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Age of Evolution: An Original Take on HSOTD Age of Evolution: An Original Take on HSOTD original

Age of Evolution: An Original Take on HSOTD

Tác giả: Soraino

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Parade of the Dead

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the sprawling campus of Solstice Academy. Vibrant chatter filled the air as students bustled between classes, the energy of academia palpable in every corner. Towering oak trees provided a natural canopy, dappling the pathways with patches of sunlight. Sora Akuna, the new student, navigated through the lively courtyard, his eyes wide with a mix of excitement and anticipation. The university's historic architecture loomed overhead, an emblem of higher learning that seemed to promise endless possibilities for those who sought knowledge within its hallowed halls.

Sora couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he passed beneath the grand archway leading to Solstice Academy. The brick facade, adorned with ivy, whispered tales of countless students who had walked these same paths in pursuit of enlightenment. He clutched his schedule in hand, guiding him toward the heart of the bustling campus. The academy buzzed with life, a microcosm of dreams and aspirations converging in this institution of higher learning.

As he meandered through the courtyard, Sora couldn't escape the curious glances from his fellow students. The atmosphere was charged with the excitement of a new academic year. Groups huddled together under the shade of the oak trees, discussing class schedules and sharing tales of summer adventures. Sora felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation, knowing that every face he encountered could become a future friend or ally in the uncharted territory of Solstice Academy. As Sora strolled through the courtyard, the hum of conversation reached a crescendo around him. A pair of students near the fountain caught sight of him, stealing quick glances and sharing whispers that barely escaped his notice.

The first student nodded towards Sora and said, "Hey, have you seen the new guy? Just transferred in, I guess."

The second student chimed in, squinting towards Sora for a better view. "Yeah, he looks kinda serious, doesn't he? And did you see those eyes? They're like, piercing."

The first student smirked, "Maybe he's got that brooding, mysterious vibe going on. You know, the 'too cool for school' type."

Student two laughed, "Or maybe he's just trying to find his way around. New students always look a bit lost, especially on the first day."

As Sora passed by, he caught snippets of their conversation but remained focused on his path. The mention of his serious demeanor and piercing gaze lingered in the air, leaving an impression that would ripple through the corridors of Solstice Academy.

As Sora continued his stroll through the vibrant courtyard, he couldn't help but overhear the murmurs about him. The mention of a serious demeanor and piercing gaze triggered an internal chuckle, a stark contrast to the carefree attitude he carried within.

Seriously? Piercing gaze? If only they knew.

Sora Akuna, the supposed enigma of Solstice Academy, couldn't fathom how his nonchalance had been misconstrued as a brooding mystery. He smirked to himself, unraveling the misjudgment.

Lost? Too cool for school? I'm just navigating this sea of students, trying to find my footing. They see my focused expression and assume it's some profound mystery, but really, my mind's probably wandering to what's for lunch.

He glanced at the map in his hand, pretending to be engrossed in its details, though his thoughts were elsewhere.

Maybe I should clear things up and strike up a conversation with someone. Let them know I'm just a guy with an appetite for knowledge and a knack for getting lost in his own thoughts. The carefree wanderer in a sea of academia. Let the rumors simmer, and the real journey begins.

With a smirk that reflected his easygoing nature, Sora strolled towards the front doors of Solstice Academy, ready to embrace the unknown adventure that awaited him within its hallowed halls.

As Sora approached the front doors of Solstice Academy, he decided to take a detour and ascend an outside staircase leading to the second floor. The sun's warm rays embraced him as he climbed, offering a momentary escape from the bustling courtyard below.

The laughter and chatter of students echoed around him until a sharp female voice pierced through the air. On the landing above, he caught sight of a spirited exchange between Saya, a fiery girl with cascading curls, and Kai, a befuddled-looking guy who wore an expression bordering on exasperation.

Saya said, "I can't believe you forgot the presentation, Kai! This is basic stuff, idiot!"

Kai mumbled as he apologized, "I—I'm sorry, Saya. I didn't mean to mess up. It just slipped my mind."

