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A Legendary Reincarnation A Legendary Reincarnation original

A Legendary Reincarnation

Tác giả: Default_Lemon

© WebNovel

Chapter 1 (Warning)


This book/novel/fanfic/story/yourmomga—

Contains +18 novelty and scenes which include the following.



-Sexual Interaction

-Possible Chances of crimes such as drugs,rape,murder, and death isn't a crime it's life :/

-Will include gender bender here and there, minor for Mc(Temporary).

-I have some of my own fetishes for myself so yeah…

-This book might be good for some of y'all but for me it's a guilty pleasure ;)

If your under 18 don't read but what can I do to stop you….

Anyways, you've read the warnings so if you still wanna read then be my guest good sirs, ladies, and animals.

<Josh P.O.V>


"Woah!".. A black chevy Impala suddenly blazed through the dim streets nearly hitting a teenage boy.

'F*cking idiot' The boy thought in annoyance.

Walking across the now clear road in a quick hurry, he managed it across before looking once more at the barren road in thought.

"Why does almost everytime I cross this road it seems to have a speeding car almost hit me out of nowhere.. Yeesh" The boy said with a frown.

It just so happens that this road was not fully constructed and the people in charge of creating a 'safe environment' don't give much a damn as it wouldn't matter to even finish it as it's too high up on the mountains to risk equipment and men.

As he walks down the sidewalk to his way to school he notices one of his friends, Henry, standing at the school gates.

"Yo Josh! How you been, I saw that Nancy girl earlier have you talked to her yet?!" Henry said to the now named Josh.

'Why does he always have to be so loud especially in the morning.' He sighed as he walked up to him.

"Dude I'm like 7 steps away from you there is no reason to yell especially with so many people around Henry!" He shot back as it was true with other kids still making there way to school watched them.

But his friend only smirked.

"Well take any longer with your slow pace and we can't have breakfast today! It's those sausage biscuits you love so much." Henry said while swinging around his blue backpack.

'Biscuits! The prime of my life, the only thing that keeps me going on Mondays and they are always delicious and juicy- Best not waste anytime waddling!' "On my way!" He yelled pushing past Henry who quickly followed.

<8 Hours Later->

"What are you planning to do after school josh? You never come to hang out anymore since.. well you know.." Henry said sitting on a rail in the skate park by the school.

Josh simply frowned before putting on a fake smile.

"Sorry dude, family comes first as you know, my mom and grandma need me." Josh replied while reading a small book on a dark version of the three little pigs.

"Yo cool move Drake!"In the distance some skaters were having their fun pulling cool moves without a care in the world.

[Damnit…. Why did she have to get diagnosed with cancer- The way the world works is full of shit! I will never understand when people say this is a part of gods plan.] Josh thought to himself angerly shutting his book.


The vibration of his phone suddenly sounded through his pockets.

Reaching it out a message from his grandma was displayed on the screen saying that something is wrong and he needs to come home.

'Hm, time to wrap this up.' He thought as a cold sweat was felt falling down his neck.

"Henry I have to go- something has come up at home…" Josh says while starting to gather his school bag and water bottle of generic design.

Getting ready to move he makes his way to the gates and stops as he hears Henry call out behind him.

"Make sure to say to your Mom that I said Hello! Aight?" He motioned with a sympathetic smile.

Josh stopped momentarily before giving Henry a thumbs up before leaving hurriedly.

As he ran down the street with no bike, car, or even scooter for quicker travel, he felt tears form on the edges of his eyes as he grit his teeth in anger.

'Damnit why does this have to have to happen to me.. Why to her! This family is cursed..' Kicking a nearby rock as he ran in anger.

Ah.. Family.. a great way to get through life.. but not without its misfortunes.. of course one who has the correct ingredients added to the mixing bowl for example the members of a family.. the mother who cares for their child, a father who supports her, even siblings who can make life tough but still love you help every now and then..

