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4.33% Angel's Song: Requiem of the Dreams / Chapter 13: Cantansoa II

Chương 13: Cantansoa II

Snow let the drink course through her body, allowing the warmth spread. It was a short, stressful event making her drink her emotions away. She knew that it wasn't right for her to drink so quickly, but she didn't care.

Three more was drunk in thirty minutes, eventually realizing that she had forgotten that there was something that she needed to do. Clear the phone of her ID.

She saw at the corner of her eyes, Mr. Jay's phone. Heather was busy talking with Mr. Jay. Quickly, she walked over and snatched the phone off the edge of the table as she sat down. Undercover on the table, she unlocked the phone. Which was simple, because his password has always been the same.

She imputed her magic into the phone, almost frying the core. With a furrowed brow, she controlled her magic to destroy any messages that led to her. It wasn't a natural magic to do, mostly because she just didn't understand all the advanced magic in tech at all. The most she could do was trace and delete everything that had to do with her name.

Searching, she didn't find the recent call. Confused, she kept looking. Nothing.

Still, it didn't take long for her to clean out any other worrisome connections to her, but she felt like she might have deleted some other vital files from Mr. Jay's phone. All she could do was pray that it wasn't too important as she slipped it back on the table as if nothing has happened.

Standing up, she walked over to Mr. Jay.

"Mr. Jay." Snow interrupted Mr. Jay jokes, who was telling the others. He stopped and frowned that she had suspended him. "Do you remember Dairen?"


"Yes, the man who accidentally came in the store and saw the dead chupacabra."

"No. I do not remember anyone telling me this." Mr. Jay stated thoughtfully; she could tell that he wasn't lying. "When did this happen?"

Snow glanced over towards Heather, wondering why she didn't tell him. She was sure that Mr. Jay knew what happened, but from the looks of it, he didn't, which made her confused.

"I thought you knew, isn't that why you called me here?"

"I called you?" Mr. Jay was even more flabbergasted at what he had heard from Snow. I never did such a thing. I assumed you came here to have fun."

Snow expression changed to complete disbelief. The only thought that came to mind was that he had amnesia, but the question was how.

Mr. Rogers spoke, looking from Snow to Mr. Jay. He then realized the contradictory confusion that each person had. "We found him knocked out in one of the rooms. He's actually in a mild concussion, so all his memory isn't intact. The Magical police couldn't extract his memory on what truly went on until his memory comes back to him naturally. We don't want Mr. Jay to have permanent brain damage, do we?"

"No…." Snow wasn't sure now if she should push the subject of Dairen as of this moment. She could tell that Mr. Jay was truthfully trying to recall the conversation, but she could tell that he had a mild headache."

"Neverminded, Mr. Jay. We will come back to this subject when your head is healed though I suggest you decrease your alcohol consumption. It will hinder your healing process." She spoke strictly like a school teacher, catching them all off guard.

"Don't worry about it, Snow. I'll remember it eventually." Mr. Jay waved his hand in front of him. "We will take care of this, Dairen fella sometimes later." He didn't seem to care about Dairen, which greatly boggled Snow's mind.

Was he Mr. Jay? He wasn't the type to push things later. It was almost as if he was a different person, making Snow very weary.

Still, she didn't push the issue. Her mind was too frazzled to make any complex thoughts.

Well, I'll go and enjoy my night." Snow stood up, taking a half-full cup with her. She weasels through till she got out into the 1st floor, slowly walking as she was watching the people around her.

The energetic atmosphere was completely different from her peaceful life, making her blood boil in excitement. As she walked downstairs, eventually making her way to the dance floor.

Snow was greeted by a brown-eyed hottie, wearing a clean-cut suit. His curly hair came down to his eyes as he hungrily stared at Snow with great interest. He slinks his hand around her waist, while the other held a drink, as he started to dance with her. She didn't care as she enjoyed the crisp song that rang clearly through her mind and heated into her body.

Her hips swing side to side as her arms rested on his shoulder. She closed her eyes, moving to the beat, enjoying the blaring music. She knew she was slightly tipsy, but she didn't mind. Instead, she took advantage of the elated freedom that it gave her and freely expressed herself dancing.

Her moves were graceful but striking. Sexy but not outright disgusting where she threw herself on the man but gently moved through the floor without stepping on anyone.

When she opened up her eyes, what stared back at her was Andy. He was smiling at her with interest.