Sora lingered on the staircase, an unintentional witness to the heated exchange. His carefree demeanor momentarily shifted to thoughtful observation as he considered whether to intervene or continue his ascent to the second floor. The tension in the air hinted at more than just an academic disagreement, and Sora found himself caught in the ebb and flow of the unfolding drama between Saya and Kai.

Sora, deciding to break the tension, ascended the staircase with purpose, reaching the landing where Saya and Kai stood caught in their exchange. With a disarming smile, he interjected into the conversation.

Sora grinned, saying, "Hey there! Sorry to interrupt. I'm the new guy—Sora. Mind helping me find my classroom? I'm a bit of a wanderer."

Saya, momentarily taken aback by the interruption, shifted her gaze from Kai to Sora. As their eyes met, recognition flickered in Saya's eyes.

Saya responded, raising her eyebrow, "Sora? You're the new transfer, right? We're heading to the same class. I'll show you the way."

With a nod of gratitude, Sora fell into step beside Saya as they left the staircase behind, leaving Kai to his own thoughts. The campus, once filled with chatter and laughter, seemed to echo with the footsteps of the unlikely trio as they navigated the corridors toward their shared destination. The unspoken tension dissolved into the promise of a new connection, and Solstice Academy unfolded its mysteries one step at a time.

As Sora and Saya walked together through the corridors of Solstice Academy, the atmosphere lightened, and Saya turned her attention to their new acquaintance. "So, what's your reason for transferring midway through the year?"

Sora raised an eyebrow. "Just a change of scenery, you know? Figured I could use a fresh start."

Saya smirked. "A fresh start, huh? Well, you've certainly stirred things up already. By the way, have you met Yuki and Mayako yet? They're two of our classmates, and they're usually inseparable."

Sora, curious, replied, "Yuki and Mayako, huh? Haven't had the pleasure. Any idea where they might be?"

Saya, in thought, said, "Knowing those two, they're probably up to something mischievous. Let's check the library first; they're known to sneak in there during breaks. Who knows what trouble they've cooked up this time."

The trio continued their journey through the labyrinthine halls of Solstice Academy, leaving behind the staircases and entering the quieter realm of the library. The anticipation of meeting new friends and uncovering the mysteries of their shared academic journey hung in the air.

The trio's exploration of the library was abruptly interrupted by the resounding chime of the school bell, signaling the imminent start of homeroom. Saya's eyes widened in realization, and she swiftly turned to Sora.

Saya: "Oh no, we're late for homeroom! Quick, Sora, let's hurry!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Saya grabbed Sora's hand, and together they sprinted through the corridors, their footsteps echoing in the empty halls. The school, once a serene backdrop to their introductions, now became a maze of urgency as they navigated the quickest route back to their homeroom.

Sora, caught off guard but exhilarated by the unexpected turn of events, matched Saya's pace. Laughter bubbled between them as they weaved through the hallways, their camaraderie forming in the shared excitement of the mad dash against the ticking clock. Solstice Academy transformed into a playground of fleeting moments, and the bond between Sora and Saya deepened with every step.

Breathless but with laughter still dancing in their eyes, Sora and Saya skidded to a stop in front of the homeroom door. With a shared glance and an unspoken understanding, they pushed the door open and entered the classroom.

Sora stood at the front of the room, a grin still playing on his lips, as all eyes turned toward the newcomers. He raised a hand in a casual wave.

"Hey, everyone! I'm Sora Akuna, the new transfer. Excited to be here!"

He then made his way to an empty seat, and as he settled in, whispers began to circulate among the students.

One student whispered, "Did you see that entrance? Who is this guy?"

A second student nodded and said, "Sora Akuna, the new transfer. He just sprinted into class with Saya. Did you hear they were exploring the library?"

A third student chimed in, raising their eyebrow. "Library adventures on the first day? This guy's already making an impression."

Another joined in, raising their eyebrow. "Well, Saya seems to know him. Wonder what they're up to."

The buzz of curiosity and speculation filled the air as Sora's presence became the center of attention. The classroom, once a canvas of ordinary routine, now bore the brushstrokes of an unexpected and intriguing arrival.

The day unfolded in a whirlwind of classes, each subject blending into the next as Sora, Kai, and Saya found themselves sharing more than just a homeroom. The trio quickly discovered a rhythm of camaraderie, exchanging occasional glances and amused smiles as they navigated the challenges of the academic labyrinth.

