When we get to the chamber, Nicholas and Killua jump in fright when they see me with bandages around my body. Even though I kind of expected it from Nicholas, it's kind of refreshing to see Killua seem concerned for my safety.
As I try to explain our unfortunate encounter with Hisoka, Killua turns his gaze on Ponzu standing beside me, "So she's the person you were willing to risk your life for. Dude, you're seriously a pervert."
"You're wrong, I don't have that kind of intentions!" I shout annoyed at Killua who tries to tease me with a mocking expression.
Ponzu giggles at our comical exchange, "I think you don't know me yet, my name is Ponzu. I will be in your care until the phase ends."
After her presentation, we share stories about ourselves during the remaining time of the fourth phase. When Killua tells the group about his family, Ponzu jumps in fright, trembling with a face of panic, as if she is seeing a monster that is eager to kill her. Through my efforts and further conversation, she manages to calm down, although it is clear that she still cannot shake off the feeling of discomfort.
Nicholas also shares his origins and his achievements through the exam, making me feel proud of his performance in this phase. And unexpectedly, Ponzu also opens up to us and shares some personal information about herself.
'I guess the ordeal with Hisoka has made her feel more secure with me.' I think to myself as I listen.
Seeing their willingness to open up, I also decide to share more of myself and tell them about how I used to live on an island isolated from civilization, the great pirate invasion, how I ventured out to come to the mainland and my little adventures until I got to the Hunter Exam.
After sharing our stories, I ask Killua if he can teach me the technique he used to lengthen his nails in the confrontation with the Amori brothers. Although somewhat annoyed by my request, Killua agrees to teach me the skill of muscle control.
Eager to learn something that will make me stronger, I take notes of his explanations and practice with him during the remaining time of the phase.
On a day when I am practicing on my own, Ponzu decides to sit next to me. Although we were originally wary of each other, we have grown closer to each other in our time on this island. The former caution that existed in our conversations seems to have disappeared, and we are always sitting close to each other at meals and conversations inside the cave.
"So, how's your training going?" She asks with her arms resting on her knees.
I look at my hand with disappointment, "I'm not improving much. Despite Killua's explanations, I'm not finding it easy to concentrate enough strength and focus to alter the anatomy of my body. It doesn't just take into account the muscles to be manipulated, but also repositioning the nerves and blood vessels to fit. It's literally a pain." I say with a sigh of defeat.
A silence falls between the two until Ponzu asks me; "Hey, what is Nen?"
My eyes widen at the mention of that word. "Where have you heard that word?" I ask, looking at her seriously with a sharp gaze.
"During your fight with Hisoka, he mentioned that your Nen wasn't at his level yet, and he also mentioned something about controlling your aura. Seeing your performance during the fight, I can tell that it's something that allows you to become stronger. Isn't that right?" At her inquisitive question, I simply nod.
"So, I want you to teach me how to use it. I don't want to feel weak and helpless in the face of danger again. I want you to teach me Nen so I can become strong like you."
I stare at Ponzu's determined gaze for a moment before sighing and rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm sorry, but I can't do it." I reply.
"Why not?" She asks me, her expression changing.
"You see, I'm still a novice when it comes to Nen. Of the four main principles that comprise it, I've only mastered two, and then only through a lot of practice. I don't really have the experience or more instinctive knowledge needed by a Nen master competent enough to teach it." As I say these words, I notice Ponzu's sad expression deepen.
"Don't make that face. According to the person who introduced me to the exam, one requirement that all Hunters in the world have to meet is knowing how to use Nen. So even if I don't teach you now, the Hunter Association will take care of finding a Hunter who can do it." As I say this, my expression changes from a serious one to a happy one with a wide smile on my face.
"Really?" Ponzu asks, her sadness replaced by hope.
"And not only that. Once you have mastered the main principles and have the approval of your teacher, come find me for some serious training and to become a true expert Nen user." I say pointing my index finger at Ponzu.
"Don't assume that by mastering two principles you will be better than me." Ponzu pouts, puffing out her cheeks.
