daenerys suddenly arrive, before he could ask why she was there, she eagerly began to describe the miserable conditions of the slaves she had witnessed. Her eyes, filled with longing and helplessness, were deeply affecting. The sight pained her heart.

Her eyes burning with intensity, she said with urgency: "Gavin, we must grant these slaves their freedom! Look at their lives, inhumane and filled with endless suffering. How can we simply stand by and do nothing?"

Gavin frowned slightly, his gaze thoughtful. After a moment, he replied: "Actually, I've had this idea for a long time. Slaves lack enthusiasm, and their productivity is low. Slavery severely hampers the development of our territory, which is detrimental to our future. However, abolishing slavery abruptly would certainly lead to chaos. I originally planned to establish various industries for the slaves to work in, similar to the model on the Stepstones. Any slave could be freed after five years of labor, with the possibility of reducing the term for those who perform well. But now, with the large-scale migration of slaves and the unrest it has caused, we need to announce this plan as soon as possible to calm the situation."

Upon hearing this, Daenerys' face lit up with joy, and she exclaimed excitedly: "Then let me handle it. I want them to know that hope is coming into their lives."

Seeing Daenerys' enthusiasm, Gavin was reminded of her kindness from watching the show in his previous life, and how much she had sacrificed. Now, with control of the situation in his hands, he could support her compassion. Nodding, Gavin said, "Alright, you can arrange it, but make sure the announcement is worded carefully so that everyone understands this is a gift from the lord."

Overjoyed, Daenerys quickly turned and left, eager to bring hope to the suffering slaves.

Daenerys traveled to several slave settlements, announcing the freedom policy and instructing the soldiers to unshackle all the slaves.

Initially, the slaves were silent upon hearing the news, as if unable to believe it. But soon, their disbelief turned into extreme surprise and excitement, and the crowd erupted in deafening cheers. Some cried tears of joy, others embraced and cheered, while some knelt in gratitude, praising Daenerys and Gavin.

Just as Daenerys made her final announcement, an older slave approached, holding the heavy shackles he had just had removed. He presented them to Daenerys with reverence, proclaiming: "You and Lord Gavin are our saviors, the breakers of our chains!" The crowd echoed the sentiment, shouting in unison: "The breakers of chains!"

In this warm atmosphere, some soldiers hurried over, announcing loudly to the crowd: "Anyone who voluntarily joins the army will be granted freedom in three years. The families of those who enlist will also benefit from the three-year policy, and those who distinguish themselves in battle can earn freedom through military merit, with the possibility of becoming officers. Their children will be recruited for training at the academy!" This announcement further ignited the slaves' enthusiasm, stirring them to even greater fervor.

Many young and strong men stepped forward eagerly. Their eyes ablaze with determination, they emerged from the crowd to enlist without hesitation.

Among them was a tall, muscular young man who, despite his haggard appearance from prolonged slavery, was now filled with high spirits. He shouted: "I want to join the army and fight for freedom!" His voice rang out clearly, rallying more people.

A thin boy with determined eyes also pushed to the front. Though his body was still growing, he declared with youthful courage: "I want to join too. I want to use my strength to earn true freedom!"

A middle-aged slave, his face etched with the marks of time and the pain of slavery, stood resolutely and said: "Although I am no longer young, I still have the strength to fight for freedom!" His words resonated with those around him, prompting more to express their desire to enlist.

The voices of those signing up reverberated through the air, filling the sky with their fervor.

As the final supplies and slaves were transported to Lys Island, order began to return to the once-chaotic dock. The clamor subsided, the pushing and fighting of the crowd eased, and the chaos finally receded like a tide.

Although the enthusiasm to join the army was high among the slaves, only 5,000 were selected after rigorous screening. Most were inexperienced recruits, their faces marked with confusion and hope for the future. Due to their lack of training and combat experience, it was difficult to form a formidable fighting force quickly.

Gavin observed these new soldiers and decided to train them first, assigning them only to city defense tasks. Since this was his first true army, he named them the First Legion.

At this moment, Hassan arrived in a hurry, informing Gavin that a messenger from Volantis had arrived on the Isle of Lys, requesting an audience. The messenger claimed to be sent by Archon Malachor Megaya of Volantis.

