"____" are used for text
*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips
[____] are used to switch between POV
'____' are used for thoughts
"Of Course they would send pirates to the Impenetrable Fortress OF the Marines." I chuckle a little, before throwing the Log Pose to the ground, Shattering it.
Making Sure that we Don't go anywhere towards G-8.
The biggest problem in G-8 is that it is a base where a Vice admiral is stationed. Not only that, the Vice admiral is somehow the protege of Akainu. That means that he has at least two Haki due to him being close to Akainu. I don't know if Akainu personally trained him, or if it is a situation like Tashigi and Smoker.
A Pirate Race Where different types Of Pirates compete to win the ultimate Price. Beat Up all of the Pirates participating, and loot them.
Rewards:- +200,000,000 EXP, + 300,000,000 Beris, SKILL BOOK <WEATHER READING>.
Help in Defeating all the Pirates in the Hide-out - + 300,000,000 EXP, + ALL WEAPONS AND ITEMS, SKILL BOOK <FISHMAN KARATE> , SKILL BOOK <GIANT STRENGTH> , 20,000,000 Beris.
Help in Defeating Gasparde - + 1,000,000,000 EXP, + SKILL BOOK <OBSERVATION Haki>, SKILL BOOK <WATER MANIPULATION>
Level:- 23 (EXP:- 2,777,923,400/3,355,443,200)
Well, free level for the win.
"C'mon, Let's go!" Nami chirps in happiness, her hand carrying a bag full of Beri Notes. I raise my eyebrow at this. didn't the System already give me the reward tho? i check my inventory, and as i thought, the Beris are listed in it.
Money (฿) :- 370,000,000
It seems that the system somehow clones the price of Money. that....might be interesting. The thief skill might be useful for this soon in the future. but for now-
"you done with everything?" I ask her, and she nods- before stopping and thinking about something. Zoro looks at her expression and then turns to me in annoyance, while i have an amused smile and shrug.
"wait? why don't we loot the Pirates too?" She chuckles like an idiot. her saliva dripping from her mouth, i chuckle amusedly, knowing what i did but doing it anyways. it would be good that we have extra finances, both with Nami and With, when Luffy eventually exhausts the entire cash due to his stomach, we will have extra cash which can be used.
all of us start walking towards the downed Pirates, and notice that the floors that each of them were in, connects to their ship. so, all of us split up and decided to explore. When I reached the end, I looked down, noticing the ship connected to the floor. I put it in my inventory, dismantling it to get free wood, cannons, iron and so on.
With that, I go to the other floors, coming across various resources such as Beris, Ships, Swords etc. all of them are sent to my inventory as I come across my friends, storing their loot as well. after making sure (Nami checked the entire hideout twice) we had all we could get, we get out of the hideout-
Summoning Merry and leaving this island.
Me and Usopp start building something new, a Cannon that shoots beams. while i would let the Merry get upgraded using Adam Wood, the upgrades that i would suggest to Franky when we would meet him needs to be important. since-
I wanna make our ship into something that comes from the Transformer series.
After 2 weeks of traveling and Facing the bad Weathers sprung upon us, we finally reached an island. an island, Named Asuka Island.
"That Sword is said to be the most beautiful Sword in all of the Grand Line!" Nami Gushes, her eyes turning into Beris just imagining how much money she could get by selling the sword.
"The Seven Star Sword huh?" Zoro sips his beer in thought. He is pretty interested in what this sword is, since EVEN he has heard about this. He puts his beer to the table with a thud, sighing in relief.
"IF i remember correctly, the sword is said to be cursed." Robin speaks up, making Zoro look at her in surprise.
"Oh yeah. it is a cursed sword!" I speak up, confirming what Robin had said before. All of the crew members turn to me except for Luffy, who is eating like a pig.
"What is a cursed blade?' Aisa tilts her head to the side, not understanding why a sword is called cursed.
"A Cursed Blade is a Blade that has been cursed-" Sanji starts to explain to Aisa, but i interrupt with a mocking tone.
"WOW! A cursed blade is a blade that is cursed. no one could have Figured THAT out!" I try to Imitate Sanji's voice, making all of the people chuckle at it, even Zoro and Wyper. Sanji goes Red, while Zoro takes over from Sanji.
"Well, A Cursed sword is not a cursed object, since a sword has a personality of its own and it dictates Who should wield it. if a user is weak-willed, then the sword would Reject the wielder and would bring misfortune to their wielder." Everyone except Luffy and Me look surprised. no one here knows how swords work, except Zoro, and me since i learnt it in the Manga/Anime.
"Well, Zoro does have a Cursed sword with him anyways!" I look at him amused, and he grins, taking his Shidai Kitesu, showing off its sharpness. Usopp, Nami, Chopper, and Aisa Gulp, drinking their saliva.
"u-uh! maybe we should NOT talk about death and curses?" Usop tries to steer the conversation away from what it is, and it works. I open my mouth, deciding to give some information about the Seven Star Sword that is present on this island. I realized that we are in the plot of Movie 5, said to be one of the worst movies of all time, but I disagree.
"As I was saying, The Seven Star sword is a cursed Sword, and its current wielder is someone named Saga!" I turn to look at Zoro, whose eyes widen in shock.
"Who is Saga?" Luffy eats the last Meat left on the table, which was Usopp's. Causing Usopp to hit Luffy in the head in anger.
"Saga was One of Zoro's Old friends." I shrug, not giving anymore information. since....i don't remember anything else other than that piece of information.
I can only remember that Zoro and this dude Named Saga (like, Sagas of an anime) were friends, and that Saga was possessed by the Seven Star Sword, which I remembered the Name only AFTER Name revealed it to the crew. Luffy fights with Saga, before Zoro comes and frees Saga from the possession.
I COULDN'T tell Zoro about this so that we could SKIP the Movie Plot on this island, but this would give Zoro some kind of closure, and I am interested in how the power system of these Magical things that reside on this island, especially the sword.
Plus, Zoro defeated him in the OG Timeline, so this Zoro would Not have much problems, since this current Zoro is stronger than his Movie self. Plus, he has access to Ashura, AND Pound Phoenix, so it all works out.
