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68% A Grindelwald's Tale / Chapter 17: Chapter 12 Black Horcrux down

Chương 17: Chapter 12 Black Horcrux down

It had taken a while before Roxanne had stopped pestering and in Rodrick and practically everyone else's opinion stopped smothering Daphne over the whole fire whiskey event. At the end of it all, Daphne didn't actually get into much trouble for the simple fact she'd drank with Rodrick around to make sure nothing happened, there really wasn't much danger in that regard.

The fact Astoria had practically pouted out her parents to help make sure her sister got no punishment definitely had nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.

On a completely unrelated note, Daphne couldn't complain about Astoria's eating habits for the next year.

In all the commotion surrounding the fire whiskey event the adult's had failed to notice Rodrick buying a book on Apparition.

The family had reached the Greengrass Manor before Cyrus had finally decided to give Rodrick the news, in the form of an envelope.

Rodrick blinked as he read through the letter penned to him by Sirius Black, though the handwriting looked suspiciously similar to his defense professors...

"Black wants me to visit some sort of gathering of sorts?" Rodrick asked as he handed over the letter to Daphne. As he looked up towards Cyrus he found the man nodding along.

"I believe the gathering is supposed to be for tomorrow, it'll last for a couple days, you'll be back here before Christmas of course," Roxanne added from the side, she was currently sitting on one of the chairs surrounding the large table, Astoria in her lap.

"Who else will be there?" Daphne questioned curiously, she turned towards the house elf before taking the drink and thanking it.

"It didn't say," Cyrus frowned.

"Probably Harry's friends and their family." Rodrick shrugged as he swept over towards an empty chair. He sighed as he sat down contemplating whether he should go or not. A thought however quickly came up to him.

"Can Daphne come with me?" Rodrick questioned quickly, the girl's eyes widened slightly before she turned to her parents.

The two adults eyed each other at that wondering what to answer. "It didn't say you couldn't bring a guest with you I suppose,"

Cyrus stroked his chin before he sighed and agreed to let his oldest daughter go, "Of course I expect you to behave," He heard his wife add.

Daphne quickly nodded somewhat excited at that causing her parents to shake their head in amusement.

"I want to go to Luna's house then," Astoria spoke up.

A frown marred Cyrus face at his younger's proposal which in turn made the girl grin as she knew it meant he was letting her go.

"It seems the children are trying to get away from us dear," Roxanne remarked amusedly.

Cyrus shook his head, "And here I went through the trouble of getting a holiday,"

Roxanne smirked at her husband before walking up to him and whispering something in his ear.

The two third year's watched it curiously before they almost jumped back at the sudden change in Cyrus's face.

"I am sure Mr. Lovegood won't mind," there was a cheerful tone to his voice, one that seemed to make Roxanne shake her head at him.

Rodrick blinked once before muttering "Perks of having a pretty wife huh" causing the adults and Daphne to look flustered while Astoria simply asked what he meant. Rodrick adopted a grin as he went towards her, about to tell her before he heard everyone cry out a resounding "No!"

He shook his head and was about to turn before his eyes widened slightly when he noticed a secondary chord surrounding Astoria's heart... Unlike the rest this one wasn't entirely white, there were strands of red going around it... He shook his head and the sudden display disappeared. 'Maybe this necklace was a bad idea...'


That night, as Rodrick was about to turn in for the night, he heard his door creak open. Lifting his head, his gaze quickly landed on Daphne. She swept over towards his bed and jumped in sitting beside him.

"Hello," she spoke up grinning at him.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at her wondering why she was so cheerful. "Are you ok?"

Daphne rolled her eyes at him before she spoke up again. "You heard my parents this morning," she had a bright smile etched onto her face.

"You look far to excited about visiting The Black Family home," he remarked.

Daphne stared at him for a few seconds. "I meant before that, idiot,"

Rodrick chuckled at her "I wonder what they'll think if they find you here"

A flustered look took over the 14 year old before she quickly schooled her expression "What are the odds of them actually blaming me for it though," there was an amused tone to her voice which quickly disappeared as soon as Rodrick reminded her of the fire whiskey event.

The two wound up talking about the upcoming visit to Sirius Blacks home before Daphne brought the subject back to earlier.

"You weren't serious right..." she started, her voice somewhat apprehensive. "About saying no," she finished.

Rodrick started laughing at the face shed made which earned him a slap and a glare from her. He levelled a hand towards the locket around her neck before speaking. "If I was I would've never given you this," he smiled at the girl next to him.

Daphne face cheered up before she grabbed him into a hug.

Rodrick wasn't expecting the sudden shock he got out of it. It was only at that moment did he remember the cursed hollow surrounding his neck. For that split second time seemed to sit still. His sight was covered in darkness.


Rodrick vision quickly cleared up... He found himself standing in the middle of what looked like a city. His eyes widened as he realised the level of magic that inhabited it. It was overflowing in an abundance of magic. He could feel it seep into his very bones. Shaking him. Looking around he found incredible buildings that reached into the sky, the colours were as large in variety as the headmaster's choice of clothing... Which really said a lot in its own way. His eyes widened as he saw clusters of magic flowing through the city easily.

It was an entirely magical place... Buildings all around him easily moved along with magic, roads were crystal clear and clean. Sweeps scoured through keeping the place in check. There was an abundance of greenery decorating the metropolitan looking area and in the distance his eyes landed on the most beautiful castle he'd ever seen. Hogwarts may have had a beauty in its ancient looking design but the one his eyes landed on had a more modern look to it.

He could never have imagined the level of magic displayed in front of him... It was almost a fantasy to experience. The quality of magic shown outclassed that of Hogwarts and the quantity... Simply made it impossible. It was almost as if it was a world filled to the brim with magic. A world where muggles had never existed... He knew a place like this couldn't exist... it was simply incomprehensible. That thought alone could break him.

He walked through the city, wonder and astonishment lined his eyes... it looked like there was no end to it. A screech made him quickly turn before his eyes widened in shock as they landed on a flying creature... It looked like a dragon only... It had no arms... Instead it had claws etched to its wings. There was a large number of the creature as they flew across the spiralling city without a care in the world. He looked around and his eyes landed on other magical creatures. Ones he'd never even heard of...

He quickly came to a single startling realization however. He was the only human in the area. There was no sign of any other person aside from himself. That thought made him squirm slightly. Before he could contemplate further however...

He blinked as he took in the single object lay unceremoniously in front of him on the ground... It was the book. The book of the hollows. Opened to the first page. He read the title. He'd opened up the book to the first chapter and for a strange reason felt a shudder.

The title itself should not have had any effect on him really... He'd never actually seen it before and yet he couldn't help it.

The tale of the four brothers

He had no idea what it stood for. When he crouched intent on picking it up however the pages suddenly flipped through surprising him, as soon as his hands touched the book. His eyes widened in shock as he read through the title of the current chapter.

The tale of Gellert Grindelwald

He could feel his heart beat harder and faster. Could feel his hands shake as he traced the wording on the book wondering what secrets hid behind them... However as soon as he made an attempt to read the first word. The book snapped shut on his hands. He winced in the pain. He looked down and found it open once again... At another page... The title stilled him... He was frozen in shock as he read through the next tale... It was... Well... He didn't know how to describe it. 'what the hell is this supposed to mean!?'

The tale of Rodrick Grindelwald

He didn't know how long he'd stood there... Staring at the pale dark words... Words that supposedly controlled his short lived life... He made no attempt to move... Nothing at all. When he blinked however the book had disappeared. In its place stood a shadow. No, not a shadow. A cloaked figure. Rodrick squinted trying to make out the features on the things face to no avail.

"Who are you?" Rodrick questioned the pale shadow in front of him. A sinking feeling settled in his stomach. He knew who it was... Some thing just stood out... Some thing about the thing in front of him just screamed the answer in his face.

Rodrick was staring at the figure of death.

