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36.84% A World belongs to the Black / Chapter 14: Interlude - part 1

Chương 14: Interlude - part 1

A whole year has passed since we lived together with the old Tonks family and things have improved a lot. Thanks to me, of course, I'm a charming person and very easy to get along with.

Anyway, jokes aside, things weren't really as easy as I'd actually hoped. Aunt Andromeda acted more like a mother than anything and Nymphadora was a bitch every few hours we were together and we didn't even see each other very much as she only sprung up on summer vacation. Uncle Ted, surprisingly, was the only one who was actually on my side in this house (at least out of my aunt's eyes).

Of course, my disgust was very fair. After all, ever since she found out that my businesses ran without the need for my administration, my life had become a bore. I could still read about magic and practice magical and physical combat, but researching new applications? Develop our rune arrangements? Create and test ritual spells? All prohibited. Tia had become a responsible adult and made me listen to a heated 3-hour speech about the dangers I ran in creating my golems and my other amazing things.

Now, she wasn't wrong about that. Testing runic arrays, for example, was very dangerous as any mistake could cause a catastrophic explosion. Bearing in mind that all my designs used runes in their overall composition, so yes, I took a lot of risks when creating my gadgets.

She was also horrified to learn that I had been raised by my dear great-grandfather in Nurmengard for 7 whole years and kept staring at me, I believe waiting for horns to grow on my forehead.

Who had enjoyed the situation were the two horny twin veelas who took advantage of my moments with nothing to do to snuggle up to me and cuddle. Surprisingly, Aunt Andromeda didn't mind that, but the girls explained to me that she knew about the bond. It also helped that they revealed their depressing backstory and how my grandfather and I were the people who saved them from their horrible lives.

My grandfather got some Brownies points from Aunt Andromeda for that.

My boring life followed a slow, tedious year of nothing but fun and affection that while it didn't horrify me, it depressed me slightly.

"What are you thinking, dear?" Karine asked as she stroked my hair. Her 10 year old body has matured quite well. She already had plump breasts in development and the soft one was enough to get my head there. He could still feel some ribs, but nothing he could help.

"Thinking about school. Our letters from Hogwarts arrived," I said. "Do you believe all the schools have banned the use of WizPhone on the premises? I bet Assholedore was responsible for this. Damn old goat."

"You're not really thinking about it, right? After all, we can take ours in our trunks."

And that was right. Damn it, Aarine, you know-it-all.

Before Aunt Andromeda had forbidden me to learn or create new products and runic arrangements, I had invented a variant of the infamous Newt Scamander suitcase. Once done, I had a small portable pocket size that could be extended depending on the magic core it's connected to.

I called it an extended chest so Aunt Andromeda wouldn't go mad, but the truth was, it was another artifact linked to the magic core, like wands, and it responded to the user's desire. I had given one to each of the Veela girls and had even considered giving one to Nym, but after some deliberation I decided not to.

Now, I didn't need a portable dimension as it had Kamui and everything. But... and I say this because it's me, the dimension was unpleasant. When I first entered I wondered why Yulong didn't bite me to death for submitting him to live in it. It was an identical space to Obito's and had nothing but darkness and pillars serving as a floor... I didn't even understand how I could see anything here when there was no light source anywhere visible.

So yeah, I made my dimensional artifact connected to me and wore it stuck like a potara earring in my left ear. I also asked Yulong to live there now and he loved the environment that simulated nature in his glory.

It helped that my magic core had basically saturated the dimension of extra unused magic that could be used to create various herbs and some other interesting magical species. I was really interested in adding a basilisk to my family list, even if he's gone crazy. I could always erase his memories and restart him from scratch.

He could also use Yulong to burn off impurities and purify the Basilisk bloodline until he had an oriental dragon with murderous eyes.

"I admit I was thinking about something else." I sighed. "But I don't want to talk about it."

"Why?" Karine asked while Aarine backed up staring at meseverely.