"H-How? what Hap- No. where is Saga?" Zoro goes from shock to determination, ready to head out and meet his friend that he thought was dead but is alive.
"Well, I am not entirely certain of his CURRENT whereabouts, but he is in some Village up in the mountains I guess?" I point my thumb behind me to the mountains, while unsure if I am correct or not. I do not know the entire plot, but that's when I remember something.
Zoro met Saga and was welcomed by many people pointing their swords upwards as a Knight letting an honored guest come inside. I don't know properly, but all I can do is assume for now.
"Well, Adventure time!" Luffy shrinks his big stomach while looking at Zoro, sensing What Zoro wants to do. Zoro nods towards Luffy, getting up and walking out of the pub, Luffy behind him.
"H-Hey, Wait!" Usopp tells them to wait, while following Luffy. This prompts all of us to leave the pub, Nami paying for the cost of the food that we have consumed. Since Merry is inside my inventory, we have to walk up the mountains.
"Are you sure this is okay?" Robin walks beside me, to my left and looking at the Mountain, a little bit of worry plastered on her face. I look at her confused, making her explain herself.
"You know the Prediction that was made on this island right?" I look at her, shrugging, not really caring. Nami looks towards us and approaches me, standing to my right, asking a question.
"What prediction?" She looks at Robin for clarification, and Robin starts speaking about the Prediction made 100s of years ago-
"When the red moon shines, the sword will be imbued with great power. If the Seven Stars should fall to it, the world will be forever ruled by darkness. or that's what it said when I read it a couple of years before in a book." She shrugs, trying to act Cool, but I know she is kinda worried.
"Wait, today is supposed to be the time when the Red Moon shines, right?" Nami instantly stops, releasing WHY Robin was concerned about it. Chopper, Usopp, Bentham and Sanji turn to Us in surprise, hearing our conversation.
'Wait, is it the same thing when the Moon turns Red?' Aisa turns to Wyper to confirm what she is asking, and he nods. Both he and Her have seen these types of moon a lot during their life in Sky Island, especially since they are super close to the Sky then normal.
"Yeah, During a lunar eclipse, the Moon turns red because the only sunlight reaching the Moon passes through Earth's atmosphere." Nami explains to Aisa and Wyper, while we continue moving forward. Zoro is at the front, while Luffy and Usopp are right behind him, looking around excitedly for some fun.
"Hey guys, there are a lot of people on that side, we should go there." Aisa, who is quickly becoming our Pathfinder due to her Level Of Observation Haki, points her finger at the western side of the mountain. hearing this, Luffy rushes ahead, Usopp following with him. Seeing this, Chopper, Bentham and Aisa all follow along with the group.
"Well, there they go!" I chuckle at the speed at which they run to explore, while Nami sighs and Wyper starts walking a little faster, so he could make sure Aisa is safe.
"What does he do?" Sanji tries to make conversation, so he asks Zoro about who and What Saga is. Zoro speaks up, not minding the personal question.
"He was someone whom I considered my Rival. he was a marine, who wanted to be a sword of Justice." Zoro looks to be in thought, reminiscing the old days. All of us stayed quiet, including me, curious about this.
"He came to my Dojo years after I joined there. His family and Village had been killed by Don Kreig, so he vowed for revenge. His goal was to avenge his dead parents, so he wanted to become the Strongest Marine, to be a sword of Justice." I raise my eyebrow, completely blank.
didn't know Don Kreig was involved in this. makes sense, since this world is much bigger and full of 'plots' that what the canon showed.
"so, what happened?" Nami asks him, causing Zoro to look down, continuing his walk.
"We left our village around the same time, and a couple of months before I met Luffy, me and Him used to work together to take down Pirates." Sanji nods, understanding what Zoro means.
"so, you were a bounty hunter then and I presume that he became a Marine eventually?" Robin asks for Confirmation, which Zoro nods to.
"but during that time, we came across a Pirate ship that started burning. Saga got stuck in an iron chain, and at that time I couldn't cut steel so..." Zoro doesn't continue, leaving the remaining words for the group to understand. I opened my mouth, continuing where Zoro left off.
"Zoro thought he was dead till I told him, so he wants to meet His friends once again. that's all." I finish it like a story, causing Zoro to turn to look at me in a deadpan stare. I gave a grin, causing him to sigh in annoyance.
"HEY GUYS!! COME QUICK!!" Luffy Screams in excitement, looking over a cliff. we reach it and look over to what Luffy is seeing. a Village that has some old buildings. Robin looks interested in those, while Luffy rushes forward, Chopper, Usopp, Aisa and Bentham right behind him.
"It's like we have 5 kids to take care of!" Nami slaps her forehead while seeing the group's antics, so I grin at her and decide to flirt with her a little bit.
"Sure, but they are OUR Kids, right Honey?" Nami looks at me in disgust, while Robin chuckles at the notion, Sanji looks horrified while Zoro and Wyper ignore the banter while walking forward.
"Ew No!" she spats the words out in disgust, and i look saddened like a heartbroken lover. Sanji immediately perks up, taking a rose out of his suit and trying to give it to Nami.
"Oh Madame, Don't Worry, i will make sure OUR Kids will-"
"Oh Fuck Off!" Nami brushes past Sanji, Breaking his heart into pieces. Robin continues chuckling and walking behind Nami. I pat Sanji on the back, deciding to add insult to Injury.
"She Just gave me the "Ew" , but she told you to "Fuck Off". I have way more of a chance than you ever will Virgin boy.!" I grin and then run, dodging Sanji's kick to my Head.
After the small banter, all of us finally reach Asuka town, but notice all the civilians rushing towards us. Luffy, seeing this as exciting, Rushes after them. The Kiddos (Bentham, Chopper, Aisa and Usopp) go after Luffy. Wyper sighs, walking ahead to catch up to the kids, like he is their babysitter or something-
you know what? That MIGHT be a good role for him in the crew. Wyper the Baby-Sitter. has a nice ring to it.
all of us reach the center-
"Get out of here you Filthy Pirates!" and we have weapons Pointed at us by the Villagers. one of them comes forward, and according to the system, his name is Lacos. Lacos is a tall, muscular man with dark brown hair and a band across his forehead. He wears a white and red shirt and has pale skin.
