Before leaving, the twins asked their new friends and stall neighbors Sunny and Cassie to watch their stuff for them. After orienting the girls, they headed in the direction the woman ran to.
The twins quickly weaved through the crowd in the direction of the woman. They ran purposely, expressions a mix of determination and urgency.
They passed through crowd after crowd, alley to alley, house after house, trying to catch up to the woman.
Unfortunately even with Luke's superior eyesight… they still lost her.
"Damn it!" Luke yelled with gritted teeth, while Leo frowned, his fists forming into fists.
"Why did she run?" Luke said, mumbling bitterly, while Leo didn't speak.
Yes, why would she run? There was no other reason unless…
He shook his head, not wanting to think too much.
"Are you looking for someone, lads?" An old man manning a clothing repair stall asked.
Alas, not everyone can find a relative!
Come on come on!