Diha wiped her suddenly damp hands.
Cat got up and went to the door. She grinned over her shoulder before opening it.
Miles stood on the other side. His lips were parted and he was breathing a little heavier.
"Did you run?" Diha asked.
"It sounded important." He strode into the room.
Diha hurriedly finished throwing the last few changes of clothes into her suitcase, then scooped up her phone. "I'm calling Zora back so she can tell us."
Miles sat in the desk chair while Cat returned to her nest of pillows and work.
"Are you all there?" Zora asked by way of a greeting.
"Yes, and you're on speaker." Diha set the phone down and zipped her suitcase.
"I told Diha that a body was found by police earlier today. What caught my attention was that some sort of hacking ring was busted up there over a year ago. We know Valentino has gone by other names. This man doesn't fit our description of Valentino, but given the proximity to where Valentino was-"