Freya Fergus.
Zina heard the name that morning when she woke up as if it was being hissed by a man that she didn't know of. And when she closed her eyes as white flowers submerged her in a world that saw the world, all she could see was a bare-chested man putting on a cultural masquerade mask while speaking to a woman.
Freya Fergus.
It was a past vision alright, but Zina was not given time to process or understand the scene. But she knew that vision had been a warning. A warning that became apparent as she stared at the sprawled body of the woman that Daemon had saved.
Startlingly, said woman's figure from the vision closely resembled that of the woman currently sprawled at the infirmary, and Zina had taken a wild guess by calling her the same name the man with a red masquerade mask spoke in the vision.
Freya Fergus.
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