In a spacious hall, Gavin sat in a heavy wooden chair at the center, flanked by Jorah and Hassan. The hall was eerily quiet, like the calm before a storm.

Outside, the breeze gently fluttered the military flag, causing it to sway slightly with a faint rustling sound.

Soon, the Volantis envoy and his entourage entered the hall, guided by the guards. The envoy walked with a proud and commanding presence, dressed in an elaborate silk robe adorned with Volantis' intricate patterns. The gold threads sparkled in the sunlight, highlighting his noble status. His expression was inscrutable, and his sharp eyes scrutinized Gavin as if trying to see into his soul.

Gavin narrowed his eyes slightly, observing the uninvited guest calmly. The envoy first performed a slight, polite bow that seemed respectful but carried a hint of insincerity. Straightening up, he cleared his throat and spoke in a deep, resonant voice: "Respected Dragon Lord Gavin, I am here on behalf of Volantis, Myr, and Tyrosh, by the order of Archon Malachor Megaya. Archon Malachor commands the coalition forces of the three cities at this time."

Gavin nodded slightly, his expression unchanged, and he calmly asked, "Just tell me, what did Malachor ask you to do?"

The messenger cleared his throat, his eyes sharpening as he continued, "I am aware of your actions here, and Volantis, Myr, and Tyrosh are very concerned. The lands you now occupy, including some disputed areas and Lys Island, should not be under your control. I am here under orders to ask you to withdraw immediately and return all the wealth you have obtained from these lands. Otherwise, you will face a ruthless war, and both you and your dragon may perish."

As soon as the messenger finished speaking, the atmosphere in the hall became tense, as if an invisible contest had begun. The air seemed to thicken, and the silence was palpable.

Gavin's eyes turned cold, like frost in the midst of winter. He responded slowly, "So, Volantis intends to involve itself in the matter between me and the Kingdom of the Three Daughters? I advise Volantis to think carefully and not become the next Lys." His voice was steady and powerful, but it carried an invisible weight.

Upon hearing this, the messenger's face darkened, like storm clouds gathering before a tempest. He snorted coldly and said, "I warn you, Dragon Lord Gavin, to be cautious with your words. The power of Volantis is beyond your imagination. The dragons that fell in Volantis were much larger than yours. Currently, the coalition forces of the three cities exceed 50,000, with over 200 warships. Your small force is like a child facing a giant, easily torn apart." His words were laced with threats and arrogance.

Gavin suddenly stood up, placing his hands on the table in front of him, leaning forward with a fierce glare: "Since you address me as Dragon Lord and still threaten me, this messenger should tell me what the consequences of threatening a Dragon Lord would have been in ancient Valyria. I trust you from Volantis can provide an answer!" His anger was palpable, and he radiated a chilling intensity.

The messenger, frightened by Gavin's demeanor, turned pale, but he maintained a facade of calm. "Valyria has long been destroyed in the Doom. You are seeking your own demise! Once the coalition army approaches, you will have no power to fight back." His trembling voice, however, betrayed his fear.

Gavin straightened up, his eyes as firm as steel, and responded firmly, "Valyria may have been destroyed, but the legacy of its Dragon Lords remains. Since you cannot answer, I will show you with action." His words were resolute and commanding.

With that, a deafening dragon roar filled the hall. Zaldrīzharys squeezed through the door and slowly entered the hall. Its enormous and majestic body occupied the entire space, and its massive head approached the paralyzed messenger, letting out a roar that shook the hall.

The messenger, now terrified, shouted at Gavin: "No, you can't do this! I am the envoy of Volantis. You cannot kill the messenger!" His voice, high-pitched and piercing with fear, betrayed his desperation, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Gavin observed the frightened messenger calmly and remained silent, focusing on Zaldrīzharys.


Upon hearing Gavin's command, the messenger's desperation peaked. He looked at Gavin with disbelief and shouted, "You will regret this decision." Before he could finish, blazing dragon fire erupted from Zaldrīzharys's mouth, enveloping the messenger in flames. In an instant, he was transformed into a burning fireball.