Unfortunately for Josh, his father was the definition of a bastard… what an asshole he was.

He took everything and screwed his mom over to fend for herself and have no support over the land and house they owned which they couldn't afford anymore.

Josh's residence in the U.S on the mountain side was calm and to the modern eye seen as a relic of the past as it was worn down and very old.

<Parkway Street Lt; 20 Minutes Later…>


Dense clouds from a sudden storm had let out a downpour as Josh made his way home along the sidewalk by the road.

Thunder, lightning, water all of it was like a Hurricane of grief to Josh getting soaked in all of its impurities.


Grabbing his phone and flipping it open the moment he heard it, the very moment he read the full message he felt his heart thump harder..

Your mothers coughed are getting worse, those special cough drops at the store should help, please hurry! -Grandma—

Putting his phone back into his pocket he looks back in front of him while trying to cover himself with a worn down jacket in the downpour.

'Well crap it's by that death road.. I'll have to be quick!' thought josh as he burst into a sprint down the dark wet night.

On his way he sees the familiar Speedway come into view on the sidewalk and quickly runs in and out of the cold to find the required medicines.

"Yo Josh how's it going today? The usual?" Tom asked with a light grin.

Tom was an employee who worked here and was lucky as Josh was a frequent customer barely keeping this speedway in business as it was their families only form of spending.

As time went on and on the two had become well acquainted friends.

"Not today.. I need those new cough drops." Josh said as he shook off the water from his jacket at the door way then making his way to the medical isle.

Tom nodded his head, reaching unser his desk feeling around he seemed to find what he was looking for.

Josh watched as he placed two medicinal bottles with what he needed..

The teenage clerk took notice of his friends unusual behavior, he seemed more nervous today.

Taking the bottles in hand he scanned them both for their price in that red beeping light.

"Thirty… hmm they have been rising these lately!" Tom said while looking at the register screen.

The school boy sighed at his misfortune as he had only around fifteen bucks on hand.

Seeing his friends drooping mood he merely chuckled as the two bottles were shifted to Josh.

"It's on me buddy don't worry." Tom said giving him a receipt.

"T-thanks Tom your the best!" He said giving Tom a high five and running out the door.

'Be well kid..' The clerk sat back down to resume his magazine.


Going back out into the downpour, the storms seemed to have gotten stronger to the point of even causing a tornado alert in the area nearby.


*Alert, The national weather-*

And apparently on his now.

Quickening his pace, he rushes down the streaming sidewalk, not noticing a large stuck out rock making him trip out into the muddy ground.

Picking himself back up while trying to wipe the mud off his face he felt an emptiness on his sides.

Reaching into his pockets he felt the bottles of medicine were not there.

"Crap did I drop them?" Looking around around below him as he searched.

He was indeed correct as near him the two bottles fell had into a stream on the side of the road heading to a sewer drain.

"Crap-crap-crap- Get back here!" The boy ran in hurry, shouting at the top of his lungs.

The bottles needed to help his mother only seemed to dodge out of his grasp at every chance he tried to take them.

"I got you no-!".

As he reaches out to grasp at least one bottle it stops abruptly in the stream of water.

Not quick enough to respond to the sudden stop he slips into a sign post and falls to the ground.

"Ah.. what the hell."

Rubbing his head in pain, he sees the two bottles still firmly planted as he takes them into his grasp.

In relief he begins to pick himself up, not before taking notice of a peculiar rock with a small crevice of light being emitted from within.

Interested he seemed to forget his mission as he picked up the strange rock rubbing off any pieces of mud or debre.

"The heck is this thing.. where did it come from?" Asking himself with confusion and wonder.


As he thought these questions, the sound of a loud blade of thunder sounded into the air around him.. being the last thing he saw in this world.

<Unknown time later>

'W-what the heck just happened.. what was that bright li- Agh! Shit!" He yelled out in sudden pain.

Trying to put pressure on his head to try and stop the pain, it doesn't seem to leave.