"Because it's not a bad thing, okay? I'm bored and I sense Aunt Andromeda for keeping me from playing with magic." By then I was already pouting. "I won't get hurt or anything. It's just…doing nothing…trying anything…makes me uncomfortable."

Then they both started laughing maniacally to my horror. Damn, what was the fun?

"Pietro... You are very cute, did you know that?" Karine asked with amusement.

"I don't know what you mean?"

"I think your obedience to Lady Andromeda can be claimed as a cute action." Aarine revealed it placidly. She always spoke in a neutral tone, to most people, at least, that's how she looked. But for those who have lived with her for a few years now, I could differ from her variable feelings intonation. She was happy and she spoke more softly... she was excited and her voice sounded hoarse up... she was in pain... and she didn't speak. I wasn't supposed to meddle in women's lives when they were in those days.

But what she said just made me think. I actually obeyed Aunt Andromeda without question and did it unconsciously. It wasn't something I needed to do, but something else I wanted to do. I missed my parents, after all, and Uncle Ted and Aunt Andromeda kind of replaced them both in this world. I didn't used to disobey my parents, in my previous life, and I wouldn't do that now.

The relationship with the old man however was much more relaxed. I treated him with gentleness and affection while treating him with disdain and sarcasm because that's how I treated anyone who wasn't my parents, but who were relatively important to me... the grandfather was more like a dear friend of the that like a father or mother.

"And I am very happy that this is the case." Aunt Andromeda simply sprouted in the room where she was relaxing with the girls. "It's surprising, after all, Nymphadora was never obedient."

"I imagined." I replied.

"Lady Andromeda." Karine greeted as her sister acknowledged the entrance with a nod.

"I already said that they can call me Aunt Andromeda like Pietro. You guys will be my nieces sooner or later anyway."

That sent an inevitable rush of blood to my face. Damn it, aunt, be less direct with these things.

"I think…you should listen to the aunt." I suggested. "She's not wrong after all, unless you don't want to be with me...

""We wish!"" They responded quickly interrupting me.

Rude girls!

I smiled as I thought.

"With that decided, you guys are going to Hogwarts in a week...how are the preparations going?"

"I've got everything packed, ma'am... I mean, Aunt Andromeda." Karine said.

"I also have everything prepared." Aarine followed.

"I don't need to prepare too much, I just wish I could take some of my new golems...Soley Inc. created a new variant just for me...fufufufu, I wonder what the little inbred wizards will think when they see me with a nice Pikachu on the shoulder…" I say slyly to the amusement of the women present.

"I still don't understand the toy fanaticism you have...

"They're not toys, aunt, they're collectibles. Co-le-cio-nables." She retorted vehemently. "Every man of culture has some of these and I'm the only one who has the best and only Pikachu in the world... hehehe... and the worst thing is that he's not even considered a rare Pokémon in the Pokémon world."

The three women stared at me with a certain healthy contempt before smiling at me. I ignored this because once before I asked the reason for their smiles and they gave weird answers about my cheerful face being contagious. I knew they would give the same answer if I asked again and I didn't want to go through all the past embarrassment again.

"I know you don't like the idea of ​​going to school, Pietro. You too, Karine and Aarine... but try to make friends for me, okay?"

"I don't think it's possible. Maybe if muggleborns and half-breeds give us a chance, but the purebloods would just want to take advantage of Pietro." Aarine said sternly. She was very intense sometimes.

"The big sister is right, Aunt Andromeda. Most Hogwarts students will try to approach Pietro to use him in their schedules and we won't accept that..."

"Okay, you two, enough." I interrupted. "If that happens I'm more than capable of defending myself. As long as they don't attack me or something, it's not necessary for you to act. Also, I'm sure we'll have some good friends this year. If I'm not wrong, the Nott heir is a good example of an unspeakable thoroughbred... even with a father like his... anyway... things we might think about another day.

"Well, as long as they have fun...