'So cute!' I think smiling as I see her.
Soon, the day finally arrives, signaling the end of the fourth phase of the exam.
Date: January 18th, 2011
An announcement echoes throughout the island: <The fourth phase of the Hunter Exam is officially over! All participants must come back to the starting point of the test! Participants will be given one hour to come back! After that, anyone who hasn't returned will be disqualified of the exam! Any badges stolen from now on will not be counted, and exchanging or transferring badges is also prohibited! Any rule breakers will be immediately disqualified!>
Hearing this, we get out of the cavern and slowly walk towards the starting point. In the way, we see many of the applicants who have passed arriving at the site. Once we are all there, Khara disembarks from the ship again.
"Now, I'll check the badges of everyone present!" Khara announces with a smile.
List of participants who passed:
Kurapika: Holds badges number 404 and 16.
Gon: Holds badges number 405 and 44.
Hisoka: Holds badges number 384, 80, 281, and 118.
Leorio: Holds badges number 403 and 246.
Gittarakur: Holds badges number 301 and 371.
Pokkle: Holds badges number 53 and 105.
Hanzo: Holds badges number 294 and 197.
Nicholas: Holds badges number 187 and 198.
Killua: Holds badges number 99 and 199.
Bodoro: Holds badges number 191 and 34.
Kai: Holds badges number 15 and 362.
Ponzu: Holds badges number 76, 89, 103 and 107.
'It seems that in the end my involvement did not change the rest of the examinees who passed in the canon. Thank goodness.' I think letting out a sigh of relief.
"All of these 12 applicants passed the fourth phase of the exam!" Khara exclaims raising her right arm towards the blimp in the sky.
Point of view switch to Netero:
"Ho ho ho! This is quite interesting! 9 out 12 are new rookies! Quite a showing for this year, isn't it?" I exclaim in good humor to the rest of the examiners on the blimp.
"Has that ever happened before?" Buhara asks while eating.
"Hmm. There's been a pattern lately where several years go by without a single rookie worthy of qualifying for the exam, and then one year suddenly we have a whole gaggle of new rookies with a great future ahead of them. However, this year's case is especially peculiar." I say very excitedly.
"Peculiar? What do you mean by that sir?" Satotz asks me while holding his fork with food.
"Until now, the highest record of rookies who had ever made it to the end of the Hunter Exam in the same year was set 64 years ago with 8 rookies. We can certainly say that we are facing a historic event." I say smiling very happily.
Menchi, hearing this, shows a surprised expression before turning her head to my assistant Beans. "How old the president was, by the way?" She asks whispering.
"It's been almost 20 years that he's been telling me he's about 100, so I can only guess that he's probably past 120 years old." Beans answers her.
Satotz then asks, "By the way sir, what are we going to do for the final phase of the exam?"
"Oh, right. You haven't told us that yet." Buhara exclaims at my side.
"Yes, about that... I have planned for the applicants to participate in a rather peculiar fight." I reply, confusing the examiners in the room about talking about. "First, call the remaining 12 applicants. I want to speak to each of them alone." I ask in a whimsical voice.
Point of view switch to Kai:
Killua, Nicholas, and I are located in the dining room. While I'm eating my second plate of food to regain strength, the other two are talking about video games, with Nicholas allowing Killua to play an RPG called Forever Knights on his laptop.
Ponzu decided to split off from the group as soon as we boarded the airship, but I decided not to worry. Now that the fourth phase is over, I shouldn't be in any danger until the incident in the final phase. I'll have to prepare myself for whatever might happen.
During this time in which we share laughs and smiles, we hear the announcement that I had been waiting ringing throughout the blimp: <Attention all applicants. The chairman wants to interview all of you. When your number is called, please come to the first reception room on the 2st floor. Applicant #44, Hisoka, you're up first. Thanks for your cooperation.>
Point of view switch to Hisoka:
I enter the room, my attitude calm and collected as always. Here, I meet with the chairman sitting cross-legged at a cushion in front of a table.
He is the first to speak. "Please, have a seat."