In the span of a few classes, they became a cohesive unit, with each member contributing their unique perspective to discussions and lessons. The usual hustle and bustle of the school day enveloped them, creating a sense of belonging that felt surprisingly natural.

Between lectures, Sora found moments of levity in the banter exchanged with Kai and Saya. Their interactions painted a vibrant tapestry against the backdrop of Solstice Academy's classrooms, a testament to the bonds forged in the crucible of shared academia.

Kai excused himself from the classroom, stating that he needed to use the bathroom. However, instead of heading to the restroom, he retraced his steps and slipped back outside, drawn by a curiosity that urged him to investigate the hushed conversation at the front gate.

As he approached the staircase, Kai caught sight of a group of teachers engaged in an intense discussion with a peculiar-looking man. The stranger's appearance seemed disheveled, and a vacant look in his eyes suggested an unusual state of mind.

Kai lingered at a distance, concealed by the architecture of the building, eavesdropping on the conversation.

One teacher whispered, "Who is this guy? What's he doing here?"

Another teacher glanced around carefully and said, "There's something off about him. It looks like he's on something."

A third teacher furrowed his brows as he said, "Maybe he's just a guy off drugs, but we can't ignore this. What if he's a threat to the students?"

The mysterious man stood silently, his presence casting an eerie atmosphere over the usually serene entrance of Solstice Academy. Unbeknownst to the teachers, the man was not what he seemed—an undead creature, a zombie, blending in with the living, waiting for an opportunity to reveal its true nature. Kai's curiosity heightened as he observed this strange and potentially dangerous encounter unfold before him. The teachers, growing increasingly uneasy about the peculiar man's presence, decided to escort him off the campus grounds. They approached him cautiously, speaking in hushed tones, urging him to leave peacefully.

The first teacher said, "Alright, buddy, you can't stay here. You need to go."

As the teachers tried to guide the man toward the exit, a sudden and unexpected frenzy ensued. The man, seemingly docile until now, lunged forward with surprising speed and sank his teeth into the arm of one of the teachers.

The second teacher shouted, "What the—!"

The bitten teacher recoiled, grasping their wounded arm in pain. The other teachers, shocked and confused, rushed to help their colleague.

The third teacher shouted in panic, "He bit him! Call for medical assistance!"

Unaware of the supernatural reality, the teachers frantically focused on the injured man, believing it to be a violent act by an ordinary person. The bizarre incident unfolded as a mystery, shrouded in confusion and escalating tension, and the true nature of the mysterious man remained concealed for the time being. As the injured teacher clutched their bitten arm, a sense of dread descended upon the scene. The teachers, attempting to comprehend the sudden violence, watched in horror as the wounded man's demeanor underwent a ghastly transformation. His eyes glazed over, and a pallid hue overtook his complexion.

The third teacher asked, "What's happening to him?"

Before anyone could react, the bitten teacher, now succumbing to the insidious effects of the zombie's bite, lunged at his colleagues. Chaos erupted as he joined forces with the mysterious man, both now driven by primal hunger.

The first teacher shouted, "Stay back! Something's not right!"

However, the warning fell on deaf ears as the infected teacher and the zombie attacked their former colleagues. The once serene entrance of Solstice Academy became a battleground of survival, the teachers desperately fending off the unexpected threat.

Kai, hidden in the shadows of the staircase, observed the nightmarish scene unfold. The realization of the undead presence within the school struck him with terror, and he grappled with the decision of whether to intervene or find help. The fate of Solstice Academy now teetered on the edge of an unfolding apocalypse, witnessed by a lone spectator caught in the throes of an unthinkable nightmare. Kai, adrenaline pumping through his veins, sprinted back into the classroom, breathless and wide-eyed. His urgent shout cut through the ambient sounds of the classroom.

"Guys! Someone just got bit outside, and they're attacking other people!"

The students in the classroom, caught off guard by Kai's sudden entrance and alarming proclamation, exchanged puzzled glances. The initial disbelief and confusion painted expressions of incredulity on their faces.

One student asked, "What are you talking about? Bit by what?"

