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58.69% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 54: 6

Chương 54: 6

Here it is. The last year I'm going to be in Blackthorn. The last year at home. I could argue that anywhere with my pokémon is home... That actually is true. Hrm. I can have two homes! Mom and I are already thinking of what's going to happen later. At the end of the year rather. Prep work is already starting. Not surprising considering I've been thinking about this for nine years now.

I've been in contact with Professor Oak on and off. Mostly updating him on what is going on with my team, especially Zaela, as well as chortling that he gave me a shiny charmander egg. Sure, it would have ended up mine no matter what but who says I can't fuck with him? I like him but everyone deserves to be trolled some of the time.The man is frothing at the mouth again to have me visit. I told him I could do him one better if he didn't mind a trip to Hoenn. Its time to get my last team member in a month or so. The aftermath of Matthew Stone was a bit brutal until I stepped in. Mother was all set to go on the warpath. Her reasoning is there is no way Matthew could have hired the mercs he had without support of his family. Frankly, I agree. Somewhere one of them gave him funds.It not all that surprising. Exiled as he might be I would imagine his direct family wouldn't stop being in touch with them. Probably didn't expect him to do what he did though. It doesn't matter. He's dead. That is payment enough. What I told mom is that I'd be fine if they gave me something I really wanted and say, discounts from their products for the rest of my life. My mother is fierce as I've constantly noted but she relented.Plus she got to deal with Stella. And isn't telling me what happened. I just get a dangerous purr from her emotions.Its hard to keep my gaze with my eyepatch so she caved on the Stones at least. Somewhat. Oh! I've got a few patches now. There is a sparkly pink one with over the top glitter I'm saving to fuck with Lance. Just imagine his face when we have our rematch and I show up with that. Psychological warfare bitches. And six others. Guess what they match? If you think my pokémon then yes. Joy's wife does a lot of repair work for the Clan and she was happy to match the tints of each of my family. My most worn one is Query's silver-gold as he makes what I assume is his version of a squee that I would adorn his colors. I guess because I so often wear clothing that matches Zaela. The squee sounds like eight bit music. Its oddly adorable.Huh. I've never noticed that I wear garchomp colors. Right. Going to go buy outfits to match all my family.Back on track. My request? Its expensive. And brand new….And I'm pretty positive I'm going to have the first fossil of this species in the world. There are a few omanyte and kabuto out there with very wealthy trainers. When mom heard how much the process cost she was quite happy to take this as revenge. The Stone family agreed reluctantly.From what I recall Joseph Stone is a good man and probably doesn't deserve the pressure my Mother was putting on his company. Yet, so far, we haven't leaked any of what has happened so he's gotten off easy. One of his family trying to kill the daughter of the Blackthorn Gym Leader? Yeaaaah.So off to Hoenn. This time both Mom and Dad are going with me! Its a much longer trip so airplane it is. Professor Oak decided to come along as I told him I was going to get a fossil revived and I'd be much happier if he were there. That's not even a lie. I might know that Steven and Joseph are good people in theory but Mom is still out for blood. Hopefully the Professor's presence will offset things.Query is preparing for evolution. It'll actually happen in Hoenn which is fine by him. He's got something to prove to the Stones due to his original connect to them. Most of his time is spent meditating and ingesting a lot of minerals. Iron especially. Once he evolves his move pool will increase a lot again. And hopefully another breakthrough in his fighting style.Zaela is prospering. Finishing Draco Meteor has made her terrain control so scary that no two pokémon on the team can defeat her in a fight. Query comes the closest but he really doesn't yet have long range options to force her into a one on one battle. Past that her new moves of choice to work on right now are dragon rush and earthquake. We've got plans for a combo to use on Momma before we leave on the journey. Mars thought it up.Speaking of my other shiny, Mars' evolution has put him back into training with a, pardon the pun, fire under his feet. Heh. The combo moves he apparently had been planning before evolution are inspired. He can stand against everyone one on one right now if given a bit of time to prepare. He even beat Query once with a clever use of blaze he calls Firewall. He basically tanked his own damage to keep Query in the attack until victory. I can't wait to see how he works as a charizard.Sunny is driven. She's still a bottle of happiness. The shock of my injury and the death in the valley have faded into a distant memory. While she sticks closer to me than ever she's also started to be wary of strangers. I do and don't miss her utterly open attitude of before but I want her safe more than I want her friendly. She's coming into her own finally. The early evolution's drawback is finally bottoming out. She's learned more moves in the last four months than I think any of the team has in that amount of time. Well. Except Mars. Moonblast, Safeguard, Light Screen and Reflect. Misty Terrain too. She's been visiting Mom's defensive dragonite and an altaria in the Den to train to protect her family members with support. Helping Hand has become especially potent.Its Truthseeker that has made the most progress though. Her Heal Sphere has outclassed mine and we've developed shock and awe inserts into combat designed to distract an opponent and heal allies at the same time. Counter has been providing wonders when we train with some of the Den inhabitants and get into brawls. EMT is a lot of Quick Attack/Me First movement with simultaneous healing pulses and plans to spam double teams and substitutes as distraction. Aided by Sunny's long range snipes and various barrier moves it means we haven't lost anyone to fainting in the brawls. As well as infuriated pretty much everyone we fight.As a lucario she's gotten more hardy and can stand up to Zaela and Query now. She's not quite their level but the gap is closing. Sadly she has to take it a bit easier on me in our sparring but she also is learning how to teach me more effectively now that her aura abilities have matured. The way she guides me is incredibly intuitive and she doesn't bother to hide how smug she is that she is ahead of me in that regard. The brat. But I'm pushing forward too! There is a lot of growing to be done all around.Off to Hoenn!A few days later.I suspect people could easily figure out my next pokémon if they were paying attention to hints of how I wanted a pokémon to train Zaela against. An amaura. Now, how might an amaura fossil wind up in Johto if as far as we know they are only in Kalos? No idea. Fate BS? Maybe the species was more widespread than thought? Eh. I'm not going to worry. Got a lot more to go before Aurora. The process took three days in order to revive her. And what a three days.Aurora the Amaura (Female)Nature: ModestAbilities: Refrigerate, Snow Warning (Hidden)Moves: Powder Snow, Thunder Wave, Haze, Barrier, Mirror Coat, Sandstorm, Hail, Magnet Rise, DischargeShe's amazing. But first Hoenn. We flew south, south-east to land just outside of Lilycove City. We could have taken the plane all the way to Rustboro but mom preferred to use league Alakazam for the rest of the trip. She might be just a tad paranoid right now. For good reason admittedly. Rustboro isn't as grand as I thought it would be but the Devon Corp building sure is.The city is modern I suppose but doesn't have the heavy presence I associate with the Dragon's Den or the Clan compound. Even Blackthorn city seems….More. I keep Tru out to help judge intentions and also to put people on their back foot. You can't lie or deceive a lucario. Lucario also refuse to follow those they view as distasteful. It'll drive in how very fucked up it is for Mathew to have pursued me.Also I want Steven to be super jelly even before I show off Query. What? Steven might be my second favorite cham-Oh wait. Lance is family now. Welp. I guess he's my first favorite followed by Cynthia. Sorry Steven. Number three. But yes. More trolling.The inside of Devon Corp is about what you'd expect. Even now, eleven years before the anime, its quite advanced. One of the various security looking people immediately recognizes us and is on a radio