"Don't tell me that this is the last phase of the exam." I ask already knowing the answer.
"I wouldn't say that there is no relation to the last portion of the exam, but it isn't test itself. I'm here to only ask you questions beforehand to satisfy my curiosity." The chairman responds, making me smile as my curiosity is piqued.
I decide to oblige and sit down on a cushion as well, cross-legged.
"Here's the first question: Why do you want to become a Hunter?" He asks my writing on a notebook in his hands.
"Well, if I am to be honest with you, I'm not really interested on becoming a Hunter. But holding a Hunter license has some useful advantages." I decide to answer honestly.
"Oh, ¿could you give me some example?" The chairman asks intrigued.
"For example... You can kill someone, and more often than not, escape the judicial consequences." I say clearly showing my interests.
"All right. Let's move on to the next question: Among the other 11 applicants, which one retains the most of your attention?" The chairman asks.
"Well, until recently I would have told you that #15 and #99." I answer.
The president immediately raises an eyebrow in curiosity. "Until recently?"
"Yes. In a first moment, both of them looked like they wanted stay away from me, so I got curious. But in the last test I had the opportunity to fight with number #15, and I was able to see his current level. For our momentary interaction, I'm pretty sure we will cross paths at some point. I would say #405 also caught my attention, but not in the same way, and since I've already tried #15, I'd say my attention is now more focused on #99. I'd like to challenge him someday." I say with a chuckle at the prospect.
"I see. Then, one last question. Among the other 11 applicants, who do you want to fight against the least?" The chairman asks, making me move my fingers to my chin in doubt.
"If I was to choose... I would say #405. I also don't want to fight #15 or #99 either, but to be honest, the person I least want to fight with right now is #405. It's just not the time." I answer.
The chairman nods in response. "Understood."
Taking the opportunity, I decide to try my luck with the old man. "For the record. The one I want to fight the most right now... is you." I say projecting my bloodlust onto the chairman in front of me.
"Okay, thank you. That will be all." The old man responds with total indifference to my subtle threat.
Various applicants's points of view:
Pokkle: "I am wary of the number #404. He is the most well-rounded applicant here. And the least person I want to fight is number #44. I wouldn't stand a chance against him."
Killua: "It'd have to be Gon... I mean #405. After all, we are the same age. And I don't want to fight with the number #53. It'd be boring fighting him."
Bodoro: "My attention is fixed on number #44. His presence is too overwhelming to not notice. Numbers #99 and #405 are out of question. I won't fight children."
Gittarackur: "Interested in #99. Least interested in #44."
Gon: "Hmm... I would say number #44. He's the only thing that's really going through my mind right now. I'd hate if I had to fight either #99, #403, or #404."
Hanzo: "I'm torn between #15 and #44. Number #15 looks like someone to trust and #44 someone to watch out for. Also, I would least want to fight #44."
Kurapika: "I watch the #405 in a positive way, and the #44 in a negative way. I would fight anyone if there is a reason. If not, I would rather not fight anyone."
Leorio: "Number #15. I don't know why he did it, but he helped me and now I'm indebted to him. That's why I wouldn't want to face #15 either."
Ponzu: "A lot of things happened, so now number #15 is the one I'm most attentive to. And I absolutely don't want to fight number #44. I've seen him in action and I know what he's capable of."
Nicholas: "Number #44 left the boss badly wounded, so it's impossible for me not to focus on him. I would never fight number #15, because he's the boss."
Point of view switch to Kai:
Soon, it's my turn to speak to the chairman. As I steady my breathing, I see Nicholas exit the room. He seems confident in the answers he has given as he smiles and gives me a thumbs up. Once I enter, I am met with the old man once again. Seeing him reminds me of how strong he truly is and the long way I have ahead. Even though his Ten is incredibly calm, I still can't fully relax.
"Don't be so nervous, young man. I'm just asking a few questions out of curiosity." Netero says with a goofy tone of voice.
'Worthy of the pinnacle of martial arts, he read me instantly despite my efforts.' I think taking sit on the cushion, ready for the questions.