"Yes, I'll take my floating board and my Yu Gi Oh! cards... ah, I also need to prepare a deck and a delimited field for card duels in the castle... I should start thepack assorted muggle snacks as well. They don't have fries at Hogwarts... chocolates and other sweets too... honestly sweet wizards are a disappointment. And you would think that magic would make things more delicious and not the other way around." I started rambling about different things as I walked to my room. I needed to prepare a lot of things... Besides checking my size and seeing if Yulong was eating well... I also needed to replenish the cattle population inside... on second thought, I should get some buffaloes. They can be useful and they are used to living in nature, more than cattle and farm cows. "What are you doing there girls, come with me. I want to take a nap before getting ready."

"Can you be lazy?" my aunt asked amused.

"Is this a challenge?"


I started laughing at her expression before running towards my room... Maybe Hogwarts is fun.

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The day after being reminded of my inevitable going to school, I was experimenting with first-year spells. Yes, by then I should have been a skull in these spells, and I was, but the aunt said I could train magic and experiment with these spells. This, for her, meant that I would be reviewing basic magic once she knew about my extensive advanced magic trainings. To me it meant completely different things.

Permission to EXPERIENCE spells. Yahoo.

See, I couldn't do anything new in my studies of magic since Andromeda, also called dear aunt, came to live with me at Black Mansion and I was squirming with the desire to try new spells and create new spells and apply new spells in battle. .

There was nothing more satisfying than seeing a ray of magical energy flowing from your body to the enemy and being useful. Nothing like most cute duels that almost never hurt your opponent. There was nothing quite like the thrill of using Elemental spells and high-level hexes and curses and transfigurations in battle...

Yes, I was happy.

Even if you could only use 1st year spells, adapting or redoing them counted as using 1st year spells, right?

I had a feeling that if aunt knew this, I would be prohibited from using any magic at home in the future. But I had already made up my mind and already had my excuse prepared for the case. Now let's get started.

As far as I know, the first spell we would learn is Lumus, the lighting spell. It wasn't a difficult one, actually. Wave your wand and say the words by imagining an orb of light at the tip of the wand.

But... depending on my imagination and my ability to make simple things deadly things, I could modify the spell to my liking... to think of Lumus as common as an orb of light was a fallacy, there was no such thing in the natural world equivalent to this to justify the mental image. The human brain, witch or muggle, works with association and imitation at its fundamental core. The same can be said about the mental image when performing a spell. Thinking like that, what if instead of an orb of light I imagined a small star? Would the spell recreate the star?

The answer to that question is a no.

Magic didn't work with imagination, pure and simple. This would only happen in tedious worlds like DxD, among others. The magic of this world took much more into consideration. For example, why was the Lumus spell never hot? Even shooting towards a person, no damage would be possible, apart from perhaps a light-damaged retina. So... how to modify this spell.

Let's think about the definition of light. What was light? Light is an electromagnetic wave, whose wavelength falls within a certain range within which the human eye is sensitive to it. On the other hand, it is an electromagnetic radiation that lies between infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation.

Thinking of light as a wave, what better mental image to cast the spell? Rather, thinking of light as radiation, what better way to use it as an attack spell? As seen, light is situated between ultraviolet radiation and infrared radiation. That means I can bend the spell in both directions. By modifying it to act as an ultraviolet radioactive wave, I can create an orb of dark purple light that, in addition to causing some eye damage, is still non-harmful... but what if I used focus?

What if I converge the light on one point and let go? Wouldn't it create a laser? Hmm... Yes, I could go that way, right? Use compressed ultraviolet light and cast it in a specific direction. The way he was going to contain this wasn't hard to imagine. A wave depends on contention to be observed at last. When a stone is thrown into the water, waves are created and those same waves die on the edge of whatever is containing the water and return to the center, almostalways being rendered useless by the force of new waves... using that mental image would work. Yes, let's test it.

"Lumus Magnas"

The spell came out as intended. A dark purple light with an uncomfortable feeling. However, it wasn't compressed enough.