Kai, frantic and determined to convey the urgency, gestured urgently toward the doorway.

"I'm serious! There's some kind of attack happening outside. We need to do something!"

The room fell into a moment of tense silence as the gravity of Kai's words settled in. The students, still uncertain about the nature of the threat, hesitated, their eyes flickering between one another as they grappled with the surreal unfolding of events. The safety of Solstice Academy hung in the balance and the choice of whether to heed Kai's warning or dismiss it as an improbable scenario lingered in the charged atmosphere of the classroom.

Despite Kai's urgency and the vivid distress in his eyes, the students in the classroom exchanged skeptical glances and uneasy laughs. The weight of his warning seemed lost in the sea of incredulity as if the idea of a zombie attack was too absurd to entertain.

Another student chimed in, "Come on, man, you're not serious, right? Zombies? Really?"

A third student chuckled, "Nice one, Kai. You almost got us there."

Kai, frustrated by their dismissive response, attempted to emphasize the severity of the situation. "No, I'm serious! I saw it happen outside. We need to do something!"

However, his words fell on deaf ears as the students convinced it was an elaborate prank or a strange joke, shrugged off the warning. The classroom gradually returned to a semblance of normalcy, with the students resuming their lessons, their laughter echoing through the air.

Unbeknownst to them, the threat lingered just beyond the walls of their seemingly secure haven, waiting to reveal its true nature. Solstice Academy, blissfully unaware, continued its routine as the shadows of a creeping apocalypse loomed on the horizon.

Saya and Sora exchanged a knowing glance as Kai, frustration etched across his face, lingered near the back of the classroom. The shared look conveyed a silent understanding between them, acknowledging Kai's sincerity even if the rest of the class brushed off his warning.

Sora whispered to Saya, "There might be something to what Kai's saying. We should check it out."

Saya, still wearing a subtle smirk but with a glint of curiosity in her eyes, nodded in agreement. "Sure, let's humor him. But if this turns out to be a prank, I won't let him live it down."

As the students continued with their studies, Sora, Saya, and Kai quietly slipped out of the classroom, leaving the ordinary setting of Solstice Academy for the unknown that awaited them outside. The unspoken tension between the trio hinted at an impending shift in the mundane routine, a clandestine journey into the shadows of a mystery that seemed too implausible to believe.

A hushed silence settled over Solstice Academy as a teacher's voice crackled through the school's intercom system. The atmosphere shifted from the usual ambient noise of students studying to an eerie anticipation.

A teacher went on the intercom, "Attention, students. We are currently experiencing some unusual events on campus. Please remain in your classrooms, and..."

The teacher's voice trembled, and the announcement abruptly cut off. The subsequent moments were filled with an unsettling silence that hung in the air, leaving the students and faculty on edge.

Then, from the speakers, screams erupted — a chorus of terror that echoed through the corridors of Solstice Academy. The sounds of chaos, panic, and the unmistakable groans of the undead seeped into every classroom, transforming the once-familiar environment into a nightmare.

The students in the classroom exchanged wide-eyed glances, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The intercom, usually a source of routine announcements, had become a conduit for the unfolding horror within the school.

Kai: (whispering) "I told you... we need to get out of here."

Saya and Sora, their initial skepticism now replaced with a sense of urgency, shared a determined nod. The trio, joined by a collective realization of the impending danger, began to strategize their escape as the nightmarish symphony played out over the intercom, revealing the true nature of the threat that had breached the walls of Solstice Academy.

Pandemonium erupted within the hallowed halls of Solstice Academy as the announcement of the unfolding chaos reverberated through the campus. The once orderly corridors transformed into a chaotic battleground, a sea of students flooding out of classrooms, each driven by the primal instinct for survival.

The panicked masses surged through the hallways, a frenzied mob pushing and jostling, every person for themselves in a desperate bid to escape the encroaching nightmare. Backpacks were dropped, papers scattered, and the orderly structure of academia dissolved into a chaotic free-for-all.

In the midst of the mayhem, Sora, Saya, and Kai navigated the tumultuous sea of bodies, their eyes wide with disbelief at the sudden unraveling of their familiar world. Instinct kicked in, leading them to a janitor's closet, where they sought refuge from the frenzy outside.