"You guys Know someone Named Saga?" Zoro asks, not at all caring about how the villagers are acting right now. all of the villager's eyes widen in surprise, causing Zoro to understand that They DO know Saga.
"H-How do you-" an old Grandma Whose Name is Izaya. Izaya is an elderly woman with pink hair tied in side-locks with blue bands. She has many wrinkles on her face and squints her eyes often. She is also hunchbacked, giving her a short stature.
"He is my friend. Where is he?" Everyone looks Shocked once again. but this time, a Woman in her 20s with Long blue hair steps up, asking Zoro something.
"Are you Roronoa Zoro?" the woman named Maya, who has long blue hair that is partially held up by lavender barrettes on the sides, with side-locks in large pink beads. She is wearing a long, light-yellow shirt with a white-tasseled orange cloth wrapped around her waist. She also wears six gold bracelets on her wrists and brown sandals.
"how? Who are you?" Zoro asks in Surprise, While Sanji's eyes turn into HEarts and he wiggles forward in awe, trying to go towards Maya-
"Zip it Virgin!" I grab his collar, stopping him and making him turn back to me in rage for calling him a virgin.
"I am....Saga's fiancé. Saga has told me a lot about you." She smiles, Making Sanji calm down and drop to his knees, slamming the ground with his fists while muttering "it should have been me."
"o-oh!" Zoro doesn't know how to respond, since he never expected his friend to get engaged.
" not himself right now, he is-"
"Yo, Zoro. got the location of Saga." I turned towards the forest from the village, the opposite side where we came from. i used my Observation Haki to locate The dude, and it was easy to find-
since he was practically leaking bloodlust in waves, mostly due to the sword. somehow, he also noticed me. Now, I don't really want an exposition about what happened and stuff, so I hurry Zoro to go to the place where he will meet Saga.
"Oh, Okay." Zoro turns, but before he could walk, I grab him by the shoulder.
"Yo Cap, what should we do?' Luffy looks at me, then shrugs.
"Well, Let Zoro go see his friend. I wanna go on an adventure on this island!" he chuckles, already knowing what Zoro wants. Luffy knows what others want without them telling him. if he didn't, then he wouldn't have Saved Nami, Sanji and Robin even after they denied his help.
"Okay then. so, here is the plan. ME and Zoro will meet the Saga Dude, while Sanji, Nami and Robin will figure out what is going on here. Wyper, you will babysit the 'kids'." Wyper looks confused, but he looks to where i am looking, to see Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Bentham and Aisa all talking excitedly. he turns to me in annoyance, opening his mouth to reject it, but i turn and walk into the jungle, Zoro behind me.
"Damn it!" Wyper mumbles in annoyance, he is not a babysitter, but a warrior. Why is he saddled with these kids?
" noticed too huh?" when we are walking to the place i located Saga, Zoro looks at me, asking me a question. I nod.
"Yeah, the way they are ready to attack pirates means that they were attacked by some. not only that, they showed fear and worry when you mentioned Saga, so both of them might be connected-"
"W-Wait!" we hear a woman screaming, so we stop and turn back, to see Maya running towards us. she stops in front of us and huffs a little, getting back her breath before she looks at us in determination.
"I'll come with you too!" She requests, wanting to come with us to meet Saga. Both Me and Zoro look towards each other, before shrugging together and continuing to walk, making Maya surprised and walk to catch up to us.
"U-Uh! Thank you!" she thanks us, before closing her mouth-
"Saga used to talk about you Mr Zoro." She starts up a conversation, causing me to get a little annoyed, but I don't show it on my face. I left there for the only reason that I didn't want the summary of a plot that was a little boring. Zoro turns to her, surprised.
"What happened to Saga?" Zoro wants to know exactly what happens to Saga, and Maya takes this opportunity to explain the plot of the movie. about the King receiving the Sword and Three Gems to protect the Island, and how Three Princes Fought for a single Priestess, using the Seven-Star Sword which caused bloodshed within the kingdom. the victim's blood made it cursed.
The priestess, resolved to solve this, sacrificed herself to stop the war, and the three Princes received Three Orbs from the supposed Gods of Asuka, the Seven Stars.
"Can you show me these Orbs?" I ask her, curious about something. She nods, putting her hand in her dress and taking two of the three orbs, giving one to Zoro and me separately. while Zoro weighs the Orbs and then gives it back to Maya without much care, I Look at the orb carefully, using Observe-
Jewel Orbs
Durability - ♾️
MP - 100,000
The Jewels Are Magical Orbs that, if placed in specific Places, use their Mana to Surround the Island and make a protective Barrier. it Seals away Specific Powers when activated. These Orbs were created by the King Using His Devil Fruit, which is Contained in A Sword.
huh? So does this Contains Mana? if this orb contains Mana, then that Means that the Sword also contains Mana right? Plus, there is some kind of Devil Fruit contained in the sword. I try not to grin, since it has become much more interesting than before.
"Here You Go!" I give the Orbs back to Maya, who pockets them. We continued our trekking, finally reaching a Marine Dojo, where three people stood outside, waiting for us.
"Roronoa Zoro, Master Saga is waiting for you." a young dude, who looks like a kid speaks. His name is Toma. He has a slim frame, a round face with oval-shaped eyes, somewhat thick black eyebrows, a slight smile, and freckles. He wears a white and gray leopard print coat with a small blue stripe around the rim of the collar.
"But Only You are allowed." A tall dude named Bismarck grabs the hilt of his sword, making a point to tell us that there will be no changing what he said. Bismarck is a tall slim man with broad shoulders and a very angular face. He wears a blue face mask, which holds up his red, spiky hair.
"Don't try to do Something Foolish-" a dude who is a massive round man, small legs, having blond hair that curls over his cheeks and, over his body, he has dark green tattoos in triangular patterns. named Boo King-
"ACK-" Boo K0ng screams out in pain, making all the Marines near them startled. The fatso falls to the ground, holding his chest in pain while I remove another sword from my inventory.
The Marines are possessed by the Seven Star Sword and are doing things they don't want to, so defeat the Marine Soldiers.
Rewards:- +200,000 EXP For every Marine, SKILL BOOK <ONE-SWORD STYLE>, 1,000,000 EXP each for defeating Toma, Bismarck and Boo Kong.
