At the affirmation that his mother would get him to finally take (force) him to school, she had been kind of overjoyed. Of course it's never good to force someone else to do things but it's all okay if the intention is good! Like forcing someone to read a book and improve their literacy or something.
She wasn't one to worry about ethics, anyways. But still, she'd sat at her desk and stared out of the window in the hopes she'd see him walking through like he used to. She was really worried, too. He hadn't responded to her spam in months, and he hadn't seen them either.
Was he ignoring her? If he was, her best solution was to just annoy him till he responds and hope for the best. Of course, now she was just worried for him – it wasn't normal for someone like him to ignore her for extended periods of time. He was too kind of a person, too genuine to even think of ignoring.
But still, she stared in the hopes that his mother would be able to force him in. And it wasn't until she heard him announce himself in the classroom that she'd realised the only reason she didn't see him was because he had already been here.
Her eyes darted toward him, only being able to glimpse his golden hair and a part of his skin. The rest was thoroughly shielded by the way he'd turned away from her. Probably unintentionally, but it still annoyed her to no ends nonetheless.
She didn't really mind anyways (she did), and simply turned back to the window (in an attempt at nonchalance). Maybe it was the way she felt everyone's eyes were on her (they weren't) was why she didn't act surprised or anything. Maybe it was an attempt to keep a reputation, or something. She didn't bother identifying her feelings further than surface level.
Of course, he was a different story – it was the way he seemed fragile all the time despite his (previously) strong stature and the way he cared for others more than himself. In her eyes, he seemed heroic enough for her to make attempts to check in on him. If it wasn't him, she wouldn't care.
An imperceptible sigh escaped her lips, and she stared at the clock at it ticked ever so slowly. All she waited was for it to finally end the lesson so she could go over to him – at this point he was acting completely different from usual, his head was on his table and he hadn't even spared a single glance towards her. Her eyes drilled into the back of his head, as if he would magically notice her and turn to her but he didn't.
Eventually, she gave up and simply focused on class. It wouldn't be good for her grades to be worrying over a boy.
Finally, the lesson had ended and she was left with enough free time to go storming over to his desk. She slammed her hand in front of his desk, paying mind not to hurt him as she did and stared as he drowsily awoke from an either deep or pretend slumber.
"What the hell-..." He began to mumble, pausing only as he saw her staring down at him. The question of whether he paused because it was her or if he paused because she seemed quite menacing was left to interpretation.
She had been too busy to pay mind to why, but how was a different question.
How was he literally on the verge of seeing his last seven minutes? That question caused her mind to drift over to what his seven minutes would be, maybe it'd be their times talking when they were younger (in reality only a few months earlier) or maybe he wouldn't even see her in those minutes. Maybe it's just be him, his family and she wouldn't be included.
But eventually she was brought back to examining his condition. The question of 'If he was okay' lingered in the back of her mind, even as she tried to be angry at him for leaving her alone in school. But when her eyes drifted off to the familiar, yet somewhat healing scar she found herself feeling guilty instead – for not checking on him earlier.
"... Leo?" She spoke, her lips barely parted as her brows began to furrow and her fist clenched slightly – her left, to be precise. She found herself wanting to trace the gash across his cheek gently, wanting to feed him till he looked like he'd burst and wanting to most of all, make sure he was happy. He seemed disinterested, beyond the fact he seemed surprised to see her.
".. Val.. Erie..." He'd mumbled in response, almost calling her by her nickname before belatedly continuing and calling her awkwardly as... Whatever that had been. His eyes had averted from hers in shame, she guessed, and his chapped lips were clamped shut, he was probably speechless.
".. What happened?" She asked, trying to seem as familiar as possible yet being unable to mask the awkward edge to her tone, she leaned over the desk, looming over him while staring intently at his every feature.
He still made her heart beat, yes, but now it was more out of fear for his condition rather than whatever the other reason was (she didn't want to admit anything).
"I just forgot to eat some meals.." He responded, terribly so as her fists clenched tighter and she grit her teeth. Almost all the nervousness had faded away with the sudden frustration which filled her.
"Some... Meals...?" She muttered under her breath, only speaking louder to make sure he heard her, he tilted his head slightly to the side and leaned over to hear her more easily. "Some?" She questioned, her nails digging into the fabric of her uniform – she only stopped once she realised it hurt a bit.
"Yeah-" He began to speak as if it would make sense with his words (it wouldn't), and she found herself leaning closer in the heat of her anger.
"You say some, but you look like you're dying." Her tone was a mixture of both fury and worry, every single time she'd said some, she emphasised the word. As if the few combination of letters was more absurd than anything else. Like it would help him see sense that missing a few meals wouldn't make him look like he's been stripped of all his flesh and left with only bones.
She only found herself shaking her head, muttering words under her breath as she stopped leaning over and stood straight.
"What was that?" He asked, as if she'd said something of importance (she didn't) and he then stood up, shakily so, to lean closer to her.
"I said, you're the most infuriating man to have ever come into existence." She spoke louder, clearly avoiding the fact she had said something else but still standing strong on the insult towards him. It was after that she had turned away and walked back to her own desk, to get her bags and go to her next class. It was either lucky or unlucky that in her next class, she had been paired with Leo.
I don't know what's happening here, by the way. Kind of a fever dream or something. Anyways, name reveal after one chapter. I hope my writing is good, tbh.
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