The old Chinese saying is so true: Three women are enough for play.
Xiao Yan, Xiao Tian and A Yun were chattering so happily. Zhang Zian could not add in a single word. The discussion was either too difficult for him to understand or too naughty, so he had to pretend he didn’t understand.
It was an all-female beauty salon. It was extremely naughty in a man’s mind.
Xiao Tian and A Yun played jokes on Zhang Zian from time to time, which embarrassed him to death.
They were talking in the reception area where many people walked past time to time. Most customers walking by would say hello to Xiao Yan; She remembered almost everyone’s name. She was nodding and smiling at the other customers while still very engaged in the conversation with Xiao Tian and A Yun. Zhang Zian was amazed by how natural it was for her to handle all these people and make everyone one of them feel valued.