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60.56% Loyalty Among Worlds (Amphibia AU) / Chapter 43: Chapter 43: The Second Temple

Chương 43: Chapter 43: The Second Temple

After a long well deserved break, the group gathers all the basic necessities they need to journey to the second temple. Out of all the members of the group, Marcy was the most excited of all. Though, Marcy told everyone to dress warmly because where the stone is guiding them could get really cold.

They take off on Joe Sparrow and Carpet. Their next leg of the journey takes them to the mountain regions of Amphibia. They pass a herd of Woolly Mantises along the way, and slip and slide on thick ice.

After recovering from a pile of snow, Marcy pops up. "Welcome to the amphibian arctic everyone!" The rest of the gang pop out of the snow. "I triangulated the tracking beam from the green stone. And…"

Marcy takes out the green gemstone and the beam focuses its mark straight ahead. The group climbed out of the snow and made tracks. "The temple can't be far now," said Darrel. "Who knows what we're going to encounter."

The group make their way to an open archway found in the clearing mists. The beam hits directly on a blue crystal. Then, blue inscriptions appeared on the arch. Anne smiles at Darrel, knowing what he has to do. He takes his staff and translates what they see.

"It says, 'Just beyond these snowy gates, a grueling perilous temple awaits'" "Uh, no it doesn't," said Polly. The group looks beyond the arch to find nothing. "Maybe the temple is invisible," said Sprig. "All the ancient text about this temple is super vague," said Marcy. "They just mention the word 'heart' a lot."

"Okay," said Hop pop. "Are we looking for something heart shaped?" "Maybe we have to rip somebody's heart out," said Polly. "Too dark," said Cronaxx. "CAW CAW!" cried a bird typed creature.

The creature swooped down, and the gang ducked. "Hey wait! I know that crazy bird," said Anne. The gang rush to follow Anne, following the bird. The bird lands by a tent not far from them.

"How do you know that bird?" Darrel asked. "Remember when I took the box to the bizarre bizarre?" Anne asked. Sprig looks at the sign that says 'Valeriana's mysterious goods.'

"Anne, didn't we meet her in the bizarre bizarre?" Sprig asked. "Yeah," replied Anne. "And she said she's been all over Amphibia, right? Maybe she's seen the temple."

The group approaches the tent in hopes of meeting her. Only to see an Out to Lunch sign hanging. "Ugh, why is she always out to lunch?" Anne asked. "Because it's the most important meal of the day," replied a mysterious, yet familiar voice."

They turn around to find Valeriana appear from behind a tree. "It's been a while, creature," she said. "And, Cronaxx? Is that you?" Cronaxx smiles, "Hello Valeriana. It's been years." "You two know each other?" Hop pop asked. "We've crossed paths on our journeys," replied Cronaxx.

"Do any of you, by chance, seek a temple to charge an ancient stone?" Valeriana asked. "Oh yes," replied Anne. "Do you know about the stones?" "Indeed," said Valeriana. "But, I'm not the only one who knows."

She points her staff at Cronaxx, claiming that he also knows. "You know about the stones, uncle?" Tint asked. "I may have," replied Cronaxx. "But, I can't possibly remember that long ago." "He's right," said Valeriana. "His memory is quite unique. However, something happened to it that even I can't interpret."

"And as for you. For charging the stone, are you worthy?" "Well, yeah," replied Anne. "Totally," said Marcy. "We shall see," said Valeriana.

The group enters the tent, and prepares to hear more about the stones. "Me and Cronaxx are the last of the Ancient Order," said Valeriana. "Our purpose was to study the sacred stones and temples." She opens a scroll revealing four figures and the four stones from the box.

"So you know where the temple is?" Marcy asked. "Indeed," said Valeriana. "And you possess the music box?" Anne takes it out and presents the box to Valeriana. "After all these years, it has returned. I should very much like to hold it."

Anne was very hesitant in doing so, and Valeriana reluctantly agreed. "To get to the temple, we must climb the freezing cliffs of Mount Mootoo. Leave your flimsy jackets and wear these caterpillar wool coats instead. Since this temple is my responsibility, you all must do exactly as I say. Or else you can say goodbye to ever finding it. Are we clear?"

She gives them the coats and the group prepare for the journey, "Clear!" "Clear and comfy," said Hop pop. "Good, follow me," said Valeriana.

Along the way, The group travels high up into the mountains. They climbed up the slippery cliffside with Valeriana ahead of them. "Quickly, you three," said Valeriana. "I like to reach the temple in this century. How could adventurers this amazing be able to conquer the temple?"

Anne looks up at their guide with a grunt look on her face. "Don't listen to her guys," she said. "We're almost there."

