Brent went over all of the self-defense moves he'd taught Rayne so far.
"Good, you're learning well. You even remembered the technique to break free from full-body restraint," praised Brent.
Rayne was on the ground catching her breath. She had just successfully released herself from his grip.
"Instructor Brent, I wish to learn hand-to-hand combat. Or even knife combat, if possible," said Rayne, looking serious.
She already had a good grasp on how to break free and run away, but she knew that in the future, she would need to stand her ground and fight.
Brent looked at her curiously. "Well, I don't technically offer these classes. Why do you want to learn these combat techniques?"
"I have a feeling that something really bad will happen in the future," said Rayne. She wasn't sure how else she could explain that the apocalypse would be starting.
Now I want to eat dumplings!
Thank you for reading!