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89.09% Superbabes: Special Delivery Service / Chapter 376: 2 for 1 Combo: The Mighty Endowed and Livewire

Chương 376: 2 for 1 Combo: The Mighty Endowed and Livewire

I don't own DC

It was an early Gotham morning which meant for a very brief period of time Superbabes was going to close. The purple-eyed boss just finished locking the backdoor… slipped the key back into her purse and was going to head home. She was going to get there just before the sun rose. She was going to shower, and put on her comfy bathrobe before adjourning to her lovely air-conditioned bedroom and sleep for the rest of the day…

She was quite looking forward to that.... Unfortunately.

"Hello Orders!" said a cheerful and sultry voice behind her, the purple-eyed boss of the sexiest 'waitresses' in Gotham sighed loudly, and turned her head to shoot a steely purple glance at the tall, shapely, and colorful woman behind her. Wearing a cleavage-revealing tank top, no bra, and short-shorts so short they could've been a BELT… Was Celestia D'Whorse…

"Oh god damn it. It is literally too early for this…" she turned the key, still in the lock to finalize that Superbabes was closed for the next few hours, before turning to face the curvy rainbow-haired pornstar. "Whaaat?" Orders asked tiredly, inwardly annoyed that Platinum wasn't here yet to pick her up…

Celestia either didn't notice Orders' obviously cranky tone or chose to ignore it… most likely the latter as the Veronica-like pornstar wasn't stupid… and Orders knew that. "Am I not allowed to come and see my friend?"

"We're not friends." Orders replied but Celestia, again, ignored that and wrapped an arm around Orders' shoulder in a one arm hug. Orders froze uncomfortably as her face pressed against Celestia's large breasts, the beautiful pornstar just laughed off Orders' frank response.

"That sense of humor! Hee-hee!" She giggled melodiously "Of course we're friends! Come here I want to show you something-"

"Stooop." Orders tried irately only for Celestia to drag her easily along. She was a head taller than Orders and half as broad. She was big woman, not as big as Ronnie-Bell obviously but she could still easily manhandle Orders a bit. She took her around the back of Superbabes and then-

"Tadahhh…" Celestia said, jazz hands-ing at a very large and highly suspicious kidnapper van… with 'Pound Van' painted on the side of the van in rainbow colors. Well, almost, someone realized there were only seven rainbow colors, so they drew the 'N' in pink. "…You like it?"

"…Are you kidnapping me?" Orders scowled coolly.

"What? NO!" Celestia laughed again. "It's the Pound Van! It's a pornographic series-"

"I know what it is." Orders bemoaned, considering she dealt with the former 'riders' of the Pound Van before, with Raven, Mighty Endowed, and Poison Ivy. She was aware of them… and then she had Rebecca and Ashley beat the living hell out of them. "Why is it here? Are you going for a ride?" she sneered the word out, not REALLY wanting to know…

"Well YES, but I'm not the one getting ridden. So… Not a lot of people know this." She said, in a conspiratorial tone and with a lover-like whisper, which might have been cute if it came from a woman who wasn't a pornstar based on a children's show character. "But the Pound Van guys got assaulted."

"You don't say." Orders replied dismissively. Knowing full well who was responsible for such a terrible stroke of misfortune... her.

"Yep. And now they don't want to do the Pound Van Brand anymore and sold it to Pippy for Cheap! And they threw in the van!" she patted it, "…I mean we had to give it a deep cleaning, there were a lot of bloodstains, but it's good as new!"

"And just as scummy." Orders replied tiredly, "WHAT does that have anything to do with ME?"

"Weeeeeeell" Celestia began coyly, smiling at Orders as she opened the side door and slid it open. Revealing a clean mattress in the middle of the van and she sat her thick sun tattooed backside on it, crossing her shapely legs and smiling at her. "…It's Pippy's Birthday."

"I'll send a card." Orders noted dismissively.

"I'd RATHER you send some girls." Celestia replied seductively. Orders narrowed her purple eyes at the attractive Celestia, staring into the dark blue orbs of the pornstar. When she was 'performing' she wore purple contacts to add to her mystique… but Orders was all-natural

"Then you can order a party like everyone else." Orders replied, "I don't see why you wouldn't."

"Because that's not very respectable to you." Replied Celestia sweetly, "OR more importantly the many girls under your employ." Celestia then reached into the van and produced a small disc. "For instance, this little disc contains a very interesting scene of a VERY busty woman and her green friend." She spun the thin case with the disc dexterously in her fingers. "Like HUGE! The tits this girl has."

"I get the idea." Orders sarcastically replied before she tried to take the disc, but Celestia pulled it away from her hand. "…Give that to me."

