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60% My Hero Academia: God / Chapter 39: The End of the Trimester

Chương 39: The End of the Trimester

Full story at:



Yuei was going through a bad time right now, the constant attacks from the press, due to the League's admitted attack, and the exposed students, had sullied their reputation a bit.

In order to better prepare the students for possible future attacks, Principal Nezu and the teachers decided to change the practical exam. This was done because Yuei had repeatedly demanded that the combat robots used in the entrance exam and the sports festival be discontinued due to frequent complaints of injuries caused by the robots.

Instead, they decided to have the exam as a two-on-one, two students against the teacher. It's a good idea, but they'd better be more careful with their security measures, since I've been spying on the League, I know they'll organise a second attack soon.

The League has set up in a building disguised as a bar, using geolocation bugs, I quickly found out the location of the bar. It's where Shigaraki and Kurogiri are based now, but the location of the 'teacher' is unknown, Shigaraki communicates with him via video link, and it's also unknown where they produce and store the Nomu. I could try to hack into Shigaraki's laptop, through which he communicates with him, and find out his location, but it was too dangerous, there was a risk of my espionage being exposed. I could try to bug some Nomu to track down their second lair, as an option of course, not that they would use them in the next attack either, at least they didn't say so.

And so soon the day x came.

The written test was easy enough, I don't think anyone could fail it at all. Kirishima and Aoyama had the hardest time. Kirishima asked Katsuki to tutor him in the subjects, and I think he had a lot of trouble with the mean blonde, but he did well. Aoyama didn't study at all...she was a freak. Mina managed to pass, with difficulty, but she passed, just like Uraraka. Kaminari was unlucky, because he's not very clever, but he passed with flying colours.

Still, in Japan people, even the laziest ones, try to take their studies seriously, and there was a nice bonus in the form of a trip to summer camp, which motivated him to study even more, because those who fail to pass probably won't be allowed to go to summer camp. I don't know why teenagers like summer camps, as for me, it's a hat, the same time in camp, you can spend more productively.

The entire A class was able to pass the written portion, but next came a much harder test.

All the students of the A class were gathered together near the school bus car park, and the whole teaching staff was sitting opposite us.

- Okay, the practical exam is about to begin. - announced Aizawa. - Of course, you can also fail this exam. So if you want to get into the summer camp, you'll have to try harder.

- Why are there so many teachers here? - Jiro asked reasonably.

- I'm sure you've learnt in advance what to expect on this test, so you have an idea of what's in store for you...' Aizawa hinted at another fight with the trash robots, which made Mina very happy that she was already imagining how she'd be hanging out at summer camp and Kaminari that the exam was going to be a breeze.

- Sorry, that's not going to happen! Due to certain reasons, we have to change the content of the exam, effective today! - said Nezu, popping up, straight out of Aizawa's neck ribbons, a very eccentric principal we have.

He went on to explain in detail how the new test would be conducted, with its rules, winners and losers.

Two students against one teacher, with each teacher wearing special bracelets weighing half the weight of the teacher. In the battle, students can win in two ways: handcuff their opponent by any means necessary, or escape to the exit of the training ground, for the victory is enough for one student to escape. As in the battle challenge, teams are divided into heroes and villains, with teachers playing the role. Heroes are allowed to use any non-lethal means to win, the exam itself is aimed at teamwork and coordination of actions, use of terrain and the actual development of the optimal strategy to escape or apprehend the criminal. And most importantly, the experience of real combat. Students will lose in two cases, if they are capable or could not escape, win in the allotted time.

- Fighting...with teachers! - exclaimed Uraraka in a daze.

- That's right, we've divided you into teams and chosen each of you an opponent. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu go first, and I'll be your opponent! - Aizawa grinned. There's no need to guess, they'll fight against the Bum because both of them rely too much on their quirks, making them powerless against Aizawa's wipe quirks.

- The second Bakugou fight... and Mizuiro. - announced Aizawa. - Your opponent... - at that moment, the Almighty fell from the sky near us, showing his entire appearance as a threat.

