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9.09% A Broken God [Worm][OC][SI] / Build (Spoiler-ish)
A Broken God [Worm][OC][SI] A Broken God [Worm][OC][SI] original

A Broken God [Worm][OC][SI]

Tác giả: HuTaoBestGirl

© WebNovel

Build (Spoiler-ish)



Gain: 5 SP

You are the one who the choices you choose apply to.​

The Alien

Gain: 5 CP

The Alien with the grudge against the entities gave you these powers without a word to anyone.​




You gain less SP and CP from Scenarios, Perks, and Drawbacks.​

Negative (Tier 5)

Cost: 50 SP

Cost: 50 CP

You have less starting SP and CP.​

Scenario & Setting

February 2nd, 2001​

Gain: 0 SP

Cost: 5 CP

The Protactorate and PRT deploy to Ellisburg to attempt to eliminate Nilbog. At the end of the day, all but two of the PRT agents will have been killed and Ellisburg will be quarantined and Nilbog designated as an S-Class threat.​

Canon Earth Bet​

Oh, wait, no, I did anchor you to the right place.

Origin of Powers: Entities, Shards, Cauldron Vials, Corona Pollenta, Corona Gemma

Major Threats: The Entity, The Endbringers, CUI, Cauldron, The Fallen, The Slaughterhouse 9, The Protectorate, etc.

Major Powers: The Entity, The Endbringers, CUI, Cauldron, The Fallen, The Slaughterhouse 9, The Protectorate, etc.

Super Abilities: Superpowers

(Known) Endbringers: Behemoth, Leviathan, The Simurgh, Tohu, Bohu, and Khonsu

Entities on Earth: The Warrior​

Containment Zone​

Gain: 15 CP

Choose any location that is quarantined at the time of your arrival. This can be a Simurgh Contaiment Zone, Ellisburg, Eagleton, etc.​


Drop-In / Insert​

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

Your body is remade for you, just as it was. You will have no identity on Earth Bet.​

Neutral (Order)​

You don't go out of your way to break laws, but you won't hesitate to break them if you feel it's necessary. On the other hand, you might just be lax about the law.

Bonus: Your morality bonus will be more effective in some way.​

Neutral (Moral)​

You're not necessarily a good person, but you're not bad either. You're not about to sacrifice yourself for others, but you're not going to go and kill them either. You can be biased toward one side or the other, but don't necessarily have to.

Bonus: You are very talented when it comes to business. Whether that business is negotiations, bartering, haggling, or paperwork, you're very good at it. You are, however, slightly worse at befriending new people. If you're True Neutral, you are much better at bluffing, though not good enough to fool everyone. People like Jack Slash or Tattletale would see straight through you.​


You're neither a Hero or Villain. Maybe you're a Rogue or Mercenary, working purely for money, or maybe you don't even have a Cape identity. Regardless, you are uninvolved in the game of Cops and Robbers.

Bonus: You are not directly affected by Cape activities. Villains won't attack your business and you won't be targeted for recruitment by the Slaughterhouse 9 unless you took the Slaughterhouse 8 Drawback.​


You are nonbinary. You may or may not suffer from Gender Dysphoria.​


Blind Spot​

Cost: 8 SP

Cost: 8 CP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

You are protected from any power that gains information from anything other than technology or direct living senses.

Precognition, post-cognition, clairvoyance, telepathy, emotion sensing, and the like will all fail to detect you. With your permission, you can allow powers to read you.​


Cost: 1 SP

Cost: 5 CP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

You are resistant to human Thinker powers that get information using environmental data or what the Thinker already knows. Cherish's or Khepri's power would still work on you, but Tattletale's power would be difficult to focus on you, produce basic information, and be much more likely to produce incorrect information. With your permission, you can allow powers to read you.​

Mental Barrier​

Cost: 1 SP

Cost: 5 CP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

You are immune to any and all powers that would directly affect your mind, emotions, or senses.

Indirect effects such as invisibility, pheromones, and drugs will still work on you. With your permission, you can allow powers to influence you.​


Cost: 2 SP

Cost: 2 CP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

People with mental or sensory powers will not notice your protections, immunities, or other perks that have no physical effect unless you tell them, or they attempt to use their power on you specifically.

They also cannot find you as a Blind Spot by looking for gaps in their powers.​

Trumped the Trump​

Cost: 5 SP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

Any powers and internal power supplies you possess cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, reproduced, or otherwise manipulated against your will. Unless you will it to be otherwise, Trump powers do not work on you. You could even block certain aspects of power influencing you. Such as being given power and not being Mastered through it. You can be Mastered into consenting to a Trump working on you if you're not immune.

