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6.93% My Harem in Galactic Quest / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The Final Gambit

Chương 4: Chapter 4: The Final Gambit

The stars streaked past the viewscreen as the Ark hurtled through space, the tension on the bridge thick enough to cut with a knife. Ethan sat in the captain's chair, his mind racing as he reviewed the details of their plan once more. This was it—their final chance to stop the harbinger before it unleashed its full destructive power.

"Status report," Ethan said, his voice steady but carrying the weight of the moment.

Prella, seated at her station, glanced up from her console. "The counter-resonance device is ready, Captain. Nova's finalized the frequency calibrations, and we've run simulations to ensure it'll have the desired effect. But we'll need to get in close—right into the heart of the harbinger's station."

Ethan nodded, his gaze shifting to Nova, who was busily working at her console. "Nova, how long until we reach the harbinger's location?"

"Approximately ten minutes, Captain," Nova replied without looking up. "We'll exit warp just outside the asteroid field that surrounds the harbinger's station. From there, we'll need to navigate through the field and avoid any defenses the harbinger has deployed."

Ethan leaned back in his chair, his thoughts a whirlwind of anxiety and determination. They were heading straight into the lion's den, with no guarantee that their plan would work. But they didn't have a choice. If they failed, the consequences would be catastrophic.

"Captain," Nova said, her tone more urgent now, "I'm picking up unusual readings ahead. It looks like the harbinger has deployed a fleet of drones to guard the station. They're heavily armed and positioned throughout the asteroid field. We're going to face resistance the moment we drop out of warp."

Ethan felt a cold knot of fear tighten in his stomach, but he pushed it aside. "Understood. Prella, get our weapons systems online. I want all stations ready to engage the moment we exit warp."

Prella nodded, her fingers flying over the controls as she armed the Ark's weapons and activated the shields. "Weapons hot, Captain. We're ready for anything."

Ethan took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Good. Let's not waste any time. Nova, take us out of warp on my mark."

The bridge was a flurry of activity as the crew prepared for the impending battle. Ethan could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on him, but he knew he couldn't afford to hesitate. The harbinger had already shown how deadly it could be—now it was up to them to stop it.

"Dropping out of warp in three… two… one…" Nova's voice was calm and precise as she executed the maneuver.

The viewscreen shifted as the Ark exited warp, the stars returning to their normal pinpricks of light against the blackness of space. But there was no time to admire the view—immediately, the asteroid field came into focus, a dense cluster of jagged rocks and debris orbiting the harbinger's station. And within that field, dozens of drones hovered in formation, their sleek, menacing forms gleaming in the darkness.

"Drones incoming!" Prella shouted, her hands gripping the controls as she readied the Ark's weapons.

The drones wasted no time in attacking. They swarmed toward the Ark in tight, coordinated formations, their weapons lighting up the void with deadly beams of energy. The first barrage struck the Ark's shields, sending a shudder through the ship as the shields absorbed the impact.

"Shields holding," Nova reported, her voice steady despite the chaos. "But they won't last forever. We need to neutralize those drones quickly."

Ethan gritted his teeth. "Prella, return fire. Focus on taking out as many drones as possible—we need to clear a path to the station."

Prella didn't need to be told twice. The Ark's weapons roared to life, plasma bolts and laser beams lancing out from the ship and tearing through the enemy drones. The drones were fast and agile, but Prella's aim was true. One by one, the drones exploded in bursts of fiery light, their remains drifting aimlessly through the asteroid field.

But for every drone they destroyed, it seemed two more took its place. The swarm was relentless, the drones attacking in waves, each one more ferocious than the last. The Ark's shields flickered under the strain, and the ship rocked violently as more shots landed.

"We can't keep this up forever," Ethan muttered, his hands gripping the armrests of his chair. "Nova, any way we can use the asteroid field to our advantage?"

Nova's eyes flicked across her console as she calculated the possibilities. "We could try to draw the drones into the densest part of the field. The asteroids would provide some cover and might even take out a few of the drones if we time it right. But it's risky—one wrong move, and we could end up smashed against the rocks ourselves."

Ethan nodded, weighing the risks. It was a gamble, but it might be their only chance. "Do it. Prella, keep firing and cover our approach. Nova, take us into the field. Let's see if we can thin their numbers."

The Ark banked sharply as Nova piloted the ship into the heart of the asteroid field, the drones hot on their tail. The asteroids loomed large on the viewscreen, massive hunks of rock and metal spinning dangerously close. Ethan held his breath as Nova navigated through the field, the ship weaving between the asteroids with razor-sharp precision.

The drones followed, but the field worked in their favor. Several of the drones misjudged their trajectories, slamming into the asteroids and exploding in fiery bursts. The Ark's shields took a few more hits, but the cover provided by the asteroids gave them a fighting chance.

