Diagon Alley.
Professor McGonagall led the four of them as they appeared out of thin air.
"Ugh!" Mr. Granger groaned. "Is this how you get around in the magical world? It felt like being tossed around in a washing machine, only to be flung out at the end."
The Grangers leaned against a wall, trying to shake off the nausea, while Crow and Hermione didn't look much better. That sensation had been... beyond words.
"Apparition can feel like that the first time, but you'll get used to it," Professor McGonagall said, waving her wand to help them regain their bearings.
"Crow, Hermione, welcome to Diagon Alley," she said with a hint of pride. "Think of it as the wizarding world's department store. Here, you can find everything you need: wands, spell books, magical creatures, and all kinds of extraordinary plants. As long as you have the money, you can buy it. But beware: illegal items are off-limits, and the Ministry of Magic will enforce the law if needed."
She paused to let the information sink in, watching their fascinated expressions.
"In the wizarding world, we use our own currency, not pounds. You can exchange your money at Gringotts, with one Galleon equal to five pounds. First-year students at Hogwarts can exchange up to one hundred Galleons, and each year after, they're allowed sixty. However, you likely won't need that much for school supplies, so there's no need to exchange too much."
"Any questions?" Professor McGonagall asked with a warm smile.
The Grangers exchanged uneasy glances. As middle-class dentists, they could afford some things, but a 5:1 exchange rate was steep. They hoped, as McGonagall had said, that the costs wouldn't be too high.
"Professor McGonagall, how do we return here in the future? Do we have to travel like we did just now?" Hermione asked, looking around at the red brick walls. She couldn't see any doors or entryways.
"Oh, I forgot to mention, the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron is through that wall there. It serves as the gateway between the wizarding and Muggle worlds," she explained, pointing to a corner where a rubbish bin stood.
Everyone turned to look, even Crow. Although he knew how to enter Diagon Alley, leaving it wasn't something explicitly covered in the books.
"Count three bricks up from the bin, then two bricks across, and tap that one with a wand. That will open the passageway. To exit, you'll find a similar setup on the other side with another rubbish bin. Just tap the corresponding brick to return," McGonagall said.
The three Muggles curiously examined the seemingly ordinary wall, trying to fathom how a solid brick wall could become an entrance. But this was the wizarding world—logic didn't always apply.
Crow nodded, then glanced at McGonagall. She was a powerful witch, one of the top in the wizarding world, and her Silver Chest had already given him the Transfiguration talent. Who knew what he could gain from higher-tier chests?
Distracted by his thoughts, Crow allowed Hermione to lead him forward. He was determined to get three chests from McGonagall today, especially since she was one of the few Animagi. If he could unlock that skill, it would be a significant win!
Hermione eagerly looked around at the shops, occasionally tugging on Crow's sleeve to share her excitement. Passersby greeted McGonagall warmly.
"Out with new students again, Professor?" one wizard asked with a grin.
"Yes, and they're wonderful kids," McGonagall replied with a smile, prompting Hermione to lift her head proudly at the compliment.
Crow scanned their surroundings, looking for anything that might evoke strong emotions in McGonagall. There were plenty of strange and fascinating things to see, and soon even he found himself distracted by the new sights. When they reached the Eeylops Owl Emporium, he paused.
"Crow, what is it? Are you interested in the... round-faced owls? Oh, look! Adorable kittens! And—ugh, what's with the ugly toads?" Hermione gasped, dragging him toward the store entrance to marvel at the creatures inside.
Professor McGonagall chuckled, watching their wonder. "If you'd like, students are allowed to bring an owl, a cat, or a toad to Hogwarts. An owl is especially useful for sending letters."
"Really? But we don't have any Galleons, so we might not be able to afford one," Hermione murmured, looking down with disappointment.
The Grangers exchanged a look and made a quick decision. They were more than willing to spend money on Hermione's happiness, no matter the cost.
Eeylops Owl Emporium.
"Welcome to the Owl Emporium! May I… Oh! Professor McGonagall, what a pleasure to see you!" Angelo Andrina stepped out of the shop, initially intending to greet Crow and Hermione, but upon seeing McGonagall, he eagerly addressed her.
"Good to see you too, Mr. Andrina," McGonagall replied with a nod and a smile.
"These two little ones must be the new students this year. Would you like to come in and take a look? Owls make excellent companions for wizards, you know," Angelo offered with a grin.
"Can we? We don't have any Galleons yet, so we might not be able to buy one," Hermione asked shyly.
"Oh, that's alright. You're welcome to look around," Angelo reassured her.
With an approving glance from her parents, Hermione excitedly pulled Crow inside. "Thank you, Mr. Andrina!"
"They're adorable children, aren't they? Please, all of you, come on in," Angelo said, making a welcoming gesture.
"Thank you for the invitation, Mr. Andrina," McGonagall replied warmly.
"Thank you, sir," echoed the Grangers as they stepped inside.
"Not at all!" Angelo responded with a smile.
Inside the shop, Hermione pulled Crow from one owl to another, her excitement contagious. "Look, Crow! That's a Eurasian eagle-owl, and that one's a snowy owl! I saw them in an animal encyclopedia. Their feathers are beautiful!"
The owls, however, were less enthusiastic. Being nocturnal, they looked groggy and irritable as they squinted down at the two children who had disrupted their sleep.
Crow observed them with curiosity, too. This was only his second encounter with owls—the first being that morning when they'd left him a little "gift."
"Owls don't just deliver letters; they're also loyal companions. When a wizard is in danger, owls will often protect them," Angelo explained to the pair. Even though he knew they didn't have money yet, he was happy to educate them. After all, just because they couldn't buy an owl now didn't mean they wouldn't return later.
At a nearby table, McGonagall and the Grangers watched the children's fascination with amused smiles.
"Tea, anyone? Black tea or pumpkin juice?" Angelo offered.
"Black tea would be fine," McGonagall replied. With a wave of her wand, cups and a steaming teapot appeared on the table. The teapot poured tea into each cup, then gently placed them before the Grangers, who watched the spectacle with wide-eyed amazement.
They sipped their tea quietly, observing Crow and Hermione as they explored the shop.
Crow found himself drawn to a large eagle-owl perched at the back of the shop. This bird, with its white and gray feathers, stood at over eighty centimeters, much larger than the typical sixty to seventy centimeters of most eagle-owls. Its round, yellow eyes stared back at him with a wild and cold intensity, quite unlike the other owls.
Noticing Crow's interest, Angelo hurried over. "Be careful with this one. She's not exactly friendly. She's been here for three months and still hasn't been tamed. I keep her in a cage because she tends to attack people."
"I haven't figured out what to do with her. She eats a lot and causes trouble. If she doesn't calm down soon, I might have to release her back into the wild," Angelo added, shaking his head.
The conversation drew the attention of not only Hermione and McGonagall but also a well-dressed man and woman by the cat section.
"If it's untamed, why display it? What if it harms someone as important as the Malfoys? Can your little shop afford that?" Draco Malfoy scoffed, casting sidelong glances at the girl next to him.
"Should anything happen to us, we'll make sure you're out of business in Diagon Alley," he threatened, puffing up as he noticed her emerald-green eyes flicker with anger.
Angelo rushed forward, apologizing profusely. "I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Malfoy. I assure you…"
Seeing Angelo's flustered reaction, Hermione huffed. "Why is he making such a fuss? The owl's in a cage! Do wizards really have no sense of justice? This is so unfair!"
Draco sneered, his gaze shifting to Hermione. "Where did this Muggle come from? I'm talking to Angelo—who asked for your opinion?"
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