All of the heavenly dragonfish in the pond were going violently crazy.
Although the heavenly pond had been sealed with ice by the Saint-Emperor, that only affected the surface of the water. Because of the magical technique used, the fish couldn't break the seal. However... there were thousands of lotus leaves in the pond as well!
It wasn't possible to seal the leaves. If the heavenly pond was the foundation of Saint-Emperor City, then the thousands of lotus leaves were the ground upon which the city was actually built. Countless buildings rose up from those leaves, and the flower in the middle of them all housed the imperial palace.
Because the lotus leaves weren't sealed, when the heavenly dragonfishes' withdrawal symptoms reached a certain point, they changed targets. Specifically, they began to ravenously attack the roots that sank down into the water.
It got so bad so quickly that some of the leaves began to tilt to the side.
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