The closet door closed with a muted click, muffling the cacophony of panic that echoed beyond its walls. In the dim, cramped space, Sora, Saya, and Kai caught their breath, the sounds of chaos replaced by the heavy silence of the enclosure. Their eyes met, conveying a mix of fear, confusion, and determination, as they grappled with the realization that Solstice Academy had become a battleground, and survival depended on the choices they made in the midst of the escalating apocalypse.

The screams and shrieks outside the janitor's closet painted a macabre symphony, a chilling backdrop to the trio's temporary sanctuary. The chaos that unfolded beyond the closet's confines was punctuated by desperate pleas, the harsh sounds of struggle, and the guttural groans of the undead.

Through the thin walls, they could discern the horrifying reality: the zombies, once ordinary students, had begun their feast. The air filled with the sickening sounds of tearing flesh and the haunting echoes of students succumbing to the relentless onslaught.

Sora, Saya, and Kai exchanged horrified glances, each absorbing the gruesome truth of what was transpiring just beyond their hiding place. The initial disbelief now morphed into a cold, stark acknowledgment that the world they knew had crumbled, replaced by a nightmarish landscape where the line between the living and the undead blurred into a grotesque dance of survival and despair.

As the chaos continued unabated, the trio remained huddled in the janitor's closet, the weight of the unfolding apocalypse pressing upon them. Solstice Academy, once a bastion of learning, had become a battleground, and the fleeting safety of their temporary refuge was a stark reminder of the fragility of life in the face of an unstoppable, undead horde

Sora said, "We need something to defend ourselves. Anything we can find."

Kai added, "But where do we even start? It's chaos out there."

Saya, with a hint of her usual cocky demeanor, scoffed, "Do you guys even think? Obviously, we should head to the engineering room. There are bound to be tools or something we can use as weapons. It's not rocket science."

Sora, slightly amused by Saya's attitude, nodded. "The engineering room it is, then. Let's hope we find something useful."

As they cautiously stepped out of the janitor's closet, the hallway outside remained eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the pandemonium they had witnessed moments ago. The trio navigated the deserted corridors, their footsteps echoing in the hollow silence as they sought the elusive safety of the engineering room.

Kai whispered, "What's the plan once we get there?"

Saya, still maintaining her cocky tone, replied, "Grab anything that can be used as a weapon. Then, we find a way out of here. You guys better keep up."

Sora chuckled, appreciating Saya's no-nonsense approach. "Let's hope the engineering room lives up to your expectations. And then, we'll figure out how to survive this nightmare."

As the trio approached the entrance to the engineering room, their anticipation mingled with a sense of trepidation. Suddenly, the silence shattered as two figures lurched towards them with an unsettling, undead gait. The unmistakable groans of zombies filled the air, and the trio found themselves face to face with the horrors that now roamed the once-familiar halls of Solstice Academy.

Saya, a hint of panic in her voice, exclaimed, "What the... are those zombies?"

Without uttering a word, Sora sprang into action, his movements a seamless dance of evasion and precision. With a series of swift kicks and well-timed punches, he incapacitated the approaching zombies, skillfully avoiding their snapping jaws and grasping hands. His mastery over hand-to-hand combat was evident as he moved with a fluid grace, ensuring that he emerged unscathed from the confrontation.

Sora turned around, a faint but confident smile on his face, signaling to his companions that the immediate threat had been neutralized.

Kai, wide-eyed, stammered, "How... how did you do that?"

Saya, still processing the unexpected display of skill, added with a raised eyebrow, "Well, aren't we full of surprises?"

With the coast now clear, the trio cautiously entered the engineering room, aware that more challenges awaited them in the shadows of the academy.

Inside the engineering room, the trio immediately sensed the need for caution. Sora took the lead in barricading the door, utilizing whatever was at hand to fortify their temporary refuge. With desks, chairs, and a hefty toolbox, they worked together to create a makeshift barrier, adding an extra layer of security against potential threats.

As they searched the room for weapons, Saya's sharp eyes fell upon a power drill. She grinned and picked it up, the heavy tool now repurposed as a potential means of defense. Meanwhile, Kai discovered a sturdy metal pole among the engineering supplies, a makeshift weapon that could serve him well in the chaotic world outside.

