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100% Am I Deadpool??? / Chapter 25: Stryker Strike back!

Chương 25: Stryker Strike back!

The roar of Logan's Harley echoed through the gates of the Xavier Mansion as he and Marie rolled in, cutting through the quiet like a knife. The mansion loomed in the distance, its peaceful façade a stark contrast to the storm of thoughts raging in Logan's mind.

Alkali Lake had been a bust. No answers. Just more questions. His head felt heavy, weighed down by memories—or lack thereof. He needed a drink. Something strong enough to burn away the frustration.

"Looks the same as we left it," Marie said, her voice soft as the wind whipped past them. She pulled off her helmet, tossing her hair back with a small sigh. "Guess the kids didn't burn it down after all."

Logan snorted. "Not yet, anyway."

They came to a stop, the Harley's rumble fading into silence as Logan cut the engine. Marie hopped off, smoothing down her jacket. "Wonder how the others handle Wade's antics. This is the first time we left him alone without one of us in the mansion, y'know?"

Logan shrugged. "They got Storm and Chucks, and Wade at least respected and listened to them. Hank also planning on coming back I heard. Beside how bad could it be?"

Famous last words.

As they made their way up the stairs, the door to the mansion burst open with a loud crash, and there stood Wade—looking like he'd just stepped out of a post-apocalyptic survival movie. His hair was sticking up in every direction, his eyes wide with manic energy, and his clothes looked like he'd been gearing up for a battlefield. Behind him is his siblings, also dressed exactly like post-apocalyptic survival movie but with more padded protection than Wade.

"Momma! Pops! You're back!" Wade practically screamed, flailing his arms as he hurried toward them. "Perfect timing! I've been preparing for war—like, full-on 'Stryker's-about-to-kick-down-the-door' kinda war. Are you guys ready? 'Cause I'm ready. Totally ready. We've got maybe, like, ten minutes before the attack happens, so—"

"Whoa, kid, slow down," Logan cut him off, holding up a hand. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Wade's been in 'battle mode' since we got back from the museum," Peter's voice came from behind, sounding both exasperated and worried. The tall Russian mutant appeared in the doorway, Bobby and Pyro trailing behind him. "We've tried calming him down, but, well... it's Wade."

Wade's eyes darted between them, barely registering Bobby's words. "Calm? Calm? Iceman, calm is for people who don't know the stakes! Stryker's gonna show up any minute, and we're all gonna get abducted again, and I refuse to let that happen! Not on my watch! I've already started setting up booby traps!"

"Booby traps?" Marie asked, raising an eyebrow as she glanced at Logan, who just looked annoyed.

"Yeah!" Wade beamed, completely ignoring the incredulous looks. "You know, like in Home Alone. Or Predator. If you prefer the deadlier one! Don't worry! It is definitely kid-friendly tho! No kid will be harmed! Trust me! It's only to gonna held them up for a while, before me and Dad gonna chop them away!"

Logan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Kid, No one comin' tonight. You're jumpin' at shadows. It's your PTSD actin' up again—same as last year, and the year before that."

"Wanna bet?" Wade shot back, defiant as ever. "If I'm right, you're joining my new boy band. You, me, Ken, Peter, Pyro, and Bobby. I have a feeling we're gonna be bigger than *NSYNC. We got all women of any age as our target audiences!"

Logan blinked, his face blank for a second before he groaned. "A boy band? Really?"

"Wait, what? You never told us we are forming a boy band!" Bobby's eyes widened as he glanced at Pyro, who just stared, dumbfounded. Peter let out a long-suffering sigh—he'd clearly been through this kind of Wade-brand chaos before.

Logan crossed his arms, half-amused, half-intrigued. "And what do I get if you're wrong?"

Wade leaned in like he was about to reveal some kind of world-shattering secret. "I'll tell you where Chuck and Cyke hide their booze stash in the mansion."

"Deal" Logan stuck out his hand, and Wade shook it with a dramatic flourish.

"Hey! Hey!" Bobby cut in, waving his hands. "We never signed up for this!"

Wade waved him off like it was the least important part of the conversation. "Well, We are now! I originally calling it The Bea's Boys or The Hughjackeds but we've got the Wolverine now, so we're calling it The Wolverine and the Cubs! Or maybe The X-Force? We'll think on the name later! We're gonna make millions off teenage girls and middle-aged women! We gonna be rich!"

"Hold on, you can't just—" Pyro started to protest, but Wade was already on a roll as he said something about beating the record and everything. His kid really is something, Logan chuckled quietly. Boyband huh? That's new. Well, whatever, he gonna win anyway.

