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14.85% My Harem in Galactic Quest / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Battle For Nythera

Chương 12: Chapter 12: The Battle For Nythera

The Vulzek hive collapsed behind them, its pulsating walls folding in on themselves as the life force of the Queen faded into nothing. The once-living structure now lay in ruins, releasing a foul, acidic stench into the air. Ethan and his crew hurried away from the site, exhaustion hanging over them like a thick fog.


The forest, which had been a hostile and dangerous environment minutes before, began to shift. The vines that had once lashed out at them now curled inward, retreating back into the soil. The eerie silence that had filled the air since they landed was broken by the soft rustling of leaves, as if the planet itself was sighing in relief.


Ethan wiped the sweat from his brow and glanced over at Vala, who was standing nearby, her eyes fixed on the remnants of the hive. Her shoulders were tense, her expression unreadable.


"You alright?" Ethan asked, stepping closer to her.


Vala turned to him, her amber eyes softening as she nodded. "I am... grateful. For everything. You've done more for my people than I could have ever hoped."


Ethan smiled, though the weight of the recent battle still pressed heavily on his chest. "We couldn't have done it without you. It was a team effort."


Vala's gaze lingered on him for a moment, her gratitude evident, but there was something else in her eyes , something deeper. Before Ethan could fully grasp it, she looked away, taking a deep breath as she surveyed the now-quiet forest.


"The Vulzek may be gone, but there is still much to rebuild," Vala said quietly, her voice filled with a mix of sorrow and determination. "My people have suffered greatly. It will take time to restore balance to Nythera."


Prella, who had been scanning the perimeter, approached them, her energy blade still in hand. "Well, we took out the Queen, but don't expect me to stick around for cleanup duty. We've got bigger fish to fry."


"Always the optimist, Prella," Ethan muttered, though he knew she was right. The threat of the Vulzek had been neutralized, but they weren't done yet.


Nova's hologram flickered beside them, her smirk as present as ever. "Oh, come now, Captain. You can't be in too much of a hurry to leave. After all, it's not every day you save an entire planet, and I'm sure there's plenty of... *celebrating* we could do."


Prella shot her a glare. "Do you ever stop?"


"Why would I?" Nova replied innocently, her voice laced with playful mischief. "It's so much fun watching you squirm."


Ethan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Alright, enough. We've got work to do, and we can't stay on Nythera forever."


Vala stepped forward, her tone more serious now. "I understand, Captain. But before you leave, I would ask one final favor. We have many survivors who are still trapped in the outlying forests. They have been hiding from the Vulzek, but now that the Queen is dead, they may be too weak to make it back to our safe zone on their own."


Ethan's brow furrowed. "How many are we talking?"


"A few hundred," Vala replied softly. "We Druvians are resilient, but many are injured, malnourished. They need help."


Prella groaned. "We're not a charity service, Vala. We came here to stop the Vulzek, and we did. We've got bigger problems to deal with. You know, like the Vrak?"


Ethan shot Prella a look. "We've got the resources to help them. And after everything they've been through, we owe them that much."


Prella crossed her arms, clearly frustrated but unwilling to argue further. "Fine. But let's make it quick."


"Thank you," Vala said, her eyes filled with gratitude. "I will guide you to the nearest outpost. It is not far from here."


As they moved deeper into the forest, the signs of the Vulzek's destruction were still fresh. The once vibrant trees were twisted and blackened, their branches sagging under the weight of acid burns. The ground was littered with the remains of Vulzek drones , vines and plant matter strewn across the forest floor like discarded debris.


Ethan's heart sank as they passed by what had once been a Druvian village. The structures were simple, built into the natural landscape, but now they lay in ruins, destroyed by the Vulzek invasion. The few survivors they encountered were gaunt and weary, their eyes hollow with fear and exhaustion.


"How long have they been fighting the Vulzek?" Ethan asked Vala quietly as they walked through the wreckage.


"For months," Vala replied, her voice low. "It began slowly at first , small attacks here and there. But as the Queen's hive grew, so did their power. We were overwhelmed before we even realized the full extent of the threat."