I broke the spell and started thinking about what had gone wrong. The image was clear, the concept was good enough, my magic was flowing well... if I used the wand, could I control it better? I didn't often use my wand because it was much more convenient to access my magic with my own body than with a tool. I knew it would give me better control, naturally, and I would have no problem replicating wandless spells even if I switched to using a wand constantly thanks to my connection to my magic core so I didn't have to worry about the crutch theory.

Well, I mentally commanded my wand to mold itself in my hands and felt the comfort brought by simply carrying it. I understood what people say about the wand being like a complementary piece and the feeling of being complete when using it was intoxicating. But I didn't get carried away by the feeling, even if in my case it was true. I wondered what it would feel like to use the wand of wands. Would it be the same? Better?

Anyway, no more rambling and let's try my new spell.

"Lumus Magnas"

And this time it went as intended. But the light's resistance surprised me. It seems that the longer I contain the spell, the harder it tries to explode outward... anyway, I channeled my little purple laser forward and a very scary line was thrown into the wall of my training camp.

I cut off the spell's flow of magic quickly before walking to the wall and seeing the 1-inch-thick hole that was starting to close. Surprisingly, my new magic has such damage capacity. Fascinating. And that for only took a few seconds before releasing the laser. What if I took a little longer?

Anyway, I'm glad I trained this inside this room. In fact, I'm glad I built this room in the first place. I took a deep breath and started again. I'm going to master this spell before moving on to another... or maybe I can use the other side of the spectrum and use infrared light instead of ultraviolet... I think it would be more devastating than the purple version... Well, let's give it a try .

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Another day passed and I had 5 days before I needed to go to Hogwarts. My experiments with the altered Lumus spell were gratifying and, as expected, using infrared was far more sinister than using ultraviolet. Of course, I also used several variants of these spells, as depending on the degree of change between the wraiths, I could change the color of the Lumus spell. I called it Lumus Iris and yes I know I'm not good with names but I found it appropriate and, well I did so bite me if you don't like it.

I could basically use any of the 7 colors of the rainbow with this spell variant and could also decrease and increase the intensity. The so-called muggle light bombs from some movies I watched in the past life gave me inspiration to create my own light bombs. I just needed to compress the white light in the same way as my experience with lasers and then throw it towards the opponent. Unfortunately light travels through space like a wave so I would be affected if I didn't close my eyes.

Or would it be if I didn't create a pair of special glasses that were specific to protect me from sudden light spikes. Hehehe. I'm very tool pro in situations like this, don't call me a hypocrite. After all, the spell uses my magic and only her. Defending myself from the spell on the other hand... Unless my doujutsu was able to acclimate my eyes automatically then wearing that pair of glasses would not be a demerit.

Of course I gave the twins a pair and demonstrated my spells in a little practice battle with Uncle Ted. Seeing him with bloodshot eyes for the rest of the day had me in awe. Aunt Andromeda had to use two different potions to cure her eyes...

Because of that I started to adapt the intensity of the light bombs to only temporarily blind someone instead of destroying their corneas. But the fun wasn't any less because of that. Anyway, a new development was the evolution of the horny twins' night attacks. They finally started kissing my mouth instead of my cheeks and I didn't stop them. In fact, I enjoyed participating in the language battles we had before going to sleep and upon waking up. They would be my women anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Sure, Karine tried to use her hands on my dick during one of our snogging sets, but I stopped her before evolving further. We were too young for that anyway yeah, even if it was completely integrated into this new life, I stillI had a young adult mentality...it wasn't hard to rationalize kissing, even caressing the right body parts, but masturbation was still a line I wouldn't cross with 11-year-old girls. Even though I was Veelas and they were deliberately using allure against me.

It should have stopped the two of them from learning to control it, but it would have been worse if they kept enchanting every man within half a mile. If it weren't for their inherited abilities thanks to the burning PATRON fusion, they couldn't be in the same room as Uncle Ted. Not that I hadn't asked him and Nymphadora to learn Occlumency, but it wasn't like his defenses were very good anyway.

Well, now I can only wait for school.

next chapter
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