Suddenly, the group gets ambushed by a four eyed cardinal. The cardinal screeches, scaring the group. Marcy however wasn't affected. "Relax guys, it's just a cardinal. They don't eat amphibians. She's just saying hello." Then, the cardinal grabs Marcy by the beak.

Darrel uses his magic to rescue Marcy and then the cardinal turns its attention to the amphibians. "You said it was friendly!" Darrel cried. "I did," said Marcy. "Unless…. The coats. Guys, the cardinals also eat caterpillars."

"We need these coats to stay warm!" Sprig cried. "And look good," said Polly. "Marcy, what do we do?" Hop pop asked.

While Marcy was coming up with a plan, Anne removes her coat and throws it to the bottom of the mountain. The cardinal gives chase, leaving the group alone. The group climbed up to the top.

Anne starts to shiver over the loss of her coat. "You saved us Anne," said Hop pop. He starts to undo his coat to give it to Anne. "Here, take my coat." Darrel stops him, "No, take mine Anne. Hop pop will surely freeze." Darrel removes his coat and puts on his old winter jacket. "Are you sure, Darrel?" Anne asked. "Of course," replied Darrel. "I wasn't going to let you freeze up here."

"You think it's wise to abandon your coat?" Valeriana asked. "Impulsive and defensive, very unworthy qualities I must say." "Don't worry, Darrel," said Tint. "I'll keep a fire going from my hands to keep you warm." Tint casts a fireball and places it close to Darrel. "Thanks, buddy."

Along the way to the temple, Valeriana spoke again. "It's so fortunate that the music box fell into such average hands. How exactly did it come into your possession?" Anne and Marcy didn't want to tell her. But Darrel groaned in disgust. He knew they weren't going to tell them.

But that didn't stop him, "We stole it." This shocked everyone, except for Cronaxx, Tint, and Valeriana. "Come on, guys. The truth was going to come out sooner or later." "Yeah, but you don't just blurt it out," said Anne.

Then, the group felt the ground shaking. "What was that?" Polly asked. "Nothing much," said Valeriana. "Just an avalanche." Darrel acted fast and covered Anne and Marcy's mouths. "Shh. Guys, the last thing we need to do is yell." "The boy is right," said Valeriana.

The gang sees a chunk of ice sliding away from the group. "Thank goodness," whispered Tint. "Look!" Anne points to an igloo with smoke coming out of the chimney. "Someone must be inside. We have to save them."

"How? By running towards an avalanche?" Valeriana asked. "They are lost, child. I say we press on." "Well I say, I'm not," said Darrel. "I'm with you Anne." The two race to the igloo with the avalanche right on top of them. Anne bursts through the door, only to find a sign that says, 'out to lunch.' "How is everyone out to lunch right now?" Anne asked.

"Anne! The Avalanche!" Darrel cried. The two humans escape the igloo. Anne trips on the way out, and Darrel helps her back up. Darrel uses his staff to launch the two in the air. The two safely land by the cliff above the snow.

"Are you okay, Anne?" Darrel asked. "Yeah, I am," she replied. "Thanks for coming back for me." "I'd never let anything happen to my friends," said Darrel. The rest of the group arrive at the scene. "Are you two okay?" Marcy asked. "We're fine Marcy," said Anne. "It was just an empty igloo," said Darrel.

"We can keep going from here," said Tint. "Oh, that won't be happening," said Valeriana. "I've learned all I need to know from you, lot. Disobedient, foolish, impulsive, none of these qualities are worthy of the sacred stones. You don't deserve my help. Good luck finding that temple on your own."

Just as she was about to walk away, Darrel smirked, "I would've believed in those words, had you not set up the tests." "Huh?" the group gasped. Valeriana stopped in her tracks. "Ah, the young boy knows more than I could've imagined."

"How did you know those were her tests?" Sprig asked. "Elementary, my dear Sprig," replied Darrel. "When we were climbing up the mountain, Valeriana called the cardinal using a simple bird call. She knew that the caterpillar was the bird's natural prey. So one of us had to sacrifice our warmth to save us."

The group gasped in amazement. Cronaxx simply smiled at his second apprentice. "Then, when Valeriana told us to not bother the igloo, one had to rescue a complete stranger out of impulse. Little did I know that it was her igloo when I recognized her 'out to lunch' sign."

Valeriana smiled at his sleuthing. "All of these tests were to find out who has the heart to charge the next stone," said Darrel. He looks to Anne, which led to everyone looking at her. "What are you guys looking at?" she asked. "Anne, don't you get it?" Sprig said. "You're worthy to charge the next stone."