whispering something urgently. The receptionist stands and gives us a warm smile that I can tell is genuine. Its a bit surprising to feel anger for me come off of him. Tru gives him a pleased smile and his eyes widen at my lucario before really focusing on my eyepatch. Today I'm wearing Query again. Its going to be a statement with his surprise.Mother walks forward, cape trailing like she's Snape but with actual intimidation in droves. I don't often see her in her Gym Leader persona around me. Except for the trial valley our training is intense, sure, but not where she treats me like a bug come to attempt to defeat her. The poor friendly receptionist pales and stammers."Mrs...Mrs Mita. Uh. Right. Ho-honored to meet you. If you'd please come this way Mr. Stone is waiting for you." The poor guy. I'd normally be quite happy to see mom glare him to death if only for her pleasure but he truly is sorry for what we've gone through. My hand reaches up to her arm and I slowly soften my gaze and nod towards the man."Forgive my mother sir. She's rightfully upset. It makes her a bit testy. Thank you for your concern for me." I like to think I can eye-smile like Kakashi right now. It or my tone works as the man relaxes then blinks as if realizing I knew what he was feeling. Tru just winks at him as we move through the indicated door. His confusion is pleasant as is Tru actually teasing someone for once."Madam Mita. He truly was angry for Mistress. I would advise you thank him when we come back down. Such justified anger is admirable." Oh yeah. Tru figured out how to talk to people. Its great. Also led to another play to fuck with friends later.The room we come into is like a stereotypical lab in pokémon worlds except on crack. Screens and data run constantly. Giant tubes with various stones and liquids I don't know the first thing about surround us. Dad is in heaven. Mom just waves him off to go talk to people he probably knows. He'll be useless to Mom's plan to make Mr. Stone uncomfortable. We've agreed to the reparations but she's still righteously angry.I can see Joseph already. As I hoped, a young Steven Stone is standing next to his father. He's about Lance's age. Twelve. He's already dressed in his signature suit and looks poised and confident. His father is an older version if a bit thicker. Next to them is Samuel Oak who looks quite pleased to see me. Chuckling I move forward past my mom to give him a hug. We've gotten closer over the last year with letters about my team. Anyone who cares about my family almost as much as me is worthy of hugging. My head turns from his chest to wink my one good eye at the Stones who have no fucking clue what to make of that."Its good to see you Ella. I am very sorry for what happened to you. I know I said as much in our last letter but still." I just grin at him again as Tru comes to stand behind me, offering the professor a respectful bow. "Let me introduce you. Joseph, Steven, this is Ella Mita." There is a hint of coolness in his voice. The same one that hit me back when Sunshine evolved.Freeing myself from the hug I turn and offer my hand to Jospeh. "Mr. Stone. It is a pleasure." He shakes my hand firmly but his face tells me he doesn't know what to make of me. Steven is surprisingly more composed but flinches slightly at the touch of my hand when its his turn. Callouses are something I got when I was four and they never left. Its called Rough Skin. Then a steel pokémon. I'm never going to be a soft woman."Its good to meet you even if the circumstances are unpleasant." My head tilts and Tru pulses amusement. She knows what's going to happen. Mother is about to walk up and make things uncomfortable. Why not help her?"What do you mean Mr. Stone?" My head tilts in a way I can still pull off. My face is still cute despite the eyepatch and I left my honey-blonde hair undone. I'm still going to dye it black someday, maybe, but for now I know I'm being 'cute'. "I get another part of my family. Why would anything be unpleasant about that?"Samuel makes a choking sound that is obviously him trying not to laugh. Bless him. Mother's aura flairs a bit as she's satisfied with some of my revenge."Erm. Right. Forgive me for the assumption. And you must be Hannah Mita. Pleased to meet you." My mother looks at the man, then through him. She lets his hand linger for a while then shakes it firmly."My daughter kept me from doing something rash. I do hope you treat her well here." Oh my. I've never heard her this angry. Her voice is soft and deadly. I know this sounds a bit unreasonable. That she blames all of the Stones for the actions of one. The issue is that they are as much of a Clan as we are. And for her? If one person of Blackthorn did something such as what Matthew did the first time? She'd likely have that person meet with an accident or imprisoned for life. And the Clan would be pleased with it. Thus what Matthew did to me the second time hit her all the more harshly. In olden times she'd have likely ridden to war.Joseph just lets out a bit of a sigh and nods. Perhaps he does know how badly he is viewed by my mother. "Lets get to business then. If you would all come this way?" The President of Devon Corp leads us deeper into the building. Samuel steps beside me as I move to walk next to Steven. Hey. He's probably going to be Champion. Despite the poor start I'd love to have him as a friend later. I'm about to speak to him but then hold my tongue. Maybe Samuel will blurt out interesting things."So Ella. I hope you don't mind if I take a look at your family while you are here? I'm eager to see Mars for the first time." Yep! Steven is already looking over curiously."Why not now? Steven, if I can call you that? I don't want both you and your father to look over each time I say Mr. Stone." Not likely. Joseph is unsuccessfully attempting to engage my Mom in small talk. Steven merely offers me a polite smile and nod."Of course. Steven is fine...And so long as this Mars isn't larger than a tauros it should be fine to let them out."My grin is wide as Tru lets out a chuckle. She's also noticed how Steven was observing her. His fascination with steel types is well known even today. Thumbing Mars' pokéball I call out my shiny charmeleon. All my pokémon are aware of what is going on. No stasis for them either. They're ready to pop out immediately. Mars just snorts at Steven's wide eyed gaze and turns to consider the equally fascinated Professor Oak."Magnificent. It is nice to meet you Mars. I'd like to say you are the offspring of my charizard but I'm afraid not. Your line is that of a breeder from the Charicific Valley. If I'd known you were to be so unique I'm happy to say I'd still hand you off to Ella. She's done wonders with Query after all." Warmth for the man abounds as Mars lets out a rare bit of pride. Curious eyes move from the professor as he gazes along the hallway and into some of the labs we pass.Samuel is already examining him as best he can as we walk, absorbed in the special coloring of the yellow scales Mars displays. "Forgive me Miss Mita but who is Query and why would the Professor judge you worthy of a shiny pokémon because of them?"Yes! My trap is sprung! "Well Steven. I tell you what. Once we are done setting up my fossil why don't we have a battle? My Query versus your strongest." I really am enjoying myself. Steven's eyes widen then narrow a little. The slightest of grins comes across his face."Are you certain? I am very likely to win the Hoenn League this year. I came in fourth last year." There is no boastful tone in his words. Just confidence."I'm the daughter of Hannah Mita. I am quite certain I know what I'm getting into." His response is a simple handshake and I'm glad to say that his aura is strong, pure and honest. My eye softens as I let go."Lighten up Steven. I hold your family no ill will." Samuel chuckles a bit at that which leads the younger Stone to relax a little and start up a conversation about lucario, even if he occasionally glances at Mars.The walk is pleasant then as we all enjoy speaking of our favorite subject. Pokémon.Watching Steven jump when Tru tells him to just ask her directly is pretty great too. Though it also gets the Professor to start asking all sorts of questions to her now that he knows she can answer back. Makes me miss Sampson all over.I don't appreciate how massive the building is until about ten minutes later we get to the lab. Its easy to see they take their security serious here. We had to go through a fair number of checkpoints. If someone wants to get to this lab they have to go a long trek that allows security ample time to converge and detain even if someone did get through all the steel doors. The fossil-revive machine we come to is massive. I remember seeing a small sort of thing in the games and perhaps dad will be