In a corner, seemingly forgotten amid the clutter, Sora discreetly spotted a retractable, reinforced bo staff. With a swift, practiced movement, he extended the staff, revealing its sturdy construction. Without a word, he slid it into his pocket, keeping the discovery to himself for the moment.

Their makeshift arsenal assembled, the trio stood ready, the room now fortified against the encroaching dangers outside. As they exchanged glances, each held a newfound determination to navigate the challenges that lay ahead in this transformed landscape of Solstice Academy.

With their makeshift barricade in place, the trio set their sights on the next destination — the nurse's office. The prospect of finding medical supplies resonated as a crucial necessity in the unfolding chaos.

As they cautiously moved through the dimly lit corridors, their path intersected with three more zombies. The undead figures lurched towards them, their hollow eyes fixed on the living.

Kai, armed with the metal pipe he had found in the engineering room, took a defensive stance. With a swift and forceful swing, he incapacitated one of the approaching zombies, the metallic thud echoing in the narrow hallway.

Beside him, Sora opted to rely on his hand-to-hand combat skills. With a combination of precise kicks and expertly executed strikes, he incapacitated the other two zombies, each movement a testament to his agility and combat prowess.

Sora discreetly kept his newfound weapon hidden, seamlessly blending it into his fluid fighting style. The retractable reinforced bo staff remained concealed, a strategic advantage that he chose to keep to himself for the time being.

As the trio continued on their journey towards the nurse's office, the encounter served as a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in every shadow of Solstice Academy. With medical supplies in mind and newfound weapons in hand, they pressed on, navigating the transformed halls with a sense of purpose in the face of an ever-growing threat.

In the dimly lit nurse's office, Nurse Misa Shizuko frantically worked to secure the room against the encroaching undead. As she strained to maintain control of the situation, Nurse Misa, known for her endearing but somewhat clumsy nature, stumbled over a fallen chair. Her glasses askew and a few papers fluttering to the ground, she fought to regain her balance. The loud thuds against the door intensified, the relentless banging of the zombies outside echoing through the once-quiet office.

With a nervous glance towards the barricaded door, Nurse Misa mumbled to herself, "Oh dear, oh dear. This wasn't part of the job description." Her hands trembled as she reached for a nearby medical kit, searching for anything that might serve as a means of defense.

As the chaos outside continued, Nurse Misa clutched a small syringe, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and determination. The once-safe haven of the nurse's office had transformed into a battleground, and she, with her endearing but bumbling demeanor, stood as an unlikely guardian against the encroaching tide of the undead.

Amidst the chaos of the undead banging against the barricaded door, Nurse Misa Shizuko strained to hear any change in the cacophony. Behind her makeshift defense, she noticed a shift in the sounds outside. The relentless thuds became muffled, the groans of the undead growing quieter. A mixture of relief and curiosity flickered across her anxious expression as she strained to make sense of the sudden change.

Just as she began to wonder if the zombies had lost interest or moved on, the nurse's office door creaked open. Nurse Misa turned, syringe in hand, to find Sora, Saya, and Kai standing in the doorway, their expressions a mix of surprise and relief.

Sora, maintaining his nonchalant demeanor, grinned and quipped, "Well, well. Looks like we just stumbled upon our saving grace."

Saya rolled her eyes at the jest while Kai chuckled nervously. Nurse Misa, caught off guard by the unexpected humor, couldn't help but crack a smile.

In the eerie silence that followed, the survivors in the nurse's office began to assess their situation, their alliance forming in the face of a world transformed by the undead. The fading echoes of the zombies outside marked a temporary reprieve, but the survivors knew they had to navigate through the unforgiving landscape of the apocalypse that now enveloped Solstice Academy.

Sora leaned against a countertop, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Alright, we need a plan. Anyone have ideas?"

Kai, gripping his metal pipe, suggested, "Maybe we should head to the gym. It's a sturdy building, and we might find more supplies there."

Saya, twirling the power drill in her hand, chimed in, "Gym's not a bad idea. Plus, we can check for any survivors or useful gear."

