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20.84% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 54: Old Friends Familiar Feelings

Chương 54: Old Friends Familiar Feelings

I don't own star wars

We all sat around the holo screen watching as the empire reported on a massive gas leak in some out-of-the-way droid factory on Dromund Kaas. Orin cooed unconcerned in Milky's arms as she rocked him carefully back and forth qhile the reporter continued the story of the explosion.

"…My money's on Zero…" I noted calmly.

"Really? It can't just be a gas leak?" Yura asked calmly, leaning her head on my shoulder. "I mean what are the odds? Not everything is a conspiracy Aiden."

"Oh it was definitely Zero." Scarlet said casually, testing the temperature of Orin's bottle carefully as Short-round had shown her to do early today. "Those factories wouldn't just explode in a ball of fire like that without serious sabotage…" we stared at her for a moment as she sat next to Milky handing her the bottle, "What? It's not the first factory I've blown up…" Orin suckled on the bottle quietly as Milky held him carefully.

"Let the kid breathe." Short-round suddenly voiced and we jumped, Milky pulled the bottle away just far enough to let Orin breathe before suckling again. "Let him do it slowly…" he said calmly. "He'll eat if he wants to eat."

"Speaking off…" I noted, "Hey Baleen you okay in there?" I shouted into the kitchen. Baleen, honestly our second-best cook was in the kitchen prepping dinner as Milky occupied herself with Orin.

"I'm fine." She replied calmly, "Stew's almost done." She stuck her head through the kitchen doorway, "Maybe five minutes?"

"…Whether or not this horrific accident will be further investigated remains to be seen. But rumors are already escalating that this completely droid-operated factory was filled with people at the time of the explosion."

I turned the channel to something more family-friendly, sure Orin probably didn't care but he didn't need to hear what his father may or may not have done. "Let's set the table." I noted, getting up from the couch and into the kitchen to the wonderful smell of Baleen's cooking. It smelled great, clearly close to Milky levels of cuisine.

"Where did you even learn to cook like this?" I asked, sniffing the large pot of stew she was boiling up, "I was a trooper and all I remember eating is MREs. Crappy MREs."

"I was alone in the wilderness of Balmorra for a week… I learned what to cook real quickly. For the record, don't eat anything that flies on Balmorra, to gamy."

"I'll make a note of it." I said, taking utensils and bowls to the table. As Baleen declared the food as finished and began pouring it with a ladle into the bowls I carefully took the dozing Orin from Milky, "I'll put him in his crib." I said flatly, "You guys start without me I'll be right back."

Orin's eyes closed and he was soon snoozing as I carried him to his cradle in the nursery. Humming the melody to Short-round's lullaby as I did. I set everything in order; tucking him in, turning on his mobile, and heading towards the window to close the curtains…

As I slowly closed them I thought I saw something off in the dark. The island was well-illuminated thanks to the setup of the lights on the house, and the lights from the resort far off in the distance peppered the beaches and the hills… But I could've sworn something reflected off the water...

I was hit with a strange moment of paranoia… and I felt naked. I wasn't wearing my armor, and even if I had a blaster pistol at my waist it wasn't exactly a deterrent for anyone who wanted to attack… not that I was thinking someone was going to…

Still though, I went to my gear, they were neatly piled in the next room on the dresser, strapping on my wrist weapons; my grapnel and my taser, as well as my arm guards and leg guards, and finally my second blaster pistol. I wasn't going to full armor up but I felt that I suddenly wanted more protection.

I walked back into the nursery, looking back into the cradle one last time, "…Think I'm being too paranoid kiddo?" naturally he didn't answer, but being a little paranoid never killed anyone. "You sleep tight…" I noted with a smile, honestly, the kid was cute. I made my way back toward the dining room, "Okay let me at that stew…"

However, the girls were on the floor, lying on the table or in Baleen's case stumbling towards the couch. "What's wrong? Didn't cook it right?" I asked jokingly but Baleen turned to me… she looked sleepy.

"…I… I'm tired…" she mumbled, struggling to keep her eyes open as she approached me, "…Food was drug…drugged… I don't…" she fell forward, I ran up to catch her as her eyes shut in exhaustion, "…Don't eat…" she managed to get out, falling fully asleep against me. She was surprisingly lighter than I remember.