"Now. Hold on… I have every intention to hand this over." She said coyly, "But I want to celebrate my Pippy's birthday AND our new ownership…" she added. "…The first Pound Van! episode under new ownership!" she waved her other hand and oddly enough Orders almost image a rainbow headline as she said, "Sponsored by Superbabes!"

Orders frowned. "…I'm listening."

"You get the Mighty Endowed and Poison Ivy and we give my Pippy a Happy Birthday." She smiled, "And we record it for our special members on our website." She added as Orders frowned at her. "Or keep it for ourselves I'm not picky…You just provide the girls and we'll have a whole lot of fun! Just like any other time, we'd order them."

Orders glared at her silently for a long time. "…When?"

"Tonight." She replied as Orders shook her head, and Celestia frowned looking disappointed. "What?"

"Poison Ivy isn't working tonight she's in Metropolis." Orders replied as Celestia tapped her chin.

"What? Really? Can't you call her back?" Orders crossed her arms stubbornly and Celestia nodded, "Right, okay. That would be kind of short notice." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, though she spoke with a knowing air. "But do you have ANY other girls that have exotic skin colors?"

"…I have Miss Martian." Orders replied bluntly as Celestia blinked at her.

"Oh… right, another green redhead… is she super Skanky?" Orders rolled her purple eyes exasperated, and they flickered while Celestia kept coyly stepping around the point.

"If you wanted Livewire just SAY Livewire." Orders snapped irately as Celestia clapped her hands giddily.

"It's like you're reading my mind! Livewire! I LOVE her color."

"God Damn it." Orders snapped irately, "…FINE. I'll tell them they have a reservation. When should they-"

"I'll pick them up at 7 o'clock!" she bounced and jiggled off the mattress, standing up as she shut the door. "On the dot! I know how you like punctuality!" she said as Orders scowled at her. "…Do you want a ride home?"

"I am not getting into that van." Orders replied sternly as Celestia nodded understandingly.

"Great!" she opened the passenger's door and began climbing in, her sun-butt ass cheeks wobbling almost in view as she crawled it. Reached out, and shut the door behind her. Before sticking her face out the window, and holding out the disk. "Almost forgot! Here's the original…" Orders snatched it from her fingers as Celestia smiled, "Since we're friends, and friendship is magic, I know you'll keep your end of the bargain. …"

"I'll keep my end of the bargain because I'm a woman of my word…" but Celestia just waved to her, and slipped back into the van, starting its engine and pulling away from the curb to drive off back into Gotham. "…I dislike her." Orders mumbled as her car pulled up with Darcy in the driver's seat. "What kept you?" she asked. Darcy blinked at her mother and after a moment replied simply.

"Traffic, Mother." Darcy then blinked again, "…Would you not be aware that I would be late?"

"…I was distracted." Orders replied, rubbing her eyes. "Just drive…" she ordered, pulling out her phone to call the Mighty Endowed…"

Later that day.

"I can't believe I'm getting into another bang van!" Mighty Endowed bemoaned as Livewire helped her with her makeup. The Original Mighty Endowed had kitty strips on her face, and Superbabes' Mighty Endowed used to do that as well but after a while it was clear what her regulars really cared about and they were slightly below her very pretty face… Okay, that was mean, Mighty Endowed's face was ALSO incredibly appealing but it's her chest that's the main draw, so she didn't bother to pain it up like a sex kitten anymore.

But since she was filming with Pip and Celestia, Orders felt she needed to be the 'full Mighty'.

"Chica. I'm not one to judge, but you should just be used to it." Livewire replied, finishing up Mighty Endowed's last stripe. "…I'm used to it."

"That's like saying water is wet." Declared (T) Vixen playfully, watching Livewire finish up. Livewire just shrugged, conceding the point.

"…At least it's Pip." Replied Mighty Endowed, "He wouldn't cheat us."

"And it's his birthday." Vixen replied, the information spread quickly in Superbabes, "That probably makes it easier." She said as Mighty Endowed stood up straight and Vixen cupped those massive mams lightly, from behind.

"Ah! Hey!" laughed Mighty Endowed as Vixen walked away.

"What? Those things are a national treasure. Like Lori's ass." She added as they all walked out of the locker rooms.

"Livewire's bombax is not the issue." Orders replied, still rubbing her eyes, "…Still, wishing Pippen a happy birthday is the least terrible thing we could do in this situation." She then eyed the two as they stood in front of her counter.

"…And we're also recording it." Mighty Endowed added but Orders rolled her eyes.

"His incessantly cheerful, sex-doll, lover said the recording is just for them. And Pippen knows better than to try and cheat me…" she eyed them then gestured to Vixen to go on the floor. "Anyway. She said she'd be here at seven o'clock…" Orders then checked the clock "So she should-" her eyes flashed and she sighed angrily, reaching for the phone as it rang.