"Blah Blah Blah, stop blabbering and get fucked. Zoro, go inside, I'll deal with this in a minute." i put a sword in my mouth, taking another sword and blocking a downwards Cut from Toma, before Disappearing and making Bismarck miss his thrust to my stomach-
appearing behind him, slashing him in the back.
"HEY! THAT'S MY STYLE! YOU FUCKING COPYCAT!" Zoro screams in anger, seeing me using his sword style. I turn to him, using Kami-E to dodge the second strike from Toma, and try to talk.
"You didn't Copyright it- so, it's not officially yours. if you want, try and sue me.!" I try to grin with the Sword in my teeth, but it just makes itv fall to the ground since i sleeped with my grip. i dodge a swing to the head, and notice all the Marines rushing towards me-
i use <ONE-MAN ARMY> and use Soru, disappearing from their sight. I accepted the quest and appeared behind all of them, putting my arms in an X pattern, holding all the three swords once again.
"ONI-" i use Soru as an extra speed boost, speed blitzing all of them while i make a big slash to take everyone out in one single hit.
"-GIRI!" I create a massive slash, hitting everyone all at once. Everyone, including Toma, collapses to the ground in pain. I made sure NOT to kill these bastards, since they were Mind-Controlled.
i put my sword in my inventory, noticing that Zoro is gone, while Maya is standing there, shell-shocked. I chuckle, walking forward and tapping her on the shoulder, making her snap out of her daze and walk with me.
We eventually find Zoro standing in the middle of the Marine Dojo, and in front of him, stands the person whom Zoro Calls Friend, Saga. Saga is a tall man with tanned skin and long white hair that he wears loosely. He wears a red robe and with a white armband on his left arm. He also wears red shoes.
"Lend Me your strength Zoro." Saga Whispers, grabbing onto his Chest and Collapsing. Zoro bends down to reach for him, but i teleport, reaching behind his back and Grabbing the Sword strapped behind his back. Zoro, who was concerningly holding onto Saga, Turns Cold and pushes Saga to the ground and holds him there.
"YOU- WHAT-" before Saga could continue, the Sword which i am holding releases a greenish aura that surrounds my arm-
and tries to possess me, but unfortunately for the Sword, I am Immune to any and all Mind manipulation.
"Oh, you trying to Possess me? Try it then.!" I look at the newest quest I have gotten when holding the sword.
The Seven Star Sword which Contains the Maho-Maho No Mi is a Sword with Great Power, able to use Magic. it has become a Cursed Sword due to the blood it has sucked during the Kingdom's massacre. Overcome It's Possession.
I Grin, accepting this fabulous quest. I put Mana at the sword, trying to subvert the Sword to My Will. I am No Swordsman, so I don't know how it really works, but I remember Zoro feeding His Haki to Enma and 'taming' it. similarly, i am using My mana to 'tame' it-
i feel my mana getting sucked at a tremendous rate, to the point that-
-1000 MP
-1000 MP
-1000 MP
-1000 MP
-1000 MP
SHIT!!! my mana stops flowing itself into the sword, since My Mana reserves are empty right now. It seems that the sword somehow figured this out and the greenish flame surrounding my hand crawled to my chest, Face and eventually encompassed me. i feel fatigued, My Status coming up to show me-
What the hell is happening? I feel the mental attack that the sword is doing to me, but I can easily ignore that, but what the hell did the sword do so that it took my Mana? I Use Observe on the Sword, and able to do it since there is no Mana used in this skill-
Seven-Star Sword
Durability - ∞
MP - 1,000,000,000
Sword Type:- Ungraded/Cursed Sword
This Sword is One of the Treasures Of Asuka Island. It was made by a Legendary Blacksmith From Wano, and was re-made into a container for a Devil Fruit After The King's death. It was first used to protect the kingdom, but due to Numerous Bloodshed that it has indirectly Caused, it has become a Cursed Blade.
Devil Fruit - Maho Maho No Mi
I Calm myself down, thanks to Gamer's mind. I re-read what has been said in the Window, and mentally click on the devil fruit part. since i have Physical Contact with the sword, i am able to access the information-
Devil Fruit :- Maho Maho No Mi (Magic Magic Devil Fruit)
Type:- Paramecia
User:- Seven-Star Sword
The Devil Fruit allows the User to gather Energy Particles from the Air into one's body, becoming a conduit. The energy is changed into a Power that allows it to be manipulated by the user freely.
Damn, this is similar to my Mana, to the point that i can sue the sword for copying my flow-
I wince, annoyed at the screams that I am constantly hearing in my head. While in my Gamer's Mind, I am able to be completely Immune to the Possession. but-
"DRINK!-" echoes from the sword leaks out and I can hear them due to the Sword trying to possess me. while My Gamer's Mind resists the Possession, it doesn't do anything about the sounds, which would make sense as the feeling i am getting right now is like someone screaming at me. the screams Sound so real, so alive-
'Wait, Alive?' I look at the sword and it uses Green flames to surround me. They aren't hurting me, rather they are making me comfortable, like sweet whispers in my ear that try to make me relax, to make me accept the power that it will grant me.
Now, while I MIGHT accept the offer since I Know i cannot be possessed, The Sword is kinda Counter-acting with itself by screaming in my head about blood and murder. It's like two people in the same body. I try to think about how to subdue this Sword so I can finish the quest.
i remember HOW Zoro conquered Enma, but i Don't have Armament Nor Conqueror's Haki, and there is No way i can recalibrate my Observation Haki to the point where i am able to use the feeling of using my Observation, but implement it into Haki. this so-called alive-
Wait, I could use one thing. Even though I couldn't access my 2nd brain due to Mana Exhaustion, I am able to remember one thing that I decided to do later but forgot. The first skill book I got was in a dungeon, and that was the skill book of Life Drain.
if i could use Life drain, then maybe i might be able to Subdue the sword-
"Wait a damn Minute!" Why the hell am I even thinking of Subduing a sword anyways? it ain't my style. I opened my inventory, successfully tossing the Sword into it. The moment the Sword goes inside my inventory, the Green Flames Disappear, along with the sound that I was hearing.