Paragon powers can trump this immunity under certain circumstances (specified in the power's description).​

Powered Sustenance​

Cost: 2 SP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

You no longer need to eat, drink water, breathe, or exercise as your Shard or Power will sustain your body for as long as it has energy.​

Who Wants to Live Forever?​

Cost: 5 SP

Incompatible: No Powers

Your ability to age can be altered whenever you want. You can make yourself younger or older whenever you want. You can also fake age as if you were growing up normally, although you wouldn't suffer the normal effects of old age.

This doesn't increase toughness or physical ability aside from protecting you from the frailty of age.


Cost: 8 SP

Cost: 3 CP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Shardless

It somehow went unnoticed by the entities that your Shard had the ability they sought for eons: it defies entropy. Somehow your power allows you to defy entropy and uses this itself to keep it charged. You will never run out of energy. This is more or less useless unless you're either immortal or think you're capable of convincing the entity to leave behind all his other Shards, including Sting, and therefore not kill all humans in exchange for your Shard. A Shard without this perk may still have the ability to defy entropy, but you need to find it yourself because the Shard doesn't already know.​

Manton protected​

Cost: 5 SP

Cost: 10 CP

The inside of your body is protected against attack that attempt to target it. For example, a telekinetic cannot crush your heart inside of your chest.

You also gain some measure of resistance to esoteric attacks like instant death or erasure. This is not a complete immunity and will still hurt you, severely, but you will at least have a chance to survive.​

Power Confluence​

Cost: 3 SP

Incompatible: Entity

You no longer have multiple powers. Instead you possess a single power with the characteristics of all the powers you have selected. This harmonizes their effects, improving synergies and mitigating incompatibilities.​


Case 53​

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

You do not look human. How bad you look depends on your chosen appearance. If you chose Self-Insert or Insert you'll now be able to go back and choose your appearance. The more good-looking your appearance the more human and good-looking your appearance will be. On the other hand, if you chose ugly or disfigured, prepare to look like Noelle. Your appearance may also be based on a random one of the powers you chose.​

Pint Sized​

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

Required: Drop-In / Insert

Your body is aged down to somewhere between 6 and 12 years old. You will age normally but cannot use powers to age yourself up. Your physical abilities are reduced to match your age. Adults will not take you seriously and your independence will be severely limited.​


Gain: 5 CP

Your outsider nature can be felt, and you get all the wrong kinds of attention. Expect to be treated poorly.​

In One Ear...​

Gain: 5 CP

You can't explain your powers to others. If you try to, no information is conveyed in the attempt, even if the explanation was a lie (speech sounds silent, writing doesn't appear on the page, etc). Others can come to their own conclusions on how your powers work just fine, although attempts to confirm or deny their theories fail as well.​


Gain: 5 CP

You seem to be a walking talking failure of basic security. Even if you consciously try, you tend to slip some kind of information about yourself. And whenever you do slip, somehow, it reaches the ears of those who might actually use that information. It's safe to say your enemies might know where you live, work, relax, and even the name of your pet poodle.​


Gain: 3 CP

Incompatible: Reputable

You find it really difficult to gain a reputation.

Your accomplishments are often downplayed by others and people often credit successes to others and failures to you.​


Gain: 3 CP

Incompatible: Cover Story

No matter what, you cannot keep your civilian identity secret. Perhaps your voice is recognized by a childhood friend and they tell everyone, or perhaps you're forced into revealing your identity to save someone's life. It doesn't matter how, but your civilian identity will be revealed one way or another within a month.​

Wanted (Local): 1​

Gain: 3 CP

Incompatible: Entity

You attract the interest of a local group (like the E88, ABB, etc.). They will either want to recruit you or eliminate you.