Time: 7:00 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, We Deliver."

"I'm right outsiiiiiide!"

"God… damn it."


Orders slammed the phone back on the hook as the food slid across the counter. "…Just go." She pointed out the back door. Livewire picked up the food, and her big blueberry booty wobbled outside with Mighty Endowed close behind, so close their various big bits almost rubbed on each other. Especially since the recently painted 'Pound Van' was parked in front of them in the parking lot… easily blocking all the other cars.

No wonder Orders wanted them gone so quickly, they were slowing down arrivals and departures.

"Heeey!" Celestia smiled from her window.

"Hola." Livewire silkily replied as she walked to the door with Mighty Endowed, she tried to open the door. But all it did was make her chest wobble as the door was locked.

"Aren't you supposed to knock first?" Celestia teased with a wink of her purple contact eyes. The girls rolled their eyes, but raised their fists, and knocked loudly on the sliding door of the van and said together.


Time: 7:01 PM. Place: Superbabes (Parking Lot)

"Special Delivery Service." They said together, then Mighty Endowed pulled the door open, revealing a clean mattress and a slightly concerned-looking and slightly redfaced Pip. He's clearly celebrated a bit before he got in the van, considering the glossy pink Lipstick prints on his face.

"Hola Pip." Said Livewire, crawling seductively into the car her thick blue bombax wobbling side to side as she sat next to him. Mighty Endowed handing Celestia the food that she tossed the bag onto the passenger's seat. Then she sat on Pip's other side, her huge breasts bulging against his chest as Celestia adjusted a mounted dash cam to make sure she got a good view of all three of them.

"So. How do you like the new and cleaned-up Pound Van?" Celestia asked playfully, slowly driving into traffic as Livewire shrugged.

"It's like every other fuck van I've been in." she said seductively, her hand already sliding into Pip's lap as he squeaked nervously.

"I do like how it doesn't smell like dried semen anymore…" Mighty Endowed added as Celestia giggled.

"Oh yeah we gave it a thorough cleaning…" she replied, "Now come on girls. It's time to make a mess!"

"Tia I don't know-" Pip, in his signature shades and colorful Hawaiian shirt and shorts, the only new addition to his wardrobe was a party hat.

"Pippy it's your birthday! We got to go big!"

"Si, and you got some of the biggest girls here!" Said Livewire, RAPIDLY hitting Sluutavan mood, because apparently Pip and Celestia didn't clean the van enough. The sexy Blue Superbabe slid down onto the mattress, ass towards the front of the car and the camera, resting her hands on Pip's legs as she leaned closer to his crotch as she began to sway her blue ass in a circle, slowly clapping her ass cheeks around her black leotard, riding up between them as they wobbled to the camera.

Mighty Endowed, seeing Livewire already slipping into Alien slut mode decided to keep the focus on her. Slipping off the backseat where Pip, admittedly a little red-faced, gazed at Livewire's beautiful blue face as Mighty Endowed rested her mighty endowments on Livewire's thick blue bombax, clapping and pushing Livewire's twerking cheeks together as her ass made Mighty Endowed's tits wobble.

Livewire's face buried itself into Pip's crotch, her tongue lolling from her mouth and inhaling the musky scent of hard dick. Her tongue traced a wet trail towards his throbbing member as she kept shaking her ass like a bitch in heat. "Vamos Pippy, es hora de jugar?" she purred, but when Pip didn't move Livewire pushed off his lap and got onto her knees.

"Ah!" Mighty Endowed wobbled slightly off balance but luckily she was a master of it, no clumsy top-heaviness for her. She sat on her knees, her breasts wobbling majestically with the movement of the car, and Livewire, facing Pip, stood on her knees next to her. Both of their finer points face the camera. Livewire hooked her right arm under Mighty Endowed's magnificent chest, lifting them up and down and she turned their faces towards each other.

"Sacude esas tetas chica, dales un espectáculo." Cooed Livewire before forcefully tongue Kissing Mighty Endowed.

"MMgh!?" Mighty Endowed was briefly taken aback, but realized quickly that it was Livewire being… Livewire. Her 'genes' were acting up again. So she smacked Livewire's big blue ass.

"Mmgh!" she moaned into Mighty Endowed's mouth before slobbering away at her lips, shaking her big blue bombax as she squeezed and bounced Mighty Endowed's chest.

