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30.98% Loyalty Among Worlds (Amphibia AU) / Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Year of the Spore

Chương 22: Chapter 22: Year of the Spore

In Hop pop's study, a miniature ship shines from the sunlight in the window. She is named The Green Lady. Shown with a green mermaid on the bow of the ship, along with green boards, green flags, and green sails, the ship gets blown by Hop pop for visual effects.

"I gotta say, you put a lot of effort into this," said Cronaxx. "I sure did," said Hop pop. "With careful precision, and proper dedication, this ol' gal shall be seaworthy." Hop pop places the last plank on the ship, declaring her complete. "Five years of work has finally paid off."

Suddenly, a ball gets thrown through the window nearly hitting the two elders. Hop pop dives in to save his ship. "My baby!" he cried. Luckily, the two weren't hurt. "Whew, that was close," said Cronaxx.

Anne and Darrel come up to the window. "Sorry about that guys," said Darrel. "Yeah, we were just teaching Polly how to play kickball," said Anne. "Which is challenging for obvious reasons," said Sprig. "Next time, I'm gonna help Polly be her legs," said Tint.

Hop pop was angry, "Dang it kids, what have I told you about rough housing near the windows?!" Cronaxx placed his hand on his shoulder in an effort to calm him down. "Now, how about you guys come in and play a quiet game?" Cronaxx asked. "Sure Uncle," said Tint.

Darrel and Anne take notice of Hop pop's ship. "Nice toy boat," said Anne. "It's not a toy boat, Anne. It's a model ship," corrected Darrel. "My father has a model of the Titanic displayed on our fireplace. So what is she called, Hop pop?" "This ship right here Darrel, is the replica of the Green Lady: A famous warship dated back long ago," said Hop pop.

Anne simply shrugged, "Potato, tomato." And the kids leave the window and enter the house. Cronaxx fixes the window with his magic, until the kids burst in the study. "Tongue Tag!" Sprig called out. The kids run around the study, hoping to not get tagged by Sprig. Especially Anne and Darrel, considering that their tongues are not as long as frogs.

The kids were laughing and running all over Hop pop's study. Hop pop tried to get them under control, but they wouldn't listen. When Polly jumped onto the table, Sprig attacked her with his tongue. Polly dodged just in time, but Sprig's tongue hit the ship. Causing it to knock over and slam down to the ground.

"AAAHHH!" screamed Hop pop. "Why don't you kids ever listen to me?!" Then he turns his attention to Cronaxx. "And you! Shouldn't your nephew and human be training magic?!" Cronaxx put his hands up, "I'm sorry Hop pop, but we're on break from magic training." Cronaxx snaps his fingers, and the ship magically repairs itself.

"Shouldn't I have reminded you? You have wizards living in your farmhouse." Hop pop, seeing his ship back to normal, feels a little bit better. He looks at his ship and finds that he needs more supplies to finish the ship. "Looks like she needs a few more supplies until she's finished," he said. "To Loggle's everyone!"

The group takes Bessie to Loggle's woodshop. Hop pop gives Anne and Darrel mushroom treats in case Bessie acts up. While they were waiting, Bessie started to act up like Hop pop warned them. So they give her some mushrooms, and she runs wild in circles. The kids cheered, until the cops arrived to give them a ticket.

Thankfully, Darrel pays off the ticket to the cops just as Hop pop came out with his supplies. "Did you get everything you need, Hop pop?" Sprig asked. "I sure did boy," he replied. Cronaxx looks at his supplies, only to find a small glowing purple ooze in the box. "Now all I need is a quiet afternoon to finish this gal."

"I promise you Hop pop, from now on, we'll be on our best behavior," said Darrel. "And don't worry about this," Darrel reveals a ticket from behind his back. "Me and the salamanders paid for it." Hop pop nodded in understanding and the group returned home.

Back at the farm, Hop pop entered first in hopes of finishing The Green Lady. Anne held her stomach indicating that she's getting hungry. "I bet there's one more beetle bite left in the kitchen," said Sprig. "Race you guys there," said Tint. The kids rush in accidentally shoving Hop pop in the process. Shoving him, caused the ship to break again, and made Hop pop very upset.

Later that night, Cronaxx woke up to get a drink of water. Suddenly, he spots Hop pop with the same vial of purple ooze he saw earlier. He stays hidden in the shadows and whispers, "What are you up to, Hopediah?"