"UGHH!" I turn to look at Saga, who is groaning on the ground, clutching his head. Zoro has stopped Holding him down, and looks at me in annoyance.
"You couldn't have done that Earlier?' He mumbles, and I scratch my head, looking embarrassed. i can't say i forgot now can I?
Thankfully, it seems that Putting the Sword inside my Inventory somehow removed The possession of Saga and other Marine Members. i don't wanna know the theatrics, but I am just gonna accept the theory that the Possession is not long enough to travel different dimensions.
Saga finally recovers while Me, Zoro and Maya take him to the village. He wakes up and thanks us for her help, renewing his promise with Zoro. he promises to continue being a marine and meeting Zoro in the future. during the heartfelt conversation, i approach Maya-
"Do you want the Jewel Orbs? but it has been within the Island for over Hundred years." Maya isn't willing to give me the orbs, so I convince her that having the Orbs is the best choice.
"Well, I am the one who has the sword, and I am not sure just how long I could seal it. it is always good to have backup, especially having the thing that sealed it before." Maya still isn't sure, but Her grandmother, the woman who can somehow stretch her Neck and body, convinces her to give the Orb to me.
Saga also comes to the conversation, hyping me up for some good balls- i mean, some Jewel Orbs. Maya finally relents, giving me the orbs. We reunite back with the Crew, with Wyper looking like he aged a couple of years during his baby-sitting job.
all of us go to the shore and get on the Merry which i summoned, get on it and start sailing, leaving this island with 3 balls and a stick. weird not gonna lie.
not gonna lie, the Movie 5 was boring, but it did give quite a lot of plot points that i will use in the future, especially with the Life Drain Skill. this might change the entire plot ngl. so keep checking to find that out.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
Like it ? Add to library!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
"____" are used for text
*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips
[____] are used to switch between POV
'____' are used for thoughts
all of us go to the shore and get on the Merry which i summoned, get on it and start sailing, leaving this island with 3 balls and a stick. weird not gonna lie.
we finally leave that island, sailing towards the next island. during the time, similar whethers were fucking with us, while me and Usopp were inventing something. but, i had my interest peaked when i tried to Subdue the Seven-Star sword-
"there we go!" Usopp takes off his Goggles and marvels at the creations Me and him did.
"Oh Yeah, Finally.!" I grin, sitting back down to check out our latest work. a Lightning beam Star. a small bullet that contains lightning in it, so when it is shot and has had impact with its target, not only will it wound the target, but also electrocute the target from inside out.
This was done by re-calibrating the mechanics of the thunder dials, making the container that Stores Lightning much smaller and inserting it in a bullet. I give it a charge with my Lightning Manipulation, And it stores the electricity, before releasing it on contact.
Honestly, Usopp's arsenal is incredibly deep, thanks to my help. Not only does he have a much better kabuto than his canonical self, the bullets that he has access to, such as Lightning bullets, Jet Dials, Thunder dials, and Axe dials. Honestly, if I were to compare him with Post timeskip Usopp before his Haki Bloom, This Version of Usopp might have a decent chance at winning.
The only reason he might lose is due to the knowledge of Canon Usopp with the unpredictable Plant attacks, and Muscle mass.
Anyways, Life drains. I had absorbed the skill book before leaving, so I could have some time to brainstorm how to use it properly.
LIFE DRAIN - ACTIVE - (Lv1) (EXP - 0%)
This skill allows the user to drain life force or energy from a target to heal themselves or regain some form of energy. The amount of Life Force drained is random.
It Absorbs Life Force and adds it to the User's.
Can Absorb Mana and Turn it into Life Force
Can also turn Life Force Into Mana
While the first effect is interesting, the second effect is what I am keeping my eye on. If I can somehow turn Life Force into Mana, I could increase my reserves of it.
but, something is on my mind, Can i absorb my own Mana to increase my Life Force? Like creating an object that has the capacity to somehow store my mana when I imbue it, and after a little while, absorb the Contained Mana to change it into Life force?
Maybe, but for me to even try that, I need to Level Up My Life Drain Skill, so grinding time.
I created an I.D for a new dungeon that I got thanks to Enel Slaving away at my Combined Dungeons to get me Potions and Skill books. i absorb all my skill books i had obtained through Auto Loot-
LIFE DRAIN - ACTIVE - (Lv10) (EXP - 0%)
10 books on Life Drain Skill, but these extra levels gave me enough Knowledge on how This Skill works. I hear growling, so I turn around to see a Wolf twice its size, standing around 12 feet tall. The fur is Silver, with Red eyes.
Lv 29
HP - 4900/4900
MP - 1000
A Silver Wolf Born in the Depthness Of a Dungeon. It has Fire Abilities and can set its teeths on fire to attack and injure its prey.
It growls at me-
and jumps with its fangs out, trying to bite me. it's fangs envelope with Fire while i stand still, Generating Lightning from my Hands.I thrust it when the Wolf comes near me, stabbing it through the mouth-
I Use my Life Drain skill, making the Lightning mana in my hand dissipate. a wave of pure energy comes to my hands, and gets absorbed inside of it.
+30,000 EXP
....Nothing except the EXP. I check the Skill window to see if there is something new.
LIFE DRAIN - ACTIVE - (Lv10) (EXP - 0.2%)
This skill allows the user to drain life force or energy from a target to heal themselves or regain some form of energy. The amount of Life Force drained is Random.
It Absorbs Life Force and adds it to the User's.
Can Absorb Mana and Turn it into Life Force
Can turn Life Force Into Mana
There is a Percentage of Chance to get the skill of the target (Depends on the Level - Current % - 1%)
oh damn! I noticed the new Effect it has, which seemed to be available after Lv10. so, if I get this skill to Lv100, I have a 10% chance? That's awesome.
I turn around to see all 6 Silver Wolves standing behind a tree, all of their fangs are in flames, and they are staring at me like they want to kill me. I cracked my neck, deciding to Use all the skills I have acquired recently, like Fishmen Karate, Giants Strength, etc.
hmm, could i combine Fishmen Karate and Water Manipulation somehow?....decisions, decisions. i check my Skill <CREATE I.D> while dodging a bite to the head-
Instant Dungeon Create is a skill that allows the user to create a protected space. Stronger instant dungeons may be created according to level.