responsible for getting it to that size.The Professor steps up with the briefcase he carries. Inside is my fossil. I sent it to him six or so months ago during my rehabilitation to make sure it was what I thought (Though Sampson identified it, he admitted he could have been wrong) and that there was enough DNA in it. He's not exactly an expert on the subject but the novelty of studying it and my earnest plea got him on board. Also I promised that if I needed to send my team to anyplace I'd set it up to go to his ranch. Easy yes there.Mother and Joseph seem to have cooled down a bit as a scientist takes my fossil with not a little bit of awe. The reason things have taken this long is they needed to set up a custom program for my amaura. It will indeed be the first in the world. She. She will be.The next part is boring for the most part. Setting it in place and turning the machine on. Three days now. Three days until she's here. Beaming at Mr. Stone isn't hard."Now that that's done I have a date with your son. Is there a nearby field to battle in? If you come Professor I'll let the rest of my team out for you. I know you have a lab here or something they probably let you use but I think you'd very much enjoy seeing Query." Hint hint.The Professor is no dummy. "I'd love to come. I'll even referee." Mother nods her assent, quiet and menacing as Joseph sighs, deciding to come as well its back on the ten minute walk. Yay.Twenty minutes later we're in a private field I'm sure Steven uses. The familiar field design greets us as I let loose my team. Zaela lets out her usual roar but turns it into constant low growling. Steven to his credit doesn't step back but Joseph sure does. Mother just smiles. Sunshine immediately runs to the Professor to babble at him even if he can't understand it. She remembers him quite well and runs her ribbons all over his hands to make sure he's healthy.Mars and Tru simply stand off next to my mother and wait for the show to begin. The Professor has to promise that yes he will indeed pet her and tell her of how he is once the battle is finished. Standing halfway down the field, he looks at us both, Sunshine finally calming as she remembers what's going on.Query's ball warms in my hand. He's ready. Steven Stone is across from me. He's the reason I love metagross. Can't fib to myself. Query would not be who he is without the inspiration of the person before me. The smile I give him confuses him but as it slides feral, ready for battle. He straightens."This will be a one on one battle between Steven Stone of Rustboro City and Ella Mita of Blackthorn. There will be no items allowed and the battle will end with forfeit or knock out. Release your pokémon on my mark."Flashbacks to Zaela's battle against Lance hit me. This is the second time I'm going up against a future Champion and I'm far less sure of my victory this time. Query has been with me for four long years though. Professor Oak's hand drops and the snap of two pokéballs signal our choices.I am not surprised by the blue-steel metagross across from me. Steven is shocked by Query for a moment. His mouth opens to command until the bright blinding light of Query's message occurs. Evolution is magical as always. This is a bit more special though. My boy saved it for us. For this day. The day we met four years ago. To show the people who didn't know what to do with him that he's strong.That he is better with me than anywhere else. Humility fills me intensely as two forearms become four massive legs. The crash of his form as his evolution completes snaps all by my mother out of their stupor. Instead she's already got that vicious, ready smile on her face. The one that mirrors my own."In close. Psi-Fist." Steven's eyes are wide as saucers as my boy explodes with Agility. Since the valley he's not stopped using it at all times until he can't go on. Never again will he fall behind as much as he did. I'm not sure if Steven is giving commands mentally to his metagross but its already moving towards mine. A mistake."Mash storm. Test it." Glowing forearms on the other metagross greet the arrival of my silver-gold one. Query just starts up Psi-Fist stage one. I'm not sure why I was worried. No one matches my boy up close. No one.Where he'd normally have only one extra mind to use his psychic spear points to start the devastating method of his to ruin the balance of anyone he faces, Query now has three spares. No fewer than six psychic points assault metagross' body. Two divert the incoming Meteor Mash and the other four slam hard on the opposing leg. The shocked tone from Steven's metagross is music to my ears as it is forced to abandon its attack to hold itself up with its own psychic abilities or do the splits. In four different directions. It doesn't work as Query's newly acquired hammer arm hits directly on top of his opponent, slamming him down stomach first into the ground. Six more spears start to force each of metagross' limbs that attempt to help it stand into painful extensions.Query winds up a Bullet Punch and starts to use metagross's body as an impromptu digging device. Steven's voice finally snaps out. The speed in which Query assaults is staggering and only a few seconds have gone by."Get out of there! Evade and stick to fortify!" Immediately his partner starts to shine as iron defense begins to flow. Rock polish follows as it flings itself back with its own psychic attack, reminded it doesn't need its legs to travel. Shadow balls start to pepper Query as he uses pursuit but are muted by the light screen Query holds in front of him like a battering ram. Already it looks as if he's modifying the screen to act like a wedge, turning himself into a phalanx.Steven's aura pulses just a hint of panic before it evens out despite Query smashing into metagross with an awful crash. Gravity pulls metargross down as he continues to boost, a reflect lasting just a moment as a bullet punch shifts into a brick break. Query lets go of gravity for a moment and shoves all six of his spears upwards to toss metagross in a direction he didn't expect. Snapping gravity on once more he levitates his body a bit so he can bring two forelegs up to crack metagross with two more hammer arms as it falls."Magnetquake!" There is definitely desperation now running in the future Champion's voice. He didn't expect to get pushed today. The Stones knew I had Query, but no one knows really how much he's progressed. Metagross is dazed and dented hard. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the Professor watching intently. He's gotten to know my team from my reports over the last year and knows just how far along they are. Turning my head fully I see Mr. Stone gaping, eyes worried for his son. Mother just continues to grin, delighting in the smackdown.Metagross shoots up as its magnet rise overpowers Query's gravity. Its impressive I must say. This is indeed the pokémon that will become Steven's Ace. The second part of the attack is a point blank earthquake that sends us all staggering. I can sense Steven calming a bit until he sees Query's response. Two limbs slam down in rock smashes against the earthquake as he uses his own Psi-Fist to hammer his other two limbs in the air faster than they can just physically. He redirects a lot of the damage by using what momentum he can to roll with the attack. We train against a Champion level ground type. What do you expect?The result? Query uses the earthquake to launch himself in a terrifying iron projectile to hitch a ride on metagross, adding his bulk to the floating opponent. Now that he doesn't have to worry about back stop he uses all four limbs to rain down bullet punches tinged with rock smashes to deal with the rock polish. And just for shits and giggles uses Psych Up, leeching the speed and defense metagross has been amplifying the entire fight. If we weren't so vicious about keeping it in melee Steven and metagross probably would have made it a much more fair fight.But I've been training Query for war since I met him. Metagross lets out one last strangled hum and crashes down into the dirt. Query is nice enough to float himself over to my side and comes down with a thump next to me, facing Joseph in particular as if daring him to do something stupid.Samuel clears his throat with only a hint of shakiness at how brutal Query was. "Ahem. The winner is Ella Mita of Blackthorn." Silence follows save for the muted sound of metagross being returned. My single eye is on Steven as I walk forward, Query thumping along next to me. My thoughts reach out to him with joy and pride. The warmth he sends back brings a smile to my face."Sorry Steven. Query had a point to make and we weren't exactly trained to hold back." Steven just stares at me for a moment, not sure what to say until my hand reaches out