"God damn it…" I snarled dragging her to the couch and checking her pulse. She was still alive and still breathing just heavily sedated. They all were. Yura was on the floor, Milky and Scarlet had their heads on the table and Short-round was snoring audibly on his chair.

I got all of them on the floor. This was an obvious attack and I didn't want them to be accidentally shot by stray blaster fire. And I immediately dimmed the lights and drew my pistols, making my way back to the nursery quickly. Whoever managed this was obviously here for Orin, and I'll be damned if I let them take him.

I listened… both pistols drawn and letting my eyes adjust to the darkness as the soft snores of the girls and Short-round dominated the room. I didn't feel right about it but I backed away toward the nursery to stand guard over Orin. "I know you there…" I mumbled quietly, "Come out and let me…"

I heard it. The front door… moving quickly I ran back into the room and blindly fired at the door, hoping to catch them off guard only for the interloper to return fire, diving away from the blaster bolts as they lit the room.

"You are far luckier than I give you credit for Mr. Kane!" came a familiar voice as he rolled away. I knew that voice, I recognized that voice.

"…Ozjin?!" I said a little surprised, rolling around in the dark, "Seriously?! Well you aren't getting past me!" then thinking about it, "How the heck did you drug the girls?!

"I drugged the water barrels." he replied simply, "That's the problem with private islands, the water supply can be so easily contaminated…" I could almost imagine him shrugging sheepishly, "If it makes you feel better they'll be fine in a few hours…"

The island did have several tanks of water that were refilled by rain and if necessary local assistance. I needed to tell Zero about securing it later. "I didn't know you did kidnapping Ozjin…" I scowled softly.

"What?" he shouted suddenly.

"There you are!" I stood and fired, peppering the walls and destroying a lot of things that Zero will yell at me about later if I managed to survive.

But Ozjin was still Ozjin. With some obvious high-tech sorcery he dodged my bullets and closed the distance easily, disarming me of one of my blasters like it was nothing by twisting my arm and slamming my wrist with his cyber limb. Fighting through the pain I pulled my other blaster on him and fired again, only for him to easily dodge me again and crashed his (normal) fist into my jaw.

I was airborne briefly and suddenly on the ground, my world still spinning along with my other blaster now sliding under the couch. Ozjin had a hell of a hook, no matter the hand he uses… he approached me, kneeling down next to me he grabbed my throat with his cybernetic limb, and pulled out the tranquilizer gun he used on me once before. "Stop making this difficult and let me get what I came for!"

…He was not taking Orin. With a deadly look in my eyes, and thinking quickly I activated my taser and slammed it right at the spot where his metal arm connected with flesh. His whole body trembled and shook as his normal eye widened and his cybernetic one flashed and whirled, the tranquilizer gun dropped from his grip and I grabbed for it. Kicking him off me as his cyber parts malfunctioned with the electrical jolt.

My fingers touched the gun only for Ozjin with surprising stamina for a man his age managed to get his natural limbs to slap the gun away and deliver another powerful hit to my face. Sending me face down to the ground, dropping onto my back, and wrapping his arm around my neck in a sleeper hold.

"Stop fighting!" he grunted, holding his cyber arm away as it spasmed, "Just… go… to sleep! Damn my arm!" he growled angrily as it continued to twitch. "…The taser was a good idea…" he noted practically as my consciousness dimmed. But I had one more trick.

Stretching my arm and aiming at the ceiling, I fired my grapnel. "Oh damn it…" Ozjin grunted as we went up, crashing into the ceiling making him loosen his grip as I sucked in air. He fell to the ground and I detached the grapnel from my wrist and dropped down on his chest with an elbow drop… Baleen was right watching wrestling was good for you…

I scrambled to my feet as he rolled away, I heard his arm sizzle and twitch. Then silence, as it seemed to reboot itself… now I was in trouble again as we faced each other. Unarmed and out of tricks I had to make sure he remained… unarmed? Wait did he not have any blasters?

The was a sound of a blaster priming… and I sighed. "…Damn it."

It was then I noticed in the silence that Orin was crying. That actually made Ozjin pause, "…Is that a baby?"

