Man, I don’t know if the Orishas have fates or whatever, but if they do, they must be
putting me through some intense destiny training. I’m paralyzed all over, my tongue feels sour and still in an excruciating amount of pain from the energy I exerted. I look over to my left, and spot Mace, who is still unconscious.
I don’t know what I would have done without him. He provided a lot of raw energy and power that was just brash and astonishing. I only had enough power to just stall and wound our adversaries, but he was the one that struck the deadly blows to turn the tide in our favor. I’ll get him a Big Mac from McDonald’s when he wakes up- a Big Mac heals all problems.
“You have done well my child, but I expected nothing less from the son of Eshu . Your use of tactics was well executed despite your inexperience,” Orunmila interrupts my thoughts.