Ethan's fists clenched at his sides. "No one should have to go through that."


Vala gave him a sad smile. "It is the way of things. There is always something lurking in the darkness, waiting to strike. But thanks to you, my people have hope again."


They reached the outskirts of a small clearing, where a group of Druvians had gathered, huddled together in makeshift shelters. The survivors were a mix of young and old, their faces pale and their bodies thin from hunger. When they saw Vala approach, their eyes lit up with recognition and relief.


One of the elders, a woman with long, silver hair and deep lines etched into her face, stepped forward, her hands trembling. "Vala... is it true? Are the Vulzek... gone?"


Vala nodded solemnly. "The Queen is dead. We are safe, for now."


The elder's eyes filled with tears as she clasped Vala's hands. "You saved us."


"No," Vala replied softly, glancing back at Ethan. "We were saved by them. By the Captain and his crew."


Ethan, feeling uncomfortable with the praise, waved it off. "We're just doing our job."


Nova materialized beside him, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, come now, Captain. Don't be so modest. You were *magnificent* out there."


Prella snorted. "Yeah, let's not inflate his ego too much."


The survivors were hesitant at first, but with Vala's reassurance, they began to move toward the *Ark*, leaning on one another for support. The soldiers helped them as best they could, offering food and water to the most vulnerable.


Ethan watched the procession, his chest tightening as he realized how close they had come to losing everything. The Druvians had been on the brink of extinction, and though they had saved them from the Vulzek, their future was still uncertain.


"Captain," Nova's voice crackled through his earpiece, her tone more serious now. "We've got an incoming transmission."


Ethan glanced over at her, his brow furrowing. "From who?"


Nova's hologram flickered as she interfaced with the ship's communications system. "It's heavily encrypted, but I'm working on decrypting it now. I don't like the look of this, Captain. It's got the same signature as that last warning we intercepted about the Vrak."


Ethan's stomach dropped. "Patch it through."


Nova nodded, and moments later, the familiar crackle of a transmission echoed through the air. The screen on Ethan's wrist communicator flickered to life, displaying a garbled image of a planet, its surface scorched and burning. The transmission was faint, but the message was clear.


The Vrak were on the move.


Ethan's breath caught in his throat as the image shifted to show the Vrak swarming over the planet like locusts, consuming everything in their path. Buildings crumbled under their onslaught, and the landscape was left barren and lifeless in their wake.


Prella, who had been standing nearby, stiffened at the sight. "What the hell is that?"


"The Vrak," Ethan said grimly, his voice low. "And they're not wasting any time."


Vala, seeing the transmission, stepped closer, her eyes wide with fear. "That's... Athora. It's a neighboring planet. They've already begun their assault."


Ethan felt a chill run down his spine. Athora was a resource-rich world, not unlike Nythera. If the Vrak were targeting it, then it wouldn't be long before they moved on to other worlds , potentially Nythera again.


"We need to go," Ethan said firmly, turning to Prella. "Get the survivors on board and prepare the ship. We're leaving as soon as possible."


Prella nodded, already moving to rally the crew. "On it."


Vala, however, looked torn. "But my people... they need more time to recover. If the Vrak come here , "


"They won't," Ethan said, cutting her off. "We're going to stop them before they get the chance. But I need you with me, Vala. You know the region better than anyone."


Vala hesitated, glancing back at the survivors, but eventually she nodded. "Alright. I'll come with you."


Ethan placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll stop them. I promise."


As the crew made preparations to leave, Ethan couldn't shake the


 feeling of dread that had settled in his chest. The Vulzek had been a terrifying foe, but the Vrak... they were something else entirely.


The mood aboard the Ark had shifted. The initial relief of victory against the Vulzek was quickly replaced by an uneasy tension as they prepared for their next mission: confronting the Vrak. Ethan could feel the weight of the crew's uncertainty, especially from Vala, who was torn between her desire to protect her people and the looming threat of a greater enemy.