"You…" I glared at him in the darkness, "…You aren't here for Orin?"

"Who?" Ozjin asked confused, "No, I'm not here for anyone, and turn on the damn lights!" he shouted angrily, and as if in answer the lights turned on and we saw each other. He opened his mouth to say something only for the sound of a blaster to pierce the air and I flinched… for half a second I thought he shot me. It was only then did I realize that he fell forward and hit the floor groaning.

"Oh… is that you Oz?"

It was Zero. His arm was in a sling but he could still hold a blaster, he had a few bandages on his face and a small burn on his neck but he looked well enough. He approached Ozjin's body, and prodded him with his toe. "…How's your back?" he asked casually.

"Cybernetic and in pain…" Ozjin growled through gritted teeth, "Did you have to shoot me?!" he slowly pushed up from the ground. A burn in his shirt still smoking from where the blaster bolt hit him. "My eye wasn't enough for you?!"

"To be fair…" Zero replied casually, holstering his blaster and helping Ozjin stand, "You were trying to blow me up at the time… also, do you like the cybernetic one I sent you right?"

"What the actual fuck is going on?" I asked, interrupting their conversation. They spoke like old friends and quite frankly it was making me nervous.

"Aiden, language…" Zero said simply, and realizing his son was crying in another room he added "…And could you tend to Orin while I speak with Mr. Knights?"

Anything really to get away from whatever this was. It only took me a moment to calm Orin down, and I soon returned to those two chatting casually.

"You know Oz you could have just asked…" Zero said, pouring himself some fine wine from a cabinet I didn't know was there.

"You were out and I was in a hurry…" Ozjin replied, slapping some kolto patches onto his skin and blaster wounds. "I expected your 'house sitters' to be asleep…"

"How do you two know each other?!" I shouted as they looked at me as if this all was perfectly normal. "Seriously. How?!"

"Ozjin used to be you…" Zero said simply, pointing to the elder bounty hunter. "My go to bounty hunter back when I was a Cipher Agent."

"And when we weren't trying to kill each other." Ozjin noted sourly, taking the bottle of wine and downing it quickly.

"But then he went exclusive with Babayaga…" Zero said simply, eyeing Ozjin as he chugged the wine bottle like it was water. "Why are you here Oz?"

"I needed information so I went to the only man I know who knows everything." He pointed to Zero, "And I remembered that you keep a backdoor access to your systems from a specific safe house… I just couldn't remember which one…"

"It's not the one on Spira…" Zero replied firmly. "And do you mind easing on the wine? It's a very fine Naboo vintage and I'm not exactly allowed there anymore."

"You are not concerned in the least that one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy knows about you?!" I shouted in disbelief. "And you?!" I turned to Ozjin, "Do you know who he is? What he does!?"

"I used to work for him so… yeah…" he replied simply, "Anyway look." he turned to Zero, "What do you know about Sith Holocrons?"

"About as much as anyone unfamiliar with the force…" Zero replied easily, ignoring my scandalous looks. "Why?"

"I'm being paid to find one…" Ozjin replied easily, "I was hoping you'd be able to tell me where I could get one…"

"Korriban is a good start if you want to lose more limbs…" Zero noted casually, and Ozjin's real eye twitched nervously. "…but I don't know where one is off the top of my head… are you looking for a particular one?"

"Just in general." Ozjin replied. "My client wasn't specific she just wanted a holocron."

"Oh? Who is 'she?'" Zero asked calmly, far too casually in my opinion.

"He's not just going to tell you who-"

"Xalbaia…" Ozjin replied almost instantly, "Personally I don't know why… maybe she wants to put it on her mantle or use it as a paperweight."

"…I'll ask around…" Zero said finally, after a moment, "I still have a few friends in high places who owe me a favor. Speaking of which, I'll charge my usual fee Oz."

"A favor for a favor I know…" he replied dismissively, getting to his feet as he walked to the front door, well limping was more accurate really. "Give me a call if you get something…"

"Just like that?!" I hissed angrily as Ozjin limped to the door, "What the heck Zero?!"

"Shush Aiden, I'll get to you in a moment." Zero replied calmly, "Oz, please don't wreck my property next time."