If you participate in dismantling that group, another will not appear. If you move locations you will inevitably attract the interest of another group.​

Wildbow? Where have I heard that before?​

Gain: 3 SP

Gain: 5 CP

You forget everything you know about Worm. Why? You had a chance to save everything! Stop the bloodshed, and save the multiverse! Well, there's still a chance if you got Backup that you'll save everyone, or that you'll be powerful enough to save everyone by chance. Please don't pick this without Backup, especially not if you chose to arrive on April 8th, 2011!​


Gain: 3 SP

Gain: 5 CP

You have a tendency to monologue. It's nothing overpowering, but if you don't actively go out of your way to not monologue, you're probably going to monologue after you feel you've won.​

Slaughterhouse 8​

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

Incompatible: No Powers

If the Slaughterhouse 9 has formed, they're after you. Not to kill you or torture you, no, something worse. They have a position open and they want to recruit you. If the Slaughterhouse 9 has yet to form, they will, and they will survive long enough to try to recruit you. If you don't have powers yet, they will only come after you once you've triggered.​

Jaws of the Butcher​

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

Incompatible: No Powers

For whatever reason, the Teeth (and consequently the Butcher) decide to move into your area. The teeth don't like you, but they won't actively try to hunt you down. The points from this drawback mainly come from the fact that regardless of whatever perks or powers you may possess, you are no longer immune to the possession aspect of the Butcher's unique powers. If you fuck up and kill the Butcher then you're stuck with the voices of all the previous Butchers who will slowly try to drive you insane if you don't agree to lead the Teeth. If the Butcher dies during an Endbringer fight then you may be possessed if you're the closest to the Butcher. For some reason, the Butcher will now feel possessed to attend every Endbringer fight.​

Endbringer Target​

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

Incompatible: End of the Kaiju

The first time you go to an Endbringer fight, the Endbringer will go slightly out of its way to kill you. Unless you show that you're very powerful, you won't be its main focus.​


Gain: 3 SP

Gain: 3 CP

Incompatible: Entity

Outside of battle, you're clumsy and forgetful. These can both be removed through your powers or through practice.​

Inconsistent Minor Misfortune​

Gain: 2 SP

Gain: 3 CP

When it comes to irrelevant, everyday inconveniences, you have terrible luck. You will stub your toe more frequently, often arrive at a stoplight just as it turns red, will never win at bingo, and experience other such frustrations.

This Drawback will wear off after 10 years.​

Consistent Minor Misfortune​

Gain: 3 SP

Gain: 2 CP

Required: Inconsistent Minor Misfortune

You are slightly less lucky in all aspects. This is a very subtle, very small decrease, but affects even combat. This effect is twice as potent if you have any Perks or Powers that increase your luck.

This Drawback will wear off after 10 years.​


Gain: 5 CP

"Oh, I made a mistake. I accidentally forgot to protect your soul during the transfer and now you suffer from a form of soul sickness. No matters, it is only temporary for a week."

You now suffer from an incurable soul sickness for a week. While it won't kill you, it will make you want to rest your head for the week and not do anything.​

Fallen Worship​

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

The Fallen believe you to be one of the Endbringers, possibly not believing you've yet to receive whatever divine wisdom causes the Endbringers to destroy cities every couple of months. They will worship you and try to get you to act like the Endbringers. Even if you don't take this, they might still come to this conclusion.​

Tinfoil Hat​

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

No one will believe you if you tell them about the entity or Cauldron unless you show them definite proof or they already know about what you're telling them. (Stranger) Truth overpowers this drawback.​


Incompatible: Entity

You gain a form of insanity. They can range from various forms of mental disorders to hallucinations.

(You can pick your insanity in the section below)​


Did you slight a Fae? Or try to trick a Devil? No matter what you have been cursed. This curse may take many form. (Chose one from the section below.)​


Gain: 10 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

Your powers start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power.

Normally they will grow to 100% in six months and 200% in twelve months. The more you use your powers creatively the faster they will grow.

In the context of powers with multiple numerical values (i.e. number of charges and strength of charges) the product of all the values doubles. This means either one parameter doubles, two parameters increase by 1.4, three by 1.25, etc. (the n-th root of 2 for n parameters.) For frequencies, they are multiplied by the inverse. (2x becomes 1/2, etc.) You can choose which parameters are affected.

Jet Lag​

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

Required: Acclimation

Your powers will start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power.

Normally they will grow to 100% in six months and 200% in twelve months, but instead they will grow to 100% after twelve months and 200% after twenty four months. The speed of this process cannot be increased.​

Snail's Pace​

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

Required: Jet Lag

Your powers will start out 50% weaker and grow over time to 200% of their base power.

Normally they will grow to 100% in six months and 200% in twelve months, but instead they will grow to 100% after sixty months and 200% after one hundred and twenty months. Through dedicated and varied training, you might be able to reduce the duration of this drawback by twelve months.​

Second Wave Parahumans​

Upon taking this drawback, the rate of triggers around your chosen world will increase by 0.1% per day until it reaches the new rate. The triggers have a lower activation threshold than standard triggers, closer to that of second-generation triggers. These parahumans can second trigger if they encounter a situation sufficiently similar situation to their first trigger.