He made no reaction when the cloaked shadow lowered his head in agreement to his thoughts.

He made no reaction when the figure drew out the four hollows and laid them at the floor in front of him.

He made no reaction when death bowed in front of him.

"Where am I?" Rodrick questioned the pale horsemen.

"My home."

Rodrick narrowed his eyes at that. "Where is your home?"

The answer he received would stick with him for the rest of his life. An answer that shook him to his core. He knew then and there that it was no fantasy world he imagined. He knew there that he would not read that cursed book any time soon. For the simple word of location shattered everything he'd ever believed of the world he'd lived in.

"Many have tried and failed to master the hollows..." the pale rider spoke in a language Rodrick had never heard before and yet somehow understood.

Rodrick understood the shadows meaning... He expected him to follow in the list of failures.

"I don't want anything to do with the hollows,"

Rodrick flinched as he saw a glimpse of the shadows face... A glimpse of his smile.

"Which is why you will succeed,"

Before he could ask for the pale riders meaning however the world quickly dissolved and Rodrick found himself back in his bed room, embraced by the girl in front of him. Letting go he gave the girl a wane smile before remaking his need for sleep.

Daphne stared at him curiously, wondering what was wrong before she simply nodded and left for her room. If there was a problem he'd tell her. However there was a nagging part that wondered if she could help him with this one.

Rodrick stared at his ceiling. Trying and failing to find the drive to read the cursed book... It would no doubt give him his answers...

He sighed when he settled for ignorance... His grandfather had been right after all... This was nothing like a simple matter of killing and he definitely wasn't ready for it... He settled for the book of curses instead of hollows and read through the last spell his grandfather had ever shown him... Once again squirming when he read through its effects.

It really was one screwed up spell... The unforigveables didn't hold a candle to it.


Rodrick groaned as he looked around, He took in all of his surroundings. He quickly realized he was in another dream... 'At this point I am pretty sure I've spent more time in some fantasy then I have in my actual life.'

He was definitely sure it was a dream. There was no other chance of him ever coming back to the place his mind decided to help him revisit.

He could already feel the depression slowly seep into him as he took in the familiar bleak hallway, filled with doors to rooms he was never welcomed in. Rodrick turned to face his door. The door to a room he'd had to share with a few other orphans.

'Well, I wonder what the world wants me to find out this time,' He thought amused as he went through the door that ruined his childhood.

Assuming he ever had one.

He took a good long look at the familiar surroundings, the place he'd stayed in for 11 years, the place that had sent his view of muggles down the drain.

'A memory?' Rodrick thought to himself as he took in the scene before him.

He watched idly, with a slow but definite increasing level of anger as his 4-year-old-self was bullied by his roommate... He'd repressed most of his childhood simply because there were no silver linings to remember.

As he watched the blonde 8? or was it 9? Year old pick on his younger form, Rodrick's mind wandered to what had happened to him... He furrowed his brows when he realized he couldn't even remember the boy's name... Strange... He was certain that the boy had never actually been adopted, yet he had almost no recollection of him.

His minds musing snapped when he turned his attention back to the scene, he almost laughed when he found the room completely turned upside down, that was his first run-in with accidental magic. Rodrick shook his head as he watched his younger self completely ignore the situation as if it was his imagination.

A few moments later Rodrick made to move away from the scene, however... As soon as he reached the door, something in the back of his mind just shot to the front... He turned back and found the memory occur as he remembered it... The upside down room had been reversed moments after it'd happened...

It was at that point when Rodrick realized why it had taken so long for him to start believing in magic... Why he had thought it was all in his imagination. Warily, Rodrick glanced towards the bully in question...

No reaction.

There was no reaction out of the boy. It was incomprehensible. No muggle could ignore a room being flipped over like that...

'Was it really my imagination? Has this memory been modified?' He knew the answer to both of those questions was the same... A resounding no. He remembered the incident, it was clear as crystal. Attempting to remember the bully, however, proved fruitless. He had no information regarding the boy he'd slept in the same room with for as long as he could remember.

'What is this supposed to mean?' There was something going on and for a strange reason, Rodrick found himself terrified of it. There was something seriously wrong going on here. Leaving the room Rodrick quickly made his way over to another.

Rodrick found the typically white room as he'd always remembered it. There sat on his own bed was one of the few orphans who'd gotten on with him, in that he neither bullied nor despised him. He felt dread go down his spine when he realized he couldn't remember this one either... Rodrick gulped as he waited for whatever was about to occur... He watched as his younger self, this time 7, entered the room.

This was after he'd started receiving dreams of his grandfather, dreams he had deemed his imagination.

He watched with bated breath as his younger version tried to speak to the kind orphan... He felt tense as he watched that same boy disappear as soon as the younger him turned away.

The disappearing wasn't what had freaked him out... It was the strange glint in the other orphans eyes... Rodrick closed his eyes, he made his way back to the first room and cursed. That same glint was in the blonde's eyes as well.

Rodrick was about to enter another room before he heard a knock. He turned his head towards the end of the hallway, he found the front door, a shadow on the other side. He narrowed his eyes and walked towards the door in question.

As he was about to open the door, however, something seemed to hold him back. Looking through the eyehole on the door first, Rodrick found an old looking lady standing in the doorway. He'd seen a picture of his great aunt, after finding out about her from Malfoy Snr, he quickly connected the two pictures.

Rodrick reached for the doorknob... He made to greet the elder on the other side, however...

Rodrick stood, still as a statue, feeling dread as he stared into the mirror on the other side of the door... However it wasn't his reflection that scared him, it was the woman standing behind him... The striking blonde hair that cupped a face too similar to his predecessor... Eyes hauntingly the same as his own. There was a smile on the woman's face, she proceeded to place her arms over his shoulders, in an attempt to draw him into a hug. Rodrick felt hollow as nothing seemed to connect to him, he closed his eyes as he turned around, hopeful and reopened them to see nothing...

His gaze, instead of landing on that same bleak hallway, fell into the ceiling of his room at Greengrass Manor.


That morning, Rodrick found himself confused, he wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel about the dream. He didn't even know what to think of it, the only thing he really got out of it was seeing his mother for the first time... It was that reason alone that seemed to placate him...

He'd finally caught a glimpse of her... If only it wasn't on such a somber dream... if it had been her on her own, without the orphanage or his mysterious great aunt or the other orphans... It would've been the perfect dream to fall asleep into... He sighed, he knew there was something going on... Otherwise, he wouldn't have been shown everything else. He knew for certain that there was something strange... Something haunting about that orphanage but for the life of him, he simply couldn't tell or more accurately he didn't want to know. There was already too much going for him to comprehend... The list simply kept on growing.

He stared into the bathroom mirror, Rodrick quickly slapped himself alert. He was expected at the Black Manor today... He would need to deal with a lot of Gryffindors. he needed his energy for that mess. The bright side of it all was Daphne would need to suffer with him. Rodrick quickly made his way out of the bathroom, thoughts of the dream at the back of his Occulemency shielded mind.


As he was about to enter the fireplace leading towards the infamous Black Manor, Rodrick stilled himself. They would floo to a nearby pub where they would be picked up by their, surprisingly enough, defense professor. Cyrus had originally wanted to go with them but after some convincing, he agreed to let them go on their own, on the condition they immediately floo call back once they'd reached the manor.

"Is something the matter?" Cyrus asked, he'd noticed the boy seemed somewhat off during breakfast. His wife had tried to get him to talk about it but all they'd gotten was that it was a bad dream.

Daphne turned back at that, staring at the boy with a worried look in her eyes.

"Ah, it's nothing bad..." Rodrick started, his mind resolving itself. He should at least try.

Rodrick turned around completely, facing the Greengrass Patriarch.

Cyrus gulped down something, wondering why the boy had adopted such a tense look, was he having doubts about visiting the manor?

"I need to write a letter," Rodrick deadpanned, earning strange looks from everyone.