- I will! - he said what Bakugou and I had already understood.

- I'll team up with you...' Katsuki said thoughtfully, as if she didn't care if we had to fight or run away from the strongest man in the world.

I was paired with Katsuki because I don't work well in a team, or even if I do, I do ninety per cent of the work, and Katsuki is annoyed by any encouragement from her, not to mention her lack of team spirit, plus we're not on the best of terms.

The remaining students were also divided into pairs, the named team will have to travel on a school bus with the teacher to the training ground, where they will fight. The rest of the contestants, who won or lost early, will watch in the chopping block, through video cameras.

- Better not be lost in thought, my fine deputy. - I approached the pensive Momo.

- Huh? Yeah, okay. - replied a little absent-mindedly. - Mizuiro ... how do you always win? - she asked.

- I just take it and win. I try not to stop evolving, degradation inevitably leads to death. With each new opponent I get stronger, because I realise that this is not the top of the power, I have to try harder, literally tear my veins to win.

- ...Even though Todoroki and I entered Yuei by recommendation, I'm still far inferior in strength and skills. - She turned to Seko, who had her ears perked up. - I thought that my main advantage was intelligence, but even here I'm losing to you headman . You're the strongest and smartest in our class, and maybe in the school ... - she said depressed .

- You don't need to compare me and yourself. Just stop worrying Yaoyorozu, you'll manage, our training hasn't gone to waste for you.

- But...how am I...

- Eh. - I put my hand on her shoulder, squeezing it a little to get her to pull herself together. - I'll tell you what. You don't have to believe in yourself. Believe in me. Believe in my belief in you! - I smiled encouragingly at her, she was just too tense.

- We'll get through this. - Shoko nodded affirmatively and took Momo's hand, squeezing her palm tightly, as if supporting her friend.

- I'll give you a little hint. You already know, Aizawa's power is tied to his eyesight. He won't attack head-on, he'll wait for the right moment. The best option, would be to blind him, then he won't be able to use the quirk.

- As expected from you, you have already come up with a tactic to defeat Aizawa-sensei...it might work if we manage to take him by surprise. - Momo cheered up, a little more confident.

And at that moment, Shoko abruptly came up to me, and kissed me in front of the entire class. She kissed me with her tongue, and without worrying about the audience, she jumped on top of me, and I had to grab her juicy buttocks so she wouldn't fall. We kissed for about a minute, until Shoko ran out of oxygen in her lungs, and she pulled away from me, grabbing air with her mouth.

- Thank you for your support, love. - She thanked me a little embarrassed.

- Yaoyorozu, will you kiss me too, for good luck? - I offered to the dazed Momo, who was frozen in place with her mouth hanging open, but she didn't have time to answer before Shoko pulled her into the bus. - No? All right, then. - I went to the wheelhouse, since my fight would be my last.

- Ahem, these kids are so frisky these days. - said the Almighty in embarrassment.

- Unfair! - Denki fell to his knees with a disappointed look on his face. - I joined Yuei to pick up girls! Why OH!

- What an idiot you are! - Chiyoka called Denki out in her own direct manner, jamming an ear tracker into his ear, causing him to scream, rolling from side to side on the ground and holding his ear.

- It's times like this when you realise that only real men get all the attention. - Kirishima said a little sadly.

- Akira... - Ochako lowered her eyes sadly, since that time, we haven't talked once. Uraraka doesn't understand how it happened and what she's going to do, she's acting like a simple teenage girl who doesn't know much about relationships.

- I told you he was a pervert, Kwa. - Asui said.

- Kendo, didn't you have an internship with the head teacher? - Kyouka frowned, turning to the redhead.

- Uh-huh. - Kendo added, her cheeks a little flushed.

- I see.' I could tell from her reaction that she remembered how I'd licked three girls recently. Kyoka doesn't feel negative or disgusted by me, she likes me, but she's very shy, and my feline nature spoils her impression of me a little.