There is a 5% chance of a Parahuman also becoming a Noctis Cape, a 2% chance they'll gain the Olympic perk, a 2% chance they'll gain Blind Spot, and a 1% chance they'll gain Mental Barrier. A Parahuman with Mental Barrier will have a 50% chance of also gaining Blind Spot. There is a 0.001% chance that Parahumans will gain Trumped the Trump.​

Curse of Sloth​

Gain: 20 SP

Gain: 10 CP

Incompatible: Noctis Cape

You are required to spend 50% of the day sleeping in order to recharge your powers. Going a few days without sleeping would weaken your powers, and finally a weak of not sleeping will stop your powers from working.​

Another Self​

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

You possess a second mind within your head that carries the same values and goals as you. They are usually agreeable to whatever your goal is. But usually how this is achieved can differ from how you want it to.

If you possess Mild Hallucination, they are just a voice in your head that you can control when to swap. If you possess Hallucinations you and them can sometimes swap between each other, you have to fight for control. If you possess Major hallucination you are the voice in their mind and they control when to swap.​

Another Ego​

Gain: 10 SP

Gain: 10 CP

You possess a second mind within your head that carries different values and goals from you. They may not carry agree to whatever you want to do and differ from you majorly.

If you possess Mild Hallucination, they are just a voice in your head that you can control when to swap. If you possess Hallucinations you and them can sometimes swap between each other, you have to fight for control. If you possess Major hallucination you are the voice in their mind and they control when to swap.​


Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

Incompatible: Mild Hallucination, Major Hallucination

You hallucinate and cannot differentiate your imagination from reality. You have moments of clarity. Your powers get stronger the lower your clarity is at any point in time. At your worst, your powers are twice as powerful. At your best, your powers are slightly stronger than described.​

Fractured Psyche​

Gain: 15 SP

Gain: 15 CP

Required: Mild Hallucination, Hallucination, Major Hallucination

Your consciousness and mental monologue are splintered: every skill, belief and desire now has a voice of its own. You will experience internal dialogue with various aspects of your own personality, each representing different thoughts, emotions, and impulses. These internal voices often clash, leading to inner turmoil and conflicting motivations.

Not everything is bad though. With time, you will come to learn more about your worldviews, ideologies, personality traits, and hobbies.

You can also internalize a total of 3 thoughts that can influence you internally, changing your skills and the way you interact with the world. You unlock additional slots as you grow and learn about yourself. With practice in some skills, you may even hear the voices of the world around you.​


85% of these Parahumans will have 1 random power equivalent to those from the Tier-1 power section, 10% will have 2 random powers equivalent to those from the Tier-1 power section, 4.5% will have 3 random powers equivalent to those from the Tier-1 power section, and 0.5% will have 1 random power equivalent to those from the Tier-2 power section.​

Rank 8​

Gain: 25 SP

Gain: 25 CP

1 in 100'000 are parahumans


340% more parahumans​


Shard of the Wanderer​

Cost: 5 CP

Cost: 5 SP

Your power comes from the Wanderer Entity.

+ Your power doesn't alter your personality or push you towards conflict.

+ You instinctively understand how to use your powers.

+ Your power start slightly stronger than describe and can grow in strength and potency over time if you push your limits.

+ Your power will back you up in a situation where you are incapacitated and are unable to continue fighting.

+ Your power has enough juice to last at least a few centuries of continuous use.​


This Shard is considered important to the entity, and so will not discard it lightly. The entity would be hindered by the loss of this Shard.

You can choose Tier 2 and 3 powers.​



Cost: 1 SP

You can access all your strength at any time, allowing you to perform feats that normally could only be done when on an adrenaline high. This can cause damage to your muscles and bones. You are guaranteed to heal correctly given enough time.​


Cost: 1 SP

You can enter into a state of hibernation at will. While hibernating your subconscious mind will keep watch for danger and wake you when you want it to, allowing your conscious mind to rest in an enhanced sleep. Hibernation is four times more effective than sleeping, allowing a full night's rest in just two hours.​


Cost: 1 SP

You can set yourself under a Master effect to perform any task on autopilot, if you make a mental script for it beforehand. You can set any amount of protocols for any possible task. Quality of performance depends on the thoroughness of your script.​


