They all looked at her a little startled, but at the same time not really shocked.
"They would definitely target us next," Garan nodded, agreeing. "We should attack them before they could attack."
This was not an easy decision on Althea's part. She never thought she'd actually ever be an attacker—she had always only wanted to be the defending party as it was much safer for their people—but their current enemy forced their hand.
"They already used their attack slots and, although they didn't receive much damage, they wouldn't have guessed they'd be attacked so soon."
It so happened that Garan and the others had already landed there and it was already on her map, so it was no problem to attack them as soon as they were ready.
"Now that we're on the attacking side," Garan began to speak, shutting up everyone else. "It complicates a lot of things."
What do you think of Juni?
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