"Yeah yeah… you shot me. We'll call it even." Ozjin replied easily, walking out the front door, shutting it behind him.

"…Well that went well…" Zero said smiling at me, "I think I'll check up on Orin." He walked into the nursery. I followed him.

"Zero." I hissed angrily, "He tried to kill me!"

"No…" he said a little too cheerily for my liking, "He likes you… if he didn't, he wouldn't have drugged the others and he would've just shot you." suddenly he was in full on father mode as he cooed at his sleeping son, "…And you do realize that all the damages to my living room are coming out of your paycheck right?"

I just glared silently at him, but he waved it off. "Regardless… perhaps you should get the girls to their beds. "We can't just have them sleeping in the living room. And we should dispose of the food, unless of course you're having trouble sleeping."

"That reminds me you need to secure your water supply. He drugged the water…" I noted before I started to carry the girls to their respective rooms. Baleen being the biggest was also the most difficult to carry so I just settled on leaving her on the couch. Short-round I shoved into a moderately empty cupboard. Not out of spite, but because I thought he'd appreciate it.

"So…" I began as he continued to watch a sleeping Orin, "…Did you blow up that factory on Dromund Kaas?"

"Official no, technically yes." He replied easily, turning to face me. "…I think I'll turn in for the night Aiden. You and the others are welcome to stay as long as you'd like."

"You aren't concerned at all that Xalbaia wants a sith holocron?" I asked nervously, "Aren't those things powerful artifacts?"

"Yes, for force users…" Zero replied, heading towards the room connected to the nursery, "She won't even be able to activate one without the force. Xalbaia has this unfortunate habit of not thinking things through… like when she kidnapped you, or released an unfinished drug into the market. Besides…" he smiled at me, "Do you have any idea what Babayaga will do to her if she brings the attention of the Sith down on her? Let's just say being fed to a pet beast would be a blessing…"

He yawned broadly and entered the room, "Good night Aiden. We'll discuss your payment in the morning."

I didn't want to discuss anything of the sort, and not only that I was hungry and dinner was drugged so as I made my way to the kitchen to find something I was briefly interrupted, finding Newt looking around the room a little surprised. "What the heck happened here?"

"Ozjin Knights…" I mumbled annoyed, "He's friends with your dad. Sort of…"

"That makes sense I guess…" she accepted airily, "…Well I suppose then you're not in the mood for some quality time with me? I've got time now…"

"Your dad is in the house." I said jerking my thumb towards the nursery…

"And you have a perfectly good ship on the beach that you haven't shown me around yet…" she said, very slowly. Approaching me by swaying her hips and placing a hand on my chest. "…You really should…"

"…Well I do have food on the ship…" I noted airily, taking her arm in mine as we strolled on the beach in the moonlight. "And I am fond of long walks on the beach…" She chuckled as I led her to the ship.

"Aw…" she cooed rather happily, running her hand along the bottom as I led her to the ramp. "You got me the turrets…"

"Full 360 and high-velocity barrels, only the best for my girls…" she laughed as we made our way to the kitchen. "So… how was your mission?"

"Oh I had to shoot a bunch of people… on the plus side, I think a Togruta hooker has a crush on me now. But I don't think I'll call her back…"

Fixing us some sandwiches from leftovers I slid them over to her. "And how are Tolara and Kavilla?"

"Don't you talk to them every other day?" she replied, eating her food tentatively.

I shrugged, "Yeah well I worry… maybe they're doing something sketchy and could benefit from a bounty hunter interfering…"

"Well they aren't doing much… Altora keeps trying to reinforce the Deterrent with people devoted to her, but they're pretty easy to ferret out." She then looked over her food at me, "…She is not happy with you."

"Shock!" I replied, eyes wide with false surprise, "Next you'll tell me she never loved me." and yes, I did say all of that with a straight face.

She chuckled, but still looked concerned. "…You keep pushing her too often and you might find yourself in deep shit." She leaned back in her seat, "…We actually hosted a Darth the other day, Malisis; crazy looking woman, asking all sorts of uncomfortable questions about the prototype ship."

"Are you all alright?" I asked concerned, getting interrogated by a Darth was not something I wanted to happen to my sisters or Newt.