The intense dragon flames left no room for a scream, turning him into a charred figure. The air was thick with the acrid scent of burning flesh.

The atmosphere in the hall was electric, as if a single spark could ignite a massive explosion. Everyone's heartbeat was rapid and their breathing labored.

Gavin turned to the attendant who had accompanied the envoy. The attendant immediately fell to his knees, pleading for mercy.

"Lord Dragon Lord, this has nothing to do with me. I am not disrespectful. I am merely an attendant. Please spare my life." His voice was filled with tears, his forehead pressed to the ground, and his body shaking uncontrollably.

Gavin regarded the terrified attendant with an unreadable expression and said coldly, "Tell him to clean up the mess and take it away. Tell Malachor that this is my response." He then turned and left, leaving behind a dead silence in the hall.

Back in his study, Gavin poured himself a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp. The wine went down his throat, but it did little to ease his concerns.

The worst-case scenario had come to pass. Volantis, Myr, and Tyrosh had formed an alliance. This coalition could now pose a significant threat with their superior naval numbers. Gavin leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes to contemplate strategies to address this threat. The candlelight flickered, casting shadows that highlighted his furrowed brow and determined features.

After a while, Gavin opened his eyes, a trace of resolve in his gaze. The enemy's warships were numerous. Even though his fleet was composed of high-performance ships, facing them would be a daunting challenge. Fortunately, Volantis's fleet had not yet set sail, and it would take at least half a month for them to reach Lys. In that time, Gavin could implement a strategy of dividing and conquering.

He planned to concentrate his fleet's strength to destroy the fleets of Myr and Tyrosh. Once successful, he would await the arrival of Volantis's fleet. After winning the naval battle, the three cities would be left powerless at sea.

With the high mobility of his fleet, Gavin would gain a decisive advantage. Even with a coalition of 50,000 troops, or even 500,000, defending the long coastline would be nearly impossible. Volantis and Myr were coastal cities, while Tyrosh was an isolated island.

Faced with Gavin's ability to attack at any time, the opposing side would have no choice but to scatter and defend. Once the coalition's forces were divided, this seemingly formidable alliance would become a mere name.

Gavin knew his time was extremely limited—only half a month. Additionally, once the fleet was fully deployed, Lys Island would lose its naval protection and rely solely on the land-based defenses. The only force he could depend on was the newly established First Legion. The surrendered soldiers and mercenaries under Jorah were unreliable.

Moreover, the wildfire tactics were no longer viable due to the wildfire's delayed arrival in Lys. The fleet would need to rely on real military strength to defeat the enemy fleets with minimal losses, or risk losing the decisive battle against Volantis.

The night enveloped Lys Island like a thick black satin, with even the stars seemingly obscured, casting a particularly dim shadow over the land.

The hall in the Steward's Palace was dimly lit by candlelight. Gavin and Daenerys sat at the head of the table, while others took their places on both sides.

Gavin outlined his plan to use the time difference to divide and annihilate the coalition fleet and then began making arrangements.

He first turned to Hassan and asked, "How is the training of the newly recruited crew members? Have the fleet's crew been fully replenished?"

Hassan immediately replied, "Sir, the fleet's crew has been almost completely replenished during this period. Since the recruits are all experienced, they will only need a bit of familiarization with the command."

Gavin nodded slightly and said, "Tomorrow morning, the fleet will assemble and march towards Myr and Tyrosh." He then turned to Jorah and said, "Take all your men with you and follow the fleet."

The two exchanged glances, then stood up to accept the order. Gavin then addressed Daenerys and said, "While I am away, Rhys will be left to you." He looked at Brienne behind her and said solemnly, "Brienne, Knight of the First Legion, I leave the army under your command. I trust you will protect Lys and Daenerys."

Brienne, taken aback by Gavin's trust in her to command the army, immediately knelt on one knee, placing her right fist on her chest, and solemnly vowed, "I swear on my life, even if it costs me my last drop of blood, I will protect Lys and Lady Daenerys."

After the meeting, the night deepened. At the port, the outlines of the warships were faintly visible in the moonlight.

