The commotion that had occurred seemed to have gone unnoticed by the rest of the house's inhabitants, as none had come to check what had happened. Perhaps it was because the chaos Aric had witnessed didn't reach the physical plane.
Serina now sat on the bed, sipping from a cup of water the prince had gotten for her, along with the blanket he had wrapped around her, as she had been shivering slightly.
"I'm fine now, and I know you're itching to ask, so go ahead, Your Highness," Serina looked up at Aric.
Aric sighed. "Was I that obvious? Well, curiosity is eating me alive… Where were we? Who was that?"
As he fired off his questions, Serina let out a small laugh.
"I guess I'll have to start from the beginning—there are eight classes of mages, and each class represents two circles. So, a first-class mage would be a one or two-circle mage, a second-class mage would be a three or four-circle mage, and so on."
Having to point out foreshadowing might be proof of my shortcomings...