again. "Your metagross is amazing by the way. Not many can last long within Query's range." That's the damned truth. Even Mom's team doesn't like sparring against him. They can power through his BS but its never without feeling like going through an blender made with steel hammers."Well. I can't say I wasn't a bit skeptical when you offered the battle." Bless him. He didn't say anything to warn me did he? I'm glad. I tend to be meaner to people who underestimate me. "I would very much like to know how Query did such things. I didn't recognize a lot of what he did. It was, sad to say, far too quick."The burning in his eyes tells me that his pokémon are in for some painful training. I can understand. We've lost to Momma for nearly six years."Now now. How would you learn if I just handed you the answers? I'm sure you and your partner can figure it out." Good luck on the Psi-Fist though. Stage one might be within the reach of Steven's metagross but Query didn't even hit Stage Two."Well. Ah. I think we should call it a day then? I've work to do and I imagine Steven must see his pokémon to the Center." Gotta hand it to him. Joseph kept his cool. Mom grudgingly accepts the excuse and nods at me."I'll head along after Professor Oak has a bit of time with my team if that's fine Mother." She gazes over me and just grunts. She's really not happy being here. Making her way towards our hotel she waves permission as Steven gives me a short nod and walks off towards where I remember seeing the Pokémon Center, his face thoughtful. If he's upset at his loss it doesn't show. And his aura just resounds with determination. Huh. Maybe I'll be having a rematch with him after he becomes champion too.The atmosphere is broken as Sunny starts to yell her name out in joy and runs around Query so fast she might as well be using agility."You did it you didityoudidit! You look so cool Query! Let me ride you! You're much bigger now!" She doesn't wait for permission. Ribbons snap upwards to aide her jump onto Query's now massive body. Tru just moves upside her fellow steel type and lays a hand on one of his legs."Well done. I know you've wanted to show them what you have become for a long while. May your heart be at ease now."Mars' response is to slap his tail against one of Query's legs, ignoring Sunny's pleas for him to join her on top of my Iron Leg pokémon. "Well done indeed. I hope when I reach my final form I can do it with all the grace you have."Is my fire lizard throwing a bit of shade there? His placid face says no but his aura is a bit smug. Hmmm. Delightful.My starter moves forward as Query hums appreciation to the words of his teammates. His eyes move up to her. They get along mostly but there is definitely a rivalry. My sister and my inspiration. Both unique and the two pillars of my family."I'm proud of you Query. You are worthy. Still a know it all though." My heart fills with warmth as I gaze over my team. This is where I belong."Pro OAKY! Get up here! He's so cool and nice to sit on! You're not doing anything but staring anyway! Really! My butt feels nice on him now that he's smoother!"This is the part where we'd all fall down if this were really an anime.Reviving DayThe last two days have been interesting. Query has spent the majority of his time with Steven's metagross. There are no hard feelings and metagross is fascinated with Query's fighting style and is unique presence of one as many. I may not want to give Steven hints about my methods but I would never tell Query not to learn more of his kind. Besides, I doubt it will lead anywhere. Just a hunch.Steven has been very nice. I am a little guilty about letting Query beat the snot out of him so to speak but he's taken it with a grace I'm pretty positive I couldn't manage. The younger Stone has given myself, Sunny and Tru the tour of the city for the last few days and even got us to see the local gym leader. Goliath Shaw is a giant of a man. Reminds me of how Lt. Surge seemed in the anime. He's an older fellow and someday likely will be replaced by the petite Roxanne. That'll be an interesting switch.The rock Gym Leader was particularly interested in me when I told him I'd be getting a rock/ice type in a few days. I teased him about what it was, as there are none in modern times, until I confessed it was a new fossil pokémon. Seeing puppy dog eyes on a man a foot and a half taller than you was pretty funny. He treated me perfectly normal unlike a lot of people who see my eyepatch so I promised him a visit before I left. The grin he gave me after was just as massive as him.Professor Oak monopolized Zaela and Tru (When she wasn't with me). Zaela to check a bit more on her growth and Tru to translate. Mars stuck nearby too and asked all sorts of questions about how Samuel's charizard trains.Mom more or less stayed at Shaw's Gym to compare notes and bully a few of his gym trainers. We also went to a spa. Its a tradition for us now! We find one, we figure out when to visit it.Finally the day came. My amaura. Tru was with me but also Sunny who found the entire city fascinating. I keep forgetting how she never seems to lose interest in new things. The weather here is warmer and she loves it compared to how damp the Den can get at times. Promising myself we'll visit a tropical beach for her someday, I do my best to ignore the feeling as if I'm constantly holding my breath.The machine's low hum spikes a bit as it finishes. Part of the revival is to stimulate egg growth. To get a fossil used to language as a normal pokémon would. Most fossil pokémon pick up things quickly from what I've read. Of the few that are documented at least. One thing left out of my information about my team is how my amaura will take to the new world. That isn't about helping raise her physically so it wasn't included. I'm not worried. Aura is bull shit after all.The machine turns down and a hum follows. My last snatched premier ball slides out of the machine on a plain tray. My breath hitches and Sunny's ribbon winds around my non-dominant arm as I pick up the ball. "If its all the same I'd like to greet her privately?" There are a couple disappointed expressions at that but both Steven and the Professor give me approving glances.Mr. Stone is again talking to my mom and this time she's actually talking back. I ignore a flash of hurt. Dad hasn't been with us for days. Not even for this. I'm not letting it mar this experience but I'm going to be very pissed at home.Mom has eased up significantly when I tell her that Steven and her father are actually very regretful for my lost eye. She forgave Steven entirely when I told her he doesn't see anything wrong with me as I am. Joseph has been slowly and carefully trying to get an in with my mother to introduce some Devon products that are especially useful towards dragons. Despite her anger she's caving at the possibilities. Silph may be the king in Johto and Kanto but competition is good for everyone. Plus she respects that he's not quitting at mending fences.Leaving the lab I stare at my last team member in her ball. The last before I head out into the world. This ball contains someone special. Why? Fate was kind. She gave me my family and they are all so very much more than I am worthy of. She wouldn't be different.Without noticing I'm in the training field again. Its going into night which is appropriate. Amaura evolve at night after all. My remaining team spring forth with the pings of a pokéball's signature release. Sunny stands front and center, vibrating in excitement for a new family member. Query hovers about, still getting used to doing so with his new form. There's a reason he spent most of his time on the ground in the fight with Steven's partner.Mars snorts a bit and sighs. He's not exactly happy with a rock pokémon member who will be able to wreck his shit when he's fully evolved. That four times weakness hurts his pride a bit. I take that as a sign he's letting more of his heritage show. And its cute.Zaela and Tru are the most curious. Zaela is eager for a teammate who can help her with her largest weakness. A four times danger. I've got a lot of ideas on that and she's quite happy to try them out. Tru is calm and sits down cross legged to meditate until its her turn to talk.Not wasting anymore time I set her free. Blue and white tough leathery hide cover the Tundra Pokémon. Small wing-like fins wave on top of her head on either side as she stretches her long neck. Crooning out delight at the feeling of the cool air on her skin she turns bright blue eyes up to us. Standing just over four feet she's not that much shorter than me and I let my face split in a giant grin. She's everything I could of imagined. Her voice comes out smooth and more mature than I expected. Perhaps in her late teens from the way my aura translates."Oh my. Who