Bobby stared, speechless, but Marie—who'd been quietly observing—finally chimed in, her Southern drawl tinged with amusement. "You know, if the kid's right and something does show up, that means you gotta sing and dance, Sugar. Kinda makes me wanna believe Wade just to see that."

Logan shot her a look, his face deadpan. "Not helpin', Marie. Beside, no one show up last year orlike the year before that when we actually take it seriously,"

She just smirked, clearly enjoying herself. Goddammit, woman.

Before Logan could respond at his wife cheekiness, the front door opened, and in walked Jean and Storm, in their X-Men suit—the new one that Wade designed for them since they grew tired of the leather ones—looking surprised to see them already home. Jean raised an eyebrow. "Logan, Rogue? Didn't expect to see you two back so soon."

Logan shrugged. "The professor's lead about our past was a bust. Figured we'd head back early. What about you?"

Storm nodded, glancing between Logan and Marie. "We are on our way to track the attacker from the White House incident this morning."

"Yeah, We've seen the news... Do ya think it was Magneto and his brotherhood?" Rogue asked.

Jean shakes her head, "Its a possibilities, but we not sure yet... Just be ready after we get back from tracking the attacker,"

She and Storm then excused themselves to get ready for the blackbird.

Just then, Scott appeared, looking as serious as ever. "Good to see you back early. We need all hands on the deck tonight."

Logan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I need a drink first. You want one, Darlin'?"

Scott rolled his eyes. "You're both gonna need it. Wade's been behaving relatively well—until the White House incident hit the news. Now, he's been on edge, convinced we're all useless, and he's refusing to let us go after the culprit tonight. Saying we need all hand on deck or something tonight. Just like last year."

Logan raised an eyebrow. "He's that worked up, huh?"

Marie crossed her arms, her eyes softening with concern. "I wonder why he's actin' up so bad… I'll go talk to him. See if I can calm him down before he destroyed the mansion again like last time,"

"Good luck with that," Logan muttered, heading toward the hallway. "I'll go check in with Chuck first."


Logan stood just inside the doorway of Cerebro, arms crossed and a cigar firmly in his mouth, as he watched Xavier at the console. The hum of machinery filled the room, making it feel more like a high-tech bunker than any place a bunch of kids should be hanging out near.

"Logan," Xavier's calm voice cut through the noise, not even looking back as he adjusted the controls, "my repeated requests about smoking in the mansion and definitely in cerebro is notwithstanding—continue smoking that in here, and you will spend the rest of your days under the belief that you are a six-year-old girl."

Logan's brow raised as he puffed once more on the cigar, watching the Professor with a growing smirk. "You'd do that?"

Xavier turned, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I'll have Wade and Laura braid your hair."

Logan rolled his eyes, but he wasn't dumb enough to test it. He put out the cigar in the palm of his hand, wincing slightly before stuffing it into his shirt pocket for later. The Professor had his own way of making people fall in line—without needing claws or fists.

Xavier, satisfied, continued, "How was your search? More questions than answers?"

Logan stepped forward onto the platform as the door closed behind him. His mind flickered back to Alkali Lake, to the cold, empty facility that had dredged up memories he'd rather not think about.

"We found the base... but there was nothing there."

"I am sorry, I'll look into it more after we dealing with the White House attacker," Xavier said apologetically as putting the Cerebro helmet on as the machine hummed to life. The room pulsed with energy, making Logan twitchy.

"You want me to leave?" Logan asked, glancing around, feeling the tech creep in on him.

"No," Xavier said, his voice steady. "Just don't move."

Logan nodded and stayed rooted, watching as the room fell away around them. The Cerebro Effect kicked in, and it felt like he was falling without moving. The world twisted into a black void, and in an instant, they stood inside a massive image of the Earth. Logan glanced around at the familiar sight—white and red lights, dotted across the globe, sparkling like stars.

Xavier's voice broke through the surreal scene. "Those lights represent the whole of humanity. Every living soul on every continent."

Logan watched as the white lights began to fade, leaving only the red ones scattered around like fireflies. His stomach tightened as he realized just how few there were compared to the human population.

Xavier continued, his voice heavy with meaning, "And these are the mutants. Many of them don't even realize yet who they are. You see, we're not as alone as you think."

Xavier was too focused on the fading lights, his attention narrowing in on the East Coast. A single broken red line lingered, flickering slightly.

"Odd," Xavier muttered. "This broken line represents the path of the mutant who attacked the President. I'm finding it hard to lock on to him."

Logan frowned, stepping closer. "Can't you just increase the... signal?"