"This hurts like hell what was that.." He muttered as he began to look around.

However he quickly noticed that he is in an unfamiliar place that looked like the matrix from the movies he watched.



"Is there anyone there? Hello?!" He began to cry out.

But still no response.

'What the hell is happening-what is this..'

Shouting in all directions for what seemed like hours he finally stopped.

The area around him felt like it was getting squeezed in the more he stood there.

He could move when he tried but it seemed pointless when everything around him looked the same.

It was hard to tell if he was even moving forward.


The sound of harsh breathing suddenly sounded behind him resulting in him flying around with his fists at the ready.

But upon seeing the source, an old short man in strange robes stood in front of him with a brown stick, he quickly put his fists back down.. while still being cautious.

"Young one do you mind to be a little quieter.. the area you are in is a state of peace and it has been like this for eons.. silent and peaceful.. I could do without your yapping." says the old man in a harsh shaky voice.

"U-uh sir? I am sorry to disturb you but where am I and who are you?" He asked blinking in confusion.

The man slowly opens one of his old crinkled eyes to look at him.

His gold eyes retina suddenly darkens upon seeing josh.

Rising up from his position almost too perfectly, too fluidly.. he inspects the boy all around, both eyes open.

"W- what are you doing may I ask?" Josh asked in confusion and embarrassment..

The old man, stopping his observation, turned to look at Josh and into his light blue eyes.

"…Well, this is very interesting I must say! I haven't seen this in quite some time!" The man said as he stroked his white mystical beard.

"You haven't seen what in some time? What are you talking about.. where am I?" He asked competently dumbfounded.

"Oh! Apologies Josh! It's just been some time since someone has come here.." the man replied in a shaky voice.

"Y-you how do you know my name?!" An old man in a weird place who suddenly knew his name?

It was like a fever dream.

"Well, simply put your name is practically floating beside you as all migrators from elsewhere can do so." The man said while returning to his position on the floor.

"It also says you like Kfc on Wednesday afternoons.. whatever that means." He muttered.

Surprised josh looked to his side but saw nothing.

"W-what do you mean? I see nothing!" He spoke back seeing the man's laid back attitude.

The Elder simply sighed before replying.

"Hm, maybe your a little too low a level.. but how else would you be here.. " The man asked raising a brow.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Why because your in the spirit realm of course, the mind and soul are all that tethers you here.. you must be too low in power to see your own name." He muttered while looking at Josh.

"N-no? I don't know what a spirit realm is.. This can't be real.. a dream?" Josh said as he began looking around once more to still see nothing but white.

"Well to be here you simply need to be reborn a.k.a die and await reincarnation." The man said.

"Wait… I'm dead?" Josh said looking wide eyed at the man.

"Of course how else would you be here.. Would you mind telling me how you died? To get here one needs to do so with extreme energy and it looks like you.. don't posses such things but who am I to judge!" The man says before laughing while stroking his beard.

Josh hearing this falls to the ground as he can't believe what he was hearing.

On his knees he didn't leave his thoughts as he tried to comprehend this..

He couldn't believe it, but he remembered that bright light that shown around him before he came here.

"Tell me.. can lighting count as a source of energy?" Josh asked.

"Indeed! Although it would need to strike directly onto your body to count!" The man said.

'If this is all true then I died by lightning?! A single fucking bolt from Zeus!?' Tears began swelling up his face as he clutched his fists.

"What is the matter young man?" The Elder asked as he sat next to him.

With no answer he pushed his wrinkled hand onto his head as he began squirming around.

"Oh.. This is indeed unfortunate.." The man says before his face turns gloomy and backs away from josh who sobbed lightly.

"You seemed like a good person in your life but a unfortunate person.. very unfortunate." The old man said.

Josh thought back to his mother, What would she do without him?, He felt like he failed her, Henry, his whole family, and himself.

Lightly crying for hours he collected himself when his mood had soured and dimmed.