Currently Available ID list:-
Empty ID :- Monsters - None
Zombie ID:- Monsters - Zombie
Ghost ID:- Monsters - Ghost
Mixed ID:- Monsters - Zombies, Ghost
Rainbow Mist ID:- Monsters - None
Wolf OF:- Monsters - Wolf
Skeleton ID:- Monsters - Skeletons
Orc ID:- Monsters - Goblin,Orc
Elemental ID:- Monsters - Elemental Spirits
Well, I might as well grind in those other dungeons later on. though, what has happened to Enel anyways? I have been getting no Loot for quite some time. Did he die? or did he figure out that it is impossible to get out of the Dungeon?
eh, who knows- No, Who cares?
A crunch sound evolves on an island. the island sinking to the ground, having Various Holes in it. inside the island and in a jungle, sits a person who is-
eating a dead wolf's intestines. The person, Enel wipes his mouth, his belly full. He turns his head behind him, noticing creatures coming for him. a Legion Zombie ( A mass of Zombies Coming together ) , A Black Wolf ( a wolf with elemental Powers and a Horn connected to it) , A Chaos Elemental (a form of swirling, ever-changing mass of energy, with flames, water currents, rocky fragments, gusts of wind, bolts of lightning, and frosty mists constantly shifting and merging within its body) and-
"stop annoying me, you Worms-"
A Pressure exudes from Enel, Hitting the creatures surrounding him. their Eyes (If it is visible in the case of Chaos Elemental) Roll back to their Head, dropping into the ground like a sack of potatoes. The Chaos Elemental becomes unstable, exploding into Particles that evaporate into the air. Enel gets up, knowing what to do-
"Electro Clones-" Enel stretches his hand towards the fallen Monsters, Shooting a compressed electric ball towards them. the ball splits into many different small balls, all right above the Monster's corpse. when the Corpse turns into Particles and leaves behind the loot-
The Lightning balls all expand, taking a form similar to that Of Enel but with No Skin or organs visible. a pure Body of energy. Enel Flips his hand, making the lightning Somehow grab onto all the loot and 'teleport' the loot right at Enel's feet-
before Enel bows down and Grabs all the loot, making it somehow disappear. He looks in the air, and then disappears, arriving right above the island. He raises his hand, knowing that there is no more inhabitant in this island, and sends a Lightning ball to the sky-
which starts heating up the air, moving it towards one other. while Enel Manipulates the ion in his lightning to spread on all the heated air, creating a cloud. The lightning ball mixes with the Clouds that have been created, making it black-
"Kirin-" Enel pushes his hand down, and from the black clouds, a dragon made out of lightning, as big as the Island below comes out, quickly moving towards the island and enveloping it-
Destroying the entire island. Enel then looks up once again, a deep-seated anger enveloping his face.
"RELEASE ME YOU CIRCUMCISED WORM!!" ENel screams to the heavens, but no one responds to him. He has been stuck in this world for who knows how many hours. He doesn't even know if it is hours, days, months or even years. He didn't even count.
this world is hell, since no one is here. After destroying Sky island, he came to the blue seas, but other than Empty Islands with Architectures, there is not a single human being. The only living beings are those pathetic monsters, which somehow have increased from different types of the same species to entirely different species.
He has been killing them for so long that he has started to eat them just so he could survive. Survive Until the day when he comes out of this hell, where he will meet that bastard and Kill-
No, he won't kill him. He would slowly Shock him, making him scream in pain. Enel has plans, plans that involve Frying Rai's Nerves, Blinding him, ripping apart his muscles, burning him, making him deaf, and so on. he has made many plans, which he will implement-
HE WILL IMPLEMENT, EVEN IF IT IS THE LAST THING HE WILL DO! It doesn't matter if Endless Varth exists, he will Kill him. that's his goal. that's his Motive. that's his reason to live, that's his-
Enel takes a deep breath, calming himself down. He knows there is no use being angry right now, he will wait for his chance, bid his time until then. He has made preparations, and he is gonna execute it. Enel flies to the nearest Island, deciding to Destroy it after looting everything that it contains.
Until then, Enel decides to check his progress.
"huh?" I turned around, not understanding why I got a foreboding feeling all of a sudden, and it went in the same second. weird. I look back at Nami, who is giving me a blank stare while I ask her to repeat what she said to me.
"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Nami sighs, annoyed at having to repeat the question once more.
"we are reaching the Island, you know something about it?" I turn to look at the silhouette of the island coming towards us, and I shrug.
"I don't know. Now Normally After Jaya, we would have reached Water 7, but Sky Island Kinda ruined my sense of directions, so I am not sure what island we are on UNTIL we reach there." I walked away from her while hearing her sigh in disappointment.
"Hey Big Bro?" I turn to look over to Aisa, who has taken to calling me Big bro. i don't know WHY, but imma just roll with it.
"Sup?" He turns to look at the corner of the Island we are approaching, and she looks confused.
"uh, there are people that way!" She points to the Corner of the island. I look at her confused, why is she even telling us about that?
"okay? so?" She looked at me, her confusion turned into concern. i look back at the place she pointed to, and My Range of Observation isn't that high yet. Something I have noticed with Aisa is that it has a range that Encompasses an entire island.
and somehow, her Observation Haki allows her To " Hear the voices" of everyone around her. meaning, she can literally hear conversations, something that is not possible for Normal OBservation Haki users, Unless she has Ad-
"Weight Anchor." Zoro exclaims, dropping the Ship's anchor when we reach the island. I look at him, and nod. Luffy, Usopp, and Bentham all jump off, running towards the island. Nami tells them to stop, but they don't. I look towards Wyper, who notices my look and glares at me.
i continue my stare, which eventually makes him relent, jumping off the ship and using his Skaters to follow the kid trio.
"This island is too plain." Sanji comments, trying to make us leave this island. He needs some women to look at, and while Looking at nami and Robin all day is the best thing to happen to him, he needs more women in his life.
"Hmm, Yeah-" i try to remember if there was a place like this that was specified in Canon or in movies, but my mind comes up blank. I feel my pants tugging, and look down at Aisa holding my pants, looking behind us.