"If I wanted to kill him, yes," Xavier replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

Logan shifted, uncomfortable with how easily the Professor said that. Sure, he wasn't a saint, but Logan had always admired how Xavier held back—even when they both knew he had the power to do a hell of a lot more. He didn't always had the same kind of resolve.

The image zoomed in, pulling them closer to the East Coast. A blinking red light appeared over Boston, latitude and longitude points flickering below it.

Xavier leaned forward slightly, his expression thoughtful. "It looks like he's finally stopped running. Now if you excuse me Logan, It's seems Scott and I are going to pay an old friend a visit earlier than we thought."

Logan stepped back as the Cerebro effect began to fade, the swirling lights and images slowly returning to the cold metallic walls of the control room. The buzz of the machine died down, leaving only the soft hum of the remaining electronics.

"An old friend, huh?" Logan muttered under his breath. It didn't take a genius to figure out who Xavier meant.


"Yeah, good luck with that," Logan added with a wry smirk as he turned towards the door.

Xavier, still seated at the console, gave a small, knowing smile but said nothing in return. Logan knew well enough that this wasn't a visit anyone would look forward to. Even in a prison, Magneto wasn't exactly the most cooperative guy, especially when it came to the Brotherhood's involvement in anything.


As Logan made his way back into the mansion, he passed by a few of the students, all whispering and giggling, no doubt buzzing from the day's field trip and the heightened security after the White House attack. His thoughts drifted back to Wade, who was probably roping Ken, Laura, and the others into some wild scheme by now.

The kid was right about one thing: they were all on edge. Maybe it wasn't just about the White House Attack. Maybe it was the whole world shifting under their feet after the anti-mutant news this day. And Logan, like always, felt stuck in the middle of it. Ah, fuck.

As he stepped into the hallway, he glanced at Rogue, who stood in the doorway, watching the chaos from a distance, her arms crossed but a soft smile on her face. She'd been through a lot. They all had. But there was still something grounding about her presence, like she could see the madness for what it was and still keep a steady course.

He approached her, hands in his pockets, looking down at the floor for a moment before meeting her gaze. "Kids still at it?"

Marie chuckled softly, her Southern charm practically lighting up the room for him. "You know Wade. Always thinkin' he's one step ahead of everyone else."

Logan smirked. "Guess I should go check on him before he destroyed the whole mansion, like last time."

Just then, the heavy front door swung open, and in walked Hank McCoy—his blue fur bristling slightly from the autumn chill outside. He adjusted his glasses, scanning the foyer with that blend of curiosity and calm concern that was so uniquely his.

"Logan! Rogue! It seems I've returned to a rather lively atmosphere," he said, his deep baritone holding that warm, familiar tone Logan had grown used to over the last couple of years.

Marie smiled. "You could say that. Wade's been on high alert—convinced Stryker's comin' for us again. Just like last year, and year before that."

Hank raised a bushy blue eyebrow, the corners of his mouth lifting into a knowing grin. "Ah, the ever-enthusiastic Wade. I take it his... enthusiasm hasn't waned in my absence?"

Logan chuckled, arms crossed over his chest. "Oh, it's only gotten worse. Kid's now convinced we're one step away from full-on war. Booby traps, battle plans, you name it—he's probably got a bomb set up somewhere the mansion as his plan B. That kid and his explosions. Sigh."

"Marvelous," Hank replied with a dry amusement, running a hand through his fur.

"You've really missed out on the real fun, Hank," Logan continued. "Wade's got the place rigged tighter than Fort Knox. I'd be careful where you step."

Hank chuckled, that deep, almost soothing laugh of his. "It seems Wade has been keeping himself quite busy in my absence. I do look forward to seeing how his creative minds have... developed."

"Yeah, well," Logan grunted, "you might wanna bring a shield just in case."Logan settled himself into the armchair, arms crossed and eyebrow raised as he watched Wade, a walking whirlwind of chaos, bustling around the mansion like a man possessed.

The kid had been in full "tactical mode" for hours now, drafting evacuation routes, reinforcing the "front lines" (aka, the living room), and plotting what he was calling "Operation Home Alone: Stryker Strike Back." which made non-senses as he got him, Marie, and Hank here already in the house as the supervising adult.

"Alright, team! This is where it gets real! Ken, you're in charge of manning the machine gun—no, not the real ones, the Nerf ones with acid bullet, I hadn't got the clearances on the real one yet. Laura, you'll be our recon! Pyro, we need more firepower—literally. Bobby, you're on ice barricade duty. Peter, I need you to keep lifting heavy things and looking intimidating and handsome. Jubilee! Get your fireworks ready! Let's make the best use of what we've got, move people! Move!"

