Seth was not just tired, he was exhausted after the long day's work.
If anyone asked him what h wanted at the moment, he would be honest and told them that he just wanted to drink and relax at a bar. Maybe after drinking himself into a stupor, he could go home and get some sleep immediately without feeling how empty and cold his bed was.
"See you tomorrow, boss."
He heard the familiar voice of Chloe say and he turned around from the files he had been arranging, "Good night, Chloe." He responded.
He sighed and resumed his arrangement.
"Good night, boss."
Seth sighed and turned around again. This time, it was Kyle who stood by the door. His expression was that of someone who was extremely tired.
"There's no one, here again, Kyle. You can drop the act now."
"What's the fun in that, Seth? I love calling you boss." He chuckled.
Seth stopped what he was doing and he eyed Kyle. Kyle was his best friend. The two had first met while at college. After their college years, they had lost touch for a while before they reconnected and Seth offered him a job as his assistant.
"Let's go have a drink at the bar." He told his friend.
"Which of the bars?" Kyle rubbed his beck with his hand to relieve the stress he felt.
"Any bar. I don't mind today, I just want to relieve stress."
"In that case, I know a good one."
When Seth heard that, he hurried up with the file he was arranging. In five minutes flats, he and his friend were out of the office. When Kyle drove them to the bar he had talked about, Seth nearly changed his mind about drinking.
"Come on. Let's go, scarecrow, " Kyle said as if he could smell his friend's fear.
Seth exhilarated once. When he was sure he had his erratic breathing under control, he followed in Kyle's footsteps and got down from the Lexus car they had driven to the place.
As soon as Seth walked in, he was shocked by the setting of the bar. Even though it looked smaller outside, it was neatly arranged inside.
"Nice setting."He commented to no one in particular.
"Told you that you would love it, " Kyle said with a chuckle.
Together, they looked around for a seat. When they got one by the corner, they both sat down.
"Waitress?" Kyle called to a woman who was only two tables away from them.
Isabella turned around with dissatisfaction in her face. If she had known that the bar would be so full that night, she would have called in sick.
Turning on her best smile, she turned to the man who had just called her. "Good evening, gentlemen." She greeted with a fake smile. Right in the mood she was in, she wouldn't mind murdering all men.
"Get us the most expensive alcohol you have here," Kyle instructed her, unaware of the evil eyes she cast upon them.
Seth saw how sad and tired the waitress attending to them was but he looked away, deciding that she and her mood weren't any of his business.
"Yes, sir." She responded and went away.
When Isabella got to the counter, she tapped the barman lightly.
"Hey, give me two bottles of our most expensive alcohol." She instructed.
"Sure." The barman said and got to work
Isabella was still waiting for the drinks when someone tapped her shoulder lightly from behind also. She turned around with her fake smile, thinking that it was one of the customers. The person she saw made her get even angrier than she already was. How dare he show his face to her ever again?
"What are you doing here?" She hissed at him. "Get lost when I'm telling you nicely." She turned back to the counter to get the drinks she was waiting for.
"Isa, listen to me. I'm sorry, I can explain everything to you," Sam pleaded for mercy.
"Go explain to that dick of yours that can't stay put at a place." She retorted at him.
The barman returned with the drinks, "Here you go," he dropped the drinks on the counter and pushed them at her.
Isabella picked them up and put them on the tray along with the glasses the barman had dropped with them. She turned around to leave.
"Isabella, please listen to me." Sam touched her by the arm. The next thing he saw was the tray and the drinks and cups it contained on the floor. "Isabella, I'm sorry."
Isabella watched as bottles flew everywhere. She heard as people gasped at the incident. She was furious and she turned the murderous gaze at Sam.
"Have you gone crazy?! Is something wrong with you?!!" She screamed.
Seth had been reprimanding his friend about how he had ordered the most expensive alcohol when they heard the commotion and he looked up. He stood up instantly.
"Let it be," Kyle told him.
Seth wasn't ready to let it be though. Je didn't like seeing women being threatened. So, he went over to the scene.
"What happened, Miss?" He asked the waitress respectfully.
Isabella was angry. Even more when people were beginning to gather about them.
At that point, she didn't want to see any man and she hated the two standing before her.
She didn't stop to think about her actions, she just did it.
She slapped the blonde man who had asked her question, hard across the face.
Seth couldn't believe that the waitress had slapped him. He refused to believe it but the stinging pain he felt from where the slap had landed told him that he had indeed been slapped.
"How dare you?!" He screamed at the waitress. "I was only trying to help."
"Nobody asked you to help, you stupid man," Isabella spat out at him.
Kyle was at his friend's side immediately. He turned a menacing look at Isabella. "Do you know who you just assaulted?" He asked with such a calmness that didn't reach his heart. "You're going to rot in jail for a long while." He passed his verdict.
When Isabella heard those words, she became scared. "W-who" She asked the man she just slapped and the callous smile the man gave her food her she had indeed made a grave mistake.
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