A/N: The last of today's mass release! Again, THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT! May we keep our T1 rank all the way to the end of the month *prays*
The three of Tim, Tilda, and Hana went together to check the famous marketplace. On their way there though, they couldn't help but walk around in a daze.
It felt like they were in a unique tourist spot of an old well-developed town, improved by the government.
The whole place had a quaint feel to it, yet with some of the conveniences of modern times.
There were shops abutting the entire street and they ended up window shopping a lot. They didn't dare buy some 'luxuries' like new clothing and the like for now—even if they, especially the women, wanted to. After all, their money was limited and the basics had yet to be covered.
Anyway, there were so many things!
A bit of Ansel's past comes back to bite his arse.
Come on come on! https://discord.gg/8fhaSMG2xq