"B-Big Bro, The People-" Before Aisa could complete the sentence, a metal clanking sound is heard, and to both the sides of Merry, a Cat-Like giant arm extends, grabbing onto the land and blocking our Path.
"Hehehe! Gotcha. Now, we wait until your captain accepts the Davy back Fight!" A scrawny Man speaks up in front of a HUGE amount of people. He looks down on us, and I feel like I have seen him before. but the words catch my interest-
"This is the "people" right?" I ask Aisa for Confirmation, and she nods in fear. I look back at the dude, noticing his name, Itomimizu.Itomimizu is a scrawny man with very distinct facial features. He has a round, pink nose, no chin and a broad mouth that makes up most of his face.He wears a purple shirt, yellow gloves, light-yellow trousers, black boots and a striped toque covering his face down to his nose. It has holes for the eyes.
"Davy back fight?" Robin speaks up, asking for confirmation. A woman with wavy Red hair nods with a smug grin.
"Yeah, the same." The woman's name is Gina. Gina is a normal sized, attractive woman with short, wavy red hair reaching down to her neck. She also wears the same mask as Itomimizu and a dark colored shirt with straps over the shoulders and short shorts with a belt, and long gloves.
not only her and Itomimizu, but all the members visible have similar masks. These clown-looking people are the Foxy Pirates, and it seems we are in Long Ring Long Land. that means-
"What is Davy Back Fight?" Chopper, who doesn't know much about anything Pirate related, asks Curiously. I notice that he isn't panicking. not only him, but even Usopp isn't hiding himself inside the ship, though his legs are shaking.
"Davy Back Fight is a Pirate Game with the intention of Taking other Crew's members to bolster their own." Zoro speaks up, causing Chopper to snap his head back to Zoro in horror.
"this is a game that has started from the Pirate Island, and where the crew's Captains Decide on whom to recruit from the other Crew." Sanji exhales the smoke from his cigarette.
"This Game is played by many crews who are in desperate need of Crew Members for their Ship." Robin Smiles while talking to Chopper, which freaks not only him, but also Usopp.
"B-But if we don't accept the fight, then we don't need to play the game right?" Usopp tries to be optimistic, but I crush his hopes and dreams and shit.
"Well, it doesn't matter what the crew wants, if the captain accepts the fight, then the crew HAS to play the game, no objections." Usopp falls down to the ground in tears, knowing that Luffy is the person who will Accept this fight, since he only sees it as a fun game.
"Aww, are you guys giving up BEFORE we even fought?" a fatass man with a gray mustache laughs, his stomach shaking with the movement. the dudes name is Kibagare, who He is dressed in elaborate pira-
"Hey, since you are part of this crew, it means You LOST right? so, shut up fatass bitch!" i raise my middle finger at him, causing him to go red in embarrassment and Anger, while his crewmates laugh at him.
The Strawhat Pirates and The Foxy Pirates are in a Davy Back Fight, where each crew has a chance to get new team-mates. win the Competition.
Rewards:- 1,000,000,000 EXP, SKILL BOOK <TACTICAL USAGE> , Beris - 100,000,000
the sound of gunfire is heard, and the entire Foxy Pirates start celebrating. They land on the Island, opening stalls and other varieties that are somewhat interesting. The Bang Sound indicated that Luffy has accepted the challenge.
"YOU DUMBASS!! AT LEAST THINK BEFORE DECIDING ANYTHING!" Nami slams her fist in Luffy's head, with Conqueror's Coating being subconsciously used. Luffy hits the ground in pain, holding his head.
"OW!OW!OW" he tries to rub the area where the impact was, while Nami huffs. I honestly thought she was gonna beat the absolute living shit out of Luffy, but it seems she only did it once. Hey, character development.
"Did you think before you decided to go along with this farce? Do you even know WHAT Davy Back Fight is?" Usopp grabs his head in annoyance and fear, hyping himself up thinking that if they Lose, He is the one who is gonna be chosen first.
"Yeah, it is a game where whoever wins gets a crewmate from the opponent." Luffy smiles like there is no reason to be afraid at all. Nami tries to smack him once again, but she holds herself, breathing out air and trying to calm herself.
"What if we lose?" Chopper, while has had much character development and has matured somewhat, still has the same core as the Canon Chopper, a childish dude who is fearful.
"Well, We Just don't have to Lose then." Luffy gives a confident grin, making Zoro smirk. While everyone gets some kind of confidence, I audibly sigh, knowing that the train of thought that Luffy has is stupid and kinda dangerous.
"We thought the same with Zephyr, but we know how that turned out!" It seems that Luffy has some kind of social cues, since he is able to pick up on my sarcasm and his grin falls.
"....nevermind, i'll figure something out!" Honestly, I cannot see Luffy NOT smiling, it's weird. Luffy's smile comes back up, and he gets up and pats my back.
" I know you will, that's why I accepted this fight!" I look at him amused while Usopp looks gobsmacked at Luffy's response. I decided to not comment on it, as it is amusing to See Luffy 'lying' Like Usopp. I notice from the Corner of my eye, three people walking towards us, so me and the entire crew turn to them.
"Fefefefe! Well, let's commerce the Games shall we?" Foxy of the Foxy Pirates speaks up. Foxy is a tall albeit stout man with skinny arms and legs. He has an almost cleft lip-like mouth and a unique hairstyle, with his hair split into two spikes pointing upwards. He has thick, triangular eyebrows, and is almost always seen grinning. His nose is also colored red, and it is long, similar to Usopp.
"Shesheshe! It's Commence Captain, Not Commerce." a huge gorilla-like human Named Hamburg speaks up.
"Ugh! My Language isn't Proper!" Foxy falls to the ground, depressed. a slender Woman puts her hand on His shoulder, and seeing this, Sanji's eyes turn into Hearts.
"Hey Hamburg, Don't insult Cap'n Like that!" Porsche is a slender young woman with dark blue hair, blue eyes, and a long pointed nose. She is seen wearing a pink jumpsuit with extremely puffed pant legs, which is unzipped on the top to reveal a bikini top beneath it. She rubs Foxy's shoulders, trying to console him.
"Hell Yeah, Bring it on!" While Luffy himself is weirded out by what is going on, he ignores it and accepts the challenge. Foxy, Hearing this gets me excited and confident. He starts speaking.