At dawn, the port of Lys Island buzzed with activity. Countless supplies, including food, provisions, and arrows, were continuously loaded onto the ships.

The warships were arranged in an orderly fashion in the port, their sails billowing fiercely in the wind like ferocious beasts ready to pounce. Soldiers scurried nervously and busily on the decks, their shouts and footsteps blending into a rousing prelude to battle.

The warships slowly sailed out of the port, heading towards the distant sea, and gradually assembled there, forming a formidable sight.

After saying his final farewell to Daenerys, Gavin turned and boarded the warship. At his command, the sailing horn sounded, and the Belerys slowly sailed out of the port, leading the fleet towards Tyrosh.

Meanwhile, Malachor received the ashes brought back by the attendant. After hearing the attendant's terrified account, Malachor's face turned livid, veins bulging on his forehead, his eyes nearly blazing with fury.

"Damn Gavin Belaerys! How dare he humiliate me so profoundly and challenge the might of Volantis!" he roared, his voice echoing through the camp and causing the surrounding slaves to tremble. He threw the crystal wine glass in his hand to the ground, shattering it into pieces.

"Gather all the troops and march to the disputed land immediately! I will make Gavin pay for his arrogance!" Malachor's voice was filled with determination and murderous intent.

The generals exchanged glances, but under Malachor's rage, no one dared to hesitate, and they all followed his orders.

At that moment, the sea around Tyrosh was busy and chaotic. Due to the large-scale recruitment of pirates, the number of warships had surged, and the port could not accommodate them all. Most of the pirate ships were forced to remain on the vast sea, unable to dock for rest.

Despite this, the pirates were well-provided for, thanks to Lord Tyrosh's support. Supply ships sent by the Maharaja delivered ample food and enticing prostitutes regularly.

The pirates, seemingly bored, lounged on their ships, some sunbathing, others fishing leisurely as if enjoying a rare, peaceful moment. A small black dot appeared in the sky. Initially dismissed as a seabird, the dot grew larger, capturing the attention of some pirates.

"What is that?" a pirate asked, puzzled.

"It must be a seabird, but it's unusually large," another pirate guessed.

"That's a dragon!" a sharp-eyed pirate finally shouted in horror.

"Enemy attack!" The cry shattered the previously relaxed atmosphere.

"The dragon is coming, ring the bell quickly!" Panic spread rapidly.

Some pirates finally recognized the fast-diving golden dragon and quickly rang the alarm bell. As the call to arms echoed, the pirates, who had been leisurely just moments before, were thrown into a frenzy, and the ship became a scene of chaos. Several captains on deck reacted first, issuing orders to the panicked pirates.

"Deploy the dragon-hunting crossbows!"

"Raise the sails!"

"Return to your posts and don't panic!"

The pirates hurriedly removed the oil paper from the dragon-hunting crossbows and began urgent preparations. However, before they could get the crossbows ready, the incredibly fast golden dragon had already struck.

"Dracarys!" With a roar, the dragon's intense and destructive flames swept across the deck of a pirate ship with tremendous impact.

The dragon-hunting crossbow was instantly incinerated. Pirates caught in the flames writhed in agony, emitting heart-wrenching wails. Even the sturdy deck could not withstand the dragon flames' impact and began to splinter. The fire surged into the cabin, burning everything mercilessly. The tall sails were ignited by the dragon flames. The pirate ship lost all power and was left helpless, waiting to become ashes.

The dragon flames did not relent but were carried by the golden dragon to the next pirate ship. In a short span, three pirate ships were destroyed.



Some pirates, reacting quickly, used bows and arrows to shoot at the golden dragon, hoping to kill the dragon rider. Seeing this, Gavin, highly focused, raised his pre-prepared shield for protection.

A dull clang echoed as Gavin's shield turned into a pincushion from the barrage of arrows. Some arrows that missed the shield were blocked by Gavin's sturdy armor.

As arrows rained down, Blazing Shadow's scales withstood the assault. The dragon, feeling provoked, retaliated with dragon flames. Despite the arrows coming from all directions, the dragon's flames could only suppress some of the pirates.

next chapter
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