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32.43% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 84: Circe the Sister

Chương 84: Circe the Sister

I don't own star wars

Bzzzz... Bzzzzz…. Bzzzz….

"…mmmnnn… Roland? What's that sound?…" Nike purred in my arms as I rubbed my face into her back fur.

Bzzz... Bzzzz…. Bzzzz….

"…Sounds like a holo-com…" I mumbled, taking in her strangely cinnamon scent… I think it was the shampoo. "It must one in the storage beneath my bed."

"…Ugh… better answer it… it might be Torga." She grumbled softly, her hand brushing under the privacy curtain and tugging at the shelf cabinet beneath the bed.

"Let it ring… I'll risk it…" I grumbled, gently brushing my cheek against her as she laughed at the feeling and felt me hug her tighter. Her fur felt utterly amazing…

"Better not… you shouldn't take advantage of his goodwill…" she grumbled and pulled the buzzing holo-com into the dark bunk and answered. "Roland Firemane's com, who may I ask is calling?" she teased followed by a long, awkward silence, and for a moment I thought there was nobody on the other line…

Then the poodoo hit the fan.

"…Who… the fuck, are you?" came a cold, bitter voiced version of my older sister. And all of a sudden, I was awake and a couple of inches smaller as I shot up in the bed.

"Circe!" I hissed in shock as Nike immediately rolled out of the bed onto the floor as she tried to hold the holo-com at a more respectable level.

"Roland Firemane!" she shouted angrily as Nike tried pulling on clothes with one hand then promptly tossed the com into the next bed over. "Roland!?"

"Oh… crap." I grumbled, making myself respectable as Nike shoved her wonderful curves into long pants and a loose shirt. "…Uh…" I hesitated reaching for the com, wondering how pissed she was.

"Roland! you pick up this com right now or so help me!..."

Not wanting to be the target of an angry Circe I picked up the com and put on my best, 'please don't hurt me Circe, you love me.' Face, which was rather awkward to look at if you didn't know me. "…Hi Circe."

"Who was THAT?" Circe asked sternly, crossing her arms, "And why did she answer your com!? And where are you?! Barradowwa said you left the tribe with Caradoc?!"

"Uh…" I began pausing hesitantly, completely forgetting that I didn't tell Circe what was going on. "…So… long story…"

"Shorten it." She said coolly, "…Where's Caradoc?"

I slowly moved my head into the hall of the ship, "Caradoc?"

A sleepy wookiee poked his head out into the hall, "Yes?"

"Circe wants to talk to you…" I said, underhand tossing the com that he absently caught, and immediately regretted. There were three women in the galaxy who could cower Caradoc; my mama, Circe, and Caradoc's wife Farreetta, not necessarily in that order.

"What the hell is going on!?" she shouted at Caradoc, immediately waking him as he tried to wookiee roar his way through the conversation. While he explained everything, Nike sighed sadly, combing her long black hair absently.

"…You know when I met your sister I expected it to be more of a formal affair, dinner, a party maybe. I did not expect her to find out about me after a night with you…" she gave me a very faint, but sad smile. "Not the best way to make a good impression."

"She loves her fans…" I said, trying to soften the first impression. "I don't think however she expected me to have a pretty lady answer my com."

"…Oh?" she said rather airily, "You think I'm pretty?" she smirked at me… not helping, stupid returning inches.

Blushing heavily as my mind caught up with my mouth, "…Could we… maybe do this after Circe yells at me?" I asked, my erection very confused at the event. "I don't want to be awkward when she comes back around.

"What about Circe?" Rattletrap yawned, entering the bunks with what looked like a night mask strapped over his head, "And who's yelling at Caradoc?"

"Circe's on the com…" I noted, and immediately he went rigid.

"What? Seriously!?" he dashed out into the hall towards the kitchen, "Yo! Caradoc let me talk to her!" Like a tiny robed cannonball, he went flying through the air past the room. "…Never mind… I'll wait…" he groaned out of sight.