Nurse Misa, still clutching the syringe, nodded in agreement. "Safety in numbers, I suppose. And medical supplies might be in stock there."

Before they could finalize their plan, the room's storage door burst open, and Yuki and Mayako tumbled out, their surprised expressions quickly turning into relief.

Yuki grinned, "Oh, hey, guys!"

Saya, suspicious, questioned, "What were you two doing in there?"

Mayako quickly responded, "We were hiding!"

The group continued their conversation, laughter mixing with the tension of the situation. Solstice Academy had become a place of uncertainty, but together, they forged a plan for survival, united in the face of the evolving apocalypse.

The group, armed and ready, made their way through the dimly lit corridors of Solstice Academy toward the gym. The air was tense, each echo of their footsteps a reminder of the newfound dangers that lurked around every corner.

As they approached a junction, the group suddenly found themselves surrounded. From both sides of the hallway, small groups of zombies emerged, their hollow eyes fixated on the living. The once-open path to the gym became a claustrophobic trap.

Sora, ever the calm strategist, assessed the situation. "We need to clear a path. Stay together, and watch each other's backs."

With weapons in hand, the group prepared for the imminent confrontation. The dim light flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows on the walls as the tension in the air reached its peak. Solstice Academy, once a haven of learning, had transformed into a battleground, and the survivors faced a relentless onslaught from the undead.

As the small groups of zombies closed in from both sides of the hallway, Sora, with a seemingly nonchalant demeanor, reached into his pocket. To the surprise of the others, he revealed a retractable reinforced bo staff. With swift and practiced movements, he extended the staff, using it to dispatch two zombies with a series of precise strikes.

Saya, wide-eyed and incredulous, couldn't contain her astonishment. "Where the hell did you get that?"

Sora, a hint of mischief in his eyes, responded with a grin, "Found it in the engineering room. Thought it might come in handy."

The group, momentarily taken aback, continued to fight their way through the surrounding zombies. Sora's unexpected weapon became a crucial asset in their battle for survival, and as the group pressed forward, they faced the relentless onslaught of the undead within the narrow confines of Solstice Academy's hallways.

The group, having fought their way through the relentless onslaught of zombies, finally reached the gym. Hope flickered as they approached the doors, but it was quickly extinguished when they discovered the entrance was locked.

Before anyone could react, another zombie approached from behind, its grotesque hands reaching out. In a sudden and violent motion, it grabbed Saya and threw her to the ground. The impact echoed in the confined space, leaving a stunned silence in its wake.

Shell-shocked, Saya quickly recovered, her survival instincts kicking in. With a primal scream, she raised the power drill in her hand and plunged it into the approaching zombie's skull. Blood splattered, and the once-threatening undead creature fell lifeless to the ground.

The gym doors remained stubbornly locked, the group now facing not only the physical barriers of the apocalypse but also the harsh realities of the transformed world they now inhabited. Saya, still processing the traumatic event, sat amidst the aftermath, the splattered blood serving as a grim reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

Saya, her hands trembling, dropped the blood-stained power drill to the floor. The reality of the apocalyptic world they now faced crashed down upon her, and she succumbed to a panic attack. Her breaths came in rapid gasps, and her body shook uncontrollably.

Sora quickly moved to her side, pulling her into a comforting embrace. He whispered soothing words, attempting to calm the storm of emotions raging within her. The group stood in a somber silence, the weight of the situation pressing down on each of them.

As Sora held Saya close, he could hear her choked words between sobs, "Mother will hate to see me like this..."

The gym doors remained locked, a physical representation of the barriers they faced in this transformed world. In the midst of the chaos, the survivors sought solace in each other, knowing that the journey ahead would test not only their physical strength but also their resilience in the face of overwhelming adversity.

With the gym doors stubbornly locked, the group regrouped, their eyes lingering on the traumatized Saya. Sora gently guided her towards a nearby wall, offering a supportive presence as she continued to collect herself.

Nurse Misa, amidst the tension, suddenly remembered something. "Wait, in the teacher's lounge, there's a set of keys to one of the school's buses. We can use it to escape, get out of here."

Sora, his brow furrowed, couldn't help but question, "Keys in the teacher's lounge? How did you forget about that?"