- All right, that's enough of this nonsense. The rest of you, get to the chopping block. - Aizawa quickly dispersed everyone with a flash of his eyes.

In general, I've become the object of the girls' bone-washing, and they talk about how bad, nasty and generally evil I am, seducing girls...and they all feel sympathy for me. Now I don't regret a bit that I learnt telepathy, it became much easier to understand girls' feelings.

The team of Kirishima and Sato, fighting against Cementos. The only thing you can say about their fight is that it's a fight of attrition. The two guys didn't think much about tactics, and went into battle head-on. Cementos guarded the exit, creating a lot of concrete slabs, through which Sato and Kirishima fought, but the guys were quickly exhausted and were defeated.

The team of Asui and Tokoyami are up against the hero Ectoplasm, a maths teacher. Ectoplasm himself is dressed in a beige cloak, wearing a helmet-shaped mask on his head that exposes his deformed jaw, in addition to this he is missing his legs, he lost them in the line of duty, instead he has special prosthetics that he uses to kick skilfully.

Ectoplasm's quirk is clone creation, from behind his mouth he produces an ectoplasmic substance and transforms them into clones. He can produce about thirty clones in total.

The ability is interesting, but such clones are not dominated by great durability. And also ectoplasm can from all available substance, can create a large ten metre clone, it is true that he can't create any more clones this way, but Asui and Tokoyami and a big clone was enough to strain and soon the giant clone grabbed them both. They only managed to win thanks to Asui's ingenuity that due to her frog physiology, she was able to swallow the handcuffs and then vomit them up and discreetly hand them over to Tokoyami's dark shadow, who attached the handcuff to her prosthetic Ectoplasm.

Momo and Shoko had a difficult opponent, Aizawa, in addition to being an uncomfortable quirk, had extensive fighting skills.

The girls took my advice and waited for Sotrigolova to attack them. Actually it happened, Aizawa suddenly attacked them from the air and blocked the quirk, Shoko , immediately attacking her, and Momo had to help her teammate. Training for Momo really didn't go to waste, for a while they even managed to contain Aizawa, and then when he wanted to break the distance, they blinded him. Momo had created a dozen light and noise grenades in advance, hidden inside the matryoshka dolls so that Sotrigolova wouldn't realise their intentions.

And while Sotrigolova was blinded by the beauty of Russian matryoshka dolls, the girls handcuffed him. Actually, they won thanks to my clue, but they won. Under other circumstances, they would hardly have been able to defeat Sotrigolova, but luck was on their side.

Next up was Iida and Ojiro's duel against the hero Loader. His name is Higari Maijima, he's a half-naked red-haired man with a helmet that resembles a bucket, and his quirk is an iron claw that he can use to burrow underground. Nothing interesting here, Ojiro got on top of Iida and they just ran away.

Ochako and Aoyama vs Thirteen. Again the confrontation was quick, the guys were losing at first, and the only thing they could do was hold onto the railing for all their strength while Thirteen's quirk tries to suck them in. Aoyama's suit has special prisms that collect energy, so he can shoot lasers from more than just his stomach, but that's useless against Thirteen's black hole, it can absorb light too. Just when it looked like they were about to lose, Aoyama said something that made Uraraka suddenly let go of the railing and grabbed her flushed cheeks and flew at speed towards Thirteen, who hadn't expected such a thing, and immediately put her hands behind her back and handcuffed her. Ochako had trained with the hero Ganhead, and he had taught her self-defence techniques, which she demonstrated. Aoyama, on the other hand, was of no use at all here.

Against the team of Kyouki and Koda, the team was opposed by Sushi Mick on a training ground simulating a forested area. They decided not to fight in direct combat, as Mick's shout could rupture a person's eardrums just as easily. This time it was Kyoka who initiated the action, as Koji, with his large size, is an extremely fearful boy, especially when it comes to insects, of which there are plenty in the forest. Kyouka was able to get him to use his insect quirk to distract Hizashi from underground, where his sound doesn't reach. And while Yamada fought off the bugs, they were able to escape.

