Zhang Mengyao was leading the force into Burma, and they entered Burma successfully. There were a few local factions, and she succeeded in assimilating the local factions into the Tang Empire without a fight. Half of Burma was under the Tang Empire's control, but they had yet to encounter the Shiva Federation which was part of the World Government. Currently, half of his force was taking the territory infested by the zombies before the zombie could form a kingdom or their own faction like before while a part of her force entered the Survival Game.
The Tang Empire stopped its expansion for the time being until the seven Survival Games were over. Meanwhile, TEID was working on scouting, scouting the territory ahead of them. Without Lu An at the helm, the scouting work became a little bit slower. Not because the people in TEID were slow, but because usually, Lu An would usually volunteer himself to do the job which made scouting faster.
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