all are you all? So many interesting faces. Pleased to meet you." I remember idly that amaura lived in places with no true predators to their kind so her calm demeanor makes sense."My name is Ella Mita and this is my team. The big scary one behind me is my sister Zaela. Beside her with the shiny metal skin is Query. Tru is the blue and black one to my left and the fire lizard is Mars. The one I'm trying to keep from jumping at you in joy is Sunny." I'm not sure how to handle this but I shouldn't have worried. The amaura plods forward and gazes down at Sunny in obvious delight."Well aren't you the cutest? What are you? You are all so unfamiliar but I am quite happy to see you. I know...Something is different. I remember fire and destruction then nothing. Until a warmth that feels like you, Ella." She's speaking to me but her tone has shifted to that warm one you use when gazing at something adorable. Sunny isn't even talking she's so excited. Ribbons move up to touch the amaura's neck and face as Sunny pulses her welcome. Her tail is wagging like mad and she breaks free to rub against the prehistoric pokémon."Sunny is a sylveon. You've been asleep for quite a long while. Most of your kind and the world you know is gone I'm afraid. The essence that is you was around me for a long while. I would imagine that warmth was this." Flexing my hand I light it up with aura. Ever since I lost my eye my aura has been growing exponentially. Its still not up to pokémon standards but I'm getting there.Amarua just widens her eyes a bit at the display and hums contentment at Sunny's greeting. She continues to look at our team and peers up at me a bit more curiously. "It sounds like you went to a great deal of effort to bring me back?"Tru speaks up the, her own voice laced with aura. Perhaps amaura isn't familiar with aura but the feeling of it calms all but the most angry of pokémon. "My Mistress seeks to right wrongs in the world. Most of us share the dream or have similar goals. All of us seek to gain strength to defend our own. She wishes for you to join us and find family."Leave it to my truthseeker to get to the heart of the matter bluntly yet with diplomacy. She's come a long way.Amaura considers this as she continues to fuss over Sunny who has decided humming a little tune is good enough for her as she's still too excited to get her words out. "It also sounds as if you would be...Fighting? Is that right?"I'm not sure of her tone there. Hesitation is fine and while I'd love for her to battle with me I know she may have not had a life where that mattered."Yes! Battles are scary and can be bad but that's not what is best! Mom loves us and we love her! We fight to make sure we are safe. I don't know if you ever had to fight to help someone but that's what I'm learning to do. Even if its scary! You feel nice. Even if you're cold. Please join us! You're so pretty and I can tell you're nice!" Really she can. Her ribbons have been over amaura constantly.Laughing slowly at it all amaura nods her head gracefully. "For now I will. There is that warmth to consider. And normally I don't like warmth. So if only to discover more of this world with a family that obviously cares for each other I shall give you all a chance. Battling sounds interesting. I was always good at thwacking annoying persons with rocks."Mars looks a bit interested despite himself and Query moves forward slowly to start true introductions. I hang back and let it wash over me. The first half of my team is complete."Look. Query seems smart but don't believe everything he says. I'm the strongest so you should hear me out.""Zaela. Stop that. Please do not worry. Mistress' sister looks scary but she is kind in her own way. Just fierce.""Damn right I am. You can do a lot of damage to me Aurora. So we're going to be best friends. I need someone other than these weaklings to take me on.""Aurora? Is that what you call my kind?""No. I think you're called an amaura but my sister showed me pictures of these lights up north that look like your wing-things. The-""Did you just call me weak Zaela? Didn't I make you go hard on me last week for the first time?""Yeah fire face. The first time. After over a year with us. Took you long enough.""Stop fighting! You're making us look bad in front of the pretty lady!""I agree. Please forgive them. Zaela is jealous that I evolved a few days ago.""What?! Wanna go Query? Huh? We'll see if you can back up your shi-""Stoooooooooop! No cursing! She'll think we are mean and not wanna come"Laughter from the newcomer breaks up the bickering. Its smooth and cool but fills me with joy as our new family member nods faintly. "Of course. We can't have that. If I'm to join you we must be respectable should we not? And Aurora sounds perfect."A bit of a pause."Well of course it is. I made chose it."Back in Blackthorn a few days later.I shouldn't have worried. Aurora is fitting in perfect. She's taken to trailing behind one of us each day in rotation. As there isn't much knowledge on her kind, none, Joy has spent the last day and a half studying her with her consent. Plus it really hard to resist a Joy.Training with Aurora won't happen for a month or so. I put my foot down with Zaela. Its the first time we've truly argued in a few years. That stubborn gible who wouldn't listen to me back then is an even more stubborn gabite. Aurora needs a bit of time to get used to people and the new world she's in. She was shocked to find out that I wasn't a pokémon. Not that she recognized the word until I explained it.She's very steady. Slow in nature but definitely not slow of wit and with a maturity that eases my mind. Out of all my pokémon she seems to be the most down to earth. Query is a close second but the daily board games with Bub have changed to board games with four people at the same time. And in anime logic they are named Rob, Jud and Ran. All older folks. I'm 100% convinced they are just fucking with me. I wouldn't put it past Query's odd sense of humor.Aurora is fascinated by technology and anything that makes life easier. Roads made her head spin and the fastest I've seen her move was to try and keep a passing car in view and demanding to know what it was. Joy is easily her favorite person as they have the same mothering demeanor about them. And she's got this humor about her. As if everything we say makes her laugh inside.Clair is leaving in a week. Its been hard to think she's going to be gone. Se's a pretty daily presence in my life since Lance left. Even if its just to have breakfast together. And her traveling partner is surprising. I didn't think it would work.The day before she would leave with her dratini Lance returned. I had been slowly needling him into taking her with him to his next region. I might have been a bit unfair and said I'd battle him after I got my twelfth pokémon. Considering I know that to be a legendary and it likely won't be for some years yet? Yeah its a bit unfair. Then again he knew I spread out getting my current team. Maybe he's just being a hero.With the news that Lance would help her through her first region Mom and Lance's parents were much more satisfied with her leaving ahead of time. While she's not up to Lance and my level, she's still a very talented trainer. But we're all protective of her pleasant demeanor. I might have cried a bit as they left. Clair certainly did. She promised to be back in time for Johto next year so she could face me in the Conference. No offer to join my journey. We both knew I had planned long ago to go by myself. Alright. Off to introduce Aurora to ice cream.JoyWhen Melanie Joy grew up, like most of her extended family, all she wanted was to be a healer. To go out and follow the tradition. That she, her sisters, brothers, everyone would be something trusted beyond anything in the world to those who need it. Love of pokémon was a fierce thing that she soaked up so very easily. Problems came quickly but she didn't mind. So she couldn't bond with a chansey? Who cared? Audino were an option.Then they weren't. What about clefairy? A bit off the path for a Joy but really, Melanie had faith.Until she was denied again.She didn't understand. She'd done all the traditional methods to find a partner. Always gave of herself with no expectation. Some Joys had gone on to be more trainer than medic with the blessing of the Family certainly but she didn't -want- to. She wanted to be a normal Joy. To give a smile to those who needed it desperately.Despair hit her hard. The idea that she couldn't offer comfort and healing was beyond unfair. For a while she simply drifted. Uncaring. Ignoring those who cared for her. Unable to feel their pity. Unwilling to let herself know they simply wished to comfort her. Never think her lesser.Even Rebecca, patient and sure of her ever since they met