In the Shoji and Hagakure duo, the opponent was teacher Snape, whose quirk causes the bullets he fires from his gun to follow the target he's looking at. In short, it's a stripped down version of telekinesis. And Snipe himself looks like a cowboy. I won't say much about their fight, Shoji distracted the teacher, and Hagakure handcuffed him because he couldn't see her.

Mina and Kendo fight next, against Principal Nezu and this fight was the most unusual so far. The thing is, the Director's quirk is high intelligence, and it's so high that he can literally analyse and predict his opponent's next moves, on pure calculations.

The Director had prepared in advance by blocking the escape route, and he sat on a construction crane, and used it to destroy the range while pushing Mina and Kendo around. So me, Asui, Iida and Momo, who had returned, watched the mad bear laughing like a maniacal vivisector while drinking tea.

Neither Mina nor Kendo just didn't know what to do and the only thing that came to their minds was to run. Run as fast as they could. Unfortunately, Nezu was trivially smarter than them, effortlessly chasing them all over the range until they ran out of time.

- It's not a fight, it's a chase. - I commented on what I saw.

- Kwa, it's a shame the girls lost. - Asui said, who had already returned from the range with Tokoyami, and was watching the others from the monitor with me. - Akira are you dating Shoko? Sorry to be rude, but a lot of people in our class thought you were in a relationship with Mina.

- I'm in a relationship with both Shoko and Mina...and I wouldn't mind if a cute little frog confessed his feelings to me too. - I explicitly hinted at her.

- Don't get your hopes up, Kwa. I'm a decent girl. - She flatly refused, but her thoughts said otherwise.

- Hey, who's fighting next? - Kyoka entered the room.

- Sero and Kaminari are fighting next, kwa.

- Ouch. - Kyouka clutched her bleeding ear, as Mika's loud shouting had done the trick.

- Next time, be careful Kyouka, you shouldn't risk your health to win. - I waved my hand, enveloped in life energy, at Jiro's ear, healing the damage.

- Thank you, Chief. - she thanked me.

The penultimate battle, Sero and Kaminari versus Midnight. Here, the students lost exactly one minute after the test began. Midnight had knocked them both out with her soporific scent, and Nemuri was extremely annoyed with me because of her recent screw-up with me, and didn't mess around with them, spanking the students with her whip...it sounded a bit ambiguous.

- Now, Katsuki's coming out. - I turned to the blonde who was leaning against the wall, thinking about something.

- Don't tell me what to do, Pretty Face. Go make out with Two-Face. - Katsuki suddenly snapped at me again and walked away, at least she didn't yell at me like she usually did.

- It's going to be hard. - I sighed, and Jiro even gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.


- I hope you're well prepared. - Toshinori said loudly, standing at the gate of the training ground with his arms at his sides.

- You better prepare yourself Almighty. Prepare for me to kick your arse! - Katsuki replied unceremoniously.

- Well, at least I agree with you on something. You're too old Almighty, not as strong as you used to be. It will be difficult to defeat you, but possible. - I examined him condescendingly, wisely omitting his skeletal form and wound in Katsuki's presence.

I was bluffing a bit of course, in direct combat I would only be able to resist him for a couple of minutes, it would be much easier for me to escape...but what the hell, when else would I get a chance to fight the strongest hero?

- Even the oldest beast can bare its fangs. - took metal bracelets in both hands. - These weights are specially designed for teachers, they hold half of my weight. Uggh...damn, I didn't realise they were so heavy. - He put them on his arms and legs. - By the way, the design of these bracelets was chosen through a competition, and the winner was young Hatsume. - I was reminded of an eccentric girl from a sports festival...with big breasts.

- Underestimate us? - Bakugou asked loudly, clenching her hands into fists.

- Who knows. - Smiled enigmatically at the Almighty. - Show us all you're capable of, fetuses!

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