"Good work, Nova," Ethan said, relief mingling with the adrenaline pumping through his veins. "Prella, how's our path to the station looking?"

Prella glanced at her console, her expression serious. "We've cleared most of the drones, but there are still a few stragglers. We should be able to reach the station, but we'll need to move fast."

Ethan nodded, his mind already shifting to the next phase of the plan. "Alright. As soon as we're in range, we'll launch the infiltration team. We need to plant that counter-resonance device in the station's core, no matter what."

The Ark continued to cut through the asteroid field, the remaining drones still pursuing them but with far less coordination than before. The field had worked in their favor, disrupting the drones' formations and buying them the time they needed.

As they neared the harbinger's station, it loomed large on the viewscreen—a massive, foreboding structure of dark metal and alien architecture. The station radiated an unsettling energy, the same unstable power they had encountered on the planet, but amplified tenfold.

"Nova, bring us in close," Ethan ordered, his voice firm. "We need to dock and get that device inside."

The Ark approached the station cautiously, its weapons still trained on the remaining drones. Prella continued to fire, picking off the last of the drones that were still pursuing them. The station itself seemed almost dormant, its surface dark and silent, but Ethan knew better than to trust appearances.

As the Ark moved into position, the docking bay of the station came into view—a gaping maw that led into the heart of the structure. The energy readings spiked as they drew closer, and the hum of the station's power reverberated through the ship.

"We're in range," Nova reported. "Ready to initiate docking sequence."

Ethan took a deep breath, steadying himself for what was to come. "Do it. Prella, you're with me. Let's get that device planted and end this."

The Ark docked with the station, the airlock hissing open as the team prepared to disembark. The tension in the air was palpable, every crewmember acutely aware of the danger they were walking into. But there was no turning back now.

Ethan led the way, his weapon at the ready as they stepped into the station's dark interior. The atmosphere was oppressive, the air thick with the same malevolent energy they had encountered on the planet. The walls seemed to pulse with an eerie, faint light, casting long, shifting shadows that made it feel like the station was alive, watching their every move.

As they moved deeper into the station, the humming grew louder, more intense, as if the very structure was resonating with power. The path to the core was winding and treacherous, filled with traps and automated defenses that the team had to navigate with precision.

"We're getting close," Prella whispered, her voice barely audible over the hum of the station. "The core should be just ahead."

Ethan nodded, his eyes scanning the corridor for any sign of movement. They were deep in enemy territory now, and every step felt like it could be their last. But they had come too far to turn back. The harbinger had to be stopped.

Finally, they reached a massive door at the end of the corridor, its surface covered in the same shifting, alien symbols they had seen before. Beyond this door was the station's core—the heart of the harbinger's power.

Ethan took a deep breath, his hand hovering over the door's control panel. "This is it. Once we plant the device, we'll need to move fast. There's no telling what will happen when the core destabilizes."

Prella nodded, her expression resolute. "We're ready, Captain. Let's finish this."

Ethan pressed the control panel, and with a low rumble, the massive door slid open, revealing the station's core. The sight that greeted them was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

The core was an enormous, pulsating sphere of dark energy, suspended in the center of a vast chamber. Tendrils of crackling energy arced out from the core, connecting to various conduits and machinery embedded in the walls. The entire chamber thrummed with power, the air thick with the raw, unbridled energy of the harbinger's technology.

For a moment, Ethan was struck by the sheer scale of what they were facing. This wasn't just some advanced weapon or piece of technology, it was something far more ancient, far more dangerous. The harbinger's power was almost incomprehensible, and the thought of trying to disrupt it filled him with a sense of dread.

But there was no time for hesitation. They had a mission, and they had to see it through.

"Prella, set up the device," Ethan ordered, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at him. "Nova, can you guide us through the process?"

"Yes, Captain," Nova's voice crackled through the comms, calm and precise. "You'll need to place the device on the central control console. Once it's activated, it will begin to emit a counter-resonance that should destabilize the core's energy field. But be warned, the process will be highly volatile. You'll need to get out of there as soon as it starts."

Ethan nodded, already moving toward the central console. The console was a massive, alien structure, covered in the same shifting symbols as the rest of the station. It seemed to pulse with a life of its own, responding to the core's energy in a way that was both fascinating and terrifying.

Prella followed close behind, carrying the counter-resonance device. The device was a small, sleek piece of technology, highly advanced, but fragile. As she approached the console, she carefully began to set it up, connecting it to the console's systems with the precision of someone who knew that any mistake could be fatal.

"Device is in place," Prella reported, her voice tight with concentration. "Activating it now."

Ethan watched as Prella pressed a series of buttons on the device, and the chamber was suddenly filled with a low, resonant hum. The core seemed to react instantly, its energy field pulsing and fluctuating as the counter-resonance began to take effect.

"Nova, readings?" Ethan asked, his eyes never leaving the core.