"Oh, that's it girls! Make sure you show each other plenty of affection!" cheered Celestia, watching the show and the road through semi-complicated designs of mirrors and recording equipment. "Pippy come here…" she ordered as Pip, with a hard on, shuffled around Mighty Endowed and Livewire…

"Quiero verte follar duro. Quiero ver estas tetas rebotar!" Moaned Livewire into Mighty Endowed lips, "Tú y yo somos iguales. Ambos fuimos diseñados para el sexo." Mighty Endowed, unfortunately, didn't speak Spanish, but she was fairly certain that whatever Livewire said it was VERY sexy… and also she was kinda turned on. There was obviously Sluutavan influence in the Pound Van but it was still happening…

Her hands squeezing Livewire's thick blue bombax, how soft and pliable it was… how she needed to resist the urge to spank it as hard as she can. She didn't know how much of that was Sluutavan influence and how much of it was Livewire's Colombian half, but she didn't feel like stopping. Livewire herself stopped tongue kissing her friend, and yanked her tits out of her costume. "Haa!" she gasped, before she moaned as Livewire squeezed her huge tits expertly.

"Quiero dejarte embarazada sólo para poder beber tu leche." Livewire moaned before opening her mouth and putting her cock sucking and tongue skills to work on Mighty Endowed's nipples.

"Ooooh!!" her big sensitive tits shivering as the half-Sluutavan whore went all out sucking and massaging her breast. Mighty Endowed's hands squeezed Livewire's thick blue bombax to distract herself only it wasn't working…

Luckily this wasn't supposed to be a lesbian recording.

"Pippy…" cooed Celestia, holding her boyfriend's face with one hand and forcing him to look in the rearview mirror, meeting her eyes… assumedly he was still wearing his sunglasses. "Pippy? Look at me." She smiled, giving Pip a nerve-steady drink before they did this might not have been the best idea. But they were going to make it work… "I want you to fuck them like they're me, okay? Make me proud." She kissed his slightly reddened cheek, leaving a glossy pink and slightly glittery lipstick print. "Go get em!" she cheered. She'll make a great director someday…

Pip the Porn Director dazedly turned to face the girls, Livewire sucking on Mighty Endowed's tits like they granted long life and vigor… and did what any red-blooded straight man would do. He got on those tits like he was nursing and thirsty.

"Hah! Ahhh…" Mighty Endowed gasped and moaned as she was tackled to the mattress, Livewire and Pip on top of her big soft breasts and slurping and nibbling away. "Mmgh!!" squirming as her sensitive tits sent jolts of electric pleasure through her. "Haaah…" peeling the suit from her body. Livewire pulled away from her breasts, Pip remained in place, face deep in Mighty Endowed's magnificent tits, while Livewire continued peeling off the suit. Tossing the tight outfit aside and getting onto her knees, she peeled her own steadily off.

"Ay!" she gasped as Celestia accurately smacked Livewire's big blue bombax. "Puta." She purred as Celestia giggled. Livewire then ignored her and shoved him off Mighty Endowed and onto his back. She removed his pants and walked on her knees between his legs, her thick blue bombax wobbling for the camera… then it was wobbling for Pip. She turned around and fell forward, shaking her ass expertly as Pip dazedly watched… the blue booty quake before she promptly slammed her ass onto his lap, fitting his dick between her thick blue ass cheeks.

Mighty Endowed, naked and majestic, sat up her heavy chest wobbling she then fell forward and smothered Pip's cock between her chest and Livewire's ass… there is probably no better feeling than being smoothed by both. Livewire's ass cheeks wobbled against Mighty Endowed's tight titty squeeze, rubbing her tits on Livewire's ass cheeks… Pip's erection grew between them both.

"OH!" and now he was squeezing Mighty Endowed's ass… he was technically and arguably squeezing the 'wrong' one, but that didn't really matter to much. His fingers slid into Mighty Endowed's pussy, easily spreading her as she squirmed, pushing her tits firmly on Livewire's ass. With Livewire pushing back against her tits, grinding her ass together around Pip's cock… and he suddenly shut upright. "Ah!" Mighty Endowed flopped over onto her back, her tits wobbling on her chest as she landed on the mattress.

"Ay! Oh! MIERDA!" Pip yanked his legs out from underneath Livewire knocking her twerking thighs off balance as he landed like a cat on all fours before reaching up and grabbing the blue beauty by her slender waist. "Ooooh…" she moaned as Pip rammed into her pussy. "MMgh!" she wobbled her ass cheeks against his waist as he savored the Sluutavan juices, then promptly began jackhammering against her body. "AH! Ah! AH! Ay!"

Her huge blue ass bounced rapidly up and down, moaning erotically for the camera as Mighty Endowed sat back up. "AH!" she was yanked up next to Pip as he buried his face into her cleavage and promptly motorboated. "Haa-ha-haa!" Mighty Endowed laughed melodiously as his scraggly-haired head tickled her sensitive titties, and he didn't even jostle his sunglasses.