"Not quite," said Valeriana. "I just have one more question for her, and I would like the wise boy to join me on this one." She takes her tail-hand and tells the two humans to grab on. As they did, the three vanished with the wave of her staff.

Darrel and Anne stood on top of a tower, high above the cloudline. An aurora borealis appeared over their heads, like the one they saw on their first date. "This place is amazing," said Anne. "We made it," said Darrel. "Is this the temple?" Anne asked.

"Only when you ask this final question," said Valeriana. "Boy, show me the box again." Darrel takes the box out of Anne's bag and brings it to her. "Darrel, what are you doing?" Anne asked. "I'm trusting her," replied Darrel. "If she and Cronaxx are the last of the Ancient Order, that would make them the Guardians of the Calamity Box."

Valeriana smiled, "That's right, child. And now for your final question, girl: Is it true that you stole the box from where you found it?" Anne started to feel the guilt that came back to her on the day she took the box from the thrift store. She knew that Darrel was right when he told her on the mountain, and she knew in her heart that she did steal the box.

"I did steal it," she replied. "I lied to my friends, and I am a thief. Those bad choices were mine and I'll own them. But making them taught me that it's always better to do the right thing. And that's what I'll do, by letting my friend give you back the box. Regardless of how much I don't want to."

Darrel was so happy that Anne owned up to her mistakes, that he held her hand and stood by her side. The two humans smiled and hugged, making Valeriana smile too. "We have been waiting for someone like you for such a long time," she said.

"Thank you for your help, boy." "You're welcome," said Darrel. "Umm, what's going on?" Anne asked. "She needed me to help you pass your final test," replied Darrel. Valeriana summons a smoke cloud around her, and as the clouds disappear, she appears in a white cloak.

"You have sacrificed your warmth for your friends, your safety for a stranger in need, and even owned up to your mistakes unlike any enemy I've encountered. But empathy alone isn't enough, for what is heart, without responsibility."

She inserts her staff in a hole in the center of the tower. The floor was surrounded by blue glowing light. "In the name of the temple, I declare you worthy," said Valeriana. "So it was true," said Anne. "What you said Darrel, all those tests were a trial." "And this 'invisible' temple," said Darrel. "Was the mountain all this time."

"So what is it you want?" Valeriana asked. "To charge the stone and return home," replied Anne. "So be it!" Valeriana takes out the second grey stone and places it in her staff's curve. The stone charges slower than the first one, making the three wait patiently.

Suddenly, they hear screaming coming from down below the mountain. Anne grabs the stone from the staff, partly charged, and Valeriana sends the two back to their friends.

Darrel and Anne appear back from the top and rush down to their group. "Guys! What's wrong?!" they cried. However, when they got down, they found the group unscathed and unharmed. "Darrel, Anne, Marcy is showing us ridiculously cute animal videos on her phone," said Polly. "We looked for you guys," said Sprig. "But now we're taking a break."

"You guys are alright!" said Marcy. "And that's not all," said Darrel. "Show them, Anne." Anne takes out the box, showing them the blue gem charged and ready to go. The group clapped at the accomplishment. "But how?" Sprig asked. "We'll explain when we get back," said Anne.

Then, out of nowhere, a sharp pain started to hit Darrel's head. It felt like he was having a migraine. He falls to his knees grabbing everyone's attention. "Darrel! What's wrong?" Anne asked. He tried to speak, but he couldn't because of the pain. "He can't speak!" Marcy cried. "We gotta get back to the farm and see what's wrong," said Hop pop.

Marcy calls for Joe and Tint calls for Carpet. The group take flight back to Wartwood, with Darrel riding on Carpet. Cronaxx looks at Darrel as he opens his eyes. His pupils glow, but only his right eye flickers.

Darrel keeps groaning in pain, until Cronaxx casts a sleep spell to help ease it. "This should keep whatever's going on, stable in his mind," he said. "Whatever is happening in there, we gotta figure it out."

Inside Darrel's mind, he finds himself in front of the two colored gems on his travels. The blue gem starts flickering, which makes Darrel curious about what they're dealing with. Then, the eyes he felt appeared in front of him. They stared down upon him, whispering many things. "Sooooon," "We will rise again," "You're all doomed."

Darrel shut his eyes, trying to ignore whatever the voices were. "No. No! NO! GET OUT! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Suddenly, Darrel wakes up back at the Plantar farm. He finds Anne, Marcy, Sprig, and Tint sleeping in the basement too. Anne stayed by his side through the whole night, until she fell asleep.

The pain stopped, but his thoughts lingered in his mind. "Something's coming," he whispered. "Something big. Whatever that creature is, it's certainly not working alone." Darrel lays back into bed and drifts off to sleep.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Stone -- Power Stone
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