As the three of them were discussing, something suddenly happened in an area not far away from the mercenary camp. A group of soldiers marched forward in a straight line. The leader of the group wore clothes that were clearly different from the others. He wore a circular shaped cloak and a wide belt across his waist. A sword hung down from his waist.
Most importantly, this fellow was wearing a round hat with a sharp top. A white feather was inserted on top of the hat.
In the medieval period, this was the typical clothes worn by the people of higher status in French. The Norman family came from French, thus the influence of French designs were very strong within the Norman army.
This group’s arrival immediately caused a commotion among the mercenaries.
The fellow with the white feathered hat raised his head up high and pulled out a scroll made of sheepskin. Unrolling it, he coughed out twice before reading from the scroll aloud.
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