Baron turned his attention back to Althea, seeming to be reminded of something. "How's old Eugene?"
"Still working on your project." She said. She knew that he was partnering with Eugene to create bicycles. Oslo created metal for them, but producing permanent metal was so much work, and only a few grams a day had been produced.
It had been several days, but there was still no movement.
But from what she heard at home, it seemed that Eugene had made some progress. Something about minimizing the need for metal lugs.
Eugene also got the largest share of this project, and he promised her (the boss) some shares as well.
It seemed like she'd take about 10% of the profits without having to do anything at all. It was very nice of him.
In fact, even if Eugene wasn't a teammate, such a share was very smart to give to the Lord, as it would ensure the proper support for its development.
Miracles! I wonder when a miracle would happen and I'll receive a super gift LOL *stares at the sky and prays*
Come on come on!
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