The next morning, Hop pop was making breakfast for the gang. Cronaxx sat in his seat with a mug of bog water. "Good morning Hopediah," he greeted. "Good morning Cronaxx," said Hop pop. "Kids! Breakfast!"

"I'm sure they'll come," said Cronaxx. "Dang kids take forever to wake up," said Hop pop as he turns his head to the stove. But when he turns around again to serve Cronaxx, he sees the kids sitting by his side. Their pupils were dilated and showed a dark purple.

"Good morning Hop pop," The kids said simultaneously. "Okay," said Hop pop, surprised that whatever he gave them made them obedient. He serves them breakfast, "Now, I'm going to work on my ship. So I want you kids to finish your breakfast quickly, then sit on that couch and not say a -" He turned back to see their plates empty and they left immediately. "Word."

He looks into the living room and finds the kids sitting still on the couch. "Yes, Hop pop," they said. Hop pop slightly grins at their behavior. Cronaxx however, was stern. Arms crossed and stared down at Hop pop. "I don't know what you did to make those kids look zombified, but I'm going to find out." "It's just for one day, it's not that big of a deal," said Hop pop. "It is a big deal, because you got my great nephew involved," said Cronaxx.

Cronaxx steps outside, while Hop pop resumes working on his ship. He turns around to see the kids still sitting on the couch, just like he told them to. "Hey kids," he said nervously. "Hey, Hop pop," they said. Hop pop shutters in horror, realizing the strength of what he used on them.

"Why don't you kids go outside and play?" Hop pop asked. "Yes, Hop pop," they said unanimously. Hop pop watches as they blandly play outside, and Cronaxx glaring at him with a stern look. "Better close these to cut down the glare," he said to himself as he closed the shutters.

Later in the night, Hop pop was nearly finished with the Green Lady. "Still, I shouldn't use more of that gunk on the kids," he whispered to himself. "Something about it just don't sit right with me."

He looks back to the kids, who are sitting on the couch now, along with Cronaxx. Darrel and Anne started blinking, signaling that the effects wore off. "Ugh, my head," said Darrel. Anne yawned, "Man, I feel funky." Sprig shook his head, "Like I was a prisoner in my own body." Then, Polly and Tint came back to reality, which made Cronaxx smile.

"I'm glad to see things are normal again," he said. "Normal," said Polly. "I have all this anger building up inside me. And I don't know what to do with it!" "Then let's shake it off with another round of tongue tag," said Tint. "Heck yeah," said Darrel. "Let's play in Hop pop's room," said Polly. "I like the obstacles."

In Hop pop's study, the kids were running around while Hop pop was trying to stop them. Cronaxx smiled, wondering if Hop pop is going to use that same remedy again on the kids. "Go to bed now and I'll give you ten coppers each!" Hop pop cried. The kids agreed, much to the excitement of having money.

Hop pop takes out the vial, while Cronaxx was listening outside his study. "I'll just by myself a little more time. And then, never again," said Hop pop. Cronaxx waits in the kitchen to surprise Hop pop and catch him in the act.

He sees Hop pop go into the basement and sprinkle the glowing purple ooze on their faces. He exits the basement, closing the door, until he turns to see Cronaxx. He was cross. "Hop pop!" Cronaxx shouted, surprising Hop pop. "Oh, Cronaxx. Uh, how's it going?"

"What do you think you are doing?!" He takes the vial from Hop pop's hand and analyzes it with his own good eye. "How could you? On your own children? My Great Nephew!" "I'm sorry," said Hop pop. "But it was the only way to get them to behave." "Do you have any idea what this stuff is?" Cronaxx asked. "It's just a remedy full of enzymes," replied Hop pop. "They're not enzymes," said Cronaxx.

Suddenly, they hear banging on the basement door. "They're spores!" Cronaxx cried. The basement door opens up, revealing Darrel and Anne in a zombified state. Their eyes glow bright purple, and have mushrooms growing out of their heads. Then, Sprig, Tint, and Polly come down in the same state the humans are in.

They open the door showing a hooded figure outside. "Knock knock," said the figure. "You," said Cronaxx sternly. "You've met Gary?" Hop pop asked. "Ah, Cronaxx. How long has it been?" 'Gary' asked. "Far too long," said Cronaxx. "I thought I got rid of you." "You almost did," said Gary. "But now, I'm back. And I have come to witness the birth of my children."

"Children?" Hop pop asked. "He's not wrong," said Cronaxx. He approaches Gary and removes his hood. Revealing a giant glowing mushroom on top of a frog's head. Hop pop gasped in shock. "Behold, my true beautiful self!" Gary announced.

