“… would you let me go after I answer your questions? And… give me that… money?”
Chen Xiaolian did not answer her questions. Instead, he asked her, “What is your name?”
“Mary Ann Nichols… err, actually, my name is Mary Ann Walker. Walker is my maiden name. However, after coming to London, I changed it. I did it because… being called Nichols give some people the feeling that I am of Russian descent… some of the customers like that,” Polly answered obediently. “However, my friends all call me Polly.”
“Well then, how old are you?”
“Thirty-three…” she said, an obvious look of guilt appearing on her face. “Err, I am thirty-eight years old.”
Chen Xiaolian smiled without saying anything. He simply continued gazing at her.
Polly was unable to get used to the stare and she stuttered, “All right, I am forty years old…”
“I hope you can tell me the truth,” Chen Xiaolian said with a sigh.