Khlack Village
Khlack village was a village about 35 miles from Southwest from Belluga. On foot, the trek would take at least 15 hours of travel. If he sprinted, at his level, it would take about 7 or 8 hours but that would be in exchange for a lot of his health which made it a non-option.
But with his bike…, the travel comfortably took less than ten, and he saw minimal reductions to his stamina.
He admired the contraption and praised the ingenious minds of Altera.
But he saw that the so-called rubber was already dirty and already showing signs of wear. In the end, he decided not to use it anymore going forward.
It was too novel and eye-catching to use outside anyway.
He sighed and collapsed it again as per Ansel's instruction, but much more carefully than necessary, afraid it'd break with one wrong move.
Thank you for your continuous support guyss! We appreciate you sooo muchh
Come on come on!