"Mierda! Mierda! MIERDA… OOoooh…" She slammed back at Pip's hips and knocked him out of her with her massive ass, sending him to the mattress but dragging Mighty Endowed with him. So at least he had a pillowy landing. Livewire clawed at the mattress, shaking in orgasm as Mighty Endowed reached down and began stroking Pip's cock, smothering him with her breasts. He started sucking on them again. Mighty Endowed moaning loudly as he nursed on her nipples. Livewire soon crawled around on the mattress her giant blue bombax wobbling pendulously from side to side as she promptly buried her face HUNGRILY into Mighty Endowed's wet pussy.

"MMMmn! AH! H-Hey… OOooh…" shivering in pleasure as she was licked and slurped above and below. "Ooh-NNGH!" her toes curled as Livewire's tongue slid up her body, slithering into Mighty Endowed ass. "Aah-AH!" her hips wiggled at Livewire's analingus as the blue babe moaned out a sultry

"Sabrosa" cooed Livewire, making Mighty Endowed quiver under her tongue. Before smacking Mighty Endowed's ass cheek. "MMn! Come on! It's time to really get this birthday started!"

"Okay! Al-aah-already!" gasped Mighty Endowed as her tits wobbled out of Pip's mouth, Livewire pulling Mighty Endowed onto Pip's lap. His cock wiggled between her cheeks and Livewire's crotch as she cupped her big titty friend from behind, licking her ear as they gyrated and squeezed each other together. "Oooh! OOH!" Mighty Endowed howled as Pip penetrated her wet pussy, Livewire squeezing and bouncing her tits in her hands as Mighty Endowed began bouncing on Pip's lap. "HA! AH! AAH! OOOH!!"

Pip's hands reached up and latched onto Mighty Endowed's massive tits, joining Livewire in fondling, bouncing, and squeezing her majestic orbs as she bounced harder and faster. On his lap. "MGh! Mgh! Oooh! Ahh!!"

"Eres un juguete sexual cachondo. Corre sobre esa polla!" Livewire turned Mighty Endowed's face to the side, licking her lips and moaning as they kissed again. "Quiero chuparle el jugo de tu coño de su polla."

"Oooh-mmhhmh!" Mighty Endowed moaned suddenly in orgasm, squirming and gyrating on Pip's bucking hips as she tongue-kissed Livewire. "MMgh! Mgh! Mmgh! Mmmgh!!" squirming as Pip and Livewire toyed with her titties, squeezing them as she climaxed on his cock and from their teasing.

"Puta." Cooed Livewire, kissing her again. "Puta…" she teased playfully as Mighty Endowed shivered, shaking off her orgasm with her eyes rolling in her head as Livewire shook her ass for the camera. Which while good cinema, wasn't the only thing Celestia was hoping to stare at.

"My Pippy better be emptying his balls in or on someone pretty back there!" she teased coyly as Livewire promptly removed Mighty Endowed off Pip's cock.

"Oooh! Oof!" she gasped flopping on the mattress as Livewire 'examined' Pip's erection… it seemed he was still loaded.

"AHaah…" Opening her mouth, she slid Pip between her lips. "Mmgh… mmgh. Mmmgh…" Sucking Mighty Endowed's pussy juice off Pip's girth as he moaned loudly, resting his hands on her head as it kept bobbing up and down, her ass cheeks wagging in the air like a good bitch.

"Phew…" Mighty Endowed caught her breath and sat back up. "Mmmgh" stretching out the kinks of her tightened muscles after her orgasm as lightly swatted Livewire's blue ass. Only making it wobble more.

"Hey…" Mighty turned to look and found Celestia facing her, not looking in a mirror but fully turned around hanging between the front seats apparently they were at a traffic light or something. "Give the camera some love!" she shimmied and jiggled her own impressive set of breasts. "Come on now!"

Mighty Endowed rolled her eyes, but also rolled over, laying on Livewire's back and resting her tits on the blue beauty's constantly moving backside. Before imitating Celestia's movements, twisting her torso subtly and bouncing her big tits up and down to slap loudly onto Livewire's bouncing booty. "Wooo!" cheered Celestia as Mighty Endowed danced and bounced for the camera. The entire van a rocking with her pendulous movements as they slapped loudly on Livewire's ass, bouncing up to slap against them. "I love those puppies!" Celestia cheered as Mighty Endowed kept her tits constantly moving.