A thoroughly cowed Caradoc returned and held the com to me, "…She wants you again…"

Nervously I took the com, she stared at me imposingly, "… Nar Shaddaa… NOW. I'll send you the coordinates."

"I got to take back a droid to Torga…" I said rather childishly. I couldn't help it she just did that to me.

"Then make it quick. Toss it out the airlock if you have to I WANT TO TALK TO YOU FACE TO FACE." She said coldly, "…Now give me to your… friend…" she said rather venomously as Nike waved her hands for 'no', "…Now." Circe added as if predicting it.

I held the com to her, and hesitantly she took it. Circe seemed to be thoroughly examining her through the com, her green eyes (though you couldn't tell through the holo) roaming up and down. "…Ignoring our sudden introduction. I can't wait to meet you miss…?"

"…Nike, Ms. Bessana, Nike Nyx. I'm a huge fan actually…" she laughed softly, and Circe's eyes narrowed.

"…I don't know if that's a better way to introduce yourself to me. Ms. Nyx… See you soon." She said ominously, the com turning off.

"…Okay… I still like her work, but she is scary…" Nike said, handing me back my holo-com. "…We should get to Nar Shaddaa quickly."

"Rattletrap can you fly?" I shouted at him.

"As soon as the feeling comes back into my legs bro…" Rattletrap groaned.

"I'll get him to the cockpit." Caradoc added helpfully, carrying our main pilot to the cockpit.

As fast as our ship could take us, we delivered Cortana back to Tattooine, telling her to explain to Torga why we had to get to Nar Shaddaa… He knew my Mama he should understand. And like that we were off to Nar Shaddaa…

The underworld capital of hutt space, (not to be confused with the hutt capital Nal Hutta) Nar Shaddaa never changes… but now more thorough lines had been drawn with the constant inter-gang warfare. But now Imperials and the Republic had more distinguished sections. In other words, a 'Republic town' and 'Imperial town' respectfully. They tended to be more… hospitable than the rest of Nar Shaddaa, and by that I mean you're less likely to find someone who will shoot, enslave, or otherwise proposition you in these locations…

My sister was currently filming a short Noir series of holo-shows. I didn't know much, it was a recent filming. But she would have to be on location for it and was given a suite of rooms in a very fancy tourist hotel along with most of the other cast and crew.

"Okay. We're coming up." I said to the com as she nodded.

"Just hand me to the private security and they'll let you right up." She said and as I approached the human guards I handed them the com.

"Ms. Bessana!" they smiled politely, even saluted, "How can we help?"

"The man in front of you is my brother, my uncle and their… friends." She said, trying to restrain herself, "Please see that they have access to my room please."

"Certainly ma'am." He said, handing me the com and gesturing to the elevator. "Head on up." He said and we did. Rattletrap bounced on his heels excitedly as the elevator music played.

"Dude calm down." I mumbled to him as he shivered.

"The others are going to be SO jealous!" he laughed, "I get to meet Circe!"

"You've met her before…" I said, knowing that he used to appear in our house once upon a time.

"Yeah! But now she's famous! And hot!" I glared at him and he shrugged, "…Fair enough, hotter…" he then however felt Caradoc's paw rest gently on his shoulder, and I could actually see the impure thoughts in his head flush away…

"She might be Roland's sister… but she's also MY NIECE." He said eerily calm, "So remember we are guests here…"

"How about me?" Nike mumbled, adjusting her hair for the fifth time, still wearing her long pants and shirt. "Do I look presentable? I don't have toilet paper stuck anywhere embarrassing?" she turned for me, and I shook my head.

"No, you look as pretty as always..." I said, and she smirked at me. I said something I thought again… I need to work on that.

We exited the elevator and wandered around the floor until we wound a lone private security guard, a tall muscular human with a small cheek scar, he eyed me for a moment and slowly took out a keycard and knocked on the door. "Ms Bessana, they're here…" he said gruffly and unlocked the door.

