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33.5% A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 196: Repressed Memories II

Chương 196: Repressed Memories II

"Mama" called Natasha as she looked at her mother.

"Yes" replied Ivanka as she smiled and she looked at her daughter.

"Where are we going Mommy?" asked Natasha as she looked at Ivanka with her wide eyes as Ivanka stuffed some clothes as well as some other things in a black gym bag.

"Well moye ditya (my child) we are going to the dojo" said Ivanka as she smiled and she looked at Natasha.

"Why are we going to the dojo mommy?" asked Natasha as she was jittery and Ivanka placed her hand on Natasha's head as Natasha stopped moving.

"Well because I need to train" said Ivanka as she smiled happily, just because she was an ex-spy did not mean that she should just let herself go and no longer be fit, she was used to training it was in her blood, it was a daily routine for her, and she could not live without it.

But now that she was a wife and a mother, she prioritized her family, and she only trained two times a week, on Wednesday's and on Fridays, she would usually go to the dojo alone, or her Larry would drop her off there and pick her up when she was done, but today, thing would be different.

"Mommy do you beat up people?" asked Natasha with her cute doe brown eyes.

"Well yess I do my girl, but I only beat up bad people… nowadays" said Ivanka as she smiled and she put her gym back over her right shoulder as she carried Natasha up.

"Mommy, why do you beat up bad people?" asked Natasha as her mother carried her and they walked out of her parent's bedroom.

"Well my dear, I am just joking, I don't beat up anyone, and well sometimes, bad people, who do things that are bad need to be beaten up" said Ivanka as she smiled and she poked Natasha's nose.

"Mommy what bad things do bad people do?" asked Natasha as Ivanka walked down the stairs gently and carefully.

"Well my dear, they steal, or kill other people, or lie, those sort of things" replied Ivanka as she casually.

"Mommy, do bad people deserve to die?" asked Natasha.

"Oh my dear, all your questions, your father will think that I have poisoned your mind" said Ivanka as she laughed and Natasha could not understand what was so funny.

"But the answer to your question my baby Is that no… sometime bad people don't deserve to die, they can choose to change" said Ivanka as she smiled, hey she was an example, she was not a saint, no far from it she had killed many people, and done so many unspeakable things, but she chose to change in the end.

"Mommy, when is daddy coming back?" asked Natasha.

"Well remember my baby, he told you that he was going on a business trip and he would be back tomorrow" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"So you are stuck with me for the whole day" said Ivanka as she smiled, she knew that her Natasha was a daddy's girl, Larry pampered her too much, and it was obvious that Natasha preferred her father rather than her mother.

"I love you mommy" said Natasha as she smiled and Ivanka closed the front door of their house as she locked the door with their key.

"And I love you as well my baby" said Ivanka as she smiled, she could tell you that becoming a mother, was the second best thing that happened to her in her life, and the first was meeting Larry, to think that if she had continued in her last life, she would still be killing some innocent people, and she would never settle down or have her precious child, there was no time for that in that life that she had lived.

"Mommy, can I learn to fight like you?" asked Natasha as Ivanka closed the gate of their house as she walked to the car and she opened the car door and she placed Natasha in her car seat.

"Well my girl, you ask your father first and then we shall see" said Ivanka as she smiled and she buckled Natasha up in her car seat.

"Okay Mommy" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Good girl" said Ivanka as she smiled and she poked Natasha nose one more time, before she closed the door and she walked to the drivers seat as she opened the door, and she got into the car.

"Are you all buckled up?" asked Ivanka as she smiled.

"Mhmm yes mommy" said Natasha as she nodded her head and Ivanka smiled as she put on her own seatbelt.

"Alright then, let's go" said Ivanka as she smiled and Natasha giggled as she started the car and they drove away.

"Hey Ivanka, you are in luck, I just finished with a client" came the voice of a young black haired man in sportswear as he smiled, as Ivanka walked into the dojo with Natasha holding her hand.

"Hello Marc, I do have good timing" said Ivanka as she laughed.

"That you do" said Marc as he laughed.

"And who Is this little cutie?" asked Marc as he noticed Natasha.