"To who?" asked a bewildered Daphne.

Rodrick was confused at the sudden tension, wondering where it'd come from.

"My great aunt, Bathilda Bagshot," he shrugged. He blinked when he heard the adults suddenly sigh in relief.

"I see," Roxanne remarked shaking her head at her husband.

"Is there something I don't know about?" Rodrick asked Daphne, somewhat bemused.


The two students floo'd to the pub opposite Black Manor, although to Rodrick's annoyance, Daphne had, as always, landed with far more dignity than him.

"Somethings even talent can't fix," there was a teasing look on Daphne's face as she spoke.

Rodrick rolled his eyes as he dusted himself off.

"I take it yous them Greengrass's then aye?" A gruff looking man spoke, a strange look on his features. They seemed to be in another room.

Rodrick stared impassively at the man, he was about to correct him, that he was in fact just a ward before Daphne cheerfully agreed to the man.

Daphne turned to Rodrick before grinning at him as she led him through the open door. Rodrick rolled his eyes but a quick glance at the man set his eyes on edge.

"Rodrick?" Daphne called out at the sudden change in the boy's face.

"Watch your eyes," Rodrick warned the leering stranger.

A hint of anger coursed through the man, he was about to put the boy in his place, however, as soon as matched the boy's eyes, he quickly recoiled.

"Me's got a Lazy eye isall," The man stammered out an excuse, there was an almost haunting look in the boy's eyes... Something about them set him on edge... Something about them was terrifying... He felt danger. Pure danger staring at the strange black haired boy. Azkaban definitely put that Black's mind to something... If he's waiting for this

Rodrick glared down at the stranger, he'd noticed a chord surrounding the man's heart... It wasn't just a white one, there were two darker toned one surrounding it, a tone of red and grey, the red and grey seemed to intertwine for some reason... It didn't take a genius to realize the meaning... White supposedly applied to every wizard, red entailed a form of a curse and grey implied the kind of curses one used. If Rodrick had to bet anything, he'd bet that he himself had all three, based on his spell use and previous adventures in any case. The man's however, well, it looked short. Very short. He was quickly brought out of his musings.

"Rodrick... Let's just go" Spoke a somewhat fearful Daphne.

Rodrick adopted a smile at the girl before he agreed and led her away, unbeknownst to him, was the short chord suddenly growing in size as he walked away.

The man had practically melted into his chair as he watched the boy walk away... He'd remembered that first war... He'd remembered what it was like working with fellow death eaters... He'd remembered that first time he was in the presence of the dark lord. Something about the boy he'd just met gave off that vibe for danger.


It didn't take very long before the two students found their professor at the pub, it turned out he'd been waiting for them for almost an hour.

"Hello, Rodrick, Miss. Greengrass" Remus Lupin spoke, towards his two Slytherin Students. A grateful look in his eye as he took in the one responsible for his friend's freedom.

"Hello, Professor," Daphne chirped up, smiling.

Rodrick gave his greeting somewhat slower, his mind wondering why exactly, his professor's chord seemed to have an extremely bright red chord running around a much smaller white. Even Astoria's white cord didn't look that outmatched. Exactly what kind of curse did his professor have to deal with?

The Professor raised an eyebrow at his student's before adopting a smile, "Well, Shall we?" he asked as he started to lead the two away.

"Rodrick, Are you sure you're fine?" Daphne whispered as they followed the professor.

Rodrick nodded.

Daphne didn't believe him if her rolling her eyes meant anything.

"I should warn you two..." Remus spoke up, remembering quite the important piece of information.

"Hm?" Rodrick raised his eyes towards the professor.

"Sirius has a house elf... A, well, quite the hateful one I suppose,"

Daphne blinked at that, wondering what could constitute a hateful house elf.

"Noted," Rodrick remarked absentmindedly causing his professor to shake his head, as aloof about everything as ever. It was remarkable to find a student who could look at extraordinary happenings with indifference, he still remembered the day they'd found out Sirius was innocent. Everyone was shocked, and yet he'd acted as if it was any day of the week.

"Explain," Daphne demanded, much to Lupin's amusement.

Rodrick rubbed his chin in thought before a smile took over his face, "I'd imagine he'd be like a Malfoy."

Lupin raised an eyebrow at that, 'Aren't they friends?'

"Oh... That's great..." Daphne drawled.

'I'll never understand Slytherins,' Lupin thought as he scratched the back of his head.


"Blood Traitor," Kreacher immediately called out as soon as Lupin walked through the door.

Daphne was the one to follow after the professor, receiving the same message in kind.

Sirius had come down the stairs, as soon as he'd noticed some of the wards, an irritating and useful function, send a jolt of a warning that some other's had entered the premises. He narrowed his eyes as soon as he heard Kreacher start insulting people, he was about to once again reprimand the useless elf, before...

Kreacher was about to speak, about to once again call out another traitor, the moment he saw who the second guest was, however, a force stopped him from uttering anything. His eyes widened, in complete shock, as he noticed the necklace around the boy's neck.

As the Black family house-elf, he was allowed access to some of the more ancient texts and artifacts, while most had disappeared over the ages, his knowledge of them remained... His heart seemed to pound louder in his head as he recognized the deathly hollow... The worst of them all.

As demanded upon by all who recognized and understood the magic that befell that artifact, Kreacher understood one very important life-saving fact. Anyone crazy enough to attempt to subjugate it was mad. If they were powerful enough not to lose their mind, they were dangerous.

Chancing a closer look... Kreacher noticed something different about the necklace, something that hadn't been mentioned in the texts... It was cursed, curses that looked centuries old, cursed to unbelievable lengths, he could feel his breath quicken... The level of blood magic that had been performed... Whoever had done it was absolutely mad, mad and without doubt extremely powerful to overpower a gift from death.

Considering the boy wearing it was still breathing... It could only mean he was related to that person... Why such a person was friendly with these blood traitors, Kreacher would never understand but he knew what was expected of him.

Sirius, Remus, and the recently joined Harry Potter stared in open shock as Kreacher, the hateful house elf, bowed towards Rodrick. An action that was neither mocking nor sarcastic.

"Welcome to the Black Manor, I am Kreacher the house elf, I will be attending to your needs," The house elf spoke the expected words of any elf serving a pureblood family. Well, at least the elves old enough to remembered the old traditions.

No matter the arrogance, no matter the power, no matter the creature. All who recognized that necklace understood its authority, its power.

All creatures respected the Hourglass Of Death.

Rodrick blinked at that before he shrugged.


He walked past the confused house elf, he quickly reached Daphne who simply walked beside him, unfazed by the whole thing, as they went towards the host and lord of the manor.

"How?" Was all Sirius asked, as he stared in wonder. He'd never seen the stupid elf so flustered... He simply must know this secret.

"Hmm?" Rodrick remarked, confused.

Harry Potter was simply staring at the two Slytherins, wondering where Daphne's parents were before he facepalmed himself.

"Potter?" Rodrick questioned, while amusing, he wanted to know what could cause a Gryffindor to slap himself.

"Stupid Master should greet guests more properly..." Kreacher remarked, his eyes glazed with worry as he stared at the dangerous teen.

Remus Lupin frowned as he stared at Sirius' expression, "Sirius..." While he wouldn't use the same words, he did agree with Kreacher for once.

"Ah, right well... Hmmm, what was I supposed to say again?" Sirius muttered as he turned to stare at his godson.

Harry Potter stared at his godfather incredulously, "I don't know,"

Rodrick had amusement lining his face.

"Oh right!" Sirius remarked loudly, a look of relief seemed to go over everyone at that, aside from the two guests trying hard not to laugh.

The small group of people, waited patiently for the ex Azkaban escape to start the official welcom-

"How did you make Kreacher act properly!?" Sirius asked eagerly, whatever it was, it must've been amazing.

Most of the people there groaned while Rodrick shook his head, amused. He turned his head and eyed the house elf, he was surprised to find the elf avoiding his gaze for some reason.