We entered into a room about the size of the Lost Dream. The whole ship, with half a dozen spare rooms, a massive living room complete with a holo-screen the size of the wall, and a fully stocked kitchen. "I'll be right out Roland don't move."

And we all went still as we waited. Then she entered. Looking modestly dressed in a t-shirt and knee-length shorts she entered the living room toweling off the bright red mane of hair. She smiled faintly at me, but immediately scowled at Nike. "…Hello everyone." She said politely.

"Holy crap it's Circe!" Rattletrap shrieked and charged her, she stood patiently still as he skidded to a stop and held up his picture of her, "Can you sign this? Pretty please?"

She laughed good-naturedly, "I recognize that energy. Hello Rattletrap, it's been awhile…" she took a nearby pen and immediately signed the picture handing it back to him, "Here you go."

"Sweeet!" he chattered and suddenly he was everywhere at once. Rampaging all over the apartment as he looked around.

"…I'll get him." Nike said absently, not able to take Circe's look, "We don't want him doing anything weird…" she smiled faintly at her, and quickly went after Rattletrap. "If I catch you in her drawers I'm chucking you out the window!"

She turned on me and immediately approached, I braced myself. It was the best option as she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. It hurt, a lot, but it was still nice. Like she was punishing me and saying hello at the same time. I suppose that saved a bit of it.

"A bounty?" she said finally, letting me go so the feeling could come back into my arms as she looked at Caradoc. "Why Roland? Why not me?"

Caradoc shrugged, "Probably thought he was an easier catch…"

"…In a village full of warriors wookiees? Not to mention you?" she said with a knowing smile as Caradoc shrugged.

"I know. I thought that was a stupid idea too…"

"And now we owe Torga so we're working it off while we try to find out who did it." I said, rubbing my sore shoulder, I was shot there not too long ago after all.

She glared at me, "…I don't like the idea, but at least if you are always on the move they won't be able to pin you down. But you call me." She said firmly, pointing at me firmly, "I don't want to find out things second hand alright? And I suppose I should arrange for more protection too…" she mumbled, working her way to a nearby vanity and fixing her make-up. "You guys want to stay here with me?" she asked, sounding a little hopeful. "I have more than enough room for… all of you…" she mumbled, knowing she was talking about Nike I felt I had to defend her a little.

"She's really nice Circe. You'd like her." I said.

"Uh huh… and what exactly does she do on your ship?" she asked, glaring at me.

"Doctor…" Caradoc and I immediately answered.

"Uh huh…" she mumbled again, knowing full well THAT wasn't entirely true. "Still I'd be more at ease if you stayed with me tonight, it'll be fun." She smiled, but just then…

"RATTLETRAP I SEE YOU! GET OUT OF THERE!" Nike shouted, followed by a screeching Rattletrap as she carried him under her arm. "We are not staying here with HIM." She said, pointing to Rattletrap.

Circe sighed, "…At least you aren't too far away… we'll get dinner tomorrow or something. I got some meetings today about another part after this shoot's done. And tonight, I have to do some late-night scenes." She smiled at me and ruffled my hair, "Try to lay low? Our family has a habit of causing and finding trouble…"

"It's not like I was looking…" I smiled and gave her a much less painful hug. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Behave." She smiled, and with some effort, we managed to drag Rattletrap out of the room.

"That went better than I thought…" Nike said, dropping Rattletrap outside in a heap as we walked back to the ship. "So… anyone have plans now?"

"I'm hitting the droid shops…" Rattletrap grumbled, "Papa says Nar Shaddaa is a prime place for parts. He found some really neat stuff the first time he was here."

"…I'm going to hit a bar." Caradoc said, "…Maybe I can find out who put the bounty on you from a drunk hunter…" and he waved us off, heading off to Nar Shaddaa.

"I'll go back to the ship then. Rattletrap can I have the key?" I asked as he tossed me the device.

"Sure. I'll make up one for each of us later." He said, skipping off as Nike stood beside me watching him go.