"This is my daughter Natasha" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Say hello Natasha" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Hello Mister" said Natasha as she smiled and she waved.

"Hello Cutie, she looks just like you" said Marc as he laughed.

"You are part of the many people why say that" said Ivanka.

"The eyes don't lie" said Marc as he laughed.

"So why did you decide to bring her here today?" asked Marc as he smiled.

"My husband is on a trip, so I am on full time mommy duty" said Ivanka as she laughed.

"Ahh I see" said Marc as he laughed.

"You sure that she will be safe here?" asked Marc.

"She is a good girl" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Right my dear?" asked Ivanka as she smiled.

"Right" said Natasha as she nodded her head.

"Well then, welcome to the dojo Natasha" said Marc as he smiled.

"Thank you!!" said Natasha as she smiled.

"My baby, go and sit over there, and be good okay" said Ivanka as she smiled and she pointed to a little wooden bench in the corner.

"Okay mommy" said Natasha as she did what she was told as she went to sit down and Ivanka smiled.

"She is a very well behaved child" said Marc as he smiled.

"You can thank her father for that, I was very rude while growing up" said Ivanka as she laughed.

"I can believe that" said Marc as he laughed.

"So what do you want to do first?" he asked.

"Spar" said Ivanka.

"Diving right into it, as always" said Marc as he laughed and Ivanka smiled as she dropped her gym bag and she removed her shoes as she stepped on the mat next to Marc.

She took her fighting stance as Marc took his.

"You know I never make the first move" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Oh well, I thought you would forget" said Marc as he shrugged and he lunged at Ivanka, in the blink of an eye, she took advantage of his sloppiness as she found an opening and before he could even know what was going on, Ivanka took a hold of his arm as she twisted it and she brought him into a hold as she kicked his knees as he knelt down on the mat.

"Can you go easy on me for once?" asked Marc.

"That was me going easy" said Ivanka as she let go of him with a smile.

"Yayyy mommy, go mommy" said Natasha as she cheered for her mother and Ivanka laughed as she blew her mother a kiss. Natasha did not know what happened at all, it all happened so fast, but one second Marc was standing, and in the next he was kneeling down with his hands held behind his back.

"You are making me look bad in front of your daughter" said Marc as he laughed.

"I cannot look bad in front of her" said Ivanka as she laughed and Marc got up.

"This time don't be so aggressive" said Marc as Ivanka thought that was easier said than done, she was always taught to fight aggressively from a young age, that was the motto.

"Alright, alright" she said as Marc warmed up.

"Mommy, I need to pee" said Natasha as she squeezed her legs together.

"Oh well alright then my baby, come let me take you" said Ivanka as she smiled and Natasha stood up.

"She can go herself if she wants to, the toilets are right there, past that corner" said Marc.

"Baby, do you want to go by yourself?" asked Ivanka.

"Yes mommy" said Natasha as she nodded her head.

"Alright then my baby" said Ivanka as she smiled and Natasha walked to the corner as she saw the toilets.

Natasha washed her hands and then she dried them with paper towels as she walked out of the toilet, she was going to go back to where her mother and Marc were, but she was very curious and she ended up wandered off to the left, there was another hall, Natasha walked around as she saw many Chinese symbols and then she stopped in front of a vending machine as she looked around.

"Hello little girl" came a deep Russian male voice from the right as Natasha turned to look at the man.

"Hello Mister" said Natasha as she smiled and she waved at the man.

"What are you doing here all alone?" asked the man as he smiled, with his brown hair ruffled, his smile was friendly.

"I am not here alone, my mommy Is here with me, she is beating up that man" said Natasha as she replied.

"I see" said the man.

"What is your name little girl?" asked the man as he smiled.

"Natasha, and what is your name Mister?" asked Natasha as she smiled, she had never seen this man before, but he looked very nice.

"I don't have a name" said the man as he smiled.

"But that Is not true, everyone has a name" said Natasha.

"Well you are right… the difference is that I have many names" said the man as he smiled.

"Ahh okay" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I have a present for you" said the man as he smiled and he brought out something from his pocket.