was pushed away. Melanie fled. Not quite broken but definitely breaking. Even if she wasn't bonded, pokémon knew she was a Joy. Refused to harm her as she sought out something. Anything to give her hope. Her family would find partners who could help them communicate with pokémon intently. While none would hurt her, neither could she truly connect to them without a partner to deal with the parts of pokémon that can't be explained with science. She could give potions out each day, but how would she heal a heart?How would a ghost full of malice be able to trust she just wished to help them if she had no one to stand by her side through anything? What was wrong with her?Somehow she found herself atop a mountain, gazing over Snowpoint City. She'd followed Rebecca to learn another language, going through the motions and doing her best to at least live for her girlfriend but even she knew that was no way to remain in a relationship. Despite how much Becca obviously was doing her best to help her.But then she saw a small little snover. Afraid and weak. Obviously having been hit by some sort of rock attack. Easily fixed. And he ran from her. Distrusted her.Melanie didn't even feel herself running. Didn't know how she got up the mountain or evaded Becca's Altair. Is -still- evading the dragon.All she knows is that she wishes to love and provide anything and everything to this wonderful world. But some answer to he defect is absent. Gone. Unable to be revealed. Sobbing , cold and freezing, she doesn't feel it at first.Warmth that doesn't start with her body. A presence that isn't the elements. Turning, her eyes focus over a lucario. Idly moves over the snow that is so very draped along the pokémon. Of how her spikes have ice blocks attached to them. To how she's heaving in exertion. Melanie doesn't even flinch as a paw lights up in a fire punch and comes so close.Actual warmth then, even if the other strange part didn't fade."I've been looking for you. For so long. I heard it. Your call. Your love. Please. Please don't die." Melanie blinks at that, lost as the pokémon picks her up so easily, already running her down the mountain. A part of her that went through her schooling knows she's probably in bad shape. That if a sensitive pokémon like a lucario is that worried, she probably is dying. Her mouth opens, gasping, trying to speak."Stop. Stop trying to talk. I'll get you down. I'll get you help. I'll love you forever if you just don't let that heart fade. You were mine ages ago. I just had to find you. I heard you while you were passing a different way and I couldn't catch up. I did now. Don't let go my beloved partner. Not after I finally found you."Years later. With her home and family, Melanie watches her partner talk to a pokémon of ice and snow, remembering how pretty such things are. That she understands Aurora quite well. She died, the same as Melanie. And found love after it. Smiling deeply, she goes to kiss her wife, twins and then off to berate a dragon. Because her life is perfect.A few months later.Things are going well. The team is stronger than ever and Aurora is finally ready to strut her stuff. With how she acts I was a little worried she was just battling to please us but she seems quite eager to get stronger. The first session was fun. She's not exactly super strong but its hilarious how she likes to fight.Zaela was all ready for this day. My gabite was getting larger. Evolution is not that far off and I suspect she's waiting to fight Momma to let herself get that last push. The funny part is, I think Mars is going to beat her. Which will cause suuuuuch drama. But his line is meant to grow quick. He ignored it for his second stage but his growth has been crazy quick once he got going. Today though Zaela stands across from Aurora in one of our training pits. I say pit because we've utterly wrecked this place over the years. Nothing grows here and we have to refill the area from attacks quite often.Tru and Query stop sparring, both of them getting used to switching energy mid swing to counter expectations of attacks. Sunny is in my lap. She tuckered herself out with her run this morning and after babysitting Joy and Becca's twins. Who I'm a bit shocked to say have aura. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Its not overly strong but I have to consider that proximity to me cause it to catch. Whatever the case if they are interested in training much later in life I'll consider it.I don't know if Joy and Becca would want them to follow my dangerous path. Mars is running around creating combinations that boggle my mind. He's turned that move he pulled last year against the mightyena into an art. He's added double team to almost everything he does with little to no energy. Query has been complimenting him on his efficiency so I mean. That's impressive and a half.Zaela's impatient snort follows and I just sigh. "Alright sis. Be nice and don't go too hard on her." Now my starter knows that but sometimes she gets just a tad too excited.The soft growl in response makes me chuckle as I nod for them to start.Zaela's fighting style has evolved too. Sand erupts from the ground as earth power slams enough of it into the air for Zaela's sandstorm to become so thick I can barely see her with even my aura. Aurora is quite calm as she hums and brings up ice around her in a Haze. She follows it up by a powder snow along with her ability. Hail and her attack swirl up the haze and foil Zaela's sandstorm enough that I can see her. Haze is supposed to negate status changes and it shows. Zaela's sand veil means nothing.Rather than be pissed that after nearly six years someone has finally gotten through her defense Zaela grins in pleasure and dips into the ground as if it were water. Still standing in one spot, Aurora just lets out a slow whirl of energy around her, the hail pattering the ground in droves. Something shifts and suddenly she's hovering right above Zaela's teeth, the magnet rise she powers through her head fins holding her just long enough that she can spit a powder snow point blank at my dragon.Zaela hisses in displeasure at the four times damage and what follows is an amusing game of whack-a-Zae for the next few minutes. My starter could destroy Aurora but she's also making sure to stick around the prehistoric pokémon's level. Eventually she tires of it and a gout of dragon breath puts Aurora down. Not unconscious but she's been using her abilities non-stop the entire fight. I treat them both, as its truly Zaela's first time dealing with ice and am pleased to note that they become quick friends.Anyone who has the potential to take on a dragon is fine in Zaela's books. Even Query. She just doesn't tell him.More time later.Ever since Aurora has found her place as den mother of the group things have meshed well immensely. Aurora is fascinated by cooking and while can't really do it in the traditional sense she's started using her ice abilities and berries to make us slush balls of amazing taste. I've pillaged mom's TM case again and secured her Ice Beam to diversify her abilities. She picked up Ancient Power from Mars and between Sunny and her singing they taught each other Round which I had Plans for.Mars has finished most of his combos though many require he activate blaze, at least before he evolves. After? They'll be much more dangerous. Tru's healing is stronger than ever and she's gotten very good at dodging damage and safely tanking what she can't. Zaela has been pushing herself harder than ever and I can see the start of a combo move with Aurora that just might give us an edge for what is to come.Query has finally mastered step two of Psi-Fist's start up though its power needs work. The execution is perfect but he may just not be strong enough to use it fully on our last opponent. Sunny has finally gotten to the point where she can keep up with the rest in stamina. It was a hard year for her in training but she's still our Sunshine. And she might just be our trump card. The team is finally ready for our last challenge. Momma.AncientThis is an odd idea I think. Talking to you without you being here. All the things that have been shown to me and still something simple surprises me. When I was pulled to this world by you and our family I truly did not know what to do my dear.My senses screamed to hide from Zaela but now she and I are so close it is a silly thought that she could ever harm me. Mars disliked that I beat him quite easily for a long while and now he happily devours my ice treats with pouty eyes asking for more. Yes, your aloof, awkward son.And Sunny. Bright girl. Beyond special.Angel helps me with my job keeping you all in line. And of course the mothering.Thundebu-why must we call him this name? He does not deserve all this teasing. He's a good boy. And yes I'm biased