Althea hesitated for a moment before jumping down, using the adjacent tree trunks, to face her teammates.
She didn't speak for a few moments, as if something was stuck in her throat.
However, she soon gathered herself to tell them her theory. "The mob… it is going to attack a place… and I'm pretty sure it's going to the Royal Territory."
The others paled, looking at each other, and then at her.
"What do you guys think we should do?" She asked them and they didn't answer immediately.
Sheila and Harold also looked conflicted, very understandable, considering everything.
After all… their upbringing and humanity told them to go and help, but was it worth risking their and their friends' lives to do so?
For a group of strangers, no less?
The two were silent for a while, while Fufi and Maya stayed still and silent, sensing the tense atmosphere among the adults.
*wipes sweat* That was a little stressful. Can someone give me some soda please? hahahahahahah
Come on come on!