"Yes. Everyone's fine… plausible deniability and all that; Put the blame on that captain we handed over to the republic. She chuckled again, "Yeah he is not going to be in a good place if they ransom him…"

We finished eating and looking around the kitchen, I jerked my head towards the rooms, "Want to see your room?" I asked casually, leading her towards them. "Well… what would be your room if you were staying on the ship."

"You do understand that the chances of me being allowed back on this ship like before are about as likely as you dueling a Darth and surviving right?" she noted cheerfully, sitting on one of the beds in the empty room. "…Although these are nice…" she eyed me for a moment, "I assume of course that the captain's bed has Milky-fur like sheets?"

"Of course…" I nodded, as I showed her my room.

"…I do like those sheets… what does so do to get her fur like that?" she asked, lying down casually on my bed and feeling the sheets, "…She must spend a fortune in conditioner…"

"Personally I think it's her high-protein diet. Anyway check this out." I pushed the button on my control and my stripper pole rose from the ground. Newt watched it amused for a moment then laughed.

"Okay I know it's you, so I'm not surprised." She laughed, facing the pole as I quietly walked up behind her, "Also I'm not dancing for YOU!" I grabbed her suddenly from behind, gripping her breasts in a soft caress as I fell backward onto my bed with her on top of me, gently kissing her neck as I felt her through her leather suit. "Oh Aiden…" she cooed softly, slowly pulling her zipper down as I pulled her suit apart to get more direct access. "…So impatient…"

I pinched her nipples as she continued to slowly undress, revealing her pussy as I rubbed my hand down her stomach and slipped my fingers inside her. She moaned adoringly at my touch, squirming on top of me as she slipped out of her suit with some difficulty. Soon she was naked and I was still playing with her body…

"Get naked…" she breathed finally, her nude body writhing in pleasure on top of me. "I want to feel your skin against mine…" we got up, and she helped me strip; my gear clattering on the floor as she undid my pants and slowly began stroking my length. "There it is…" she said , watching my cock harden in her hands. "Fuck, it's been so long…"

I pulled her against me, she gasped as my cock slipped between her thighs and began rubbing against her wet pussy. "Aiden…" she breathed, but I wrapped my hand onto her ass, pulling her back onto the bed on top of me as I slipped up inside her. "Oh force!!" she whimpered as she stretched around me, I took one of her nipples into my mouth and sucked hard as I began thrusting, pulling her wonderful ass down on top of me with each stroke.

"Fuck I missed you…" I moaned, switching breasts and drooling on her nipples as I licked and suckled her like a baby.

"Force! Make me feel it!" she hissed, bouncing herself down on me, "Fuck!" I grinned as I continued my liking, spreading her ass cheeks apart and slipping my fingers into her ass, "Oh fuck!" she screamed as she felt my fingers stretch her open and her body trembled as I felt her cum. My fingers thrust in an out of her ass as I slammed up into her, the sensation of double penetration piercing her mind as she collapsed onto me.

"I'm cumming!" I hissed into her ear as she pressed down on me, her vice like pussy tightening painfully as her orgasm ravaged her body. "Fucking take it."

"Give it to me…" she whined into my ear, her eyes quivering as her pleasure rode her hard. "Fill me!" she begged, her hands clenching the sheets of my bed. "I need you!" I slammed into her and my load rushed deep into her body, desperate to fulfill her desires as much as my own. "Yes…" she hissed lovingly in my ears, blissfully moaning as I drowned her womb. "…Oh force it's been so long…"

I brought her lips to mine, kissing her gently as her tongue slipped into my mouth desperate to taste me as she wrestled my tongue with hers and moaned lovingly into me. I rolled her over, still deep inside her as she laughed. "Aiden!" she felt me harden inside her and I began thrusting again, making her moan in delight.

"It's been a while…" I teased, "Since I've had you all to myself…" I buried myself to the hilt with each thrust, she gasped delightedly as she watched me, "Got to make sure I have my fill before you run off again..."

"Oh force…" she whined playfully, wrapping her legs around me so I couldn't pull out or get away, "What have I gotten myself into?"

I groped her breasts, gazing into her beautiful ruby-colored eyes. "A very long evening…" I laughed, kissing and claiming her all night…

End of Chapter

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