because of how he helped me early on.Tass perhaps is the only one who resents my aide but I think secretly he's pleased. I would imagine it helps with his work.Joker needs reassurance more than you think lovely girl. I'd take him aside soon and make sure you're on the same page.That prideful water type needs a bit of humility. I understand that she's so very lovely but everyone is in their own way.You already know how I feel about our legend. But we're past that thankfully. It wasn't her fault anyway. Just the target she put on you even more.Tru is the only one I struggle with. She never lets me take care of her. You should scold her.Just as I'm going to scold you. This is silly my darling. You take too much on yourself. We are here to help but we shouldn't have to. You made the Order to do exactly what you are doing. So let them. Some may die, its true, but you have prepared them as best you can.Just as you have us. My lovely girl, you know pain and it shows. Not letting your family in just passes the pain to us without a chance to heal it. I shall guilt you all I want if it gets you to listen.Angel says you feel like a hole in the heart at times. You know you cannot hide from her so why attempt it? Did you not seek her out to keep this very thing at bay? To heal?My life in the before times was tough but easy compared to how it is now. Our strength came with a price after all. I would still not go back in any circumstances. I never have known such close bonds until now. I didn't think I would evolve either. I was the oldest of my kind where I lived that had not changed into what I am now.We all worry for you. I most of all but that is my nature. I am not saying forget your anguish. Just allow it to ease and settle. And perhaps eat more. I don't like you thin. I just want what's best for you. So many mother figures and you don't listen to them enough. Silly girl.A little bit to cheer you up then before I go. Zaela is flirting hard with Mars right now and he again doesn't know what to do. She's showing him how she can headbutt a stone edge that would take him out with one hit. Its so very silly how helpless she is at really showing how she feels. And that even years after being together they can still make things hilarious.Do you remember when the world first glimpsed that we would change it? I do. Think on that event. The first time when we stood above a goal no one could imagine being accomplished. That is your gift to us beloved girl. You brought me back from death into a world that has given me a life to live. You give us the impossible.MommaGarchomp knew this child would be special. In all the clutches she's had this one would be her legacy. Its a pity she'd have to toss her out into the harsh world. A worthy partner from the nearby clan had never presented itself.Until her. Small. Tiny. Insignificant. But burning with the power of life and determination. No fear, but respect.Garchomp was curious. Perhaps this gnat could be a dragon. Time passed and the egg was ready. The gnat had teeth and was born true of the Clan. She would do.Garchomp tried to teach her that dragons need hardship to grow strong. Gnat argued that there is no greater hardship than Garchomp.Garchomp considered this and hoped to dream she could watch her legacy grow. Against instinct, trusting Gnat's lifeforce, Garchomp decided to do what was advised.Years past. Joy. Such joy. Garchomp remembered her trainer. Who while could not speak to her as this little one could, was the same type of companion. Who knew her strength. Her daughter grew true and Garchomp knew that she now had two daughters.Joy again at seeing how the Gnat, now Hatchling, respected this gift and used it to make great strides.Garchomp warned her mate away. She knew he would kill her pink daughter and Garchomp did not wish it. She would kill him if he tried.Training. So much training. Fighting. Every day for years. New family for her daughter arrived and grew strong. Garchomp remembered what it was like to have companions. The last died many years past. Garchomp remembered the plant fondly.Six now under her pink Hatchling. Garchomp made it clear that she would not accept them if they did not defeat her before they left to grow stronger than her. Garchomp's dearest wish is for her daughters to rule over all they see as dragons should.The day had come. Garchomp's daughters had arrived to prove their worth. Garchomp is glad she did not follow her instincts. The air feels like it did with her Master. Before they would tear their opponents pride from them and rip the world in two. Garchomp howled out the cry that caused all in the Den to know not to approach or face her full wrath.Her legacy daughter roars back. Her pink daughter responds with her lifeforce, pulsing determination. They are ready. They must break Garchomp or she will break them.WorthAfter so many years in her presence I got somewhat used to Momma's power. Not now. I can feel Sunny start chanting encouragement to the others under her breath as she struggles not to falter herself. Mars simply starts to hop from foot to foot readying Dragon Dance. Query has already set up Light Screens and Reflects while Barriers form from Aurora. Zaela just rushes. Momma does nothing. We are the challengers and must come to her.I step back. My best bet is to toss heals out for now and try not to attract Momma's attention. She'll savage me if I even attempt to get close. Mars finishes his boost and follows in Zaela's wake, claws flashing as Zaela makes contact. The Dragon Rush she uses is immediately countered by Momma's Dragon Claw and my starter eats dirt in a way she hates. At the feet of her mother. But she did it for good reason.She sinks into the ground immediately as the Helping Hand boosted Ice Beam from the thick Sandstorm surrounding Aurora lances up Momma's side. Hail pours into the Sandstorm and meshes creating a thick curtain of cover that both Tru and I can't see my amaura in even with our aura. A Hyper Beam is Momma's response. My breath hitches, hoping our counter to this is well and good. The crack of Light screen after Light screen sounds as Query and Sunny both blunt the damage to Aurora...And then a savage orange Mirror Coat, Refrigerated, double powered Hyper Beam slams right into Momma with enough force to smash her through the boulder behind her then through two trees past that. The angered roar she gives means she felt that.Mars arrives then, slamming his new move Dragon Blitz into Momma's side and speeding past at insane speed for his size. The Dragon Rush/Flare Blitz hybrid takes a lot out of him but he continues on, dancing still in every step that looks odd with how graceful a usual bruiser his kind is. Tru is already in the hail/sandstorm healing up Aurora as Sunny begins sniping with Moonblasts. Momma is up quicker than we like and Stone Edges the size of trucks follow after Mars. They close in until he's Ally Switched with Query whose Reflects blunt the damage of the boulders enough that his heavy armored form absorbs the rest. Momma is about to crush him, already on her feet when her feet dip into quicksand.She'd normally just take over the sand from her daughter if not for the Ice Beam that flash freezes her feet in place for the instant that Sunny needs to use her Skill Swapped Refrigerated Round to slam into Momma. My brave girl darts in closer to keep it up as Aurora's terrain follows her careful to screen Sunny and not consume. Also to continue the Round after Sunny lets go of Skill Swap and is switched with Metagross who takes the massive Metal Claw Momma brings down on where Sunny was, Momma eating the hail curtain with ease. But it adds up. I hope. Heal spheres tag Query as Zaela starts dotting the area around me with pushed up boulders (part of her next move) that I run to and fro as cover.Behind Momma Mars Dragon Blitz's again as Zaela's waiting is done. My charmelon uses the momentum of his move to run up Momma's back, trailing slashes and dragon claws the whole way as she turns her head to open jaws of pain at my son. Another two ice beams trap Momma again even if for a moment. Stealth Rocks rise as Zaela hammers an Earthquake on the trapped Momma. Mars is spared the overpowered crunch as Query activates Magnet Rise and Ally Switches again and all four of his limbs start to smash Hammer Arms up and down, snapping Momma's mouth open before she can bite down and breaking teeth with her surprise. The battering is backed by Bullet Punch speed to offset the draining of the Agility he was using from the start that was drained by all the hammer arms.For a moment I think we have her. Momma destroyes my hope by the Rock Slide she launches into Aurora's cover. Its so large that nothing in her localized space is spared. Numbly I return Aurora as I feel her consciousness leave