Jubilee, Pyro and Bobby just starred at each other while Peter gave out his sigh once again. The only ones that actually listening to Wade are Laura, Ken, and the younger kids in the mansion. Somehow he managed to became their idol even with his insane antics after all these years.

"That boy's gonna accidentally kill himself and the other kids," Logan muttered, his gaze shifting over to Rogue, who had been equally concerned about Wade's overzealous efforts. "We should stop him before he strings up any more tripwires or barricades the every entrance. God knows where he got them."

Marie sighed, leaning her head back on the couch. "Ah don't know how to slow him down, Logan. He's convinced he's savin' the mansion from an invasion."

Hank strolled in from the kitchen, holding a cup of tea like he was walking into a peaceful Sunday afternoon. Logan still wasn't entirely sure how the guy managed to stay so calm. Hell, Logan had known Hank for two years now, and even when everything was going sideways, Beast always had that sense of composure. Maybe that's why he had so much respect for him. Sure, Hank had the strength to crush a car with one hand, but it was his ability to handle the kids, the chaos, and the science with equal grace that really made Logan pay attention.

Logan grunted as Hank plopped down next to them, his blue fur still slightly ruffled from the chilly air outside. Beast caught the tension in the room immediately, eyeing Wade zipping around in the background like a tornado in tactical gear.

"I see our young Wade is... working really hard to defend our mansion" Beast's voice carried that gentle tone, full of warmth and wit.

"More like creating his own personal obstacle course of destruction," Logan huffed.

Marie nodded, glancing sideways at Hank. "We were thinkin' about tellin' him to dial it back. Maybe get him to, you know, not treat this like some foreign army gonna come knockin' at our door."

But Hank smiled thoughtfully, leaning back into the couch with a relaxed posture, his teacup balanced perfectly in his hands. "Perhaps, rather than stopping him, we could allow him to continue—within reason, of course. It might prove to be a valuable learning experience. Wade has always been... enthusiastic in his approach, but I find that enthusiasm can sometimes lead to creative solutions." He raised an eyebrow, giving Logan and Marie a knowing look. "And, of course, he's bound to tire himself out eventually."

Logan exchanged a skeptical glance with Marie. "You're tellin' me we should just let him run wild?"

Beast chuckled, his deep, rumbling laughter filling the room. "It might teach him some responsibility, especially when it comes to planning and working with others and also the correct responses and protocol in case of emergency for the other students. Plus, we can always take shifts keeping an eye on them. Make sure they didn't get hurt."

Marie leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. "You really think this is some kinda learnin' opportunity?"

Hank smiled that calm, wise smile of his. "Every moment is, if you look at it from the right angle."

Logan grunted, running a hand through his hair. "Fine. But when he trips one of his own booby traps, you're dealin' with the fallout, Hank."

Beast just gave a slow nod, like he had already anticipated the eventual chaos. "Agreed."

So, that's why they somehow, ended up in the basement with all the students, lounging around as Wade's "battle plan" is being preached to the other students. Logan, Rogue, and Beast shared a quiet moment while watching Wade telling the kids about the tunnels and what should they do in case of emergency happening in the mansion. Well, he at least got that right. Maybe Hank is right, this is a learning opportunity for everyone.

Wade had dragged every kid in the mansion into the mix, all of them sprawled on the floor and couches like they'd survived a battlefield of snack wrappers and soda cans.

On the screen, an old like movie flickered—something Wade'd thrown on to keep the younger kids somewhat focused, demonstration he said as the 'old' movie actually just Wade giving PSA in crude crayon on paper like animation in black and white film. Logan didn't know how, where, and when did he had the time to do all of this shit. But it did made him kinda proud because—somehow—Wade actually did teach the kids something useful in many emergency cases.

"We gonna go to the upstairs to grab more snacks! Come on, guys!" Wade announced suddenly, hopping to his feet with all the subtlety of a stampede. Bobby, Jubilee, and Pyro were dragged by him while Ken bouncing alongside them, clearly excited about whatever scheme Wade had roped them into.

"Don't wreck the kitchen," Logan called out half-heartedly, knowing full well his warning would be ignored. He then shifted in his seat, now realizing he wasn't going to be able to relax while the kid ran wild upstairs. With a resigned grunt, he stood up, grabbing his empty bottle from the side table.

"Guess I'll grab some more drinks while I'm at it. You two need anything?"

"No, Thank you," Hank just shakes his head as his eyes glued on the PSA video that Wade made with fascinations.

"Ah'm good, sugar. But if you see any of those iced teas Ah like…" Marie gave him a knowing smile.