Her eyes widen at the sudden change of partners, catching her off guard as she stumbled backward. Her foot slipped, causing Andy to quickly reach out towards her as he harshly drew her in his arms. A strong smell of cologne wafted through her nose, but it wasn't to the point where it overwhelmed her. Instead, it was subtle but strong. A memorable scent of a man that she couldn't easily forget even if she wanted to it lung to her clothes.

A brilliant smile appeared on Andy's lips, causing her to stare back directly into his eyes. Something about him attracted her; the deep gaze had a hint of mischief, but at the same time, a mysterious pool of energy that all wizards had. She could feel the alluring power of magic slowly surrounding him, almost deliciously appealing.

Snow had a natural affinity to sense out magic, the stronger and more powerful they were, the more attracted to the magical energy that they gave either it be man or woman. She didn't know why, but she enjoyed sitting next to their presence and just feel the magical ripples of energy their body gave off. Naturally, Heather was one of the rare powerful few that gave off a sweet but strong fixation of energy that reminded her of the sea.

Andy, on the other hand, was mysterious and heavy with fire energy. There was a different hidden energy; she couldn't quite sense that he naturally gave off.

"Your quite beautiful," Andy whispered into his ears. A strange shock of energy coarse down her spin.

It was as if a douse of cold water woke her up; her eyes suddenly swirled golden with energy. Magical power seeped out and around her, softly but firmly wrapping around her.

Every beat of the music pulsed out a wave of energy that swirled around her like a coat, and Andy was quite surprised that she was giving off a powerful but seductive power.

The more he got closer to her; his hidden energy would spike, matching with hers, exciting her.

His energy was intoxicating her senses and numbing her mind. She wrapped her hands around his neck, licking her lips as her eyes glowed gold. The only thought she had was one: prey.

With a gentle smile that caught Andy off guard, she pulled back her arms and moved him along the crowded floor in a dazed dance. She then pushed him onto the nearest chair, staring at him as if he was a meal.

"Snow?" Andy was elated at the sudden forceful push that Snow was giving, exciting him.

Snow mind buzzed and became empty, her hand gently caressed his cheeks, giving off an electrifying feeling. Andy glanced up, his eyes hungry as he stared at her rosy lips.

It was as if the world slowed down, and the blaring beat of the music was all Snow could hear, pounding in her mind. She straddled him, leaning forward as her black hair slipped ahead.

Hungrily, she leaned forward, giving him a soft kiss that he had accepted graciously. He didn't hold back, his hand reached behind her, pulling her in.

Static like heat coarse through her lip. She could feel the power of hers and Andy's entangling together, clashing as if they were at war. When her power spiked, Andy retaliated in response to match up against her ability to not get overwhelmed.

The more she pushed, the more she felt the mysterious energy stir, causing a spark of red to abrupt around them. Ordinary people couldn't see, but the others who felt the burst of energy stepped back, wary of the two.

The kiss was sweet and poisonous; she could feel his energy around her becoming more robust.

Suddenly, at that moment, she felt the energy she was looking for.

Destroy! Her mind commanded as if a higher power invaded her thoughts. Eyes widen in commitment to the voice, she pulled back and stared.

At that moment, she felt a hint of darkness as his eyes glowed flickered red like fire. She smelled the smell of death as the image of the battlefield exploded in her mind.

She scanned around, noticing that the whole area was littered with the bodies of the customers. Each one sucked dry of their vitality, looking like a mummy.

Suddenly, the soft use of a man whistling the melody she knew well, cut through the room, haunting the scene before her. When her gaze eventually came back to Andy, she saw him dead. His skin clammy and dry, eyeballs were popping out of his head as she saw only skin and bones.

In alarm, she jumped off his lap in horror. A soft click clop sound of shoes walking from behind her could be heard, coming closer. She felt arms wrapped around her from behind as she felt a firm grip that kept her in place.

Her body screams, telling her to fight, she knew whoever this man was dangerous, but her body would not listen to her. It was as if she was frozen in place by a paralysis magic.

"Hello, sweetheart." The man's voice spoke with a pleasant deep alluring voice. "We meet again." He chuckled, teasing her.

"Who are you?" She spoke, struggling to free herself.

"Your other half." A sinister laugh erupted from his throat.

Alarmed, she willed her magic. Golden energy swirled in her palm, and she felt the significant fluctuation of power that her body gave off, allowing herself to break away and throw the man over her shoulder and fall flat on his back.

She glanced down and noticed that he was the masked man that she met in the apartment. He was unmoving as if he was dead. Even still, she didn't back down, knowing full well that he wasn't dead at all.