"Well..." he stared as he turned back, "I do know this one spell that might help you... Fix the contract so to speak... Although it does have its side effects..."

There was an almost hungry look in Sirius's eyes as heard those words, "Really?" he asked eagerly, as if he was just given quite the big birthday present.

Rodrick nodded somewhat warily, he was starting to feel slightly bad for Harry Potter at this point. "It's pretty dark though... Very dark actually..."

A frown marred Remus Lupin's face at that, 'What kind of magic did he know?'

Daphne just shook her head exasperatedly, she knew what her professor was thinking and frankly, she doubted any answer was acceptable.

Sirius mind quickly started pitting the advantages and disadvantages of the spell, chancing a look at a terrified Kreacher his mind was quickly made up.

"Tell me!" he eagerly asked.

Harry Potter was starting to understand why Dumbledore told him to keep extra care and why Remus was with them and why they were having a large gathering. Sirius could sometimes be just a tad bit immature.

"Sirius!" Remus spoke up tiredly.

"Oh it's fine, it's a pretty short incantation, Mor-" Rodrick started.

"NO!" Kreacher suddenly bellowed out. The start was all he needed to hear to know exactly which spell the boy was referring to. It quickly sent the boy up on his dangerous scale, WHY DOES HE KNOW THAT!?

"I want to know whatever it is even more now," Sirius remarked excitedly, he'd never seen Kreacher turn purple before.

"Kreacher will behave! Kreacher will behave!" Kreacher quickly spouted off.

"Well that solve's your problem," Rodrick remarked, somewhat relieved.

The other's released a sigh at that, while Sirius started pouting.

"I still think you-"

"Sirius!" Remus once again called out.

"Hmm?" Sirius turned towards his fellow marauder.

Somehow the eye signals Lupin sent Sirius seemed to give him the right message.

Sirius turned back towards Rodrick, then towards the door before his brow furrowed.

"Where are your parents?" He asked the orphan.

Harry's eyes widened, "Sirius!" he made a gesture for Rodrick to follow him away to apologize.

Daphne's eyes widened as well, wary of Rodrick's reaction.

A few moment's passed in silence before he started laughing. It took him a few moments to calm himself, Rodrick quickly started following Harry Potter. He could hear Daphne in the background explain everything to Lord Black.

"I am sorry about that," Harry Potter spoke.

Rodrick shook his head, "It was funny, honestly," he chuckled.

Harry Potter was about to say something before they heard Remus shout off Sirius name in the background.

"Wonder what he said that time," Rodrick remarked amused, he found a red-faced Daphne pacing towards them.

"Your godfather is crazy," Daphne told the boy who lived.

A few seconds passed before Harry Potter quickly nodded his agreement.


"I really don't see the big deal Moony," Sirius spoke up.

"You can't ask her if she's his honey, Sirius! They're 14."

Sirius rolled his eyes at that, "I was younger when I started, and why didn't anyone tell me that he was Greengrass's ward... I would've invited them as well if I'd known"

"Thank god you didn't..." Remus whispered to himself.

"Hmm? Didn't hear you there Moony," Sirius spoke up.

"I said, we figured since you sent the letter to them, you'd known," Remus quickly came up with an answer.

"I gave it to Dumbledore to give it to him" Sirius shrugged, "I didn't know where he lived "

Sirius turned around to find his House-elf still shaking, he grinned, "Kreacher, be a dear and make a nice delicious lunch for everyone to enjoy, without dobby's help," there was a mischievous glint in the marauder's eyes.

"Stupid master..." Kreacher grumbled.

Sirius' eyes glistened with mirth "If the food is in anyway not to standard of the noble and pure house of Black... Well I am sure Rodrick will be wonderful help"

The house elf's eyes widened at that before he quickly disappeared with a pop, leaving a grinning Sirius Black in his wake.

"You're a horrible person sometimes you know that?" Remus remarked as he shook his head.

"I was in Azkaban!" Sirius tried to defend himself.

Remus raised an eyebrow at that before a small smile took over his face, "Remember Sophie?"

"Not Fair Moony!" Sirius muttered aghast that Remus would bring her up.

Remus had to stifle a laughter, the two started walking, "Was I supposed to mention girl's that rejected you instead?"

A confused look took over Padfoot's face, "I don't remember girl's like that..."

Remus had to control the urge to call him out on that little lie, instead, he grinned before bringing one such person up.

"Professor Grace did,"

"Hey! We promised to never speak about that unfortunate and fairly secret circumstance!"

Remus rolled his eyes, "She only rejected you... In the great hall... On Valentines day, nothing unfortunate or secretive about that,"

They arrived in time to hear the other house elf meet the guests, in the kitchen, in front of most of the Weasley's that had already arrived as well as Granger.


"Hello, Master Grindy," Dobby remarked cheerfully to Rodrick.

Rodrick blinked at that.

"I am not going to dignify that with a response," He remarked.

Dobby's expression quickly changed into confusion, was the young master upset with him? He started fidgeting around.. He shouldn't make Harry Potter's friends uncomfortable.

Daphne broke out in laughter at the nickname, the moment of panic already gone by.

Rodrick's face twitched as he watched the girl laugh, ahead he found most of the Weasley's in his school, minus Percy and their father. Their mother was sat in the back, knitting something, next to her a large pile of sweaters, she was surrounded by what looked like two other Weasley boys although they looked old enough to be out of Hogwarts, sat next to her was a somber-looking man... There was an almost dejected look in the man's face. For a strange reason, Rodrick felt compelled to look away... The man didn't seem to comprehend the people around him. Rodrick took a glance at the sweater the mother Weasley was knitting, he found the letters 'Fabian' etched into it.

The twins did look amused about his appearance and possible nickname if their grins were anything to go by. Granger looked ecstatic to have someone else who did his homework around. Ginny wasn't sure how to feel around the boy, although she did stifle a laughter when Dobby called him Grindy.

Ron Weasley narrowed his eyes slightly, he knew the boy wasn't inherently evil, he was only an orphan after all, but still, there were things to be wary about... "Well, if it aint the Slytherin Poltergeist," he remarked.

Hermione rolled her eyes at Ronald, he'd been calling him that ever since second year.


-Poltergeist?" The twins each spoke a word, before turning to each other.

"Fitting," they finished at the same time as they stared at Gryffindor's curse.

Turning towards their brother, "Well done," they both spoke as they nodded their heads.

Molly, at that point, turned towards her youngest boy, "Now Ronald, you shouldn't be calling people names like that!" she reprimanded.

"But he's responsible for us losing the house cup and the Quidditch one last year!" Ronald quickly tried to defend himself.

Molly's eyes narrowed at that, "You shouldn't blame others for not trying hard enough yourself!" she warned again, the other's were all watching this with amusement.

Rodrick grinned at that, "I mean it's not like the point difference was that bad,"

Daphne rolled her eyes before playing along, "It was only 840 right?"

Molly's face blanched as she turned towards the twins. "What exactly did you two to do last year!"

"It wasn't-

-us, we actually-

-didn't lose that-

-many points," George? or was it Fred that finished...

"I find that very hard to believe," Molly replied as she crossed her arms... Honestly if they spent some of that focus on actually studying, they could do so much better!

"Ron lost 300 points on his own," Ginny decided to add to the conversation.

Ron's eyes widened as his mother turned towards her youngest boy, a horrified look on her face.

She was about to speak before Ron quickly blurted out.

"Harry lost 400!" he spoke pointing towards his best friend.

It wasn't long before the room fell into an argument over who lost the most points. The twins looked put out for an unknown reason.

Daphne stared at the scene in open shock, she turned towards Rodrick and found the boy barely holding his laughter.

"You've been here 5 minutes," she spoke shaking her head.

"I know right," Rodrick remarked amused.

Remus Lupin and Sirius Black entered the room at that point.