Nurse Misa, embarrassed, managed a sheepish smile. "I... well, with everything happening, it just slipped my mind."

The suggestion brought a spark of hope to the group. Changing plans, they shifted their focus toward the teacher's lounge, their new destination in the quest for survival. The decision to escape the confines of Solstice Academy now hinged on a set of keys that represented a potential lifeline in this apocalyptic nightmare.

As they navigated the darkened hallways, the survivors faced the unknown, clinging to the hope that awaited them in the teacher's lounge and the possibility of a means of escape from the relentless onslaught of the undead.

The group, fueled by the hope of escape, navigated through the dim hallways towards the teacher's lounge. Every creak and shuffle seemed magnified in the oppressive silence, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. Sora took the lead, his bo staff at the ready, as they cautiously approached the lounge.

Upon reaching the door, Sora signaled for everyone to stay quiet. Misa, the only one with a key, carefully unlocked the door, and they entered the dimly lit room. Saya discreetly locked the door behind them, providing a temporary barrier against the undead menace.

The lounge, once a haven for teachers during breaks, now served as a refuge for the survivors. The group searched through cabinets and drawers, their eyes scanning for the elusive set of keys. Misa, with a sense of urgency, directed the search towards the teacher's desk.

After a tense few moments, a triumphant smile lit up Misa's face as she held up a keyring. "Found them!" she whispered.

The discovery brought a collective sigh of relief. The group, armed with the keys to potential freedom, prepared to make their way to the school buses. Little did they know that the journey ahead would test their bonds and reveal the depths of their strength in the face of an evolving apocalypse.

As the group gathered around the keyring, preparing to leave the teacher's lounge, Saya took a moment to remove her contacts and put on her glasses. The action revealed a subtle transformation, a vulnerability that contrasted with her usual confident demeanor. Sora, noticing the change, couldn't help but offer a teasing compliment.

"You know, Saya, you look better with those glasses," he remarked with a mischievous grin.

Saya, caught off guard, felt a blush creep onto her cheeks. "Idiot," she retorted, playfully swatting at him. "Why would you say something like that now? My contacts were just in for too long!"

Sora, undeterred, simply shrugged. "Just an observation," 

The lighthearted exchange provided a brief respite from the grim reality they faced. In the midst of the evolving chaos, the survivors found solace in the camaraderie that had developed among them, even if it involved a playful tease or two. Little did they know that such moments of levity would become precious commodities in the harsh new world they were navigating.

With the keys in their possession and a momentary reprieve in the teacher's lounge, the survivors noticed an old television sitting in the corner. Curiosity piqued, Sora decided to turn it on, hoping for any information about the unfolding apocalypse.

As the screen flickered to life, a news reporter's face appeared, her tone grim and urgent. The world outside was crumbling, a chaotic canvas of destruction and fear. The reporter's words sent shivers down their spines as she explained how the world's population was rapidly diminishing, with a significant portion transforming into undead creatures.

The group watched in silence as footage of cities in turmoil played out on the screen. Images of desperate survivors, crumbling structures, and the relentless march of the undead painted a bleak picture of the world they once knew.

The gravity of the situation sank in. The survivors, huddled around the television, were now part of a world unraveling at an unprecedented pace. The news report became a haunting backdrop to their reality, a reminder that they were not alone in facing the unimaginable challenges that lay ahead.The weight of the grim news report hung in the air as the survivors contemplated the harsh reality displayed on the television. However, amidst the somber atmosphere, Saya's analytical mind sparked an idea.

Coming to a sudden halt, Saya reached for a wet rag nearby and held it in her hand. Sora, intrigued by the unexpected pause, crouched close to her face. "What're you doing?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Saya shot him a sideways glance. "What are you doing so close to my face? I'm just trying to see how they react."

Without warning, she tossed the wet rag against a nearby locker. The group watched as two zombies, previously unnoticed in the dim room, immediately turned towards the sound. The realization struck Saya, and she whispered, "They can only hear."

The revelation added a crucial piece to their understanding of the undead. As the survivors continued their journey through the darkened halls, they now navigated with newfound awareness, avoiding unnecessary sounds that could attract the relentless attention of the undead that roamed the school. 

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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