"The counter-resonance is working," Nova replied, her voice carrying a note of urgency. "The core's energy field is destabilizing, but it's happening faster than anticipated. The core is going to reach critical levels soon. You need to evacuate immediately."

Ethan's heart raced. "Prella, let's move! Everyone, fall back to the shuttle!"

The team didn't need to be told twice. They turned and ran, racing back through the corridors of the station as fast as they could. The walls seemed to close in around them, the station shaking violently as the core's energy field continued to destabilize. The hum had turned into a deafening roar, the air crackling with raw energy.

As they sprinted toward the entrance, Ethan could feel the ground beneath them buckling, the station's structure starting to collapse. Chunks of debris fell from the ceiling, crashing down around them as they navigated the treacherous path back to the shuttle.

"Keep moving!" Ethan shouted, his voice barely audible over the roar of the station. "We're almost there!"

The corridor seemed to stretch on forever, each step a battle against the collapsing structure. Ethan could feel the heat of the energy field intensifying, the very air around them vibrating with power. They were running out of time.

Finally, the entrance to the docking bay came into view, the shuttle waiting for them just beyond the airlock. Ethan pushed himself harder, his legs burning with the effort as they closed the final distance.

They reached the shuttle just as the station gave a massive, shuddering lurch. The floor tilted beneath their feet, and Ethan barely managed to keep his balance as he stumbled into the shuttle's airlock. Prella and the rest of the team followed close behind, each of them breathing heavily, their faces etched with fear and determination.

"Get us out of here, now!" Ethan ordered, slamming the airlock control to seal the shuttle.

The pilot didn't hesitate. The shuttle's engines roared to life, and they shot out of the docking bay just as the station began to implode. The viewscreen showed the station collapsing in on itself, the core's energy field tearing it apart from the inside. The entire structure was consumed in a blinding flash of light as the core reached critical mass, unleashing a massive shockwave that rippled through space.

The shuttle rocked violently as the shockwave hit them, but the pilot held it steady, maneuvering through the debris field with expert precision. Ethan watched the destruction on the viewscreen, a mixture of relief and sorrow washing over him. They had succeeded, the harbinger's station was destroyed. But the cost had been high, and the threat was far from over.

"Nova, status report," Ethan said, his voice strained with exhaustion.

"We're clear of the station, Captain," Nova replied, her tone professional but tinged with relief. "The core has been neutralized, and the station has been completely destroyed. We're out of immediate danger."

Ethan leaned back in his seat, finally allowing himself to take a deep breath. They had done it, they had stopped the harbinger's immediate threat. But the weight of the larger conflict still hung over him. The harbinger might be gone, but its influence, its legacy, was still out there.

"Good work, everyone," Ethan said, forcing a tired smile. "We've made it this far, and we've survived. But we're not done yet. There's still more out there, more we need to uncover."

Prella, seated beside him, nodded. "We'll be ready, Captain. Whatever comes next, we'll face it together."

The shuttle's engines hummed softly as they continued their journey back to the Ark. The crew was silent, each of them processing the events that had just transpired. The destruction of the station had been a victory, but it was a bittersweet one, marked by the knowledge that the harbinger had been just one piece of a larger, more dangerous puzzle.

As the shuttle approached the Ark, Ethan's thoughts turned to the future. They had stopped the harbinger's immediate threat, but there were still so many unanswered questions. Who or what had created the harbinger? What was its ultimate goal? And how could they prevent another attack?

They docked with the Ark, and as the airlock opened, Ethan stood up, feeling the weight of responsibility settle over him once more. He had led his crew through unimaginable danger, but the journey was far from over. There were still battles to be fought, mysteries to be unraveled.

As they stepped onto the Ark's bridge, Ethan addressed his crew. "We've taken a step forward, but we need to stay vigilant. There's still more out there, more we need to learn, more we need to stop. Let's get back to work."

Nova immediately resumed her station, already analyzing the data they had gathered during the mission. Prella moved to oversee the repairs and preparations for whatever lay ahead. The rest of the crew followed suit, their focus returning to the tasks at hand.

Ethan stood at the center of the bridge, staring out at the stars beyond the viewscreen. They had faced the darkness and come out the other side, but the shadows were still there, lurking just beyond the edges of their perception.

The galaxy was vast, filled with wonders and horrors beyond imagination. But no matter what came next, Ethan knew one thing for certain: he and his crew would face it together. They were stronger than they had ever been, forged in the fires of battle and bound by a shared purpose.

"Set course for the nearest outpost," Ethan ordered, his voice firm. "We'll regroup, analyze our data, and prepare for the next phase. This isn't over yet."

The Ark's engines hummed to life, and the ship began its journey through the stars once more. As they sailed through the void, Ethan felt a sense of calm determination settle over him. The challenges ahead were daunting, but they had already proven they could overcome the impossible.

And so, they would continue their journey, ready to face whatever awaited them in the darkness, together.

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