"What do I do?" Josh says with red eyes.

"I am not sure as I have never had anything like this before happen on accident.. However as it seems the situation is dire.."


The sound of humming fills his ears as he turns to see the old man pulling out a book from within his robes with strange dark energy pouring out.

"You are in luck young man! Only something powerful like me can do what I do!" The man said with a prideful smile.

"I feel bad for you.. so I'll do you a favor, I'll reincarnate you with theee wishes." The old man said with a hidden glint in his eyes.

'Three Wishes? Is this a genie from Aladdin type of deal?' He wondered slightly suspicious.

Taking the time to think he thought back to what he favorited most.

He remembers his most favourite movies.. Godzilla movies that were produced from 1954 all the way to the 2000's and currently legendary and toho movies had came out one by one and none else have been produced yet after 2021 ending with a thrill of the renewed Godzilla vs Kong.

They were masterpieces viewed as an utter success by everyone but were trashed on by critics and reviews from companies.

He thought back to the creepiest one of them all a living nightmare…

Shin Godzilla..

A moving disaster for Japans ministry of Defense to face and if he could have the power to evolve and get stronger in the form of one of his favorite movie monsters he wouldn't have to worry about protecting himself anymore.

That Godzilla earth was also exceptional.. but evolution was too slow.

He thought of the possibilities of gaining such powers as it was possible he could surpass earth Godzilla if he could continuously evolve along with some well placed wishes.

But then again why shouldn't I choose a wish to be a god and teleport back to live my life?

Thing was he asked the old man but it was rejected as he couldn't give too much so suddenly for some reason.

While taking time and thinking of his wishes he came back to the old man who was standing there quitely before before answering him-

"For my first wish... I-.. just wanna go back home." He said slightly unsure if it would work.

These wishes were enticing but he still cared for his family more than ever.

He was sad to see that the old man only frowned before shaking his head.

"W-what? Why not!" He shouted.

"I can't, you say your from earth.. but where is that? I don't know where your universe is.. sorry Josh." The old man said.

Out down at this, Josh spoke again.

" Well.. for my first wish, I wish to be reborn as Shin Godzilla from the toho movies.." He replied in which the old man nodded slowly.

Mustering his confidence he said his second wish.

"For my second wish I wish.. that I had a supportive system to help me along my path." He said.

The old man once again nodded however with a hidden smirk as he waited for his final wish.

"For my final wish I wish….." he thought as he stuttered for his words.

"To be able to transform into any other being.." Josh said as he watched the old man think before he spoke.

"Should've just said that for your first wish." The man said with a chuckle.

Josh wondered what he meant before realizing, but it was too late and he was still happy with his wishes.

They were all he needed to get along well enough, he couldn't wish for much more.

"I'll have to make modifications to your last wish so that you can adjust to it." The old man said with a finger pointed up.

"Now to where you'll go, there's a certain planet that I can send you with my book of techniques called Planet Sphyrone, it's very old and very powerful.. but it should do fine." The man says seeing Joshes nervous expression.

With a snap of his fingers, all his wishes had been finalized as a large portal formed behind Josh.

"Have a nice life young man your wishes may have been strange but they have a lot of potential!" he says with a smiling face.

Seeing what was happening Josh got scared for a moment but relaxed seeing the old man nod.

'For this life I hope I can defend what I love with my newfound strength' he thought hopefully as the light slowly enveloped him.

"Oh and last mentions! There are a lot of extremely powerful beings, so be careful! After all.. I still have plans for you." The man whispered the last part out of reach from Josh's ears.

The portal then entirely engulfed him making him fall unconscious.

<Deep Sea, Unknown>


A small wisp of light slowly grew from thin air shaped around as if it were dough.

From within this speck of light a form of a small embryo with a lizard like fetis formed within..

To be continued..

Default_Lemon Default_Lemon

Guys be honest do you think this book will be good or bad?

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