"It is a necklace, a beautiful necklace, for a beautiful devochka (girl)" said the man as he smiled and he gave Natasha a gold necklace, Natasha knew that she was not supposed to collect things from strangers, but she felt like she was compelled to trust this man.

"Thank you Mister" said Natasha as he smiled.

"See you around devochka (Girl)" said the man as he smiled and he ruffled Natasha's hair as he walked away and he turned to the right as Natasha was left there standing alone.

Natasha skipped happily as she found her way back, and she smiled as she sat down on the bench and she watched her mother fight as she stood still and she looked at the necklace in her hand.

"I always end up hurt when I spar with you" said Marc as he laughed and he stretched.

"Oh you will be just fine" said Ivanka as she laughed.

"See you on Friday?" asked Marc as he smiled.

"Yes Friday" said Ivanka as she smiled and she walked to where Natasha was.

"Mommy are you done?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Yes I am my baby, let's go" said Ivanka as she smiled, and Natasha held her hand.

"Mommy, look at this pretty necklace" said Natasha as she showed her mother the necklace as they walked out of the dojo.

"Where did you get that necklace baby??" asked Ivanka in alarm as she took the necklace from Natasha.

"A nice man gave it to me" said Natasha innocently.

"Oh my baby" said Ivanka as she sighed and she face-palmed she blamed herself, she needed to get out of here now, it was not safe at all, they were following her.

"My baby, we need to go now" said Ivanka as she carried Natasha, and she hurriedly put her in the car as she buckled her up and she rushed to the drivers seat as she started the car and they drove away.

"Mommy is something wrong?" asked Natasha in worry.

"No my baby, nothing is wrong" said Ivanka as she looked in the rear view mirror, it was obvious that, that brown car was following them.

"Oh please not now" said Ivanka to herself desperately.

"Mommy I'm scared" said Natasha she could sense that something was wrong.

"Oh no, don't be scared, my child" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Alright, how about we sing? Let's sing a song" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Yes, let us sing twinkle, twinkle little star" said Ivanka.

"Lets go, 1, 2, 3 , Twinkle, twinkle, little star…" said Ivanka as she began to sing while still checking the rear view mirror, the car was still behind them, she could not do anything reckless, Natasha was here, so the best thing to do would be to play it safe.

"How I wonder what you are" said Natasha as she sang with her mother.

"Up above the sky so high, like a diamond in the sky" said Ivanka as she smiled and she turned to the right.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star" said Ivanka as she smiled, her baby was looking better, now they just had to get home.

"Alright my Baby, stay here, and don't move" said Ivanka as she carried Natasha and she put her in Larry's office, she knew it would have sounded stupid to come home when they were following her, but home was the safest place right now, her gun was nearby, and she would use it if she needed to.

"I am going to call your Father now" said Ivanka as she looked outside the window and she saw the same car.

"I will be right back" said Ivanka as she smiled at Natasha and she walked out of the room.

Ivanka walked to the kitchen, she opened the knife drawer and she took out her gun, that was the safest place for her to put her gun, Natasha knew that she was not allowed to come near the knife drawer.

Ivanka took out a knife as she held the necklace Natasha was given in her hand, the necklace was not an ordinary one, it had a tiny flash drive hidden in it. Ivanka used the knife to pry out the flash drive.

If this was a flash drive, then it either meant that they were going to kill her, or he made her scared for no reason at all.

Ivanka sighed as she walked into the living room and she looked out the window, the car that was once parked in front of their house was gone now, and she sighed in relief, it was just him, but he had really scared her.

Ivanka looked at the flash drive, she was going to have to find out what was on it, but before that, she had given her baby a scare.

"Natasha" called Ivanka as she walked back into Larry's office.

"Yes Mommy" said Natasha as she looked scared.

"Oh don't be scared my child" said Ivanka as she carried Natasha and she gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Never be scared, no matter what, okay?" asked Ivanka as she smiled.

"Okay Mommy" said Natasha as she nodded her head.

"Good girl" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Do you want some cake?" asked Ivanka as she smiled and Natasha nodded her head.

"Alright, let us go get some cake" said Ivanka as she smiled and she walked out of Larry's office.

next chapter
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