Without further thought, her hand glowed with golden energy. She punched downwards towards the mask man face in hopes to destroy him in one hit.

As if it were an illusion, he disappeared. Snow hit nothing but the floor, spider cracking it around her fist as power erratically sparked off her fist.

She saw him appear beside her. Her legs twirled around her in a roundhouse kick, knocking him across the face and breaking a small portion of his mask.

Her body exploded forward, fighting towards him in a chain of hits and kicks. The masked man had one hand on his mask, stopping from falling off. While his other arm and leg fended off Snow's flurry of attack.

He dodged under her kick, sweeping his leg to trip her. Succeeding, Snow fell sideways; her arm flared out using her arms to support her fall. She did a perfect flare that knocked the man backward. This gave her a chance to get back up and eventually allowing her to attack again.

Boost of power increases her speed and even her strength. Each snap of her arms or a kick, strong wind followed after creating a short burst of a shockwave.

Luckily, the man danced away before he could get hit again. He wasn't going to allow Snow to land a hit as he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Quite beautiful." The masked man chuckled, "it would be a pleasure to meet you in person the next time we meet." His voice chuckled as an evil laugh echoed around the room.

Snow wearily stared around her, trying to find the source, but couldn't. Her body was tensed, knowing full well that she was ready to fight her way out. Her mind was numb, and her power fluctuated in response. The world around her started to shimmer, eventually breaking apart.

"Snow?!" A familiar voice called out to her, bringing back her focus. The energy around her was dominant, with steady static electricity protectively sparking around her.

When she opened her eyes, she noticed that people around her were pushed back as silence followed after. People were staring at her in dazed as if they were in a trance.

Looking around, she saw two people on the ground, as well as a large indentation of a fist, was present cracking the floor.

Blood was apparent on their heads, but what Snow noticed from the two men that were on the floor was that their face and form was distorted into a monster.

It was an ugly creature; Snow instantly knew they were Umps. Their blue skin, and small horn that protruded out of their forehead.

She knew these types of Umps were part of the demonic creatures that influenced dreams and illusions. For them to be two, she realized she was caught up in the illusion that they have made.

Snow wondered who was the one to kill the Umps and help get her out of the dream. She glanced around but was abruptly stopped.

"Snow?!" Dairen voice cut through her frazzled mind, this time bringing her attention back to him.

She noticed that he was wearing a black suit. His glass was gone, bringing out his soft features, even more, surprising her. He looked like a completely different person. For a moment, she thought it wasn't him at all.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern. Coming up to her, who was still trying to make heads or tails of what was going on, was Dairen.

"Yes…." She softly spoke, but second, later, she replied with a firmer tone of voice. She felt the wave of golden energy sweep through her body, giving her the confidence that she needed.

In that short encounter against the killer, her whole mindset slowly but surely changed. She knew she could not ignore the powerful call of her power as well as run away from the danger that seemed to follow her. Instead, she felt the need to confront him and destroy him.

It was a strange feeling that she had never felt before, almost seductively delicious. Skirting on the edge of life and death allowed her to pull out her powers that she usually never used.

Dairen was taken aback from her firm response, but this did not make him flee. Instead, he took a step forward and reached towards her to snap her out of her power lust. Before he could touch her, another hand snapped out to stop him.

Andy frowned, realizing what Dairen was trying to do. He was standing not too far away from watching her play with her newfound power.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Andy spoke disapproving Dairen sudden entrance. He gave Andy the cold shoulder, telling him that someone like him had no place to be touching a magical being was awakening into their power mostly because he could sense that Dairen was not normal.

"Let go." Dairen glared, smacking his hand out of Andy's hand.

Andy snorted, looking at Dairen as if he was nothing. Both of them sized up each other, but their attention was pulled back to Snow, who let out another flare of energy, eventually simmering down and disappearing.

She then walked over carefully to the Umps on the ground, gently nudging them to check if they were still alive. One of them shuddered and let out a ghastly last breath. Instantly, she knew it was dead.

"What happened?" Snow asked, unsure how the two died.

To answer Snow's question, Andy gave her a pleased expression. "You killed them. Both."

The words startled Snow, ultimately taking her off guard. "Wait, I did?" She glanced over her shoulder towards his direction.

"Yes," he nodded. "It seems they were siphoning off of quite a bit of other people's dreams in their awakened state."

"That doesn't explain how I did it?"

"Simple." Mr. Roger came over as he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket. He waved his hand for the guards to go in and clean up the mess.

Quite a few of his people rushed over, picking up the dead bodies and hustling them away. He then gazed around and frowned.