"…That boy has some serious stalker issues… we should put a shock collar on him the next time we visit your sister."

"Noted… so what are you going to do?" I asked, a little hesitantly as we made our way back to the ship together.

"…I haven't decided… let's see where the night takes us, hmm?" she smiled that troublemaking smile.

Not too long later I sat down in the cockpit, looking out of the window at the Nar Shaddaa skyline which always seemed to be perpetual night, but the thousands of neon lights lit it up easily enough. I could see Circe's hotel from her, less than five minutes away…

…Something caught my eye in a nearby alleyway… it was a man and I recognized him. He was tall, burly, and had a small scar on his cheek but what really made him stick out was his private security uniform he still wore. He was looking suspicious, and for a second, I thought he might be spying on the ship… but then he took out a cigarette and started to smoke. He was apparently waiting for something…

And that something was a pair of people walking into the faint light. One was an even shiftier-looking blue-skinned twi'lek male with a burn scar on his left lekku wearing casual street clothes. He was leading another twi'lek, female and red skinned.

And judging by her clothes, obviously a street walker. A tight half shirt that squeezed her average sized breasts and an extremely short skirt that did nothing to hide the fact that she was wearing high riding thong, along with 6 in stripper heels she moved easily in. Her face was painted up in neon pink eyeliner and lipstick that accentuated her pretty face and she wore a professional smile as she looked the guard up and down.

The two males began chatting, which I obviously couldn't hear, but as they did the female began checking her make-up absently smacking her pink lipstick lips together. She suddenly turned towards the guard, who was swirling his finger upside down. He wanted her to turn around… she smiled, and hand on her hips, slowly turned, shaking her barely covered rear for him…

…Then he nodded with a smarmy smile, he obviously liked what he saw, and held out his hand to the twi'lek male. The twi'lek male gave the guard a credit chip, nodded and slowly walked away, leaving the streetwalker with the guard as he shoved the chip into his pocket.

The hooker turned back around and brushed her lekku as if flipping her hair with her hands as the guard gestured for her to come closer with one hand as he flicked the still smoking cigarette away, already going for the zipper of his pants. She knelt before him, squatting with good balance on her heels his erection popped free of his clothes and brushed against her cheeks as she smiled up at him, before opening her mouth wide and sliding her lips slowly down his length as she gave him a blowjob.

"…That looks like fun." I jumped in my chair, as Nike slid into the copilot's seat, watching the twi'lek hooker blow the guard. She smiled faintly at me, "…Want to have a turn with her?"

"W-what? No." I said, staring at Nike a little surprised.

But Nike, still facing the window and watching the two go at it, slowly reached over with her hand and gently brushed between my legs at my obvious erection. "You sure? Your friend says he'd might want a go… you'd probably ruin her with this…" she gently began stroking me through my pants.

The guard seemed content with letting her work at her own pace, at least at first, then his hands went to her lekku and rested there, apparently ready to guide her if need be as her pink lipstick began to smear his length neon pink.

"…You're bigger than he is…" Nike cooed encouragingly, feeling me throb in my pants as she began spreading her own legs and loosening hers, watching me as her other hand slipped inside and began rubbing her crotch directly, "You'd scare her with this big boy…" she teased, and loosened my pants to give me some relief from the tightness, stroking up and down my length with her soft hands.

The guard's hands tightened on her lekku, and she gripped his pants in pain as he began using her mouth, thrusting quickly in and out as drool and saliva dripped from her lips. He was cumming, his head rolled back as his mouth opened, groaning as he kept up the pace in her mouth. Then without warning, he pulled her down his length, holding her as far as she could, or would, go. She began coughing, gagging, slapping his legs faintly as he shot his seed into her mouth. Occasionally he would thrust, as if making sure he was empty, then he pulled out. Seed spilled from her mouth onto the floor as she coughed, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

He said something, but she coughed and shook her head. He scowled, then said something again and she looked up at him, and said something back. He scowled but pulled out a credit chip, a different one from what the other male gave him and he tossed it to her, bouncing off her chest into the pool of cum between her legs, and said something once more.