"The First challenge is the Donut Race which is a race where three team members from each crew are given construction materials and must use them to build their own boat." He starts walking towards the Ocean, making us follow him.
"Each team then uses their boat to go one lap around the island and the first to reach the finish line wins. easy right?" He turns to us, expecting us to agree with him, but I raise a question.
"where will we even get Materials From?" I raise my eyebrow, and it seems the gorilla found it funny, as he starts laughing.
"Of course we will be the ones who will supply the materials you dummy." He continues laughing, while I continue to give him the raised eyebrow. He stops laughing, seeing me look at him like he is an idiot.
"And what guarantee do I have that the resources which will be provided are usable?...Dummy!" i sarcastically ask him this question, making Foxy laugh-
before covering his mouth while the Monkey looks embarrassed.
"We will use our own resources, as there is no guarantee that you will NOT try to sabotage our Materials." I walk ahead, making the rest of the crew have a smug grin on their face as they follow me. Foxy looks at our back, mumbling to himself.
"He is smart, maybe him?" I can literally hear you dumbass.
We finally reached the shore, and decided on which team would be chosen to go. Luffy wants to participate, but i deny it as there is a possibility that the Ship might sink, and he is not a possibility. Foxy approaches us when we are discussing-
"Since you guys are Newbies, I will give you guys a generous advantage. you guys can use your entire crew to participate instead of only three people. BUT, a team needs three people, so one of you would be All Alon-"
"Oh thank you for butting into our conversation after eavesdropping about it and giving us information that doesn't change anything. you are so Generous!" my sarcasm hits the peak, to the point that even Luffy Winces with the burn that i have inflicted onto Foxy.
Foxy collapses to the ground in despair, while we continue discussing.
The Crew divides itself into three teams, Team 1 is Nami, Robin and Aisa. This team has Nami as the navigator, Aisa as the enemy detector, and Robin as the Counter.
Team 2 is Bentham, Luffy and Zoro. Zoro is the mechanic, Luffy is the fighter and Bentham is the navigator. Honestly, this team is built for failure.
Team 3 is Wyper for the Shipwright, Sanji for the Navigation and Usopp for the attacks.
I decided to not participate, and when asked why, I simply said that I need to think about what we need to do AFTER we win. All of them accept it, so I walk to the stalls, buy a straw hat along with a relaxing chair, put it near the race, and sleep, with the straw hat covering my face.
The reason I gave the crew was only half right, as I am sitting to think about Someone we are gonna meet, not about whom to choose after we won the Davy Back Fight. The person whom we are gonna meet next is-
Kuzan, the Admiral who Has Ice Powers. otherwise known as Aokiji. Kuzan is the reason why Robin became Suicidal enough to risk her life and give herself up to CP9. But this time, there is no need for it, since I have given her the will to continue....I hope.
but still, it is better to have contingencies rather than going in blind. While brainstorming, I use my Skill <PARALLEL BRAIN> to monitor the Game with my Observation Haki.
Team 2 Easily goes out of the Game, With Zoro and Luffy being distracted by a stall, while Bentham gets distracted by a group of Dancers.
Team 3 is still in the Game even though Sanji is extremely distracted due to beautiful Women. Wyper and Usopp pick up the slack.
Team 1 is the perfect team, with Nami's navigation skills, they are easily able to move around the whirlpools. Aisa keeps predicting all the attacks that they will suffer,causing Robin to put an end to it and even Sink a few boats.
eventually, during the last hurdle. Foxy puts his finger in a weird Motion-
and gets slammed into the ground by me, stopping him from Using His devil fruit powers on the team. Everyone surrounding us is shocked, but I just get up and walk back to my seat, sitting like nothing happened.
"...Uhh? Team Women Wins!?" Itomimizu exclaims in surprise and in confusion. The Gorilla looks angry, turning to me with accusations in his tone.
"Captain Foxy, are you okay?" Gina tries to Lift Foxy up, but he stands up by himself almost instantly. He looks angry, but is calm enough to not throw accusations at me.
"Why did you do that?" I raised my eyebrow at him, like the question he asked was stupid. This look makes him even angrier, but I answer anyway.
"why shouldn't I? I am not a participant of this round similar to you. so, if you do unnecessary things, so can I!" I shrug at him, making him realize that I know what he was trying to do.
"Y-You have no Proof!" At first he shutters, but his confidence comes back. i raise my eyebrows once more, making him realize that-
"What Proof? When did I ever accuse you of something? all i said was that you did something 'Unnecessary', i never said what you did." he tries to answer, but i speak over him.
"I never said that you tried to use your Devil fruit powers, which allow you to slow other people down, to slow my crew mates long enough for your mates to pass them. Did I ever accuse you like that?" I turn my head with a smile, causing Foxy to tremble in horror, understanding that I know exactly what he did.
" I didn't say anything like that. so, you continue doing your Unnecessary things, while I will do more 'unnecessary' things to stop your 'unnecessary' things." With that, I turn around and walk back to my Chair, Sitting on it and waiting for the team to arrive.
The team arrives a little bit later, all in conversation. when they notice me, Luffy rushes to me and explains what is going on.
"So, Who to choose?" Everyone looks at me, and I turn to look at the dejected Foxy Pirates. I try to think of whom to add, since Luffy in the canon did take the flag, which isn't a problem here. but we still have to play the remaining two rounds, so we NEED to pick Someone-
Oh, yeah. I could use 'HIM'.
I get up from my seat, whispering the choice to Luffy, who looks disgusted.
"Really, 'HIM'?" He turns to look at the person, and 'He' stutters, realizing what the decision is gonna be. Luffy looks back at me, and I nod. He turns to others, and while they are not happy about this (Especially Sanji) they all Nod.
"Fine, we have our decisions." All of us come to stand behind Luffy, who stares at Foxy's crew.
"w-well, you DID win after all. so, who are you gonna choose? Gina? She is a Shipwright, something you guys do need. you want Big Pan, he is a Wonton, a Hybrid between Giants and Fishmen. that's-"
"The Crewmate We want is- YOU Foxy!-"
this chapter sets something up for the future,'s gonna be electic when it happens, so watch out for that.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
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