The survivors of Nythera were safely aboard the ship, huddled in the lower decks, being tended to by the medical team. The Ark hummed with activity as the crew scrambled to prepare for takeoff, their focus now entirely on the new threat. The Vrak were unlike anything they had faced , ravenous, insectoid creatures that consumed entire planets. The transmission from Athora played on repeat in Ethan's mind: the burning cities, the crumbling landscapes, the swarming black mass of the Vrak descending like locusts.

He stood in the briefing room, watching as Nova's hologram flickered beside the tactical map on the table. Prella was at his side, pacing restlessly as they waited for Vala to arrive.

Nova's voice broke the silence. "Captain, I've gathered all available intel on the Vrak. Unfortunately, it's not good. They operate with a hive mind, much like the Vulzek, but they're far more organized. The Vrak queen controls entire fleets, and they consume everything in their path , organic matter, resources, infrastructure, even the atmosphere."

Prella stopped pacing, crossing her arms as she shot Ethan a look. "And we're supposed to stop that?"

Ethan rubbed his chin, staring at the map of Athora's surface. "We don't have a choice. If we don't stop them here, Nythera could be next."

Prella sighed, her frustration evident. "I get that, but we're talking about an enemy that devours planets. How the hell are we supposed to fight that?"

Nova grinned, floating over to Prella's side. "Oh, I'm sure we'll find a way. We always do. Besides, I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Prella shot her a withering look. "If your tricks involve flirting with the Captain mid-battle, count me out."

Before Nova could respond, Vala entered the room, her expression solemn. She walked with a sense of purpose, though Ethan could see the worry etched in her features. The responsibility of saving her people weighed heavily on her, and now, with the Vrak threatening the neighboring planets, the burden had only grown.

Ethan straightened as she approached. "Vala, I'm glad you're here. We need to talk strategy."

Vala nodded, glancing at the map. "I've been studying the Vrak's movements. Athora is a resource-rich world, just like Nythera. It's no coincidence that the Vrak have targeted it. They're drawn to worlds with high concentrations of organic and mineral resources."

Ethan leaned in, studying the map alongside her. "So if we can cut off their supply, disrupt their feeding process, we might have a chance to slow them down?"

Vala hesitated. "Yes, but it won't be easy. The Vrak queen controls everything. She directs the swarm, and if we don't take her out, it won't matter how many drones we destroy , they'll keep coming."

Prella groaned. "Great. Another queen. This is starting to feel like déjà vu."

Nova's hologram flickered playfully beside Prella. "But this one is much worse. The Vulzek were territorial, but the Vrak? They're an all-you-can-eat buffet, and the galaxy is the main course."

Ethan's jaw tightened. "Then we need to take out the queen. Without her, the swarm will fall apart."

Vala stepped closer to the map, her voice quiet but resolute. "I can guide you to where the queen is likely to be. But it will be dangerous. The Vrak protect their queen fiercely, and once we're inside their territory, there will be no turning back."

Ethan nodded. "We've faced tough odds before. This won't be any different."

Prella snorted. "I'd argue this is way different, but hey, what's life without a little danger?"

Vala gave Ethan a small, sad smile. "If we fail, Athora will fall. And Nythera will be next."

Ethan placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We won't let that happen."

The Ark shot through space at breakneck speed, heading toward Athora. The ship's engines roared as it hurtled toward its destination, the crew working tirelessly to prepare for the impending battle. Prella, ever the perfectionist, double-checked her gear, her energy blade humming softly in her hand. Vala sat quietly in one of the observation decks, her eyes fixed on the distant stars, deep in thought.

Ethan approached her, sensing her inner turmoil. "You alright?"

Vala didn't turn to face him immediately. Her gaze remained locked on the stars. "I have spent my whole life protecting my people, ensuring the balance of our world. Now... I wonder if I am leading them to their destruction."

Ethan frowned, leaning against the railing beside her. "You've done everything you could. You've already saved them from the Vulzek. And now, you're helping to stop the Vrak. You're not leading them to destruction. You're fighting for their survival."