"Oh… looks like he wants a bit more…" Nike said softly, still carefully stroking my length as she rubbed her pussy. The twi'lek stood up and turned, he shoved her forward and she stumbled, putting her hands on the wall as he pulled something from his pocket and lifted her skirt revealing her thong, smacking her ass hard as he began to fiddle with a package. "What a gentleman…" Nike spat a little annoyed as he slipped a condom around his length and pulled the twi'lek's thong aside, shoving his cock into her pussy.

Nike moaned as she watched the man thrust into the hooker, rubbing herself harder as I watched… then I leaned over, and slipped my hand into her pants with hers, she gasped suddenly trembling at my touch before looking at me oddly, "…Geez Roland you're so needy…" she purred and stopped stroking me, standing up and letting her pants drop to the floor, still wearing her shirt and showing just how wet she was…

"Let's help you with that…" she said gently, slowly climbing over me and aiming my erection at her tight asshole. But I grabbed her hips stopping her, something primal in the back of my mind waking up.

"… It's next time." I said, rather childishly as I adjusted her hips and she realized what was happening.

"W-wait Roland I- gasp!" she sucked in air as I pulled her down my length, piercing deep into her tight, wet and welcoming pussy as she shivered on top of me. "F-fucking force!" she whined, gently rubbing my shoulders, "Roland you're such a tight fit!" I began thrusting up into her, squeezing her beg shapely ass cheeks as she moaned and yelped on me, her pussy lovingly caressing me as she began moving with me. Bouncing down against my thrusts as I pulled and squeezed her flesh.

"I like this one the best…" I praised, kissing her as her lips got closer to mine.

"F-Force!" she hissed in reply, suddenly kissing me again, "You're so needy!" she repeated, laughing as she suddenly quivered and tightened around my length. "Kark!" she gasped, shaking erotically in my embrace as I sped up. "F-fucking cum already!" she pleaded and laughed as her eyes opened wide as she screamed an orgasm to the ship.

"I'm cumming inside!" I declared, holding her tightly to me as I fired my seed deep into her body, her pussy instinctively squeezing with each deliberate throbbing shot. My hands left her soft squeezable ass and went to her face, pulling her silent screaming mouth to mine as I kissed her again, and she began to moan at my taste.

"…So needy…" she laughed, "…But so filling…"

We slowly came down together and out attention went back outside to the guard, now making the hooker face him as he thrust into her, holding on to the long leg on his shoulder as he gripped her hips and sped up, she seemed to be moaning, but it was more of a practiced moan than an actual one. Then he grabbed her throat, she gasped as he began moving rapidly and… stopped. Burying his length into her pussy and throbbing his release inside her before pulling out and ripping off the condom filled with cum, tossing it onto her as he pulled out another cigarette.

Strangely he held out the box to her, and she took one as they began smoking. She reached down into the dried pool of cum to take out the credit chip, tossed the used condom aside and began walking away without another word…

…No longer distracted by various displays of beautiful women… my mind suddenly had a thought. "…If he's there… who's watching Circe?" I asked a little concerned.

Nike was purring softly but stopped, looking down at me. "…Wouldn't they have shifts or something? Someone's probably watching her."

…But I had a bad feeling in the back of my mind. And pulling on my pants I went to my com and called her…

…Why wasn't she picking up? She always picked up when she wasn't having a shoot and we saw her not too long ago so she wasn't doing those yet.

"We need to go to her room right now." I said, grabbing dad's rifle. Nike, apparently unsure herself, grabbed a pair of blaster pistols we had taken from Dantooine (and Rattletrap hadn't wrecked) and followed me back to the hotel… where after being let back up by the lower level security we ran back to her apartment… Where the door had been broken inward and the room was a mess. Fresh blood was found at her vanity which was shattered into bloody pieces.

I immediately called Caradoc.

End of Chapter

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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