"What's going on here?" Remus spoke, his voice barely going over the noise in the room.

"Turns out I am a Slytherin Poltergeist," Rodrick remarked amused, staring as Harry Potter pinned the potion making incident on Hermione.

Remus Lupin's face took on a confused expression, wondering what that meant.

Sirius however simply asked the more important question, "Slytherin huh... I wonder what a Ravenclaw Poltergeist is like?"

Daphne raised an eyebrow at that, "Isn't that a politician?"

Rodrick quickly nodded at that, "Make's sense"

"What's a Gryffindor one like?" Daphne decided to ask.

It took a second before all eyes fell on Black.

Sirius dramatically rolled his eyes, amusement and pride clearly shown on his face before he asked for the last house, "Hufflepuff?"

The four stood there in silence... Well their own silence, everyone else was still arguing, although for some reason it seemed Ginny had something stuck to her hair. Fred looked too happy.

"Probably extinct," Rodrick finished.

He started following Sirius into the room, for some strange reason, however, Rodrick felt the urge to turn his gaze... His eyes landed on a room on the other side of the hallway... 'Maybe this is what my dream was referring to...'

His eyes widened in horror when he saw the large chord emanating from the door... Completely black, it had an almost malevolent aura to it.

"Rodrick?" Daphne questioned, when she saw the boy stop in his tracks.

"Bathroom..." Rodrick remarked quietly, thinking of an excuse. He paid no attention as Sirius set off hand signatures about the directions. His attention taken over in delight by all the new stories.

"All the way down the hall, second door to your right," Remus added helpfully.

Rodrick nodded aimlessly as he walked away from the noisy room... His eyes set on the Darkness...



The sound came from behind the boy in question.

"Potter?" Rodrick replied bemused as he turned around. The door with the malevolent chord just behind him.

"Remus told me to show you the way, he thought you'd get lost..." Harry replied, his eyes staring at the door behind the Slytherin third year. Judging by the expression currently on Rodrick's face, the boy had made no mistake in his destination.

"Right..." Rodrick spoke out, his gaze focused on the boy-who-lived. He spotted the usual white chord, surrounded by a pale red... It took a moment before he suddenly realised what he was looking for... The Horcrux's chord. 'Would it even have one?' He thought to himself.

"Uh Rodrick..." Harry Potter called out, confusion writ over his face.

Rodrick was quickly bought back to the situation hand, he raised his head, "I was just lo-" He started before something stilled him, Wrapped around the scar was the missing dark chord he'd been looking. He quickly turned and stared at the door behind him, 'They look similar...'He wasn't sure how he could even tell the difference but he was certain of it.

"What's going on" Harry Potter was staring, at the boy in front of him bewildered. 'Is there something in that room?'

"Potter," Rodrick called out quickly earning the other's attention, "Come here for a second," he asked as he opened the door.

"Ah wai-" Harry had started speaking, however the other had already gone inside. He quickly followed. 'Feels like knockturn Alley all over again,' He thought to himself, amused.

Harry Potter quickly surveyed the room wondering if there was something different to it. However, nothing seemed to have changed in the Black Home Drawing room, when he turned towards the other boy, he found him still, his eyes locked on towards a single cabinet in the room, behind the glass stood a locket.

If he was honest with himself, the locket did make him feel uncomfortable.

Rodrick was unable to turn his gaze from it... It was completely covered in dark magic. He was quickly pulled out of the trance by Potter tapping him on his shoulders. He turned around.

"Are you ok?" Harry Potter's voice seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Rodrick held back a wince as he stared at the dark chords surrounding Potter's scar reach out, no doubt towards the locket. 'Another Horcrux,'

"Call Dumbledore," Rodrick spoke out to the confused Gryffindor.

"What?" Harry remarked, surprised.

"Call Dumbledore," Rodrick repeated himself, slightly more on edge.

"Why? What's going on?"

Rodrick was about to explain before he stopped himself, 'Let Dumbledore deal with that...' "Just call him, tell him it's urgent,"

Harry Potter didn't budge.

Rodrick narrowed his eyes slightly 'Why won't he move?' "I helped your Godfather Potter, call Dumbledore without any questions and were even," The words seemed to have an effect if the sudden jolt of movement was any indication.

"Fine," Potter sighed, he quickly turned around and left the room.

As soon as Potter was out the door, Rodrick turned his attention back to the demented item and made to move towards it, carefully moving the glass aside, he winced as the malevolent magic seemed to engulf him.

He shook his head to clear his vision, he reached out for the cursed artefact with his cursed arm 'You never know...' As soon as his fingers touched the locket however he immediately regretted the decision as he felt himself get pulled into what he assumed was another blasted vision. 'I am going to need therapy after Hogwarts is over,' he thought to himself sombrely, anticipating which ever hell he was thrown in next. 'I wonder what another Horcrux is going to show me...' The last Horcrux he'd touched gave him months of Basilisk problems, a coma, painful visions and finally a nice fair well gift in the form of a cursed arm. And that wasn't even direct contact with the bloody diary.

'Really... how much of a difference does it really make?'

Rodrick blinked his eyes open, taking in the dark surrounding. There seemed to be a thick fog covering the background, all he could make out was his immediate vicinity. Graves upon graves covered the area. 'A graveyard?' He thought to himself confused.

He moved himself off the dust covered ground before straightening out his robes. He squinted his eyes, ahead of him he found several sparks of magic been thrown about. He shrugged off the sinking feeling, he made to move towards it, intent on learning whatever secrets he would be shown.

As he got closer, his eyes widened when he found Potter on the floor in pain. He was dressed in a strange black and red striped outfit. He was about to turn, to face whatever had assaulted Potter before he was frozen in shock.

"Rodrick?" Potter seemed to call out, Rodrick turned around, facing Potter, he flinched when he noticed the boy staring straight at him... 'He can see me... he's interacting with me...' He wasn't sure why but that fact terrified him, he could slowly feel the danger rising. 'I need to leave...' Before he could even think to do anything, Harry Potter got off the ground before he moved towards him, he'd grabbed his arms, there was a relieved look in his features.

"You need to get us out of here now!" Potter's words flew over the confused teens head.

'Get us out?' Rodrick stared at Harry in confusion, "How?"

A confused look seemed to place itself on the Gryffindor, "Apparate us out!" Potter replied as he felt himself tense.

The words seemed to wash over the Slytherin, "What are you talking about? I can't apparate!"

Harry Potter tilted his head, at that, "But-" however before he could finish, a dark aura seemed to engulf both of them.

Rodrick could slowly feel the darkness, 'Someones behind us...' Looking up, he found an equally fearful face on the Gryffindor. "Potter. What's going on?"

"Did you expect the cup to take you back?"

The dark cold voice came from behind Rodrick, he could slowly feel his breath quicken, as the dark lord got even closer... 'It's the same feeling as the locket...' Rodrick gripped his wand, the action seemed to send the dark lord into one of his cackles.

"A friend of yours Potter? You wont die alone tonight at the very least," A voice snarled.

The words earned even more laughter coming from elsewhere, Harry Potter had both, a fearful and angry expression on his face.

Rodrick felt suffocated, he could feel his hands shake in the presence of the dark lord... 'No man should have a presence like that...' Voldemort's magic suffocated him, the man's very presence exuded darkness... He turned towards Harry, Rodrick wondered in shock how the boy could keep up his bravado, there was a determined look in the Gryffindor's face... where he'd gotten that courage from, Rodrick would never know. He felt Pitiful... He was a Grindelwald, his grandafther would've been disappointed in him. That thought seemed to effect him the most, he remembered the vision, the vision of Voldemort killing his grandfather and how utterly fearless the man had been, he didn't even have a wand.

He stilled himself though his hands refused to stop their shaking, he raised his wand and turned around. The moment he locked eyes with the dark lord, he knew it was a mistake. For some strange reason, the dark aura from earlier seemed to disappear entirely... However, Voldemort's expression seemed to freeze as he locked eyes with Grindelwald.