Vala finally turned to look at him, her amber eyes softening. "You speak with such certainty, Captain. I admire that about you."

Ethan scratched the back of his neck, feeling a little awkward under her intense gaze. "Just doing what I can. I guess it's all we can do."

She stepped closer to him, her voice dropping to a near whisper. "I am grateful, Ethan. You have given my people hope. And for that, I will always be in your debt."

He could feel the warmth of her presence beside him, and the way her eyes lingered on his sent a flutter of nervousness through him. Before he could respond, the ship's alarms blared, breaking the moment.

Prella's voice crackled through the intercom. "Ethan, get to the bridge. We've arrived at Athora."

Ethan gave Vala a nod before turning and hurrying toward the bridge. As he entered, the sight on the viewscreen made his stomach drop. Athora, once a vibrant and resource-rich planet, was now a battlefield. The skies were dark with smoke, and massive, insect-like Vrak swarmed over the surface like a black cloud. Entire cities lay in ruins, and the ground itself was scorched and barren.

"Damn," Ethan muttered, taking in the devastation.

Prella was already at her station, her face grim. "They didn't waste any time. The Vrak are tearing this place apart."

Nova's hologram appeared beside them, her expression surprisingly serious. "I've located the Vrak queen's position. She's deep within the heart of their hive, feeding on the planet's core. If we don't stop her soon, Athora will be nothing but dust."

Ethan's eyes narrowed. "Then we go in fast and hard. We take out the queen, disrupt the swarm, and save what's left of the planet."

Prella nodded. "I like the 'fast and hard' part."

Vala joined them on the bridge, her eyes fixed on the viewscreen. "I will guide you to the queen. But you must be prepared for the worst. The Vrak will defend her with everything they have."

Ethan tightened his grip on the console. "We'll be ready."

The Ark descended into the planet's atmosphere, the heat from the entry burning the edges of the hull. The crew braced themselves as the ship shook violently, but Ethan kept his focus on the mission ahead. The Vrak swarmed across the skies, their massive insectoid bodies casting long shadows over the ground below.

As they neared the surface, the full extent of the destruction became clear. Cities lay in ruins, their once tall structures reduced to rubble. The earth was scarred, huge fissures cutting through the land where the Vrak had burrowed deep into the planet, consuming its resources. Blackened forests and dead rivers painted a picture of total devastation.

Ethan's heart sank at the sight. This was what awaited any planet the Vrak targeted.

"Alright, we're coming in low," Ethan called out, gripping the controls as they neared the location of the Vrak queen. "Prepare for drop."

Prella stood beside him, fully geared up, her face set with determination. "We get in, we take out the queen, and we get out. Simple."

"Not sure 'simple' is the word I'd use," Ethan muttered, glancing at the massive Vrak swarm outside the viewscreen. "But it's a plan."

Vala's voice was steady, though Ethan could hear the tension in it. "The Vrak are unlike anything we've faced before. They are relentless, and they will stop at nothing to protect their queen."

Ethan turned to her, his expression serious. "Then we stop at nothing to take her out."

The Ark touched down in a ruined valley, the ground beneath them cracked and scorched. The Vrak swarmed above them, their dark shapes blotting out the sun, but they had yet to notice the crew's arrival. Ethan, Prella, Vala, and a small strike team disembarked from the ship, their eyes fixed on the massive hive in the distance.

The Vrak hive was a towering structure, far more imposing than the Vulzek hive they had faced on Nythera. It pulsed with dark energy, its organic walls shifting and moving as if the hive itself was alive. The sound of the Vrak drones echoed through the valley, their high-pitched screeches sending chills down Ethan's spine.

Prella tightened her grip on her energy blade. "I don't like the look of this."

Ethan agreed, but he kept his focus. "We stick to the plan. Nova, keep the ship ready for a quick extraction. We might need to get out of here fast."

Nova's voice crackled through the comms, though there was a hint of her usual playfulness in it. "You got it, Captain. Don't worry, I'll be watching your back... as always."

Ethan smirked. "Let's move."


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