Cost: 1 SP

Your sense of pain is replaced by a light, undistracting fizzy sensation, allowing you to operate at full capacity regardless of injuries. A different sensation like an itch will occur if what you're doing will exacerbate an existing injury.​

(Brute) Ablation​

Cost: 8 SP

You can only take so much damage at a time, regardless of how much damage you should be taking. The severity of damage is also reduced to a set amount. A single attack will gouge out a teaspoon of your flesh at most. Beams are not considered a single attack.​

(Brute) Deadpool​

Cost: 12 SP

As long as even a cell of you survives, you can regenerate from it. A cut will heal almost immediately. A severed head will take a while, and will regrow from the head. You can not use this power to create clones. If your Corona Pollenta and Corona Gemma are near-simultaneously hit by a power that heavily deals in and/or relies on portals and dimensional shenanigans, you will die.​

(Breaker) Immune Response​

Cost: 2 SP

You are highly resistant to all forms of poison, heat, electricity, and acid. You are totally immune to all forms of sickness and radiation. You are only moderately resistant to poisons that nullify your powers. You would die if you were on the surface of the sun for more than a couple of minutes. A lightning bolt would still mildly sting. A Tinkertech acid might still cause harm, if it's corrosive enough.​

(Trump) Fae Court​

Cost: 6 SP

You can copy a 50% weaker version of any Parahuman's powerset if they're within 150 meters of you. You keep this powerset for an hour after they leave you range.​

(Trump) Copycat​

Cost: 7 SP

When you touch a Parahuman, you receive a full-strength copy of their power for an hour.​

(Trump) Immunity​

Cost: 10 SP

After a power is directly used on you, you will become immune to it. This doesn't work on Thinker and Stranger powers. You can allow a power to be used on you if you consent.​

(Brute/Breaker/Trump) Cronus​

Cost: 20 SP

Titans are parahumans who have undergone a 'broken' second trigger, which results in their shard taking full agency over their body. You have dodged losing control of your body, but have still gained the ability to transform into a state were your shard is dominant and all of your powers lose their limits. Any powers you take are buffed to be at around the level an Endbringer's might be, and you have access to the full breadth of your shard.

(Trump) Eidolon​

Cost: 20 SP

You have Eidolon's powers without the worthy opponent issue. You can have three somewhat-random powers that you can change at any time you want. These powers can be very powerful. You can switch out quality for quantity and have five weaker powers instead of three stronger ones. All powers take a couple of minutes to build up strength, though they're still usable before reaching full strength. You can still run out of energy with this power. You're a precognitive blindspot to everyone but the entity.

Negentropy increases your slots to five strong or nine weaker powers.​

(Trump) Aliena​

Cost: 20 SP

This power is the conceptual mirror to Eidolon, while he can have three strong powers, you can have 20-30 weak powers.

You have a total of 75 points to allocate to your powers. A single power cannot exceed 5 points. A power's point worth is roughly proportional to its potency which is roughly equal to it's rating plus one ('Thinker 0' costs 1 point, 'Blaster 4' costs 5 points, etc.). Powers with hybrid rating ('Mover/Stranger 3' or 'Mover 3, Stranger 1') tend to be rated higher than simple abilities but less than the sum of their parts. You cannot summon duplicate powers or powers too close to an existing power. Tinker and Trump powers have their own, stricter, summoning rules (left to the author).

It takes up to 90 seconds to summon a power and decreases exponentially for weaker powers. If a power is invalid (too powerful) the summon will fail once it reaches the maximum time. You can recall previously summoned powers for a fraction of the initial time and a multitasking power allows you to recall multiple at once. You can dismiss any power instantly. All effects dependent on those powers will stop when the ability is dismissed but lingering or permanent effects remain (like Tinkertech or body-alterations).

You're a precognitive blindspot to everyone but the entity. Negentropy increases your point capacity to 125 and maximum points per power to 7.​

Fusions & Upgrades​

Higher Priest​

Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Trump) Eidolon

You can now directly influence the powers you get. It isn't as simple as just choosing the powers you want but you can place basic requirements such as 'it must be a laser power', or 'it must grant me a form of flight', or 'it must be a tinker power'. You can also hold onto powers for a longer period of time.​

Point Converstion​

+50 SP -100 CP​


Gain: 50 SP

Cost: 100 CP

(Note that this is mostly a guideline, so stuff may be uses or effects the Mc in different ways then stated)

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