"You see I am a rare species of mushroom able to control the mind of its host. And soon all of Amphibia will be under my command!" Lightning strikes during his cackling. "You'll never get away with this," said Hop pop.

"Silence!" Gary said. "Also, eyes up here buddy." Gary points to the mushroom on the frog's head, gesturing that the mushroom is talking and not the frog. "To me, my mushroom children!" Gary announced. Then, all of Wartwood comes out affected by the glowing mushrooms, especially Mayor Toadstool.

Hop pop and Cronaxx close the door with the kids inside. "We have to hold them off," said Hop pop. "That's going to be impossible," said Cronaxx. "These kids will stop at nothing until we are one. We need help." "But who will help us?" Hop pop asked. "Everyone is infected, all except…" "Bessie," they said together.

Suddenly, frogs start entering the windows and doors of the house. They immediately grab Cronaxx by his limbs and start upchucking spores. "You have to go, Hopediah," he said. "I'll buy you some time!" "But Cronaxx-" "Just GO!"

Cronaxx snaps his fingers just as Tint spews spores on his forehead. Hop pop retreated to his study, grabbed his ship and jumped out. As he runs across the farm, he looks back to see Cronaxx covered in spores and Darrel taking the lead. He started to dance, and everyone followed, including Gary. "Oh my, this looks fun," he said.

(Thriller - Michael Jackson)


It's close to midnight

Something evil's lurking in the dark

Under the moonlight

You see a sight that almost stops your heart

You try to scream

But terror takes the sound before you make it

You start to freeze

As horror looks you right between the eyes

You're paralyzed

You hear the door slam

And realize there's nowhere left to run

You feel the cold hand

And wonder if you'll ever see the sun

You close your eyes

And hope that this is just imagination, girl

But all the while

You hear a creature creeping up behind

You're out of time

They're out to get you

There's demons closing in on every side

They will possess you

Unless you change that number on your dial

Now is the time

For you and I to cuddle close together, yeah

All through the night

I'll save you from the terror on the screen

I'll make you see

(Dance sequence)


Thriller night

'Cause I can thrill you more

Than any ghoul would ever dare try

So let me hold you tight

And share a

(Killer, diller, chiller)

(Thriller here tonight)

'Cause this is thriller

Thriller night

Girl, I can thrill you more

Than any ghoul would ever dare try

So let me hold you tight

And share a

(Killer, thriller)


Hop pop raced as fast as he could to Bessie's barn, only for Polly to give away his hiding place. The kids and Cronaxx hold him down, while Gary comes in with a jar of spores. "Time for your assimilation," said Gary.

"Sorry to disappoint you, you compost eating fiend," said Hop pop. "But I've got ya where I want ya." He looks at his ship with tearful eyes. "Goodbye sweet lady. May you find safe harbor in the beyond."

He throws the Green Lady into Bessie's pen, unlocking the door. "Bessie! Snack Time!" Hop pop called. Bessie went straight to eating all the mushrooms. Gary accidentally drops his jar of spores and spills all over the floor.

Bessie doesn't miss a single mushroom. She clears all the heads of the infected citizens of Wartwood. Eventually, she goes after Gary. He begs Hop pop to call off his snail. He tells Hop pop if he gets eaten, he'll be wiped off the face of the planet. Hop pop shrugged it off and pushed Gary into Bessie's mouth.

After Gary gets eaten, his frog host returns to normal, calling himself Lloyd. Then, the rest of Wartwood returns to normal. Hop pop was grateful that he saved them all. However, he wasn't out of the woods yet.

He hears throat clearing behind him, revealing Darrel, Anne, the Salamanders and his grandkids with stern looks, arms crossed. "I know, no matter how important my ship was, it didn't give me the right to use mind control on you," said Hop pop.

"Exactly," said Cronaxx. "You especially don't have the right to mind control my nephew!" "But," said Darrel. "We were reckless lately, so we are at fault too. We'll try to be better about listening to you."

Hop pop chuckled, "I guess we're even then." "Oh you're not even," said Tint. "He's right," said Cronaxx. "Starting tomorrow, I'm taking charge of the farm until you finish all of Tint's chores." "What?" Hop pop cried. Then Tint snaps his fingers making Hop pop's shirt smoke.

Hop pop screamed, thinking he was on fire. But it was just a simple smoke spell Tint casted to scare him. "Come on kids," said Cronaxx. "I'll make us some mushroom soup." The kids agreed and they closed Bessie's stable.

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