Much like Livewire's head, sliding up and down on Pip's cock, kissing the base of his shaft over and over and she slurped off every drop of Mighty Endowed's pussy. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Aah!" she popped off his shaft and then like a lizard crawled over Pip's body, between Mighty Endowed's legs. "Haah…" gasping as she slid him into her slippery half-sluutavan pussy. "oH! Oh! Oooh!!" she moaned, throwing herself down onto Pip's cock, her thick blue ass clenching and flexing as Mighty Endowed crawled beside them. "Mgh! Oooh!!"

Pip's hands rubbed Livewire's slender waist, her ass cheeks wobbling and clenching for the camera as she slammed down onto him over and over, then his switched his grip from her hips to Mighty Endowed's tits. "Oh…" moaning as he nibbled on her nipples. "Oh-ooooh!" howling as her sensitive titties were teased.

"Fóllame! Fóllame!" hissed Livewire, riding him faster, "Fuck me! Fuck me!" repeated in English as her body shivered, shook, and tensed. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!!" her thunderous booty rippling wildly before she dropped it down onto Pip's lap. "Oooooh!"

"YEAH!! That's my Pippy!" cheered Celestia as Pip moaned into Mighty Endowed's tits. "You make that puta cum I love her voice… and that CAKE. I want a slice…" she giggled, Pip's hands squeezing Blue Booty as she wiggled on his lap…

"Like that pussy little Pervert?" cooed Livewire, licking her lips. "Empty your balls in me… I want that FUCKING leche…"

"MMgh!" Mighty Endowed suddenly squealed as Pip slurped loudly on her nipples. "Haah… ahh…" she gasped as Livewire stood up, getting off Pip's cock as it pulsated and throbbed, ready to burst but somehow holding on.

"Qué carajo?" Livewire hissed softly, sliding back and lying flat between his legs. "How come you haven't blown your load yet?" she snapped before opening her mouth and sucking loudly on his balls. "Mmgh! SLURP! MMgh" stroking his cock as she suckled his nuts, then popped off. "Hey, help me with this… I need my FIX." She sneered at Pip, licking his length briefly as Mighty Endowed popped out of his mouth and took her place beside Livewire, opening her mouth and taking Pip's tip between her lips. "Mmn… suck that cock. Taste good?" cooed Livewire sucking loudly on Pip's sack as his cock pulsated and throbbed against their faces.

…It did taste pretty good. But that was probably Livewire marinating his cock earlier…

"MMngh…mmn ahh…" she gasped, popping off his tip and swirling her tongue around his glans. "Mwah…" sucking and kissing it tip as Celestia noted.

"You know ladies we can't stop until he cums once." She teased as Mighty Endowed pulled her lips off his shaft and pouted at him.

"Will you hurry it up and cum then?"

"Talk nasty to him." Livewire mumbled, sucking his balls like jawbreakers. "Mmmn…" Mighty Endowed slobbered slightly down his cock as she summoned up the words.

"I'm going to drain these full-" throb. "-Heavy…" Throb-throb "BALLS…" she swirled her tongue around his glans, pre-cum oozing from his tip as she gazed into his eyes. Her huge tits bulging on his thigh as Livewire revved him up further by sucking both testicles into her mouth with a wet slurp. Pip slowly sat up, standing upright with Livewire and Mighty Endowed still attached to his cock as he promptly grabbed Mighty Endowed's arms. "Ah?" and threw her over.

Pip held her down by her upper arms, her tits bouncing about from the movement before he slid his cock abruptly into her body. "AH-HA-AH-AH-HA! AAHA!!"

"Get her Pippy! Get her! Make those titties clap!"

And clap they did. Mighty Endowed squealed and jiggled on the mattress as Pip rode her harder and faster, her breasts bouncing and shaking wildly together almost hitting her in the chin. Like two boulders rolling around and knocking into each other. "HAAh! Ah! Ah! Ah!!" She squealed, her hips rolling upward against his thrusts, slamming into her over and over as her toes curled and he relentlessly jackhammered her body. "UUUUGH!!" her eyes rolling and her body tensing… the only thing that wasn't tense were her breasts…. In serious threat of knocking out her teeth, luckily…

"Dame esas tetas." Cooed Livewire, getting two fistfuls of Mighty Teats and sucking LOULDY on her hard nipples.

"HAAAAH!!!" she came hard, twitching as Livewire herself jolted her. Mighty Endowed's pussy clung to Pip's thrusting shaft… he would've cum, he almost did. But if he was going to bust a load there was only one thing he wanted to bust between… well, two things…

He ripped out of Mighty Endowed's quivering pussy, her twitching lower body left behind as he slid on her stomach, sliding his cock between her bounteous bosoms. Whap Whap Whapping away at her breast as Livewire held them firmly together. Mighty Endowed's shaking hands holding onto Pip's waist as he kept thrusting between her soft, warm tits. Livewire drooling liberally between them as she went from nipple to nipple, shaking her blue ass behind her like a horny bitch. Mighty Endowed moaning encouragingly.