Rodrick watched in open shock as a murderous look took over the dark lord's face, when before the man seemed to enjoy the tormented look over the two students was, the moment he met his eyes, the dark lord turned into a monster hunting his prey.

If he was completely honest with himself, he was absolutely terrified.

Without a second word, Voldemort raised his wand and shot off the killing curse at the still frozen Grindelwald in the area.

Rodrick watched wide eyed and frozen to the spot as the killing curse rocketed towards him, however just before it hit him, he felt himself getting pushed out of the way, in his place Harry Potter.

As the boy's lifeless body fell to the floor, Rodrick could feel his heartbeat rapidly increase, his hands wouldnt stop shaking as he crept closer to Harry Potter's lifeless body. 'Crap... crap crap crap crap crap,' Rodrick tried to budge Potter's body, in an attempt to wake him up. 'No no no no no! NO! This cant be happening!'

"Pity." Voldemort spoke out, however the calm voice from before had long disappeared, in it's place was a disgusted, anger laced voice. Voldemort's gaze seemed to linger on the boy who'd just in a sense sacrificed himself, "How close were you two?" he questioned cautiously, he didn't want a repeat of 1981 happening, even if it was another Grace... Espicially if it was the one he was warned off... He had no intention of letting the spawn live... But it didn't hurt to take some precautions...

Rodrick turned around at that, his anger-clouded mind in search of the murderer, however, all his eyes wound up seeing was the Black home Drawing Room. 'Right... right... it was a vision... almost forgot about that...' When he turned back, he found the cause of the whole debacle on the floor across him. 'Sorry Dumbledore... but I can't risk this abomination of an item lasting any longer then it needs to,' He raised his wand, aimed it towards the locket.

"Mort-" before he could finish however, he heard someone scream...

'What's goi-' His mind quickly stopped himself, his eyes widened in horror, 'It can't be...' Not wasting a second thought, Rodrick got off the ground and ran out the room, his feet following the sound of the commotion, it was the first room he'd entered on arriving... Rodrick barged through the door, before he felt his breath quicken...

Harry Potter's still body was on the floor, surrounded by his friends. A confused Sirius walked into the room from behind Rodrick, "I just calle-" he started before his eyes seemed to widen in horror at his godson's state.

"He isn't breathing!" Hermione's words echoed through the room.

While everyone else was panicking, in some cases like Molly Weasley, shrieking, Rodrick couldn't take his eyes away from the lifeless body in front of him.

"No," Rodrick spoke, gripping the hollow surrounding his neck. He could feel his muscles tense around the cursed artefact, 'I refuse to accept this,'

Daphne stared at the scene wide-eyed, she turned her gaze towards Rodrick and found a passive expression on his face.

'I will not accept this!' Rodrick thought's stopped, his magic focused on the artefact surrounding his neck.

'I refuse, I'v already lost one person to this nonsense,' A determined look took over the orphans face, 'I won't allow it to happen again!'

When he reopened his eyes, Rodrick found himself in front of the figure of death, when he turned around he found the entire place devoid of any colour, the only thing that had any substance was the mud covered road... Behind him, his eyes widened when he found Potter sitting on the floor confused about everything. His memory was slowly trying to put the pattern to a picture... A dream he'd had years ago...

The moment he noticed the corpse of baby was the moment he finished the puzzle.

"I hadn't expected to see you again so soon," Death's words seemed to echo over the room, his voice felt hollow.

Rodrick turned back towards the figure of death, "Really? Apparently I've been expecting this for years," he sighed, completely tired.

"Rodrick what's going on?" Potter felt compelled to add to the conversation, "Why is there a dead pink baby here? and who the hell is that? What the hell did you do this time?"

"Potter, you're asking too many questions for a Gryffindor," Rodrick remarked lazily as he turned back around to face the figure of death. "How does this work?" he asked quickly.

"It's simple really... Now we bargain," Death spoke, Rodrick narrowed his eyes when he noticed the hint of a smirk on the skeletal face.

"Is this how you do it then? is this how you make people, convince them to search out for the hollows?"

Death seemed to chuckle, if the raspy laugh could be considered one, "Not always, sometimes they do it by themselves,"

Rodrick crossed his arm, "You know what I am after,"

Harry Potter stared at the whole scene confused, "Rodrick, what's going on!"

Rodrick sighed, turning back to Potter, "You're dead, I am bargaining for your soul," he finished, leaving a confused Gryffindor as he turned back to death.

"Wha-" Harry was about to add on before he felt a silencing spell cover his area. when he realised he could no longer speak, he settled for glaring. 'Oh I am going to get you back for that one,'

Death seemed to watch everything with amusement, "Even in my presence, you squabble amongst each other?"

"It's a house rivalry thing," Rodrick shrugged, "So what do we do exactly?"

"We bargain... You want to clear Potter's soul, I want you to return the hollows to their home,"

Rodrick narrowed his eyes at that, "How do I do that exactly?"

"You know where to find those answers..."

Rodrick crossed his arms, he looked about to argue before he quickly agreed, there was a strange glint in his eyes.

Death was taken back by the quick agreement, "Are you sure?"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "About what?"

"That you want Potter's soul to be brought back..."

Rodrick narrowed his eyes at that, "Why wouldn't I?" he asked dangerously.

Death's features changed once again, Rodrick cursed when he noticed the shadow of a grin 'What is he planning?'

"Would you rather not have your Grandfather back instead?"

Time seemed to freeze for a moment, Rodrick heard a gasp from behind him, suddenly realising he'd lost focus on his magic, he turned and found a somewhat fearful Harry Potter staring back at him. 'He thinks I'd go through with it...' Under any other circumstances he might have... However the reality of it all was quite simple, Potter had died, pushing him out of the way of the killing curse. Vision or not, the fact he'd willingly give his life up made the decision that much easier. 'Besides who knows how rotten my grandfathers body is right now...'

Rodrick shook his head to death's disappointment.

He watched as a surprised Harry Potter quickly disappeared, he felt something etch itself onto his skin, looking down towards his cursed arm, he found a strange symbol appearing just above his wrist. 'Show off...'

"I take it this binds me to your contract or whatever?" Rodrick asked bemused.

Death while agitated at the boy's dismissal tone of such a thing, still nodded on his agreement.

Rodrick turned around, his eyes landing on the deformed baby in the room, "That's Voldemort's Horcrux isn't it?"

"Yes," Death's hollow voice answered his question.

"I was able to confirm whether the locket was a Horcrux thanks to that things presence in Potter, will I still be able to do that, now that you decided to remove it?"

Death seemed to linger a while before answering, his gaze staring straight through Rodrick Grindelwald, "A clever ploy..."

Rodrick had to bite back the urge to smile, feigning ignorance, "I don't know what you mean by that."

"I failed to mention a time limit for your contract... The consequences of failing are death, however seeing as you have no set time limit to finding and returning them... A clever ploy indeed."

Rodrick stared impassively at Death, "And? is it possible for Potter to retain his connection to the other Horcrux's without being one?"

Death tilted his head, "You would give up your freedom? to allow such a small link to exist without consequence?"

Rodrick's expression didn't change, "I'll start fulfilling your contract, only after Voldemort's death. Don't expect me to do so beforehand... That link will benefit both of us,"

Death's passive stare lingered on for too long, Rodrick started seeing the surrounding area slowly distort, chancing one lat look towards one of the four horsemen, he sighed in relief when Death gave his answer.

"Very well,"


Rodrick opened his eyes, to find Potter once again surrounded by everyone else, only this time he wasn't a mannequin.

"What happened?" he heard Sirius Black ask.

"I have no idea," Potter answered with a sigh.

"Harry you weren't breathing!" Hermione added on worriedly.

Rodrick took that as his que to leave, honestly, explaining how Potter lived through another Killing curse wasn't his job.