Logan sighed, turning toward the door. "I'll see what I can salvage."

He followed after Wade, who had already gathered his entourage—Pyro, Bobby, Ken, and Jubilee—heading up the stairs with the enthusiasm of a marching band. Logan trudged up behind them, shaking his head. The kid was a handful, but hell if he didn't keep things interesting.

As they reached the kitchen, Wade was already in full "tactical mode," barking orders at the others.

"Jubilee, check the pantry! Pyro, scout the perimeter for any sign of—"

"Scout?" Logan cut in, strolling past and heading straight for the fridge.

Wade shot Logan a grin. "Every mission starts with a good scout and recon first, old man. And by the way, we're out of Doritos. Ken, grab those!"

Logan rifled through the fridge, shaking his head. Just as Logan was rummaging through the fridge for a couple more drinks, the familiar blare of an alarm echoed through the mansion. Only, it wasn't like any a standard alarm. It was just Wade's voice pre-recorded.

"CODE RED! CoDe ReD! Code Red? CODE REEEEEEEEDDD!!!!!" Wade's pre-recorded voices yelled with a dramatic flair, switching between different accents and intonations—one moment it was a deadpan monotone robot voices, the next it sounded like a British butler, then full-on cowboy drawl.

Logan froze, his brows knitting together in mild annoyance. "What the hell...?"

Wade appeared beside him, a triumphant grin plastered across his face. "Told ya, old man. I win the bet. Those definitely Stryker!"

Logan stared at him, dumbfounded, realizing that Wade had been prepping for this exact moment, ready to call a full-on war for days. "You gotta be kidding me."

Wade's grin only widened. "Nope. Told you Stryker was coming!"

Before Logan could respond, the sound of boots stomping down the hall caught his attention. Soldiers—real ones, not some overblown imagination of Wade's—were charging through the mansion, guns at the ready.

Without missing a beat, Wade slammed a button on his wrist device. The mansion shifted. Doors slammed shut with a metallic clang, and the house went into full lockdown mode.

"Basement's fully sealed," Wade said with a smirk. "No one gets in or out without me. Mom and Beast could handle the other kids. They know about back tunnels for escape from there if they actually listened to me during the movie."

Logan's face twisted into a mix of disbelief and grudging admiration. "When did you installed those?"

"I told you I was ready!" Wade exclaimed as he pulled out his claws ready. "Now, let's focus on the more important matter. Bad guys, soldiers, guns—ya know, the usual. What we gonna do? Do it sneakily or just fight them head on? Lets Fucking GOOO!!!"

Logan glanced toward the incoming soldiers and then back at Wade, his expression hardening with resolve. He could hear the soldiers moving closer, their heavy boots echoing through the mansion's halls. Without missing a beat, Logan grabbed Wade by the shoulder, his voice a low, firm growl.

"No, get back to your mom. Take Ken, Pyro, Bobby, and Jubilee with you. I'll hold them off first."

Wade blinked in surprise, his usual bravado faltering for a split second. "Wait, what? No way, I'm staying to fight! People have been waiting for this like 20 chapters ago!"

Logan's eyes narrowed. "Not a chance. I knew you could fend them off easily, but I need you to get them to the tunnels safely. Make sure they're safe."

"But, Pops—"

Logan cut him off, his tone leaving no room for argument. "I can handle this. You've done enough with all your traps. Now, go. Keep your brother and the others safe. I'll join you shortly,"

Wade hesitated, looking between the soldiers advancing and his dad, whose claws were already extending with that familiar snikt.

Logan gave a faint smirk, but his eyes were serious. "You've won, kid. Now, go."

Wade retracted his claws, knowing better than to argue with Logan right now. He turned to Ken, Pyro, Bobby, and Jubilee, motioning for them to follow. "Alright, let's move. Maximum Efforts!"

Ken looked up at Logan, his voice filled with concern. "Dad..."

Logan softened, if only for a moment, and gave his younger son a nod. "Don't worry, Ken. I'll be right behind you. Go with your brother..."

Reluctantly, Ken followed Wade and the others as they disappeared down the hall, while Logan turned his full attention to the incoming soldiers.

The moment they were out of sight, Logan let loose, claws flashing as he charged forward, ready to tear through anyone that stood in his way.

Vha_Ann Vha_Ann

Wade? You here??? Ha! He's gone!!! I AM FREEE!!!! FREEEEEDOOOOMMM!!! I finally get this place to myself again!!! Fiuuh, anyway, It's been one hell of a week for me. we almost done with the X2 arc in the draft side, maybe I'll mass release sometimes in the future... what do you think?

next chapter
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