her. Too many Heal Pulses would be needed to get her back up. Almost all of mine have been towards my boy, Query having tanked a lot to save the others. Sunny screams in anger at her favorite of us besides me is put down. Moonblasts abound as Momma just drops into the ground and tosses Zaela out from it into a tree. The Stealth Rocks hammer her as she moves but its the Misty Terrain Sunny pulses out that truly irritates her. She really wants to slam my Sunny into the ground but Query is her real threat. Already his Psi Fist is tossing her off balance as Zaela constantly fights her for the earth under her feet. Mars howls out as Blaze activates. Some of the Rock Slide got him and Flare Blitz hurts him quite a lot.Ducking to another bit of cracked ground, I toss dual Heal Spheres at Mars and charging another for Zaela as she's switched with Query, a point blank Dual Chop just outside the Misty Terrain slamming into her mother. Momma screams in pain at that one. Helping Hand is too useful. Tru finally comes in again having climbed up one of the nearby trees and waiting patiently. The Copycat of Zaela's attack staggers Momma even as Mars hits the top of her head with another Dragon Blitz. Tru barely dodges a flailing of slashes that could end her immediately, ducking away only to turn around and Copycat Mars as well, My next Heal Pulse tags her to ease the recoil and again at Mars for the same reason. Already I've barely got enough in the tank to give more and I know at some point the massive Garchomp will get annoyed with my interference and I'll have to run.Momma roars her displeasure and suddenly she's gone. Pulsing her power over the ground she descends and emerges next to Sunny. My girl stares up defiantly as she attempts to get up a reflect and Momma's massive bladed arm descends. Tru EMTs and catches the attack with the most massive clang and hits up Counter. Again Momma is tossed into the side of her lair by the sheer recoil of her own strike doubled. Query switches with Tru as Sunny runs after, her Wish already starting to repair Tru. Zaela gives a signal and Query steps in front of her.Momma pulls herself from the stone cliff face with a groan of pain but is far from out. She sniffs the air and snarls at what her daughter is preparing. My Heal Sphere joins Sunny's wish as Tru stands up shakily and starts running back. Sunny follows but stays behind, back to sniping Moonblasts that barely scratch Momma. Every bit helps though.Momma lowers her massive head into a Dragon Rush and Query refuses to move. The impact is incredible as he grips on with two limbs and hammers Meteor Mashes into Momma. She fires a point blank Dragon Pulse that darkens the light around it and Query makes the harsh call. He switches with Sunny and the pulse washes over her with no effect.Another Metal Claw comes Sunny's way and we make a mistake. Tru darts in again to counter probably for her last time but Momma was prepared. A Flamethrower that would make a charizard proud covers Tru completely. The Poison Jab she was charging in her other arm makes two team members out in as many seconds. I return them both shakily as Mars descends from Stone Edge Momma fired earlier. He scurried up to slam yet another Dragon Blitz right on the back of her neck.Without looking a Dragon Tail sends him flying and I scramble for his pokéball as Zaela finishes charging. Draco Meteors rain from the skies and block my view of Mars. Query forces a massive Light Screen into the air and stacks three more with each of his brains. Zaela has to stand still to force Momma to keep from going underground. A snarl of frustration occurs as the Meteors wreck Momma's den with enough force that I'm tossed back five feet. Only my training to take falls with Tru keep me from cracking my head open.The explosions last for ten seconds and I can hear Momma roaring in pain and displeasure but her voice doesn't fade. The kickback is so violent I almost am grateful I only have one eye to water from the debris. When the dust clears its to Zaela getting ready to charge and a smashed Query on the floor. Momma is bleeding from her side and feet from the meteors but her arms are fading with fighting energy of dual Brick Breaks taking out my metagross. The effort of keeping up the Light Screens through a fully charged Draco Meteor and keep them from hitting everyone else along with the two direct hits were too much.Recalling Query I charge more Heal Spheres, barely able to keep my lungs filled with air, as Zaela and Momma trade Dual Chops, Dragon Claws and Slashes. Momma is extremely hurt but while Zaela is almost her mother's height as a gabite there is only so much she can do without her final form's increase in ability.Then Mars comes flying out of the sky. The pitch black of his scales don't register right away to the two dragons until Zaela spares him a glance of shock. Mars hits with enough force in his Dragon Blitz to cause both himself and Momma to cartwheel along the ground in a snarling, exploding mess. Unused to his wings yet Mars just holds on in a sacrificial move to slam her into yet another boulder that's been displaced by the fight, soaking the area in a flamethrower that hurts to look at, forcing me to shut my good eye until I can't hear it anymore.When I open my eye, my charizard is down. I recall him and toss the last two Heal Spheres at my starter before collapsing to my knees, unable to do anything but watch as mother and daughter savage each other. My eye widens as I see Zaela take the worst of it as if she's weakened greatly. Or distracted. Blow after blow hammers my sister. Not even actual moves but simple clawing. Scales hit the ground so hard it sounds like metal wrenching in a car crash. I'm reminded that with all my aura and foreknowledge any of these attacks would kill me. All I can do is witness.Then I see what my starter had done. Mud swirls around Momma's feet and foul her footing as Zaela's second Draco Meteor starts. She tanked all that damage to use the move again. To do what she should be weak at. To prove she's more than just a stupid nature says she should be. Grasping her mother my starter dives into the muddy earth and slams upwards with her head as the meteors crash down on their position, making sure Momma is tossed directly into the impacts.While not as destructive as the first one, I am still shaken harshly from the crash. Sounds of battle end as I stumble to my feet towards the dust, the ground only stopping its bounces in what feels like hours later. But it was only seconds. It takes me a while to make me way over to the center which lets the fouled air settle just a bit. There is enough to make me cough harshly even then but I ignore it as I come to Momma's massive form. Idly I feel the aura of many of the Den's inhabitants making their way closer. The first Draco Meteor were pretty intense I'll admit. To say nothing of the earthquakes that weren't even the actual move.Momma is out, full of wounds and rent scales. Its easily the worst I've seen her by far. Peering down under her as best I can I jump back as I sense Zaela struggling her way out. Her bloodied form pulls free slowly. Our bond tells me she's never been this worn. Its hard to see her barely able to stand but I push that away. That's not what she needs.Her eyes lock to my one. My sister. We ignore my Mother on her oldest dragonite landing at the edge of the destroyed battlefield and the Clan who have fliers gathering in the air above. All we are is each other. My hand moves up to her jaw and I caress it slowly. Tall enough for the moment to do so. Its time her heart sings.Every evolution of my pokémon before this was amazing. Even Mars' whose both I didn't get to see. But they were not King.Light blinds us all as we witness the birth of something that will conquer legendaries. She's always dwarfed me but my sister outdoes herself this time. Everything streamlines. Claws become swords meant to end all that stands in her way. Her jaw becomes more focused, her teeth serrated. Already thick muscles grow into titanic engines of power. Her head becomes an even more potent weapon capable of crushing anything.She stands twice the height of a normal Garchomp. Over twelve feet and ready to take on the world she roars so loud its near enough to cause a landslide. Even if the area wasn't in danger from the result of the battle. I let it wash over me without a care for my strained ears or shaking body. The Clan bears witness to the years of toil, sweat and sacrifice that she and I put ourselves through without hesitation and they cannot say a word. Respect flows over us but we have nothing to care of but each other.Our eyes never waver from each other with one thought overriding our aching bodies.No one is ready for us.

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