Daphne slowly followed Rodrick out the door.

Rodrick turned towards the girl, a curious look on his face.

Daphne raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to explain, "And?"

Rodrick chuckled at the action before shaking his head, "You're not gonna believe this,"

"Try me," Daphne remarked, her lips were slowly tugging up.

"I made a deal with Death,"

The sudden look of amusement disappeared from the girl's face at the proclamation, "You're joking, right?"

Rodrick raised his cursed arm, showing the girl his new tattoo, "See that?" he remarked lazily, "It's what happens when you act like a Gryffindo,r"

Daphne's eyes widened, "Rodrick!"

Rodrick raised a hand, "It's fine, not that hard of a task really,"

Narrowing her eyes, "You should take this more seriously!"

"I happen to agree with the girl," Another voice seemed to join the conversation.

Rodrick turned his head at the sound, "Hmm?" before his eyes widened at the sight of the headmaster, "Ah crap..."

"Hello Rodrick, tell me dear boy, what have you done this time?" Dumbledore asked warily, Sirius Black had been adamant in his appearance at the house, something about Harry needing his help?

"Harry are you sure your fine? You were essentially dead for a few moments there," Hermione's voice seemed to echo through the hallway.

The expression on Rodrick's face didn't budge. It was difficult holding a straight face.

Dumbledore was slowly getting more and more worried by the second.

"I am going to get a drink," Daphne remarked.

The two watched as Daphne seemed to speed off away from the tension, leaving both of them in an uncomfortable silence.


"You're going to have to start explaining soon, Rodrick, Silence is not an acceptable answer,"

Sighing, "Fine but atleast let me destroy the Horcrux first alright?"

Dumbledore's eyes widened at that.

"Oh yea, We don't need to worry about Potter's Horcrux now either," Rodrick added on.

Dumbledore was trying and failing to process the information, "What have you done?"

"I made a deal with death," Rodrick shrugged as he walked away towards the terrifying locket.

Dumbledore blinked, watching as the teenager walked ahead of him... 'He's not joking... Sweet Merlin the boy actually made a deal with death,' Dumbledore paced towards the Grindelwald Troublemaker.


Millions of thoughts raced through the headmaster's mind as he followed the young Slytherin before him, however, the most prominent one revolved around the newly discovered Horcrux. It proved that Voldemort had intentionally made more then one Horcrux... Dumbledore sighed as he quickly realised that he would need to once again try to convince his old friend to show him the true memory of that day. The back of his mind wondered what the necklace surrounding the boy's neck was. If the way his wand reacted to it was any indication then he might have just found the supposed fourth Hollow.

Entering the room, The Headmaster's gaze quickly snapped towards the cabinet, he felt himself tense at the residue of dark magic, how Tom could willingly do this to his soul was beyond the professor. He turned towards Rodrick, Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at the grim expression on the boy's face, however, surprisingly, Dumbledore found traces of fear lining the boy's face. 'What on earth happened?' When he'd received the message from Sirius, a part of him had known it would involve a Horcrux. He hadn't expected to find such a commotion. 'And what was that about Harry not breathing?'

"What happened?" Dumbledore asked.

Rodrick simply rolled up his sleeve revealing Death's mark.

Dumbledore stared at the mark warily, he could easily tell it wasn't a simple Transfiguration. In fact the magic he felt coming from it was similar to that of an unbreakable vow's...

"It's death's mark, to show I am bound to a contract,"

The expression on the Headmaster's face was unreadable, Rodrick watched as the headmaster took out his wand and brought it closer towards the mark on his arm.

Dumbledore sighed as he watched magic spark out of his wand, reacting to the mark, it seemed to get an even bigger reaction from the mark then it did the necklace. It certainly confirmed the three were related.

"Rodrick, what have you done?" the old man asked, there was a tone of tiredness in the voice.

"I met Voldemort," Rodrick answered, the grim expression on his face seemed to turn for the worse.

The simple statement sent a chill down the headmaster's spine.

"Met?" Dumbledore whispered, 'If he's already come back...'

"I'll show you the memory later, first that,", he said as he pointed towards the Horcrux "Needs to be destroyed!"

"And Harry?" Dumbledore enquired further.

"He's not in anymore danger, as long as this is gotten rid of at any case," Rodrick answered.

Dumbledore nodded numbly before he moved towards the Horcrux, inspecting the enchantments surrounding it.

Rodrick watched as the headmaster used spell after spell, each one covered the locket for a moment before it disappeared. He would've marvelled at the display of magic had it not been such a serious moment.

"What did you find?" Rodrick questioned.

Dumbledore levelled a stare towards the Slytherin, "Nothing good," he started warily, "The locket is protected, the horcrux can't be destroyed until it is open, which requires a Parseltongue to do..."

"Crap... So we need Potter now?" Rodrick asked, scratching the back of his head.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at the teen, "If Voldemort is back, perhaps it's time Harry found out,"

Rodrick blinked several times at that before he quickly denied the man's return.

"You said you'd met him?"

"Through a vision,"

The headmaster stared dumbly at the boy, "What?"

"Point is he isn't back yet... Although how long that's going to last is anyone's guess..." Rodrick's voice slowed down as he spoke, he quickly realised something he'd overlooked. "Headmaster," Rodrick asked.

"Yes?" Dumbledore replied, his attention back to the boy. 'If Voldemort wasn't back yet then it may have been too early to involve Harry... From what he'd heard so far, they didn't even need to worry about the Horcrux that was in the boy... But did that or would it effect the prophecy in any way? I need more information...' He mused to himself.

"Is there anything going on next year?" Rodrick questioned

There was a glint in the man's eye as he processed the question, 'Their fourth year?' "There may be," Dumbledore answered, curious on the boy's point.

"May be?"

"Nothing's been finalised yet, but there may be an event in your next year at Hogwarts," Dumbledore answered before following with "Why do you ask?"

Rodrick expression worsened, "Because that might be the year Voldemort returns..."

"What makes you say that?" Dumbledore asked, his eyes pierced through the boy.

"I saw Potter there... He didn't look much older then he currently does, to be honest it could be fifth year as well..."

"Harry," Dumbledore spoke out somewhat hollow. The pieces of a puzzle quickly settled into place. 'He saw both Tom and Harry?' Ge thought to himself as he turned his attention back to the Horcrux. His mind quickly turning back a couple of months as he remembered the last time the boy had seen Tom Riddle.

"You saw him kill Harry..." Dumbledore concluded as he turned back to Rodrick, his eyes going towards the mark. 'Did he make that contract to save him?'

Rodrick nodded. "There's more to it but that's the gist of it I suppose," he finished.

Before the headmaster could add to it, Rodrick turned his attention back to the Horcrux, "You said this was protected with magic?" he questioned.

Dumbledore stared at the boy with a mixed expression before he answered.

"Yes, it looks like Tom may have used blood magic to bind it to only respond to Parseltongue,"

"That's stupid, he should've just marked it to himself and himself alone,"

Dumbledore chuckled at the boy's words, "Yes, your grandfather would've said the same,"

The hint of a smile appeared on Rodrick's face at the words. "If it responds to magic then I can get rid of it," he added on.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at that, "Attempting to use Magic Extraction is both very dangerous and far more difficult then what you're currently attempting,"

A surprised look seemed to take over the boy's face at the words, "I didn't even consider that spell... Although it would be too difficult to do either way, impossible for me right now,"

Dumbledore nodded along, "Yes I imagine it would be, not to mention the kind of effect it might have on you before your curse would even get rid of it..."

Rodrick nodded onto that before he made his way towards the cabinet.

A frown marred itself over the headmasters face If not that..."I don't believe Fiendfyre would do anything to it either..."

Rodrick once again to the headmasters surprise agreed, "Yes I'd rather not burn the house down either," he spoke before he took his wand out and casting off several privacy spells.