"Let's start. First, why do you want to be a Hunter?" Netero asks.
"Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in all the benefits that a license provides, but that's not my primary motivation." I say with a thoughtful look.
"The truth is that I know that this world is full of wonders and adventures beyond imagination. I want to follow the example of the Hunters and fully enter into this unknown world to experience all those possibilities on my own skin."
As I answer with my fist shaking with excitement, Netero writes in his notebook before continuing. "Now tell me, which of the remaining 11 applicants has caught your attention the most?"
"They all catch my attention in some way, but if I had to pick someone in particular it would be number #246, Ponzu. The truth is that I am very surprised by everything I have discovered about her and how quickly our relationship has progressed in such a short time. I-I am referring to the companionship, not anything else!" I answer a little nervously at the end, trying to clarify my point of view.
However, Netero gives me a "So interested in the girl, huh you rascal" look before continuing. "Okay, last question. Who is the applicant you least want to fight with?"
"Without a doubt the number #301, Gittarackur. I know I could somehow handle any of the other applicants. Number #301 is the only one that poses a real threat to me. He has something hidden about him." I answer, knowing full well about his identity and the horrifying things he is capable of doing with his abilities from the canon.
"I see. Well, thank you for your answers. We will send an announcement once we're ready to land. In the meantime, enjoy the scenery and rest. You're going to need it." Netero says.
"Yes." I nod, standing up and turning around.
However, I stop before I walk out the door. 'I have to ask him now. In the future, I don't want to regret my decisions.'
"Can I make you a question mr. chairman?" I ask Netero, who gets a bit surprised.
"I hadn't planned on it, but if it's something I can answer, go ahead." Netero responds.
"Would you be willing to die if it would help you achieve your life's goal?" I ask without turning around.
After a moment of silence, Netero answers me: "Yes, I would. If it meant fulfilling my life's goal, I wouldn't mind dying for it."
"I see. Thanks for answering me." I say going out of the room and leaving Netero with a serious but curious look at my sudden question.
'I was expecting his reply, but I wanted to confirm it anyway. Now I can make my plans without having to worry about Netero.' I think to myself as I walk down the hall to meet up with Nicholas and Killua.
Point of view switch to chairman Netero and the examiners:
"Wait one second. If I move this piece here... no. If I move it there, then I move this one there. Surprisingly, this is more crucial than I first thought. Let's see... Okay, there it is. It's finished." Netero says while writing on a board in his personal office.
A while later, Netero enters the examiners waiting room with the board in hand, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Have a look. This is the diagram for the final phase."
All the examiners look at the board, and their faces quick get in total confusion and surprise.
"But, mr. chairman, are you serious?" Buhara asks on behalf of everyone.
"Heh heh heh. Quite serious." Netero answers with a goofy expression.
"His expression... He certainly means it." Satotz says with a drop of sweat.
"Is that a serious expression?" Menchi asks with a face of disbelief at Satotz's words.
Netero continues speaking, ignoring both of them: "The winners will pass the exam and will become Hunters."
After the meeting with the examiners, the chairman goes back to his main office where he speaks with his assistant.
"Sir, are you sure that you want to do it this way?" Beans asks sweating a little with worry.
"I couldn't be more sure. I think it will be an interesting competition. Plus, one never knows what the future holds. Taking unexpected challenges is what makes us Hunters. So don't think too hard about it." Netero responds.
<Attention candidates! We thank every of you for your patience! Now relax while we travel to the site of the final phase of the exam!>
Point of view switch to Kai:
'It seems like the final phase is near. Well, before I start my daily routine, I should make the necessary preparations for the elimination matches.' I think to myself as I walk around the blimp looking for the tools I will need to overcome this last challenge.
The part about the record number of rookies in the Hunter Exam is totally made up for the fanfic to give Kai credit. Yes it is true that the 289th Exam may have more rookies passing in canon, but this exam was not about ability and attitude like the others, but rather was a means to recruit people for the Dark Continent voyage, and since they are only recognized as Provisional Hunters, this and other previous exams with the same nature should not be counted in the comparison.