"Faster. Faster. Faster. Use my big tits to cum…" Pip's cock plunged in and out, faster and faster, pre-cum oozing from his tip onto her cleavage. "Yes! Yes! Yes! YES…" Hissed Mighty Endowed. "CUM! On me…" she gasped as Pip roared his release, shooting his heavy load FINALLY onto Mighty Endowed's chest, pumping it between her tits and oozing onto her clavicle, chin, and neck. "Oooh… it's so hot…"

"Yeah it is!" cheered Celestia. "FUCK YEAH… Show the camera." She said, "Show the camera how much cum you girls squeezed out of my Pippy." Pip flopped off of Mighty Endowed and Livewire helped her up. She turned around and swung her sticky titties between the seats, showing the camera directly and shaking the mountainous mounds of magnificent mammaries. "Yeah Shake em!" she cheered as Mighty Endowed put on a wry smile and kept shaking her tits. "Yeah, there we go… come here…" Mighty Endowed's face was turned and her lips connected with Celestia, sloppily but intensely kissing Mighty Endowed. "MMmn! Mmn-hmmn-ah… Alright ladies!" she said, lightly pushing Mighty Endowed into the back with Livewire before turning on the Pound Van's radio and turning it up.

"DANCE PARTY!!!" she cheered and began to shimmy erotically in her seat as she drove on awkwardly. Livewire didn't hesitate, turning around and putting her hands on the far back seat she began to Twerk-Twerk-Twerk what her Colombian mamma gave her and what every Rap Video wants out of her. "Woo! Shake it! Come on Mighty! Shake your groovy bits!" Mighty Endowed laughed sheepishly, and with tits still covered with cum she raised her hands to the roof of the Van. Stretching her body before bouncing her heavy titties up and down, clapping them wetly together as she wiggled and jiggled her breasts, twisting her torso and bouncing them side to side…

Usually, that's more than enough, especially with Livewire's ass rolling around in a hypnotic wobbling circle, her blue bombax thunderously clapping. They kept dancing, jiggling and wriggling, rubbing against a rather out of it, Pip… until Celestia pulled the Pound Van to a stop… she put it in park, and crawled into the back. Weedling herself between Livewire and Mighty Endowed she gestured for them to come closer. With the sexy Superbabes on each arm, she aimed their fine features towards the camera. Livewire glancing over her shoulder, her face towards Celestia and shaking her ass as Mighty Endowed kept subtly bouncing her tits, letting them slap at Celestia's own big breasts…

"Cum here…" she cooed, seductively kissing Livewire, before quickly pulling away and turning her head towards Mighty Endowed. "You too. Give me a kiss…" she demanded and sloppily swirled her tongue around Mighty Endowed's before kissing her sensually. "Mwah… Now smile and say thank you for pounding me in the Pound Van!"

"Fuck no/No hay manera en el infierno" they said together but Celestia pouted, and squeezed Mighty Endowed's tits, and Livewire's ass.

"Come on. Please…" she pouted adorably.

Then after a sigh and an eye roll respectively, they turned on their sultriest voices and said with Celestia. "Thank you for pounding me in the Pound Van!" then blew sticky kisses to the camera."

"See was that so bad?" she giggled, before crawling towards the camera and turning it off. "Now then…" she turned to them, "Let's clean you up." She then buried her face into Mighty Endowed sticky breasts and started licking.

"Ah!? Ahh! Don't you have napkins!? AH!" she gasped as Celestia began rubbing Mighty Endowed's pussy. "That doesn't need cleaning!"

"Oh lighten up." Laughed Livewire as she soon began to help Celestia with licking Mighty Endowed's tits clean until they were pristine. "There we go-Mmgh!?" And now Celestia was tonguing Livewire. "Mgh!? MMn… BWAH…"

"MWAH!" Celestia licked her lips. "Thank you ladies!" she said, before crawling towards Pip, hauling him up from the floor and throwing him onto the back seat. "Hup!"

"Ah!" dragging Mighty Endowed back onto her knees, kneeling between Pip's legs and wrapping her tits back around his cock and sighing loudly, but smiling as she began to squeeze and bounce them on his lap.

Livewire and Celestia, soon licking and suckling away at Pip's cock, it rigidly throbbed between Mighty Endowed's tits as it got harder and harder, just about ready to pop again. "MMGH!" Celestia stuffed his cock into her mouth, burying her face into Mighty Endowed's tits. "Mmgh-hmn!" Mighty Endowed squeezed out more cum, but considering Celestia made Pip Pop in a 1/5th​ of the time… maybe they should just slip their costumes back on. "MMn!" Celestia licked her lips, gulped Pip's cum, and pressed her glossy pink lips against his cheek. "Mwah… Hee-hee!" she played with his scraggly hair and adjusted his sunglasses before kissing him again. Mighty Endowed and Livewire slowly dressing themselves.