"I always hated cleaning up after." With a snap of his fingers, magic caused all the Sleepers human momentarily blank out. They stood there in place, unloving. "It seems you have fully awakened your powers."

"Me? Fully awakened?" Snow was stumped. She did here about such things happening, and they were mostly awakened, humans.

"Yes, From my understanding, your bloodline of controlling and harvesting light energy. Which those two Umps got the full brunt force of it." He chuckled.

Snow was lost. She knew that she naturally could control light magic.

"Starting from today, you should slowly start to be able to use your energy much more easily. As days go by, you will eventually be able to use a full portion of your power without too much of a backlash. With a little bit of training, you should be able to control it better." With another snap of the finger, the Sleepers humans were shuffled away to be seated. "You are a child of the light, which would make sense why your ability to use such powerful light magic. I wouldn't be surprised if your mind starts to be taken over by the higher power momentarily to do some task on an earthly realm."

"So, you're saying I got possessed."

"In a way….." Mr. Roger thought it over then shook his head. "Yes. There have been cases of possession, but if I understand your people's makeup, it goes in two ways. First is through hosting their powers and your sanity intact, and the second is a full-on possession in a dire situation, and the looks of it, something must have triggered in your dream to cause such a reaction."

He examined her for a moment; then he walked over towards the spot where the two Umps were dead a moment ago and keeled down. Magic formed around his fingertips, he motioned with his hand, and an image was shown before everyone.

The two Umps were lurking around selling drugs to the Sleepers people, causing them to hallucinate and even have awakened dreams. The people that they would target, they would slink up to them as they siphoned off their energy as of it was a special feast.

Mr. Rogers reminded the back of the image further to the point where he saw the Umps slip in the drug in one of the three drinks that were brought over towards their table. Unluckily, Snow was the one who down the alcohol without realizing the effects that it was doing to her.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Snow." Mr. Rogers said in a clear upset voice when he found the drug slip in her drink.

"I should have taken more care of your drinks. Luckily, those Awakened Dream hallucinogens would wear off in an hour, and you would be fine. It's not like the drugs that the Sleepers humans conjure that becomes addictive. It's an Imp specialty."

"I didn't know that." Snow replied. She could feel the effect going away as she started to come back ultimately to her senses.

"Once again, I'm truly sorry for such a thing to happen under my roof." He whisked the image away and walked over towards her. Snow could tell that he was genuinely regretful of what had happened here. He conjured up two small pills. One was brown, and the other reminded her of obsidian from the way it glimmered. "Please, my gift."

Snow stared at the pills that he was giving to her; she then glanced up, unsure what it was. The thought of having another drug in her body wasn't something she was keen on.

"Don't worry. The brown one is a cleansing pill. It will detox your whole body taking away any poison and any accumulated past harmful substances to the bones. Though the downside is…., you will be using the bathroom quite a bit for the next three hours. The medicine doesn't take effect until an hour or two later."

Snow reached over and took them both.

"The second pill is called the Black Dragon pill."

When the others heard what Mr. Rogers said, they gasped.

"Black dragon pill?" She wasn't familiar with all these different types of medicine.

"Yes, it will drastically improve your power. A one of a kind."

The others looked towards her in envy, wanting it for themselves.

"I suggest to eat both of them now in front of me." Mr. Rogers spoke with a bit of commanding tone. "The moment you step out the door with those two pills, not eaten…..I can not guarantee your safety."

Alarmed, Snow didn't expect these two pills to cause such a ruckus. Without overthinking about it, she did what Mr. Rogers suggested. There was no way she was going to waste Mr. Rogers' goodwill to give her something so expensive and get it stolen. Plus, putting her life in danger for them wasn't something she wanted to do at this moment.

"Good." Mr. Rogers smiled pleased that Snow took the pill without hesitation. He then stood up, straighter, and glanced around. "It's time to get rid of their memories." He chuckled, and with a snap of his fingers, a powerful energy escaped from his fingers and rippled outwards. A soft, warm feeling followed right after, telling me that Mr. Roger's used a powerful spell.

The Sleepers, who were all in a daze, woke up as if nothing was wrong. The once-bustling sound of music was back to normal.

Satisfied, he turned towards his group and stopped. He noticed Dairen still standing there quietly, watching them. Mr. Rogers was caught off guard to see Dairen unphased by his magic that the joyful expression that he usually had turned into a frown. The others quickly caught on to what Mr. Rogers was staring at and was also surprised to see Dairen unphased.

next chapter
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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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