The expression on the headmaster's face didn't change, "I won't allow you to use any Unforgiveables either, I'd made myself clear on that the previous year." 'While the killing curse may work, I can't allow it to become a habit,' Dumbledore's frown seemed to increase as Rodrick once again confirmed that he wasn't considering that either. "What spell are you planning to use?" he questioned both wary and curious.

Rodrick turned back to the headmaster while pointing his wand towards the locket. There was a strange expression lining the boy's face, "One of the worst spells in history," he finished before he turned towards the locket.

The words made the headmaster tense, before he could say anything however the boy quickly cast off his spell.

"Mortis Vincula!" Rodrick shouted off the spell.


Harry Potter had been trying to get his bearings straight, he had no idea what had happened, the only thing he could remember was running towards Sirius, asking him to call the headmaster... 'Rodrick had asked him to do that... Rodrick! he might know what happened,' The sudden elation at the fact quickly died out as he realised the strange Slytherin probably wouldn't tell him, without a catch anyway. Friend he might've been, the boy was as Slytherin as they come from what he'd seen of him so far... He turned his attention towards his godfather, the man had set into a panic after hearing about his random collapse.

"Is the headmaster here?" Harry asked, his question seemed to settle down everyone else.

Sirius Black blinked a couple times, "Yes, yes he's already here.. Harry you didn't answer the question!" he pressed on.

Harry Potter raised an eyebrow at his godfather, "Question?" he quickly shook his head, "I think I drank something bad?" he quickly said, hopeful it'd be enough to calm his godfather.

It didn't work.

"KREACHER!" Sirius yelled out, surprising everyone around him.

Harry tuned out whatever was said between the two, he turned towards the only other Slytherin in the house. She was probably the only one around him that wasn't panicking, in fact she looked far too calm. 'She probably knows what happened... She probably won't tell me either,' Harry could've scoffed at the thought, Honestly Slytherin's were too secretive sometimes.

"Where's the headmaster?"

Daphne put down the cup she'd been drinking before she turned towards Potter, "With Rodrick right now,"

"I se-" Harry was about to add on before he heard a screeching cry come from another room.

Whatever conversations had been going on up until that point had ceased as soon as the sound had entered the room.

"What the hell is going on!?" Sirius complained, 'This wasn't how the day was supposed to go!'

"I believe that was from your drawing room," Remus Lupin answered quietly, his eyes focused on Harry, in case he received another attack.

Everyone minus one of the older looking wizards quickly filed out of the room, the depressed looking wizard was still in the same place he'd been since the start of the day, his hands slowly moved over each letter of his name, Fabian. all of them but one wondering what on earth had caused such an ear-splitting sound. The only one who knew what was contained in that room, Kreacher was the first one at the room, his eyes teared up as he realised that Regulus Black's final order was finally finished. Behind him, a worried looking Daphne who simply shook her head, the moment she passed through the door, at the sight. Rodrick had his wand pointed at a locket on the floor. The locket was crushed. Around them all of the furniture was either tipped over or out of place or in some cases broken.

Dumbledore stared at the destroyed locket with both a relieved and horrified feeling seeping in... 'It's destroyed...' While the fact that another part of Voldemort's soul was gone, the way it was achieved... He turned towards the boy wondering how and where on earth he could've learnt such devastating magic. The Horcrux had been ripped apart the moment the spell had hit the locket. He'd watched as Voldemort's soul was utterly destroyed... 'That spell didn't just remove the soul... It shattered it into millions of pieces...' He took a glance of the boy, wondering just how badly a spell of such dark magnitudes would affect a persons magic, to his shock there didn't seem to be any change, however the moment he took notice of the boy's face...

Rodrick felt himself shake as he stared at the broken Horcrux... He had completely underestimated just what a spell like that could really feel like... His grandfather had shown him the spell in his dream before he'd died however experiencing it in real life was another matter entirely... He could feel the urge to vomit his insides out after the kind of backlash he'd received, 'Whoever created this was utterly despicable...'

"Headmaster... I don't think I should use that spell anymore..." Rodrick whispered.

"Yes, I don't think it'll be any good for you to..." Dumbledore replied, still wondering how the boy's magic hadn't been effected. 'Still, it looks like the boy understands why Dark magic should be avoided at the very least-'

"Next time I'll just settle for the killing curse..." Rodrick joked, he almost laughed when he saw the look on the headmaster's face. "I am joking..." he quickly defended himself.

Dumbledore sighed, "I still don't know everything that's going on"

Rodrick had a thoughtful expression on his face, "I'll show you on Christmas day, I'll be attempting the extraction on that day as well anyway."

Dumbledore nodded along thoughtfully to the plan, "Yes, I believe that's the best course of action,"

The two turned towards their audience before Rodrick remembered the silencing charm, 'Not that it helped all that much,' he mused to himself. He raised an eyebrow at the crying Kreacher. As he moved towards the door, Rodrick quickly pulled Daphne with him.

"What happened?" Sirius Black asked, wide eyed at the state of the room.

"Ask the headmaster," Rodrick remarked with a tone of happiness. He almost grinned when he saw most of the people simply turn towards the highest authority in the room.

Dumbledore sighed as he watched the boy drop all the weight on him, 'How could I explain this without mentioning the Horcrux?'

As Rodrick was about to leave the room, he found Kreacher standing in front of him.

"Yes?" he heard Daphne ask the creature.

"Thank you," Kreacher remarked gratefully, his eyes looked to hold a purpose.

Rodrick shrugged at the creatures thanks, he was just glad he wasn't insulting anyone else... Well, not insulting Daphne at any case.

"Rodrick?" Daphne asked before quickly catching up to him.

"Hm?" he spoke turning back towards the girl.

"Are you hungry?" she questioned.

Rodrick seemed to have a double take at the question, "I expected you to start demanding information," There was a strange glint in the boy's eyes, it was different to the usual... Daphne turned towards the cursed arm, she quickly looped her arms around the shaking boy, calming him down.

"You can tell me later, I am starving," she remarked, chuckling at the boy's look of relief.

"To be honest, I could use a drink..." Rodrick admitted.

"I am sure Dobby can help you," Daphne remarked, there was a sparkle in her green eyes as she spoke, "Don't you think so? Mr. Grindy was it? I am not sure how I feel about dating a Grindy, it sounds quite weird on the tongue,"

Rodrick shook his head at the girl's words "Maybe I'll start calling myself Greengrass,"

Daphne's eyes seemed to glow at the idea, "You could, you are a ward, you're allowed to change it to that, although it would make dating quite awkward,"

"I don't see that ending well," Rodrick joked, "Dobby!" he called out to the girl's amusement.

"Yes?" the creature replied, popping in front of the two.

Rodrick grinned, "Get us some Fire Whiskey,"

Daphne's eyes snapped towards him at that, memories of the last time quickly pouring into her head, "Rodrick! you're underage!"

"Were in Black's home, we can ask him if were allowed..." Rodrick replied.

Daphne crossed her arms, "Fine, even he isn't immature enough to let you drink, no attempting to bargain with him though!"

Rodrick nodded along to her before he turned around, "Mr Black," he called out to the group of wizards surrounding the headmaster.

A few seconds passed before the two Slytherin heard someone grunt in annoyance at the crowed. Moments later and a dog ran towards the two Slytherins.

Rodrick shook his head as he watched the dog quickly transform back to Black, the man looked remarkably cheerful considering his godson had technically just died...

"Please, just Sirius, you make me sound so old,"

"He want's to know if he's allowed to drink, you know he's underage and all," Daphne decided to add in.

Rodrick rolled his eyes at the girl before he turned his attention back to Black.

"Sure, why not, Harry could probably use one as well to be honest. We'll join you,"

The look of shock on Daphne's face was the highlight of Rodrick's day.

Without realising it, his Occulumency had spiked up immensely ever since he'd touched the Horcrux. Only later on would he realise just how drained he really was.

next chapter
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