"…What do you see in him?" Livewire asked, shaking her head and her Sluutavan genes cooled for now.

"What?" Celestia seemed against, "He's so cute! Look at him in his cool shades and his silly shirt and funny hat-" she adjusted the party hat.

"…I can see it." Mighty Endowed joked as Livewire scoffed.

"Uh huh, sure you do. But let's be honest you prefer older men… MUCH older. Like geriatric. Like your boyfriend."

"I do not!" Mighty Endowed blushed furiously. "Mr. Hex is not my boyfriend! He's a close acquaintance!"

"But you knew who I was talking about…" Livewire replied with a lecherous smile and Mighty Endowed PUNCHED the van wall… it shook a little, and she didn't even flinch.

"You know I'm perfectly capable of kicking your giant culo right?" Mighty Endowed joked as Livewire kept that same smile on her pretty face only for Celestia to clap her hands.

"Ladies! The only fighting allowed in the Pound Van is nude wrestling!" Celestia replied sweetly, swirling her finger in Pip's shaggy hair as he dozed on her breasts. "So if you're going to fight take it outside… or not. You can wrestle if you want."

"Where are we anyway?" Livewire asked, reaching for the door and sliding it open. "…Ah." And revealing Superbabes, specifically the back door. "And here I thought you'd drive us to some orgy or something.'

"Eh… it's Pippy's birthday." Replied Celestia, cooing sweetly. "…And after the last time, he made me promise no surprise orgies." She then helped him with his pants. And she produced a stack of bills from her pockets… amazingly. The stack was bigger then her pants... "Here you ladies go. With my compliments!" she cheered. Letting Mighty Endowed and Livewire both out of the Pound Van, and walking towards Superbabes.

Time: 8:23 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"We're back." Declared Livewire walking in ahead of Mighty Endowed.

"So I've noticed." Orders replied, finally looking up as Livewire put the Money on the counter. "Go shower properly Lori." She ordered as Livewire waved it off.

"Yeah yeah…"

"Elizabeth." Orders replied, stopping Bessie from heading in the back, and handed her the disc that Celestia D'Whorse gave her earlier. "Here. Something for you to destroy or tuck away somewhere…" Bessie chose not to ask too many questions… right now. She'll ask them later after she washes the cum off.

Conversations are for when she's NOT covered in cream. "Got it." She said, heading in after Lori just as Celestia walked in from the back, giving a tuckered-out Pip a piggy back inside.

"Heeeey!" she said as Orders sighed audibly.

"WHY are you still here?" she moaned tiredly as Celestia promptly deposited her boyfriend on one of the lounge couches.

"I thought we might get a commemorative picture with Superbabes! It's Pippy's birthdaaaaay!"

"So you keep telling me." Orders snapped, but Celestia just smiled at her. Completely unmoving as Orders took a deep breath, and sighed audibly. "...FINE. But just one."

"YAY!" she cheered, "I know I can count on you bestie!"

"NO…" Orders snapped coolly "Just NO." but Celestia ignored her, sticking her head onto the floor and cheering.

"Ladies! Group Photo!" Orders watched as the girls crowded around the couch, "You wouldn't happen to have a camera would you?" Celestia asked but Orders already put the camera on the counter. "Thank you, my good friend Orders!"

"…This is why I don't have friends." Orders mumbled dryly as everyone posed. And Celestia took the picture.


FINALLY. I actually finished this last night but I was so tired I didn't edit it until this morning. You're welcome Remulus, that's another off the donation list. And next up though is Wonder Woman II

To the butchering

"Vamos Pippy, es hora de jugar? = Come on Pippy is it time to play?

Sacude esas tetas chica, dales un espectáculo. = Shake those tits girl, give them a show

Quiero verte follar duro. Quiero ver estas tetas rebotar! = I want to watch you get fucked hard. I want to see these tits bounce!

Tú y yo somos iguales. Ambos fuimos diseñados para el sexo. = You and I are the same. We were both designed for sex.

Quiero dejarte embarazada sólo para poder beber tu leche. = I want to get you knocked up just so I can drink your milk.

"Eres un juguete sexual cachondo. Corre sobre esa polla! = You slutty sex toy. Cum all over that dick!

Quiero chuparle el jugo de tu coño de su polla. = I want to suck your pussy juice off his cock.

Qué carajo? = What the fuck?

Dame esas tetas = Give me those tits

No hay manera en el infierno = No way in hell

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