Queen Cecilia was confused. Why did her maid panic when it was just Tang Shaoyang coming for her? It was not like he came with the intention to kill her. Her maid was so scared that her hand was cold and sweaty. That proved her maid was not pulling her prank on her. It was not like her maid dared to pull a prank on a Queen.
However, she soon understood why her maid was so panicked. Her heart almost almost jumped out when sixteen pairs of eyes looked at her. That was right, there was an eight-headed dragon in front of her main quarter. When their gazes locked, her legs went weak and fell.
But someone caught her before she fell to the ground with her oversized armor.
"Are you okay? You are fine. The dragon is friendly," Zhang Mengyao grinned ear to ear.
The moment she said that Tang Shaoyang breathed black fire into the sky. He was pulling a prank on her and also the soldiers who gathered outside.
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